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Adult common bullies, Gobiomorphus cotidianus McDowall, are small (total length =  30–120 mm), benthic fish commonly found in the littoral zones of New Zealand lakes where they are a major prey species for trout and eels. Differences in their relative abundance (CPUE) were determined between 21 shallow North Island lakes. Mean CPUE ranged from 2 to >  1000 fish net− 1 night− 1 and was inversely related to water transparency. The abundance of bullies was not reduced in lakes containing rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), but was reduced in all lakes containing self-recruiting populations of eels, Anguilla spp. Mean densities of planktonic larval bullies in the limnetic zone were also inversely related to water transparency. Since low water transparency is related to increased trophic status for these lakes, the abundance of bullies is likely to be related to lake productivity, rather than turbidity.  相似文献   

  • 1. Historically, ecological assessment of lakes has depended on open‐water chemical and phytoplankton analysis, with trophic status determined by chlorophyll a and total phosphorus following the general protocol of the OECD lake classification scheme. This has been accompanied by a prevailing opinion that the littoral zone of lakes is too heterogeneous to allow meaningful inter‐lake comparisons.
  • 2. Council of the European Communities Directive 2000/60/EC establishing a framework in the field of water policy (the Water Framework Directive) requires a broader approach to ecological assessment, including the need to incorporate a range of biotic variables. This paper describes the results of a monitoring programme designed to determine within‐ and among‐lake variation of macroinvertebrate communities found in defined mesohabitats of 22 lakes incorporating a range of lake types. Three sampling approaches were applied to the study.
  • 3. Triplicate macroinvertebrate samples from a cobble/pebble mesohabitat of 11 lakes showed that community composition from a standard habitat was robust.
  • 4. Twinned samples from contrasting habitats of pebble/cobble and macrophyte dominated mesohabitats of 21 lakes had greater similarity within than among lakes. This showed that even across contrasting habitat structure, macroinvertebrate assemblages can provide a reliable lake‐specific indicator.
  • 5. Multivariate analysis of replicate samples from 15 visually distinct mesohabitats in one lake showed that within‐lake variation could, nevertheless, be identified as distinct clusters of invertebrate assemblages.
  • 6. Conclusions from the work are that variations within lakes were nested in among‐lake variation across a range of lake types, and that macroinvertebrate assemblages can provide meaningful assessment of ecological differences across lakes. Monitoring can, however, produce a substantial amount of ‘noise’ from the data that reflects the complexity of macroinvertebrate community structure in littoral zones. It is recommended that incorporation of macroinvertebrates in ecological assessment is most useful when confined to well defined mesohabitats rather than attempt to incorporate a complete range of mesohabitats within a single lake.
Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Surface-feeding seabirds, such as Common ( Sterna hirundo ) and Arctic Terns ( Sterna paradisaea ) in the German Wadden Sea, are dependent on biological and physical processes that affect prey availability close to the water surface. We proposed the following four hypotheses: (i) relationships should exist between high water flow velocity and foraging activity of terns, as turbulence should enhance prey availability at the surface; (ii) the areas of highest foraging success should be located within areas of low water depth, due to enhanced biological productivity; (iii) as terns are known to have small foraging radii, the location of their breeding grounds should be related to the location of their foraging grounds; (iv) terns should forage intensely in river estuaries, as these should hold ample food supplies. The time between terns leaving the colony and their first foraging attempt differed significantly among different tidal stages: the time was shortest during flood and ebb tides (i.e., highest water flow velocities). Modelling of a long-term data set revealed the highest probability of foraging activity in conditions of high water currents, in both shallow areas and in areas of around 15–20 m depth. Foraging activity was negatively correlated with distance from colony. The distance to the closest estuary had no significant effect on foraging behaviour. Our findings emphasize the physical–biological coupling in the Wadden Sea and highlight the overall importance of small-scale physical processes in directly influencing prey availability for surface-feeding seabirds.  相似文献   

