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Nematode populations is stabled ewes of the Rimouski region were studied by means of fecal worm egg counts, fecal culture of larvae, and worm counts at necropsy. It was found that during the winter strongyle egg counts were low, Trichostrongylus eggs being most numerous, The stronglye egg counts increased following lambing and reached peak in June. Ostertagia spp was the principal contributor to this “spring-rise”, with substantial contribution from Trichostrongylus and Haemonchus contortus. The bulk of adult worm populations in winter, however, was made up of Trichostrongylus, whereas the great majority of the populations of Ostertagia spp, H. contortus and Nematodirus spp were inhibited in development at the fourth larval stage. All the worms recovered at necropsy in spring were adults, coinciding with the “spring-rise”.  相似文献   

The epidemiology of H. contortus was studied for 21 months in 80 set-stocked Merino ewes and their grazing in an endemic area in Kenya. Observations included faecal egg counts (weekly), worm burdens (monthly), haematological indices and clinical signs. The levels of infective larvae on the pasture were estimated using tracer sheep.The classical acute form of haemonchosis was seen with equal intensity in both ewes and lambs during periods of high rainfall and self-cure was confirmed as a flock phenomenon which occured simultaneously on one occasion in sheep of all ages.Not previously recognised were the uniformity of the faecal egg counts in both ewes and lambs over long periods when the worm burdens fluctuated greatly, the marked decrease in worm burdens without the occurence of classical self-cure during periods when the intake of infective larvae was low, and the inverse relationship between the individual worm-weight and the total worm population. It was also concluded that one of the most significant features of haemonchosis is not the acute syndrome so characteristically associated with the disease, but the fact that a moderate infection of a few hundred worms persisting over a period of several months will produce chronic anaemia and, ultimately, severe loss of bodily condition and deathes in ewes and lambs grazing on poor quality pasture.  相似文献   

The fluctuation of populations of Dictyocaulus filaria in sheep was studied under field conditions in which animals are housed during the winter and grazed from late spring to autumn. A comparison was made between residual pasture contamination with overwintered larvae, the fecal larval deposition by ewes from June and both of these factors combined as sources of infection for spring born lambs. Ewes and lambs were killed serially over a year and worms were recovered from the lungs and counted. It was found that during the stabling period most of the ewes were carrying moderate numbers of D. filaria. However, while the vast majority of lungworm populations in the winter was inhibited in development at the early fifth larval stage, virtually all worms in the spring were adults. Any one source of infection studied contributed to the acquisition of important burdens of D. filaria by lambs as well as ewes. Worm counts reached peak in all lambs by November and this pointed to only one important Dictyocaulus generation per grazing season. It would also appear that larvae picked up by ewes and lambs as the grazing season advanced had become inhibited in development with the inhibition rate being most marked in autumn.  相似文献   

AIMS: To test the hypotheses that when untreated adult ewes are rotationally grazed (follow behind) on pastures after lambs receiving routine anthelmintic treatments, the ewes can function as a source of unselected parasites in refugia, capable of slowing the development of anthelmintic resistance, and suppress the build-up of parasites resulting from the development of anthelmintic resistance. METHODS: Firstly, the potential of untreated adult ewes to slow the development of anthelmintic resistance, and to suppress parasite populations under differing levels of anthelmintic efficacy, was investigated using a simulation model. Secondly, a field trial with three replicates of each treatment compared two grazing systems (lambs only vs lambs followed by ewes) and two types of anthelmintic, viz albendazole (ALB), to which resistance was present (faecal nematode egg count reduction (FECR)=57-59%) and ivermectin plus levamisole (IL), to which resistance was absent (FECR=97-99%), in a factorial treatment structure. Parasite populations were monitored using faecal nematode egg counts (FEC), faecal larval cultures, pasture larval sampling, and slaughter of tracer lambs. Animal performance was measured using liveweight, dag score, body condition score, and fleece weights. RESULTS: Model simulations indicated that parasites cycling in the untreated ewes could slow the development of resistance being selected for by the anthelmintic treatments given to lambs and this could occur without a nett increase in larval numbers on pasture. Further, as worm control in the lambs declined with increasing levels of anthelmintic resistance the ewes increasingly functioned as nett removers of parasite larvae, effectively reducing parasite population size. In the field trial, untreated adult ewes contributed to pasture infestations of most parasite species, but not Nematodirus spp. Parasite species on pasture and infecting lambs changed when ewes were present, but larval populations on pasture in the autumn were no greater than when lambs grazed alone. In the presence of anthelmintic resistance, parasite populations were reduced when ewes grazed in rotation with lambs, implicating the ewes as nett removers of parasite challenge. CONCLUSIONS: Untreated adult ewes were a source of unselected genotypes, capable of slowing the development of anthelmintic resistance in most, but not all, parasite species. Further, the potential of adult ewes to remove from pasture more parasite larvae than they contribute through faecal contamination indicates a potentially useful role in suppressing parasite populations, particularly when worm control in lambs is less effective as a result of anthelmintic resistance.  相似文献   

