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Variation among twin beef cattle in maintenance energy requirements   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The genetic variation in energy expenditures of cattle at fasting (FHP) and maintenance (MEm) was determined by using 12 pairs of monozygous twins at 20 mo of age. The pairs were of two breed types, eight Angus x Hereford (three steers, five heifers) and four Barzona x Hereford (three steers, one heifer). The heifers were 132 +/- 13 d pregnant at the time of measurement. The pairs were fed at 1.15 x maintenance energy requirements for a minimum of 30 d prior to heat production (HP) measurements in dual indirect respiration calorimetry chambers. The diet fed was cracked corn:alfalfa hay (45:55) with a determined ME of 2.47 +/- .02 Mcal/kg DM. This diet was fed individually for 7 d prior to and during two consecutive 22-h HP measurements. The animals then were fasted for 2 d and fasting heat production measurements (FHP) were made on d 3 and 4 of the fast. Metabolizable energy required for MEm was calculated iteratively by assuming a semi-log relationship between HP and metabolizable energy intake. There were no differences (P greater than .10) in measured energy expenditures due to different breed type. The FHP and efficiency of ME use for MEm (Km) were similar between sexes, although heifers had lower (P less than .025) MEm than steers. Twin pair effects were detected for FHP (P less than .005) and MEm (P less than .05) but not for Km. Broad sense heritability estimates were calculated as the intraclass correlation between members of monozygous twin pairs. Heritability estimates for MEm, FHP, and Km were .52 +/- .22, .75 +/- .13, and .34 +/- .27, respectively.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In four feeding trials with beef steers, corn silage (CS), alfalfa hay (AH), and alfalfa silage (AS) were compared as roughage sources in dry-rolled (DRC); dry whole (DWC); ground, high-moisture (GHMC); and whole, high-moisture corn (WHMC) fattening diets. In processed corn diets (DRC and GHMC), steers fed CS had lower DMI (P less than .05) and feed:gain ratios (P less than .10) than steers fed AS as the roughage source. In a separate trial, greater gains (P less than .10) and lower feed:gain ratios (P less than .05) were found during the initial feeding period, which included the adaptation phase, for steers fed CS vs steers fed AH as the roughage source. Over the entire feeding period, lower (corn type x roughage source interaction, P less than .05) feed:gain ratios were found in GHMC diets when CS was fed as the roughage source; feed:gain ratios were similar in steers fed DRC diets containing either CS or AH. Over the entire feeding period, similar performance was found among steers fed the various roughage sources in DWC diets; however, with WHMC diets, steers fed AS as the roughage source had lower feed:gain ratios than did steers fed AH (P less than .05) or CS (P greater than .10). In the processed corn diets, high correlations were found between diet NDF digestibility and gain (r = .80), intake (r = .68), and feed:gain ratios (r = -.66); similar trends were found in WHMC diets but not in DWC diets. These results suggest that the ideal roughage source to complement finishing diets may depend on corn processing method and feeding period (adaptation vs finishing).  相似文献   

魏明  崔志浩  陈志强  郑月  颜培实 《草业学报》2017,26(11):113-122
旨在应用直接法和回归法测定肉牛玉米青贮的消化能、代谢能和净能值,并探讨精料回归法用于估测肉牛单一粗饲料原料能值的可行性。试验选取12头体况良好、体重相近[(259±14.08)kg]的生长期公牛,随机分为3组,每组4头牛。分两期试验进行,试验一按试验牛自由采食量的95%、80%和60%3个水平饲喂全玉米青贮日粮;试验二在固定玉米青贮投喂量的基础上,各组分别按青贮饲喂量的15%、25%和50%(干物质基础)添加精料补充料。试验每期14d,其中前10d为预饲期,后4d为正试期。正试期消化代谢和呼吸代谢试验同期进行,测定玉米青贮对肉牛能量代谢规律。结果表明:1)肉牛对全玉米青贮日粮的各种营养物质消化率和能量消化率及代谢率随饲喂水平的提高总体逐渐降低;肉牛能量采食量(总能、消化能、代谢能和净能)随饲喂水平的提高逐渐升高,组间差异显著(P0.05)。2)玉米青贮对肉牛的消化能、代谢能和净能值随着饲喂水平的提高呈下降趋势,各有效能值变化范围分别为10.58~11.48 MJ/kg,8.33~9.44 MJ/kg和5.20~6.21 MJ/kg。3)添加精料补充料显著提高了肉牛对日粮的干物质采食量和粗蛋白消化率(P0.05),而洗涤纤维消化率精料添加比例组间差异不明显(P0.05);随着精料添加比例的增加,肉牛对日粮的能量采食量(总能、消化能、代谢能和净能)和能量消化率及代谢率逐渐上升,消化能代谢率各组之间无显著差异(P0.05)。4)根据试验日粮有效能值与精料添加量之间的关系建立线性回归方程后,外推估测得玉米青贮的消化能、代谢能和净能值分别为10.53 MJ/kg、8.29 MJ/kg和5.35MJ/kg,与95%饲喂水平组直接测定结果(10.58 MJ/kg、8.33 MJ/kg和5.20 MJ/kg)差异不显著(P0.05)。综上所述,回归法测定玉米青贮对肉牛的有效能值与直接法测定结果差异不明显,精料回归法可以用于估测肉牛单一粗饲料的有效能值。  相似文献   

