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Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) was used to study the genetic structure of populations of the willow leaf rust, Melampsora epitea, in Swedish willow plantations. In total, 197 isolates collected from Salix viminalis clones in three locations in Sweden were analysed. AFLP profiles based on 83 markers were used to compute genetic distances between pairs of individuals. High levels of gene and genotypic diversity were detected in all populations, with 96% of the AFLP loci being polymorphic and with normalized Shannon's diversity indices ranging from 0.977 to 1.0. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed small significant differences among locations, although most of the molecular variability was found within locations (97.5%). Five isolates from one willow clone in one location differed markedly from the common pattern. When these five exceptional isolates were excluded, no significant differences among willow clones were found with AMOVA. Sexual reproduction and spore migration appear to be important factors for the population genetic structure of this pathogen.  相似文献   

The genetic composition of Melampsora larici-epitea populations on two Salix viminalis varieties in monoculture and in mixed stands of Salix was studied using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP). A total of 88 isolates collected from a large-scale mixture trial in Northern Ireland were analyzed. Genetic analyses were based on polymorphism for 63 AFLP markers. Differences in genetic composition of M. larici-epitea populations between the two S. viminalis varieties were indicated by all population characteristics used. In neighbor-joining analysis and principal component analysis, isolates from the same variety tended to group together. Analysis of molecular variance indicated a substantial differentiation between varieties (ST = 0.20) and differences in genotypic composition was indicated by the non-random distribution of clonal isolates between the two varieties. The detection of host specialization with selectively neutral DNA markers was ascribed to predominant asexual reproduction. No differences in gene or genotypic diversity between M. larici-epitea populations in mixed and monoclonal stands were found for any of the two S. viminalis varieties.  相似文献   

Families of interspecific hybrids between Salix dasyclados and S. viminalis, and intraspecific hybrids of the two species, were monitored for rust infection caused by Melampsora epitea during the years 1997–1999. The resistance of interspecific hybrids was compared to intraspecific pure species halfsibs. In addition, uredospores were sampled from the most infected interspecific hybrids to determine whether rust from interspecific hybrids differed from the rust spores that infected the pure species. The results from 1997 and 1999 showed that interspecific hybrids were more resistant than the intraspecific pure species, thus exhibiting a pattern of hybrid resistance. In 1998 the interspecific hybrids showed intermediate resistance compared to intraspecific pure species hybrids, i.e., an additive pattern of resistance. The rust sampled from the interspecific hybrids consisted of the same types of rust that infect the pure species. Comparisons of weather conditions prevailing during the three growing seasons indicated that these conditions might play a role in the infection pattern, in addition to the level of sensitivity to infection shown by the plants.  相似文献   

Melampsora epitea , the causal agent of leaf rust on willow ( Salix spp.) in short-rotation forestry, was sampled over four consecutive years (1993–96) in Sweden. The pathotype patterns of 332 single-spore isolates were examined for virulence characteristics using a defined set of willow hosts. Thirty-seven pathotypes of M. epitea were identified and grouped into three formae speciales . No race or morph subdivision was observed among the isolates, other than the three formae speciales . For monitoring and studying the ecological and evolutionary dynamics of virulence for M. epitea , an internationally useful naming system for pathotypes is proposed, with a three-digit code referring to virulence on a specified set of standard test clones.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity of Melampsora larici-epitea leaf rust from three cultivated stands of the willow Salix viminalis was studied using AFLP polymorphisms at 60 loci. One population was located in Northern Ireland and two in Sweden. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed that most of the genetic variation was distributed on a fine scale within the field in all populations. Both Swedish populations displayed a very high genotypic diversity (normalized Shannon's indices of 0.95 and 1.00) and random association among loci. These results suggested that sexual reproduction had an important influence on the Swedish populations. The occurence of the alternate host (larch) adjacent to one of the Swedish rust populations did not affect the genetic diversity. However, severe rust attacks started earlier in the season in this population. The M. larici-epitea population in Northern Ireland was characterized by a low genotypic diversity (normalized Shannon's index = 0.54) and non-random association among loci was indicated by test of multilocus association and by pairwise tests among loci. These results suggested that asexual reproduction had a major effect on the genetic structure of this population, probably because of the overwintering of asexual spores and/or a population bottleneck associated with the annual sexual phase.  相似文献   