Studies on the epidemiology of gastrointestinal nematodes of sheep, conducted at two different farms in the Baghdad area, in 1979, revealed two peaks in worm egg counts in ewes, one in spring and the other in autumn; the latter coincided with the lambing season. Similarly in lambs, two peaks of infection were apparent, but the spring peak was not so well defined. During the hot and dry summer months of Iraq, helminthic infection was at a low level. Faecal culture for larvae and their identification indicated the predominance of Haemonchus contortus infection in the ewes and that of Ostertagia and Trichostrongylus spp. in the lambs examined, Trichostrongylus infection predominating during the hot, dry period of the year. The self-cure phenomenon as well as preparturient rise in egg counts, as reported in other countries, was also observed during this study.  相似文献   

Objective   To compare the effectiveness of a single long-acting injection of moxidectin, given in either summer or winter, with a two-summer ('standard') treatment strategy for controlling gastrointestinal nematodes in spring-lambing Merino ewes.
Design   A replicated study over 2 years in the high winter rainfall environment of western Victoria.
Methods   Measures of worm infection were worm egg counts of ewes and total worm counts of tracer lambs. Measures of production were body weight, proportion of pregnant ewes and number of weaned lambs.
Results   The egg counts of ewes given the standard strategy followed a characteristic pattern, rising to 300 to 600 eggs per gram before the second summer treatment in February. During this time, ewes given long-acting moxidectin in December had zero or negligible counts. There were no consistent differences between tracer worm counts or production measures for the two groups treated in summer, but when data from both years were pooled, the total egg output from December to May was significantly lower for ewes treated with long-acting moxidectin in December. Ewes not treated during summer had lower body weights, and higher worm egg counts and tracer worm counts, showing that this was not a suitable strategy at that time of the year. However, following treatment with long-acting moxidectin in winter, ewes had rapid compensatory weight gain and lower egg output than ewes treated in summer.
Conclusion   A single injection of long-acting moxidectin in December is an effective treatment strategy for Merino ewes lambing in spring.  相似文献   

The nematode egg output of two groups of ewes, a pregnant test group (2-3 years of age) mated between March and April and a non-pregnant control group (5-6 years of age) was followed. The worm burdens acquired by worm-free 'tracer' lambs were also followed on the same pasture from March 1988 to February 1989. There was a significant difference (P less than 0.05) in the magnitude of the egg output in the test group compared with the control group. In the test ewes, an initial rise in egg production occurred 2 weeks after lambing and was maintained for five consecutive months. Necropsy worm counts from the 'tracer' lambs revealed that pasture larval levels were directly related to the levels of rainfall. Adult nematodes (Trichostrongylus colubriformis, Trichostrongylus axei, Haemonchus contortus, Oesophagostomum venulosum and Trichuris ovis), and some Moniezia expansa were present in almost all the lambs throughout the year, with the exception of January and February 1989. The absence of immature larvae in these lambs indicates that arrested development is not a feature of the life cycle of these species in Southern Ghana. The occurrence of a periparturient rise of nematode eggs in West African Dwarf ewes, a year-round breeder, means that susceptible lambs could be open to infection throughout the year. Control should, therefore, be conducted by treating ewes after lambing and restricting the breeding season to particular periods of the year.  相似文献   

Tests were carried out on the efficacy of Cambendazole (5-isopropoxy carbonylamino-2-(4-thiazolyl) benzimidazole) against lungworm and gastrointestinal parasites of calves and lambs. Against Dictyocaulus viviparus the compound was highly effective (80%) against mature worms at levels of 35 mg/kg and over and immature “arrested” worms at 60 mg/kg (71% efective).