选择48头体重相近([192.90±26.38)kg]的8~10月龄西门塔尔杂交肉牛随机分为4个试验组,通过添加大豆油饲喂按等同梯度从5.94 MJ/kg递增到6.57 MJ/kg增重净能的等同蛋白质和必需氨基酸的精补料,探讨4组高增重净能的精补料饲喂杂交肉牛的育肥性能和成本。150 d育肥试验的结果表明,饲喂6.36 MJ/kg增重净能精补料3和5.94 MJ/kg精补料1的杂交肉牛全期日增重分别为1.26 kg和1.19 kg,精料重比分别为2.95和3.16,增重耗精料成本占摄入成本分别为79.53%和84.51%(P<0.05、P<0.01),显著差异来自精补料增重净能的二元曲线效应;饲喂6.57 MJ/kg增重净能精补料4和6.15 MJ/kg精补料2的杂交肉牛全期育肥性能在数据上优于精补料1和低于精补料3(P>0.05)。由此结论,在饲喂黄贮玉米秸秆条件下,6.36 MJ/kg增重净能的精补料3明显提高杂交肉牛育肥性能、饲料效率和育肥利润空间;过高增重净能的精补料4没有表现出最佳育肥效果。  相似文献   

Four Standardbred geldings were fed hay or a diet of 60% hay + 40% concentrate at 2 levels of feeding. Feces and urine were collected for 6 days. Energy balances were determined by indirect calorimetry for4 days. The metabo- lizable energy (ME) requirements for maintenance of horses were calculated as ME intake for zero energy gain. They averaged 151 + 14 and 132 + 10 kcal/kg W -Ts for the hay diet and the mixed diet, respectively. The 14% difference in efficiency of ME utilization for maintenance predicted by the new French net energy system.  相似文献   

Four Standardbred geldings were fed hay or a diet of 60% hay + 40% concentrate at 2 levels of feeding. Feces and urine were collected for 6 days. Energy balances were determined by indirect calorimetry for 4 days. The metabolizable energy (ME) requirements for maintenance of horses were calculated as ME intake for zero energy gain. They averaged 151 ± 14 and 132±10 kcal/kg W.75 for the hay diet and the mixed diet, respectively. The 14% difference in efficiency of ME utilization for maintenance predicted by the new French net energy system.  相似文献   

It is apparent from the limited research that sunflower meal is a biologically and economically useful protein source for growing and finishing cattle. Similarly, beef cows can be provided supplemental protein effectively with sunflower meal. Sunflower meal may be especially useful in diets where degradable protein is required, such as lower quality forage or high corn finishing rations. The increased bulk of this relatively high fiber meal may affect logistics, but ruminants are positioned to be more tolerant of high fiber levels than other species. Additional research is warranted to evaluate practical and economic aspects of using sunflower meal in beef cattle diets.  相似文献   