Two F1, two F2 and two backcross (BC) full‐sib families of Salix sachalinensis × S. viminalis were tested for resistance to two pathotypes of Melampsora larici‐epitea in leaf‐disc inoculation experiments. Two single‐pustule isolates, VM and ST, belonging to pathotypes LET1 and LET5, respectively, were used in the tests. Disease was scored based on the number of uredinia, uredinial diameter and inoculum densities. Both F1 families were completely resistant to both VM and ST. Resistance to VM segregated at a 9:6:1 ratio in the F2 families and at a 1:2:1 ratio in the BC families, suggesting that two independently segregating genes controlled rust resistance, with resistance dominant over susceptibility. This also indicates incomplete dominance of the resistance alleles over the susceptibility to VM. For ST, the equivalent ratios were 3:1 and 1:1, showing that a single dominant gene was responsible for rust resistance. The broad sense heritabilities were >0·91 for uredinial diameter and 0·1–0·33 for the number of uredinia. There were significant overall correlations between data from inoculations with VM and those from inoculations with ST in the number of uredinia, uredinial diameter and disease scores (Spearman’s rank correlation coefficients = 0·31–0·75).  相似文献   

Pathotype frequencies in barley powdery mildew populations were assessed in artificially inoculated barley plots. The field experiment was organised in eighteen 3 m × 3 m plots with different inoculum compositions, obtained by sequential inoculation with three isolates, gl-1, gl-2 and gl-3, shortly after seedling emergence. In the conidia populations before summer, pathotypes corresponding to the inoculated isolates were detected at frequencies in the range 11–42% for GL1, 0–14% for GL2 and 2–34% for GL3. On the volunteers appearing after harvest these three pathotypes were observed at lower frequencies: 0–37% for GL1, 0–12% for GL2 and 0–23% for GL3. The overall ranking of GL1, GL2 and GL3 frequencies was thus the same before and after summer. The populations on volunteers were influenced by both sexual and asexual populations present in the same field at the end of the previous growing season. However, at the small-scale level no simple correlation was found between the frequencies in the conidia populations on volunteers and those in the airborne population, or the conidia populations on the crop before summer, or the calculated expected frequencies in populations of ascospores. During the summer survival, chance events may also have a large influence on pathotype frequencies leading to a high variation between repeated events of transition from the crop to the volunteers.  相似文献   

Pear rust, caused by Gymnosporangium asiaticum, is an important disease of pear (Pyrus spp.) in China in areas where cypress (Juniperus spp. and Sabina spp.), the alternate host, is present. Controlled environment experiments were conducted to study the effects of temperature, relative humidity (RH) and duration of free water on germination of teliospores and basidiospores of G. asiaticum. Teliospores, sampled from Juniperus chinensis, germinated at temperatures ranging from 5 to 28 , with an optimum between 16 and 20 . For teliospores to germinate, telial horns required free water: soaking in water for 30 sec triggered teliospore germination. After initial wetting, RH had little effect on germination of teliospores except at extreme temperatures (5 and 30 ) where germination needed near-saturation moisture. The minimum time for telial horns to produce basidiospores was about 3 h at optimum temperatures. Teliospores in all telial horns germinated at 12--4 , but at 8 and 28 only those from a third of telial horns germinated. Basidiospores germinated at 5--0 with the optimum around 15 ; they needed free water or saturated moisture to germinate. Germination in free water was about eight times greater than at 100% RH. Logistic models described well the germination dynamics of basidiospores. Basidiospore survival declined exponentially with storage time, and linearly with increasing temperature and decreasing RH. Basidiospores survived for at least six days in dry conditions with RH as low as 45%.  相似文献   

 小麦条锈病是造成小麦减产和品质劣化的最重要病害,定位小麦染色体上一致性条锈病抗性基因/位点/区段是小麦条锈病抗性分子育种的重要基础。本研究对至今分子标记和遗传定位的342个条锈病抗性基因/位点/区段进行数据搜集整理,借助Maccaferr和Andrzej的参考图谱,基于元分析技术进行Meta-QTL(MQTL)检测,共获得194个小麦抗条锈病MQTL,包括74个与严重度(Disease severity, DS)相关,46个与反应型(Infection type, IT)相关、19个与病程曲线下面积相关(Area under disease progress curve, AUDPC)、28个与DS和IT共相关、6个与DS和AUDPC共相关、15个与IT和AUDPC共相关、6个与其他条锈病抗性性状相关。这些抗条锈病一致性QTL定位于小麦21条染色体上,呈非均匀分布,且部分MQTL集中成簇。通过与已发表的正式命名抗条锈病基因比较分析,发现大多数正式命名基因定位于MQTL簇区段,说明这些MQTL簇区段很可能是控制小麦条锈病抗性热点区域。控制小麦抗条锈病一致性QTL遗传图谱的构建为小麦条锈病抗性基因精细定位及抗病育种提供了遗传信息参考依据。  相似文献   