In the Calves the compound was very effective (90 to 99%) against adult Haemonchus placei, Ostertagia spp., Trichostrongylus axei and Cooperia oncophora at all levels tested (15, 20, 25, 30, 40 and 60 mg/kg). Against adult Nematodirus spp. dosages of 30, 40 and 60 mg/kg were 81%, 94% and 99% effective respectively

Against arrested Ostertagia spp. larvae, a dosage of 60 mg/kg was 90% effective. Immature stages of Cooperia spp. were susceptible at all levels used but those of Nematodirus spp. required levels of 60 mg/kg for 99% removal.

In the lambs the compound was highly effective against immature and mature nematodes when given orally at all levels tested from 15 mg/kg to 30 mg/kg. Significant reductions (81%) in Moniezia expansa scolices were also observed at dosages from 15 mg/kg to 30 mg/kg.


Worm counts from Yankassa ewes, lambs and tracer lambs grazing unimproved pasture at Zaria were obtained each month during the rainy season of 1976. In June and July up to 14 per cent of the Haemonchus contortus populations consisted of early fourth stage larvae (L4). In August this increased to more than 55 per cent and in October to more than 95 per cent. From June to August most of the abundant late L4 contained rodlike crystals. More than 95 per cent of the Haemonchus contortus populations of two lambs killed two weeks after infection with infective larvae, cultured for seven days at 25 degrees to 30 degrees C in the dark, were early L4. Inhibited 3rd stage Trichostrongylus spp did not exceed 26 per cent of the worm populations.  相似文献   

Residual ovine nematode pasture infections were assessed by grazing groups of ewes and their lambs on permanent sheep and cattle pastures and by the use of tracer lambs. Ostertagia spp., Cooperia oncophora, Nematodirus spp., Chabertia ovina and Trichuris spp. eggs and/or larvae survived on pastures overwinter. Second generation Ostertagia larvae were present in greatest numbers on pasture during the latter part of August and early September. The failure of a significant build-up of Cooperia oncophora was attributed to negligible worm egg output of this species in sheep. A build-up of Nematodirus spp. on pasture was not detected in this study.  相似文献   

The influence of dietary protein supplementation on resistance to haemonchosis was examined in Hampshire down lambs fed either a basal diet or a diet supplemented with soyabean. At seven months of age the lambs were challenged with an initial loading dose of Haemonchus contortus, followed by a trickle infection three times a week. Blood and faecal samples were collected three times a week and bodyweights were recorded weekly. After 10 weeks the lambs were slaughtered and their worm burdens and carcase composition determined. Although their mean worm burdens were similar, the lambs given the basal diet had higher faecal egg counts, lower packed red cell volumes and lower concentrations of total plasma protein and plasma albumin than the lambs given the supplemented diet. The dietary supplementation also improved the carcase composition of the lambs.  相似文献   

Objective   To compare infections of gastrointestinal nematodes in 2-year-old ('maiden') spring-lambing Merino ewes in the upper and lower 25% of body weights (BW) at joining.
Design   An observational study over two consecutive years on two farms in western Victoria.
Methods   On each farm, ewes were weighed at the end of mating. Ewes within the upper and lower quartile of BW formed two groups that grazed together for the remainder of the year. On each farm, 20 ewes from each group were also treated with controlled release capsules containing ivermectin to minimise the effects of parasitism. Measures of worm infections were worm egg counts, total worm counts and assessment of breech soiling ('dag score'). Measures of production were BW, numbers of deaths, pregnant ewes and weaned lambs in each group, and response to treatment with a capsule.
Results   No consistent difference was found in mean worm egg counts between ewes in the high and low BW groups and total worm counts of ewes before lambing were not significantly different in either year. Breech soiling of low BW ewes was consistently higher on both farms in both years. Those ewes also reared 7% to 14% fewer lambs. The difference in BW between the low and high groups remained highly significant on both farms throughout both years.
Conclusion   A strategic approach to worm control is appropriate for ewes in both high and low BW categories. Management options for low BW ewes include culling, supplementary feeding to increase BW before mating, or delaying mating for 12 months.  相似文献   