Nutritive characteristics of pearl millet grain in beef cattle diets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two trials were conducted to compare pearl millet grain with corn and grain sorghum in cattle diets. Grain portions of diets in metabolism and feedlot experiments contained 73% corn and 6% soybean meal (C); 76.2% grain sorghum and 2.8% soybean meal (GS); and 79% pearl millet (PM). In the metabolism trial (replicated 3 x 3 latin squares; six steers), apparent digestibilities of DM and OM were higher (P less than .05) for C than for GS or PM diets. Ether extract and CP digestibilities were higher (P less than .05) for C and PM than GS. Dietary TDN was higher (P less than .05) for C compared with GS or PM diets. Fecal N was higher (P less than .05) for GS than for C or PM, urinary N was higher (P less than .05) for PM than C or GS, but retained N was similar (P greater than .05) for C, GS and PM diets. In a 90-d feedlot trial (18 individually fed heifers), a trend was observed for higher (P less than .20) ADG on C compared with PM; however, feed/gain was similar for C, GS and PM diets (8.2, 9.1 and 8.5 kg feed/kg gain, respectively). Ruminal fluid acetate:propionate ratios were lower (P less than .05) at 3.5 and 7 h postfeeding for PM compared with C or GS diets on d 83. Pearl millet grain may be used as a feed grain for beef cattle, but diets should be formulated to efficiently utilize the high quantity of protein (about 14% of DM) in this grain as a substitute for supplemental protein.  相似文献   

选择40头体重接近(400.8±32.1)kg的周岁西杂肉牛随机分为4个试验组,饲喂从5.27 MJ/kg到5.90 MJ/kg增重净能的4组精补料,经过150 d育肥试验全部屠宰测定,探讨4组增重净能精补料饲喂杂交肉牛的育肥性能和成本。结果表明,饲喂增重净能5.90 MJ/kg和5.69 MJ/kg精补料的杂交肉牛总增重、净肉增重、料重比和料肉比均优于饲喂增重净能5.27 MJ/kg和5.48 MJ/kg精补料的杂交肉牛;饲喂增重净能5.90 MJ/kg和5.69 MJ/kg精补料的杂交肉牛单位增重成本比增重净能5.27 MJ/kg和5.48 MJ/kg的平均降低11.71%,单位净肉增重成本平均降低17.33%;饲喂增重净能5.90 MJ/kg精补料的各项试验指标最好,饲喂增重净能5.27 MJ/kg精补料的最差(P0.05,P0.01)。由此结论,高增重净能的精补料明显提高杂交肉牛育肥和产肉性能、改善总增重和净肉增重的饲料效率和成本。  相似文献   

Postweaning growth data, collected from a Hereford herd located in the Southwest, were used to estimate genetic parameters for weights and gains. The herd was maintained on unsupplemented range forage, and average weight losses from weaning to yearling age were 9% for bulls and 12% for heifers. Data were grouped into years with poor and good environments based on contemporary group means for gain from 8 to 12 mo. Postweaning growth data (12- and 20-mo weights, 8- to 12-mo gain and 12- to 20-mo gain) were analyzed by least squares methods with a model that included year of birth, sire within year of birth, age of dam and a covariate of age for 12- and 20-mo weights. Heritability estimates of 12- and 20-mo weights for bulls were .58 +/- .15 and .55 +/- .22 in good environments vs .32 +/- .11 and 1.09 +/- .15 in poor environments; for heifers these estimates were .19 +/- .08 and .35 +/- .12 in good environments vs .38 +/- .07 and .47 +/- .09 in poor environments. Heritability estimates of 8- to 12-mo and 12- to 20-mo gain for bulls were .32 +/- .14 and .51 +/- .24 in good environments vs .16 +/- .11 and .09 +/- .14 in poor environments; for heifers these estimates were .21 +/- .08 and .14 +/- .10 in good environments vs .10 +/- .06 and .44 +/- .10 in poor environments. Genetic correlations among the preweaning traits of birth and weaning weight and postweaning weight traits were positive and of a moderate to large magnitude, with the exception of birth and 12-mo weight in a poor environment (-.06 +/- .49). Genetic correlations between 8- to 12-mo gain and birth weight in poor environment and weaning weight in all environments were negative (range from -.06 +/- .33 to -.53 +/- .41). Genetic correlations among 12- and 20-mo weights were large and positive in all environments. Relationships among gains were more variable.  相似文献   