小麦抗条锈病一致性数量性状位点(MQTL)图谱构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 小麦条锈病是造成小麦减产和品质劣化的最重要病害,定位小麦染色体上一致性条锈病抗性基因/位点/区段是小麦条锈病抗性分子育种的重要基础。本研究对至今分子标记和遗传定位的342个条锈病抗性基因/位点/区段进行数据搜集整理,借助Maccaferr和Andrzej的参考图谱,基于元分析技术进行Meta-QTL(MQTL)检测,共获得194个小麦抗条锈病MQTL,包括74个与严重度(Disease severity, DS)相关,46个与反应型(Infection type, IT)相关、19个与病程曲线下面积相关(Area under disease progress curve, AUDPC)、28个与DS和IT共相关、6个与DS和AUDPC共相关、15个与IT和AUDPC共相关、6个与其他条锈病抗性性状相关。这些抗条锈病一致性QTL定位于小麦21条染色体上,呈非均匀分布,且部分MQTL集中成簇。通过与已发表的正式命名抗条锈病基因比较分析,发现大多数正式命名基因定位于MQTL簇区段,说明这些MQTL簇区段很可能是控制小麦条锈病抗性热点区域。控制小麦抗条锈病一致性QTL遗传图谱的构建为小麦条锈病抗性基因精细定位及抗病育种提供了遗传信息参考依据。  相似文献   

The major mechanism of resistance to most insecticides in Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) is metabolic, piperonyl butoxide (PBO) suppressible, mediated by cytochrome-P450 monooxygenases and conferring cross-resistance among insecticide classes. The efficacy of insecticide mixtures of acrinathrin, methiocarb, formetanate and chlorpyrifos was studied by topical exposure in strains of F. occidentalis selected for resistance to each insecticide. The method consisted in combining increasing concentrations of one insecticide with a constant low rate of the second one as synergist. Acrinathrin activity against F. occidentalis was enhanced by carbamate insecticides, methiocarb being a much better synergist than formetanate. Monooxygenase action on the carbamates would prevent degradation of the pyrethroid, hence providing a level of synergism by competitive substrate inhibition. However, the number of insecticides registered for control of F. occidentalis is very limited, and they are needed for antiresistance strategies such as mosaics and rotations. Therefore, a study was made of the synergist effect of other carbamates not used against thrips, such as carbofuran and carbosulfan, against a susceptible strain and a field strain. Neither carbamate showed synergism to acrinathrin in the susceptible strain, but both did in the field strain, carbosulfan being a better synergist than carbofuran. The data obtained indicate that low rates of carbamates could be used as synergists to restore some pyrethroid susceptibility in F. occidentalis.  相似文献   

普通小麦品种陕旱8675中抗条锈病基因的分子定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 利用SSR标记技术对小麦品种陕旱8675的抗条锈病基因进行了分子标记定位。通过对290对微卫星引物的筛选,发现Xwmc170Xcfa20432对引物在抗亲、感亲、抗池和感池之间均有多态。群体分析结果表明,Xwmc170Xcfa2043与陕旱8675中抗病基因相连锁,遗传距离分别为9.8 cM和15.0 cM,基因和标记之间的顺序为着丝点-Xcfa2043-Xwmc170-YrSh,间隔距离分别为19.05、5.2和9.8 cM。根据作图的结果,将陕旱8675中所含有的抗病基因定位于2A染色体长臂上,根据该基因的作图位置与抗谱分析,认为该基因可能是1个新的抗条锈基因,暂定名为YrSh。  相似文献   

Hundreds of species in one of Australia's dominant plant families, the Myrtaceae, are at risk from the invasive pathogenic fungus Austropuccinia psidii. Since its arrival in Australia in 2010, native plant communities have been severely affected, with highly susceptible species likely to become extinct from recurring infections. While severe impact on Australian native and plantation forestry has been predicted, the lemon myrtle industry is already under threat. Commercial cultivars of lemon myrtle (Backhousia citriodora) are highly susceptible to A. psidii. Detecting and monitoring disease outbreaks is currently only possible by eye, which is costly and subject to human bias. This study aims at developing a proof‐of‐concept for automated, non‐biased classification of healthy (naïve), fungicide‐treated and diseased lemon myrtle trees by means of their spectral reflectance signatures. From a lemon myrtle plantation, spectral signatures of fungicide‐treated and untreated leaves were collected using a portable field spectrometer. A third class of spectra, from naïve lemon myrtle leaves that had not been exposed to A. psidii, was collected from a botanical garden. Reflectance spectra in their primary form and their first‐order derivatives were used to train a random forest classifier resulting in an overall accuracy of 78% (kappa = 0.68) for primary spectra and 95% (kappa = 0.92) for first‐order derivative‐transformed spectra. Thus, an optical sensor‐based discrimination, using spectral reflectance signatures of this as yet uninvestigated pathosystem, seems technically feasible. This study provides a foundation for the development of automated, sensor‐based detection and monitoring systems for myrtle rust.  相似文献   