Romanov X Rasa Aragonesa ewes rearing twins and kept on pasture at a mean stocking density of 35 ewes ha-1 were used to study the epidemiology of parasitic gastro-enteritis under an intensive grazing system on irrigated land in the northeast of Spain. Measurements were made of the population of infective larvae on the pasture, level of serum pepsinogen, faecal worm eggs in ewes and lambs, and lamb growth rates. In addition, postmortem worm counts from "indicator" lambs were used to establish the level of infection at each rotational grazing cycle. Two generations of parasites were identified in the experiment. One of them, derived from the eggs deposited the previous autumn, gave rise to the first infection of the animals in March and April. This was responsible for the first outbreak of parasitism in the lambs. This was indicated by an increase in serum pepsinogen levels, the appearance of diarrhoea and a significant decrease in lamb growth rates. Ostertagia spp., Nematodirus spp. and Trichostrongylus spp. were present. The second generation, which appeared during May, was derived from the eggs of the previous generation and gave rise to an outbreak of parasitism in the lambs at the beginning of May and the middle of June. Haemonchus spp. and Chabertia ovina were present. Under the conditions of this experiment, the overwintering larvae have an important epidemiological significance as the gastro-intestinal nematodes are one of the main limiting factors for developing intensive sheep production systems.  相似文献   

To establish for how long protective antibody levels may be maintained, lambs were vaccinated with the gut membrane antigen H11 and challenged with Haemonchus contortus 14, 84, 126 or 168 days later. Compared to controls, mean faecal egg counts of vaccinated lambs were reduced by 97 per cent, 99 per cent, 92 per cent and 86 per cent respectively. Total worm burdens at postmortem five weeks after infection were reduced by 87 per cent, 94 per cent, 92 per cent and 62 per cent respectively. In vaccinated lambs, antibody levels to H11 peaked at about 60 days after the first vaccination and were maintained for the duration of the experiment. There was evidence of secondary antibody responses to H11 following challenge.  相似文献   

A field study was conducted in a sheep flock in the south east of Scotland with a history of ivermectin resistance in Teladorsagia circumcincta. The objective of the study was to compare the effects of single anthelmintic treatments in ewes before turn-out onto pasture that was contaminated with a moderate level of overwintered, ivermectin resistant, T. circumcincta infective larvae. The ewes were treated according to label directions with either a long acting injectable formulation of moxidectin (1mg/kg; affording up to 14weeks persistent action against macrocyclic lactone (ML)-susceptible T. circumcincta) or an oral formulation of moxidectin (0.2mg/kg; affording up to 5weeks persistent action against ML-susceptible T. circumcincta). The lambs were enrolled in the normal management of the farm, and received a total of three oral ivermectin treatments during the 16week study. The efficacy of both treatment strategies in controlling the periparturient rise in faecal nematode worm egg counts and subsequent pasture contamination was assessed from the faecal worm egg counts of the ewes and their lambs between lambing and weaning. Ewes that were treated with the oral formulation of moxidectin shed approximately 3.5 times more T. circumcincta eggs between lambing and weaning than ewes that were treated with the long acting formulation of moxidectin. This difference was reflected in the faecal worm egg counts of the lambs that were grazed alongside the different treatment groups of ewes. The results of the current study demonstrate persistent efficacy of the long acting formulation of moxidectin against an ivermectin resistant T. circumcincta population. The decreased pasture contamination after treatment could lead to improved lamb growth and a need for fewer anthelmintic treatments, thus potentially reducing one possible selection pressure for anthelmintic resistance. However, treatment with the long acting formulation of moxidectin would give rise to fewer susceptible nematodes being present in refugia, which could increase another possible selection pressure for anthelmintic resistance, depending on the subsequent grazing management of that pasture. The rationale for use of a persistent anthelmintic drug to control the periparturient rise in faecal ML-resistant T. circumcincta egg output of the ewes is discussed and potential differences in selection for macrocyclic lactone anthelmintic resistance using the different formulations of moxidectin are acknowledged.  相似文献   

The epidemiology of H. placei and of other gastrointestinal nematodes in yearling dairy cattle was examined on two farms in Kiambu District, central Kenya during each of 13 one-month periods from April 1993 to April 1994. On each farm, 32 newly weaned dairy calves were given a single dose of albendazole and then placed on experimental pastures. Twelve of the animals were designated for bi-monthly slaughter (n = 2) and analysis of worm population characteristics and 20 were designated for blood and faecal collection and for weighing. Two parasite-free tracer calves were grazed alongside the weaner calves each month throughout the study period and were also slaughtered for analysis of worm populations. Faecal egg counts, haematological and serum pepsinogen determinations, herbage larval counts, and animal live weight changes were recorded monthly. The study revealed that Haemonchus placei, Trichostrongylus axei, Cooperia spp. and Oesophagostomum radiatum were responsible for parasitic gastroenteritis and that H. placei was the predominant nematode present in the young cattle on both farms. Faecal egg counts from resident cattle and necropsy worm counts revealed that pasture larval levels were directly related to the amount of rainfall. The total worm burdens in the animals were highest during the rainy season (March–June and October–December) and lowest during the dry seasons (July–September and January–February). The very low recovery of immature larvae of H. placei from the tracer calves indicated that arrested development is not a feature of the life cycle of this parasite in central Kenya. The maintenance of the parasite population depended on continuous cycling of infection between the host and the pasture. The agroclimatic conditions of the study area were such that, in general, favourable weather conditions for the development and survival of the free-living stages of gastrointestinal nematodes existed all year round.  相似文献   