Data collected from 1957 through 1985 from a Hereford herd located in the Southwest were analyzed separately for each sex to evaluate the heritabilities of and genetic correlations among preweaning growth traits within groups of environmentally similar years. Data were grouped into years with poor, moderate and good environments based on contemporary group means for male calves' weaning weight. A total of 7,690 records were analyzed for birth weight, weaning weight and preweaning daily gain with a model that included year of birth, sire within year of birth, age of dam and a covariate of day of birth for birth weight or age at weaning for the weaning traits. Year of birth was a significant source of variation in all environments for all traits, accounting for more of the variation in the good and poor years than in moderate years. Heritability estimates for all traits were greater in good and moderate years than in poor years for bull calves. For heifers, however, estimates for weaning weight and preweaning daily gain were greater in the poor environment. Genetic correlations among birth weight and preweaning gain increased from the good environment to the poor environment (-.49 +/- .26 to .82 +/- .56 for male calves and -.09 +/- 2.6 to .46 +/- .25 for female calves) but phenotypic correlations were near zero in all environments.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In three experiments consisting of three finishing trials each, five corn storage and(or) feeding treatments were evaluated: 1) dry whole (DWC); 2) whole high-moisture (WHMC); 3) mixture (MHMC) of ground (GHMC) or rolled (RHMC) high-moisture corn with WHMC; 4) GHMC stored in a bunker silo; and 5) RHMC, corn stored whole but fed in rolled form. In Exp. 1, gains and feed intakes of steers fed whole corn (DWC vs WHMC) were similar. Steers fed GHMC and RHMC had lower (P less than .05) gains and intakes than steers fed whole corn. However, feed to gain ratios were 9% better (P less than .10) for steers fed RHMC than for steers fed GHMC. In Exp. 1 and 2, gains of steers fed MHMC were intermediate to gains of steers fed whole (DWC and WHMC) or processed corn (GHMC and RHMC). Feed to gain ratios of steers fed whole or processed corn were similar to feed to gain ratios of steers fed MHMC. In Exp. 3, steers fed 28.6% moisture GHMC had lower (P less than .05) intakes and feed to gain ratios than steers fed 22.5% moisture GHMC. Intakes and feed to gain ratios decreased 1.2 and 1.4%, respectively, for each 1% increase in corn moisture. Data are interpreted to mean that the relative effect of corn moisture content on cattle performance depends on form of corn fed; positive associative effects of MHMC are negligible, but RHMC has a greater feed value than GHMC.  相似文献   

Rumen micro‐organisms are capable of producing microbial protein from ammonia and carbon skeleton, and non‐protein nitrogen (NPN) may be one of the sources of ammonia. Alternative source of NPN is the slow release of ammonia sources in which the product is the extrusion of starch with urea. This work aimed to determine the effects on nutrient intake, ingestive behaviour, digestibility, nitrogen balance, ruminal pH, rumen ammonia nitrogen, volatile fatty acids (VFA) and blood parameters with increased levels of extruded urea (50, 60, 70 and 80 g/100 kg of body weight [BW]) in beef cattle diet. Four rumen cannulated crossbred steers with initial mean weight of 336 ± 47 kg in a 4 × 4 Latin square design were distributed. Diets were formulated with 400:600 g/kg roughage:concentrate ratio on dry matter based and provided once per day, being used whole corn silage as roughage. There were no effects on nutrient intake (kg/day), ingestive behaviour, apparent digestibility, nitrogen balance, volatile fatty acid (VFA) and blood parameters in extruded urea treatment groups. Similar results were observed on time spent on feeding, rumination and idleness. There were positive linear effects (p = 0.022) on rumen pH in the time of 8 hr after feeding and also on plasma concentration of the extruded urea levels (p = 0.039); whereas a linear negative effect (p = 0.030) was observed on ammonia nitrogen for the collection time of 2 hr after feeding. Increased levels of extruded urea could maintain nutrient intake, digestibility, ingestive behaviour, rumen pH and blood parameters in normal conditions. In conclusion, we recommend the extruded urea use with values up to 80 g/100 kg BW in confined beef cattle that receive balanced diets with 140 g/kg of crude protein.  相似文献   