A GIS model of the littoral bathymetry and substrate composition of Lake Taupo was created using ArcInfo. Littoral substrates were mapped by aerial photography and confirmed by ground-truthing. Water depths were determined by echosounding linked to a differential GPS. These data were imported into ArcInfo where a 3D GIS model was used to calculate the total area of smelt, Retropinna retropinna Richardson, spawning habitat (i.e. clean sand between depths of 0.5–2.5 m) at each of five lake levels. There was little change in area over the first 50 cm below the natural maximum lake level, but spawning habitat decreased rapidly over the next 1.4 m such that a 30% reduction occurred at the natural minimum level. Anecdotal information on inter-annual variations in lake level and smelt abundance supported the notion that high lake levels in spring result in high recruitment of smelt. The GIS model also predicted effects of lake level change on areas of macrophyte cover and on other littoral substrates, and could be used to assess effects of lake level changes on the habitats of other biota.  相似文献   

太湖敞水区鱼类群落结构特征和分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
邓思明 《水产学报》1997,21(2):135-142
太湖敞水区鱼类群落组成,除人工放流的种类外,河湖洄游性鱼类已基本失,种群数量以湖鲚、银鱼、虾类和小型鲤科鱼类占绝对优势。群落物种多样性指数值表明属温带水域范围,具有明显的年、月变化。  相似文献   

Abstract –  Invasive macrophytes are usually associated with negative impacts on habitat quality and a threat to native biodiversity. However, they might provide the same beneficial functions of native macrophytes, i.e., the provision of food and shelter for fish, in the absence of native macrophytes. To assess the value of the invasive macrophyte Lagarosiphon major as a fish habitat, we investigated the spatio–temporal variation in the distribution of a small littoral fish species (common bully) in the littoral of Lake Dunstan, a New Zealand hydro lake. Large- and fine-scale common bully distribution could partly be explained by the occurrence of dense L. major stands. Additionally, variability in catch per unit effort was partly explained by season and recruitment. Diet analysis indicated that common bullies in the Lagarosiphon-dominated littoral fed on invertebrates (Mollusca, Trichoptera, Chironomidae) found on exotic L. major , therefore suggesting its role as a food provider in the system. These results indicated that invasive macrophytes can provide important ecosystem functions in disturbed habitats that are otherwise devoid of native macrophytes. Any macrophyte management strategy should therefore carefully consider the costs and benefits associated with macrophyte control.  相似文献   

Abstract Balancing aquatic conservation and water supply is becoming a major global issue for urban landscapes. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the ecological effects of stream‐flow alterations via water withdrawals and impoundments on fish assemblage structure. Electric fishing data were collected at 33 wadeable streams in Connecticut, located in the Southern New England region of USA. Fish sampling was conducted directly downstream of water withdrawals for municipal and agricultural water supply, and study sites differed in potential water withdrawal rates and the presence of impoundments. Regression analysis showed that water withdrawal rate was more important than other natural and anthropogenic factors (e.g. landcover and stream size) in explaining several fish assemblage metrics. Stream sites with high withdrawal rates were generally characterised by lower proportions of fluvial dependent fishes (fish which need flowing water to complete a portion of their life history) and benthic invertivores (fish which feed on bottom‐dwelling stream insects in riffle habitat), and had a greater percent composition of macrohabitat generalists, particularly members of the family Centrarchidae. Some assemblage metrics responded linearly with increasing magnitude of water withdrawals, but others were non‐linear. Results are consistent with ecological theory that alteration of the natural flow regime will impact stream biota.  相似文献   

Fisheries zoning and the influence of biotic and abiotic factors in the spatial distribution of Colossoma macropomum (Cuvier) in the Piagaçu‐Purus Sustainable Development Reserve, Central Amazon, during 2012–2013 were evaluated. The relative abundance and population parameters of the C. macropomum were compared between conservation (no‐take zone) and fishing (open to fishing zone) lakes. The fish were collected by experimental fishing in 2012 and 2013. A total of 296 individuals were captured, most of which were from the conservation lakes (62.8%). Higher proportions of larger adults and individuals were found in the conservation lakes, although no significant difference in the average C. macropomum catch‐per‐unit‐effort was found between the lake categories. Abundance was positively influenced by zooplankton density (r2 = 0.53, < 0.03). Therefore, it is hypothesised that conservation lakes may serve as refugia for juveniles due to the high availability of planktonic food available during the dry season. Although there were environmental differences between the two lake types, the relative success of management models that use no‐take zones in freshwater habitats was highlighted. Finally, the importance of zooplankton as a factor in the distribution of C. macropomum among floodplain lakes was emphasised.  相似文献   