Monthly worm counts of groups of ewes and lambs that grazed continuously and tracer lambs revealed that under the conditions existing in northern Nigeria, most of the Haemonchus contortus in sheep between November and March were arrested larvae. During the months of April and May, almost equal proportions of adults, developmental stages and arrested larvae were recovered and, by June, only adults and developmental stages were recovered in high numbers. The proportion of arrested larvae had diminished considerably. A similar pattern was recorded for Trichostrongylus spp, except that fewer larvae were involved in arrested development and very large numbers of adults were recovered throughout the duration of the study. Maturation of arrested larvae occurs in April.  相似文献   

Six-month-old red Maasai lambs were more resistant than Dorper lambs to repeated infections at one to two week intervals with 1000 Haemonchus contortus infective larvae. Resistance after infection was assessed by means of faecal egg counts, packed cell volumes, eosinophil counts, total serum protein concentrations and mortality rates. The weight gains of the infected animals were only marginally lower than those of their uninfected controls, most probably because of their significantly higher feed consumption, and evidently the infected lambs were not utilising all of the extra feed for growth. This absence of anorexia in spite of the infection was probably due to the palatability of the high protein diet fed to the lambs.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the efficacy of copper oxide wire particles (COWP) for the control of H contortus infections in grazing sheep. PROCEDURE: In experiment 1, 40 worm-free Merino hoggets (11 to 12 months of age) were divided into four equal groups and allocated to separate 0.8 ha pasture plots. Two groups then received 2.5 g COWP whereas the other two groups were untreated. From 1 week after COWP treatment all lambs received a weekly infection of 2000 H contortus larvae. At week 8, six sheep from the untreated group were then allocated to two groups and treated with either 2.5 or 5.0 g of COWP to establish therapeutic efficacy of treatment. Experiment 2 followed a similar protocol but was conducted with 40 worm-free Merino lambs (3 to 4 months of age) and no assessment of therapeutic efficacy was made. Results: In experiment 1 no significant difference in faecal worm egg counts was observed between treatments and faecal worm egg counts remained less than 3000 epg in all animals. Total worm counts were reduced by 37% by COWP treatment (P = 0.055). Both 2.5 g and 5.0 g doses of COWP at 8 weeks of infection reduced faecal worm egg counts by > 85% with the higher dose giving an earlier response to treatment. In experiment 2, faecal worm egg counts at 4 and 6 weeks were reduced by more than 90% in the COWP treated lambs and worm numbers were 54% lower after 6 weeks when all remaining untreated lambs had to be treated for haemonchosis. Mean faecal worm egg counts in the COWP lambs remained below 3500 epg and clinical disease did not develop in the majority of lambs before the end of the experiment at 10 weeks. CONCLUSION: Treatment with COWPs appears to have the potential to reduce establishment and worm fecundity of Haemonchus spp for an extended period and may offer livestock producers a supplementary means of reducing larval contamination of pasture particularly in areas where anthelmintic resistance is a problem and copper supplementation is likely to be beneficial.  相似文献   

The faecal egg counts of groups of sheep given 5 000, 20 000 or 40 000 infective larvae of Ostertagia circumcincta reached a peak at about 28 days after infection; the height of the peak varying directly with the number of larvae given. At 35 days the ratios of total worm burdens and the total eggs in all females amongst the groups were similar. Between 35 and 70 days post infection the faecal egg counts fell to a low level which was roughly the same regardless of the number of larvae administered. At 70 days the two groups of lambs given the two higher doses of larvae had similar worm burdens, but those given 5 000 larvae harboured about half as many. At this time the total eggs in all females was approximately the same in each group. Whatever factor, in addition to worm numbers, which may have limited egg output appeared to be ineffective until some time after the peak egg count was reached.  相似文献   

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