陇南是中国小麦条锈菌易变区、小麦条锈病的常发流行区和防治的关键地区.明确陇南小麦条锈菌转主寄主小檗在小麦条锈病发生中的作用,对阐释该地区小麦条锈菌新小种产生的来源和指导小麦条锈病的综合防控具有重要意义.本研究从陇南春季自然受锈菌侵染的堆花小檗及其邻近的小麦上分离获得小麦条锈菌菌系,19个来自发病小檗的单夏孢子堆菌系在中...  相似文献   

2014年-2017年度先后对331份四川省小麦生产品种(系)在温室进行苗期人工接种条锈菌混合菌鉴定和甘谷试验站大田成株期分别接种CYR32、CYR33、CYR34、G22-14、中4-1和混合菌鉴定,同时在甘谷试验站和汪川良种场两地进行自然诱发鉴定。结果发现:在人工接种条件下,苗期、成株期表现抗病的分别有‘XK201465’等36份和‘XK20132’等72份材料,分别占10.88%和21.75%;有‘XK62483’等11份材料全生育期表现抗病,占3.32%;两地三年自然诱发鉴定发现,仅有‘XK20132’等5份材料在两地均表现抗病,有‘川农17’等30份材料具有慢条锈性。对供鉴材料在甘肃陇南的利用前景进行了分析。  相似文献   

Myrtle rust (Austropuccinia psidii) is an invasive species causing damage to Myrtaceae species in natural and managed ecosystems in many countries. To better understand myrtle rust epidemiology we studied latent period (LP) and ontogenic resistance in relation to temperature on three susceptible hosts (Metrosideros excelsa, Lophomyrtus bullata × L. obcordata and Syzygium jambos). The latent period curve was U-shaped, with latent development >0 from between 8 and 10 °C, depending on the host, to 32 °C. Optimum range was 22–28 °C with minimum LP of 5–7 days. Peak spore production occurred over about 2 weeks, starting about 1 week after the LP ended. Some spore production continued for 1–2 months. Comparison of the LP data with field temperatures indicated that the uredinial stage of A. psidii can overwinter in the latent phase in temperate areas of New Zealand and southern Australia and, therefore, uredinial or telial reinfection is not required during winter. The LP information was used to correct the LP function in a New Zealand myrtle rust climatic risk model. The transition of emergent leaf and stem tissues in susceptible Myrtaceae genotypes from susceptible to immune (ontogenic resistance) was characterized in terms of uredinium density and LP. Onset of ontogenic resistance was closely linked to the degree of leaf expansion, with fully expanded leaves being immune to infection. Because ontogenic resistance restricts infection to periods when growth flushes occur, understanding it is crucial for explaining the seasonality of myrtle rust development in the natural environment.  相似文献   

The wheat cultivar Kariega expresses complete adult plant resistance against stripe rust, whereas cv. Avocet S is susceptible. Using confocal laser scanning microscopy, initial fungal penetration into flag leaves was identical in both cultivars, with directional germ-tube growth towards stomata that were penetrated without the formation of an appressorium, followed by differentiation of a substomatal vesicle, infection hyphae, haustorial mother cells and haustoria. During the following 4 days, further fungal development occurred more quickly in the resistant than in the susceptible cultivar. However, by 7 days postinoculation (dpi) the situation changed, with exponential growth of the pathogen occurring only in the susceptible line. Induced cellular lignification, a typical defence reaction of cereals, was observed at 4 dpi in the resistant cultivar, and 2 days later lignified tissue completely surrounded the fungal colonies. In the susceptible cultivar, isolated lignified host cells occurred at 6 dpi, and long, unbranched fungal hyphae outgrowing the resistance reaction were observed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The sweetpotato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), is an important pest of vegetables and many other crops worldwide. Eight biorational insecticides (based on oil, plant derivatives, insect growth regulator and fungus) were evaluated in the field for their influence on populations of six natural enemies of B. tabaci. Natural populations of two predators [Chrysoperla carnea Stephen (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) and Orius spp. (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae)] and two genera of parasitoids [Encarsia spp. and Eretmocerus spp. (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae)] were evaluated in eggplant (Solanum melongena L.). Also, augmented field populations of three predators [C. carnea, Coccinella undecimpunctata L. (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) and Macrolophus caliginosus (Wagner) (Hemiptera: Miridae)] were evaluated in cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.), cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) and squash (Cucurbita pepo L.). RESULTS: Regardless of natural enemy or crop, jojoba oil, Biovar and Neemix had the least effect on abundance of the natural enemies in comparison with the other insecticides during a 14 day evaluation period. Conversely, Admiral, KZ oil, Mesrona oil, Mesrona oil + sulfur and natural oil had a high detrimental effect on abundance of the natural enemies. CONCLUSION: These results demonstrate the differential effects of biorational insecticides for whitefly control on predators and parasitoids in the field. Published 2011 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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