CNCPS体系对牛日粮营养评价的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
康奈尔净碳水化合物净蛋白(cornell net carbohy-drate and protein system for cattle,CNCPS)体系是美国康奈尔大学众多科学家提出的牛用动态能量、蛋白质及氨基酸体系,能够真实地反映奶牛采食的碳水化合物与蛋白质在瘤胃内的降解率、消化率、外流数量,以及能量、蛋白质的吸收效率等情况,该体系的研究目的是提供一个对牛进行营养诊断和日粮营养评价的计算体系,到目前为止CNCPS体系已发展到第6版.  相似文献   

The efficacy of replacing broiler litter with rice mill feed was evaluated in four experiments. In Exp. 1, 40 predominantly Angus steers (initial BW = 277+/-18.2 kg) were fed four dietary treatments for 112 d (five steers per pen; two pens per diet). Dietary treatments (DM basis) were as follows: 1) 47% broiler litter:53% corn; 2) 60% rice mill feed:40% corn; 3) 50% rice mill feed:50% corn; and 4) 40% rice mill feed:60% corn. All diets, along with bermudagrass hay, were fed free choice. Daily gains were faster (P < 0.10) for the 50:50 and 40:60 diets (1.26 and 1.30 kg/d, respectively) than for the broiler litter diet (0.89 kg/d). Daily DMI was less (P < 0.10) by steers consuming rice mill feed-based diets than by those consuming broiler litter-based diets. In Exp. 2, 16 Angus x Charolais steers (initial BW = 277+/-22.7 kg) were fed the same four diets used in Exp. 1 while housed in individual metabolism stalls for determination of nutrient digestibility. Daily DMI was not different (P > 0.10) among diets. Nutrient digestibilities did not differ among diets (P > 0.10). In Exp. 3, 40 Continental cross steers (initial BW = 257+/-21.3 kg) were fed one of four dietary treatments for 112 d (five steers per pen; two pens per diet). On a DM basis, diets were as follows: 1) 47% broiler litter:53% soyhulls; 2) 70% rice mill feed:30% soyhulls; 3) 60% rice mill feed:40% soyhulls; and 4) 50% rice mill feed:50% soyhulls. All diets, along with bermudagrass hay, were fed free choice. Daily gains were less (P < 0.05) for the broiler litter diet than for the 60:40 and 50:50 diets (1.05, 1.16, and 1.28 kg/d, respectively), and steers fed the broiler litter diet consumed less DM than did steers fed the varying rice mill feed-based diets (P < 0.10). In Exp. 4, 16 Angus x Charolais steers (initial BW = 292+/-21.1 kg) were fed the same four diets as in Exp. 3 while housed in individual metabolism stalls for determination of nutrient digestibility. Daily DMI was less (P < 0.01) for the broiler litter diet (5.0 kg/d) than for the 70:30, 60:40, and 50:50 diets (7.8, 7.9, and 7.9 kg/ d, respectively). Digestibilities for DM, OM, and ADF did not differ (P > 0.10) among treatments; however, CP digestibility was greatest (P < 0.10) for the 60:40 diet, and NDF digestibility was least (P < 0.10) for the 70:30 diet. Rice mill feed can be used to replace broiler litter to formulate low-cost diets for stocker calves. Soyhulls and corn can be blended with rice mill feed to produce acceptable backgrounding diets for growing beef calves.  相似文献   

日粮中不同棉籽水平对肉牛消化的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
以 3头平均体重 60 0± 1 0 0 kg、装有永久性瘤胃瘘管的 7岁西杂阉牛为研究对象 ,采用 3× 3拉丁方设计 ,研究日粮中不同棉籽水平对肉牛瘤胃机能的影响作用 ,为肉牛日粮中适宜的整粒籽实添加水平提供参考。 3种试验日粮分别表示为 :1对照组 ( CT) :饲喂基础日粮 ;2中棉籽组 ( MC) :1 3 %棉籽 ;3高棉籽组 ( HC) :2 5 %棉籽。研究结果表明 ,随着在瘤胃内培养时间的延长 ,稻草中各养分的降解率呈上升趋势。日粮中添加不同水平整粒棉籽后对稻草中养分降解率的影响无显著性差异 ( P>0 .0 5 ) ,但随着日粮棉籽水平的升高 ,养分降解率有下降的趋势。测定全棉籽中 DM和 EE对 3种不同处理日粮的降解率 ,结果差异不显著 ( P>0 .0 5 )。在整个饲喂周期内 ,除 EE、ADF的消化率存在差异外 ,处理 CT、MC、HC间的 DM、OM、CP全消化道消化率差异均不显著 ( P>0 .0 5 )。与处理 CT相比 ,处理 MC、HC的 DM消化率分别下降 0 .0 6%、3 .88% ;与处理 CT相比 ,处理 MC的 OM消化率上升 0 .69% ,处理 HC的消化率下降 3 .5 3 % ;各处理的CP消化率有随棉籽水平提高而上升的趋势 ,与处理 CT相比 ,处理 MC、HC的 CP消化率分别上升 4.5 2 %、6.0 6%。处理CT、MC的 EE消化率与处理 HC间均无显著性差异 ,但处理 CT和 MC间的 EE消化率差  相似文献   