Complete macrophyte removal to maintain drainage performance in lowland streams can have a negative effect on resident fish communities, but few studies have quantified this impact. Moreover, limited research has been carried out exploring alternative approaches for macrophyte removal that minimise the impact on the resident fish community. The aims of this study were (i) to determine how the current practice of removing almost 100% of available macrophyte cover affects native fish populations in lowland New Zealand streams and (ii) to see whether this impact can be reduced by limiting macrophyte removal to alternating 50‐m sections of the waterway. Native fish populations were surveyed before and after experimental macrophyte removal for the following three treatments: (i) complete macrophyte removal, (ii) macrophyte removal from alternating 50‐m reaches and (iii) control with no macrophyte removal. Radiotelemetry was used to monitor the behavioural response of individual giant kokopu (Galaxias argenteus) to the different treatments. The results of this study suggest that current drain management practices reduce CPUE of fish by 60%. Although limiting macrophyte removal to alternating 50‐m sections did not minimise the community impacts of drain clearing, large giant kokopu did benefit from this strategy. All tagged giant kokopu remained in stream reaches partially cleared of macrophytes, while in completely cleared reaches all individuals were displaced. These results demonstrate the threat current drain management practices pose to New Zealand native fish and highlight the value of trialling alternative methods of macrophyte removal.  相似文献   

海水浊度升高是导致海草床退化的主要因素之一。通过3个月的室内实验,研究了不同水体浊度[2 (对照)、10、20、30和40 NTU]对鳗草存活、生长和生理的影响。结果显示,3个月后,鳗草植株的存活率随水体浊度升高呈现逐渐降低趋势,10~40 NTU处理组植株存活均显著低于对照组(P<0.05),至40 NTU处理组,植株存活率仅为对照组的56.1%;随水体浊度升高,植株的生长速率和生产力亦呈现下降趋势,至40 NTU处理组,植株茎节延伸速率和叶片延伸速率达到最小值,分别下降至对照组的48.9%和61.6%,地上生产力和地下生产力与对照组相比下降了64.6%和78.8%;相关性分析表明,长期浊度胁迫主要是通过影响植株非结构性碳水化合物含量,进而对植株生长存活产生负面影响。植株非结构性碳水化合物含量随水体浊度增加而逐渐下降,10~40 NTU处理组植株碳水化合物含量均显著低于对照组(P<0.05),各浊度升高处理组植株地上组织可溶性糖含量相比对照组降低了20.2%~74.7%。研究表明,水体浊度长期升高导致鳗草植株非结构性碳水化合物显著下降,对鳗草的生长存活不利。本研究为阐明鳗草海草床退化机理和选划适宜修复区等提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

釆用MS-222浓度为0(C0组)、5 mg/L(C1组)、10 mg/L(C2组)、15 mg/L(C3组)、20 mg/L(C4组),运输时间为0、2、4、6、8、10 h,运输密度为33 g/L,采用5×6双因素实验,氧气袋运输翘嘴鲌(Culter alburnus)稚鱼,研究了运输时间和MS-222浓度对翘嘴鲌全鱼皮质醇、乳酸含量及氧气袋内水质的影响。结果显示:翘嘴鲌全鱼皮质醇、乳酸水平随运输时间呈现先升高后降低的趋势,随麻醉剂浓度的增加而显著降低;C1-C4组的DO、p H随运输时间呈现先降低后升高的趋势,C0组则随运输时间的增加显著降低,各组的DO和p H随MS-222浓度的增加而显著增加;C1-C4组的氨氮(TAN)和游离CO_2浓度随运输时间呈现先升高后降低的趋势,而C0组则随运输时间的增加显著升高,各组的TAN和游离CO_2浓度随MS-222浓度的增加而显著降低。时间和浓度的交互作用都显著。运输时间T6 h时,MS-222刺激翘嘴鲌,不利于运输,运输时间T6 h时,MS-222能显著降低其应激水平及代谢强度,其中C4组皮质醇、乳酸含量最低,C3、C4组水质条件最好,其适宜的麻醉剂浓度为15~20 mg/L。  相似文献   

Abstract –  Spatial distribution of the fish community in the deep canyon-shaped Římov Reservoir, Czech Republic, was studied using overnight gillnetting fishing in 1999–2007. Effects of depth, distance from the dam to the tributary and habitat type (benthic and pelagic) on fish community structure, catch per unit of effort (CPUE), biomass per unit of effort (BPUE) and average weight were tested. Fish were recorded in all sampled depths and parts of the reservoir. Redundancy analysis revealed that effects of three environmental variables were significant and most variability was explained by depth, then by distance from the dam and habitat type. CPUE and BPUE of all species decreased with depth and responses of individual species to depth were similar for juvenile and adult fish. Number of species, CPUE and BPUE of all species except perch increased heading towards the tributary and peaked close to or at the tributary part of the reservoir. Responses of juvenile fish to distance from the dam differed from that of adult fish. Structure of fish community differed in benthic and pelagic habitats with species preferably occupying epipelagic (bleak, asp, rudd and juvenile bleak, roach and bream) or littoral waters (perch, pikeperch, ruffe, roach, bream and juvenile percids). This study showed that fish distribution in the reservoir followed distinct patterns, which were probably shaped by a combination of physiological constraints plus trade-off between food resources and competition.  相似文献   

强俊  杨弘  王辉  徐跑  何杰 《中国水产科学》2013,20(1):116-128
采用中心复合实验设计和响应曲面分析方法,在实验室条件下,探讨了温度(20~34℃)、饲料蛋白水平(25%~50%)及其互作效应对吉富罗非鱼(Oreochromis niloticus)幼鱼生长、饲料效率与血清能源物质(葡萄糖、甘油三酯和总蛋白)的影响。整个实验持续8周。结果表明,温度与饲料蛋白水平的一次效应对特定生长率和饲料效率有显著影响(P<0.05)。高温与饲料高蛋白水平会降低生长与饲料效率。温度的一次效应对血清葡萄糖、甘油三酯和总蛋白水平有显著影响(P<0.05)。饲料蛋白水平为37.5%时,随温度的升高,血清葡萄糖水平逐渐增加;甘油三酯和总蛋白水平呈先下降后上升的变化。饲料蛋白水平对血清葡萄糖有显著影响(P<0.05),但对甘油三酯和总蛋白水平无显著影响(P>0.05)。温度与饲料蛋白水平的互作效应对饲料效率、血清葡萄糖、甘油三酯和总蛋白有显著影响(P<0.05)。温度对生长、饲料效率和血清甘油三脂与总蛋白水平的影响较饲料蛋白明显,而对血清葡萄糖的效应则与之相反。因子与特定生长率、饲料效率、血清葡萄糖、甘油三酯及总蛋白水平这5项响应值间二次多项回归方程的决定系数分别达到0.958、0.955、0.971、0.977和0.870(P<0.01),可用于预测。综合以上实验结果,温度/饲料蛋白水平最优组合为29.9℃/40.3%,此时,特定生长率和饲料效率均较高,分别为2.748%/d和0.775,其可靠性达0.888。不同饲料蛋白水平下,水温对吉富罗非鱼血清代谢物质的影响也不同,增加水温有助于更好地利用饲料蛋白,提高血清中蛋白的分解与转化。  相似文献   