Fourteen mature, nonpregnant, nonlactating Angus cows (498 kg) were individually fed through two consecutive phases (maintenance [M], 80 d and ad libitum [A], 70 to 79 d) to estimate within-herd variation in individual cow ME requirements for maintenance (MEm) and to identify factors contributing to this variation. Body composition was determined at initiation of phase M, at termination of phase M (also initiation of phase A) and at the end of phase A by a two-pool D2O dilution technique. Daily MEm averaged 156.7 kcal/kg BW.75 (SD = 18.4 kcal/kg BW.75) and efficiency of ME use for tissue gain or loss averaged 76% (SD = 30%). Estimates of ME intake to maintain 1 kg of protein or 1 kg of fat were 192.9 (SE = 24.8) or 20.7 (SE = 21.5) kcal. These data indicate that among cows of similar fat masses, those with larger protein masses had higher energy requirements for maintenance. Daily MEm was positively correlated (P less than .16) with liver weight (r = .40) and relative proportions of liver (r = .44; P less than .16) and heart (r = .48; P less than .10) in the empty body. Also, daily MEm was correlated negatively (P less than .05) with weight (r = -.71) and relative proportion of omental and mesenteric fat (r = -.78). Estimates of ME required for deposition of 1 kcal of protein or fat were 5.56 (SE = 1.01) or 1.26 (SE = .09) kcal. Weight of liver and the sum of liver, spleen, kidney and heart weights increased 1.58 (R2 = .47) and 1.95 kg (R2 = .52) per kilogram of daily weight gain during phase A. These results indicate that increased performance caused increased organ mass (liver).  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the effect of dietary nitrate on methane emission and rumen fermentation parameters in Nellore × Guzera (Bos indicus) beef cattle fed a sugarcane based diet. The experiment was conducted with 16 steers weighing 283 ± 49 kg (mean ± SD), 6 rumen cannulated and 10 intact steers, in a cross-over design. The animals were blocked according to BW and presence or absence of rumen cannula and randomly allocated to either the nitrate diet (22 g nitrate/kg DM) or the control diet made isonitrogenous by the addition of urea. The diets consisted of freshly chopped sugarcane and concentrate (60:40 on DM basis), fed as a mixed ration. A 16-d adaptation period was used to allow the rumen microbes to adapt to dietary nitrate. Methane emission was measured using the sulfur hexafluoride tracer technique. Dry matter intake (P = 0.09) tended to be less when nitrate was present in the diet compared with the control, 6.60 and 7.05 kg/d DMI, respectively. The daily methane production was reduced (P < 0.01) by 32% when steers were fed the nitrate diet (85 g/d) compared with the urea diet (125 g/d). Methane emission per kilogram DMI was 27% less (P < 0.01) on the nitrate diet (13.3 g methane/kg DMI) than on the control diet (18.2 g methane/kg DMI). Methane losses as a fraction of gross energy intake (GEI) were less (P < 0.01) on the nitrate diet (4.2% of GEI) than on the control diet (5.9% of GEI). Nitrate mitigated enteric methane production by 87% of the theoretical potential. The rumen fluid ammonia-nitrogen (NH(3)-N()) concentration was significantly greater (P < 0.05) for the nitrate diet. The total concentration of VFA was not affected (P = 0.61) by nitrate in the diet, while the proportion of acetic acid tended to be greater (P = 0.09), propionic acid less (P = 0.06) and acetate/propionate ratio tended to be greater (P = 0.06) for the nitrate diet. Dietary nitrate reduced enteric methane emission in beef cattle fed sugarcane based diet.  相似文献   

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