The ability of Litopenaeus vannamei (initial mean weight: 0.96 ± 0.02 g) to utilize different levels of cornstarch was examined in terms of growth indices, body composition, digestibility and microscopic structure of the hepatopancreas. Six isonitrogenous semipurified diets were fed to satiation to shrimp for 8 weeks in triplicate tanks (30 shrimps per tank) connected to a natural brackish water (6–8 g L?1) recirculating system. Diets contained different levels of cornstarch (100, 150, 200, 250, 300 and 350 g kg?1) as the source of carbohydrate and were balanced using cellulose. Weight gain (WG), survival rate and feed conversion rate (FCR) were considerably affected by cornstarch levels of diets. The highest WG (453.6 g kg?1) and best FCR was observed in shrimp fed the 150 g kg?1 (cornstarch level) diet and was significantly (P < 0.05) higher than those fed diets containing 250–350 g kg?1 cornstarch. However, the survival rate reached maximum in shrimp fed the 100 g kg?1 diet (96.7), some 30% higher than the lowest rate, which was found in shrimp fed the 250 g kg?1 diet. Body lipid tended to be higher in shrimp fed diets with higher cornstarch levels. The apparent digestibility of dry matter and crude fat increased with increasing levels of cornstarch and, hence, decreasing levels of cellulose. In addition, histological study on shrimp fed 10–350 g kg?1 diets exhibited histological changes. The overall conclusion was that the optimum cornstarch level may be set at 100–200 g kg?1 when the diets contain 380 g kg?1 protein.  相似文献   

为了探究南极海冰覆盖范围、不同水层海水温度对西南大西洋阿根廷滑柔鱼渔场的影响,本实验根据2013-2018年1-6月中国鱿钓科学技术组提供的西南大西洋阿根廷滑柔鱼公海渔场捕捞数据、南极海冰覆盖范围数据以及作业渔场5、55、95和195 m水层海水温度数据,以单位捕捞努力量渔获量(CPUE)表征资源丰度展开分析研究.结果...  相似文献   

The effects of introducing common carp (CC) and of adding artificial feed to fertilized rohu ponds on water quality and nutrient accumulation efficiency were studied. All ponds were stocked with 15 000 rohu ha?1. Treatments included ponds with rohu alone, rohu plus 5000 common carp ha?1 and rohu plus 10 000 CC ha?1. A comparison was also made between supplementally fed and non‐fed ponds. The overall highest nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) concentrations were observed in ponds with 5000 CC ha?1, followed by ponds with 10 000 and 0 CC ha?1. The largest fractions of N and P inputs accumulating in fish, phytoplankton and zooplankton were observed in ponds with 5000 CC ha?1, followed by ponds with 10 000 CC ha?1 and subsequently ponds without CC. Relatively more nutrients accumulated in benthic organisms in ponds without than in ponds with CC. A smaller fraction of the nutrient input was retained in fish, plankton and benthic organisms in ponds without CC compared with ponds with CC. Compared with 5000 CC ha?1, stocking 10 000 CC ha?1 can be considered as overstocking, because this leads to lower fish production and relatively less nutrients retained in plankton and benthic organisms.  相似文献   

Raising ducks on fish ponds (fish-duck culture) on a commercial scale is a new practice in Egypt, therefore, a study was undertaken to evaluate this practice from production, carcass composition and economic viewpoints.Five earthern ponds were used in the non-integrated system (no ducks) whereas four earthen ponds, in which each pond was supplied with 125 Pecking ducks per 0.42 ha, were used for the Integrated system. In both systems, each pond was stocked with four species of fish (common carp Cyprinus carpio, silver carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix, Grey mullet Mugil cephalus and tilapias Oreochromis niloticusand O. aureus) at the same densities.There were no differences in temperature or pH in any of the ponds but dissolved oxygen levels were lower in integrated ponds concomitant with increasing levels of ammonia, phosphate and nitrate. Water in integrated ponds was richer in natural productivity (phytoplankton and zooplankton) either in species or density when compared with those variables in non-integrated ponds.Fish species reared in integrated ponds exhibited better body weight, food conversion and protein efficiency ratios compared with those of fish species in the non-integrated ponds. Fish yield per 0.42 ha produced from the integrated ponds was significantly higher than that obtained from non-integrated ones. Also, body composition of fish species was affected by the type of farming. Carcass crude protein of grey mullet, silver carp and tilapia was improved in the integrated system. The data on return on sales, return on costs, return on equity, pay-back period and break-even point showed that the integrated system was more profitable than the non-integrated system.  相似文献   

To understand the relationships between shell growth and some environmental factors, we examined the relationships between water temperature or chlorophyll abundance and the shell growth of the Japanese pearl oyster, Pinctada fucata martensii, suspended at three different depths at two sites. Growth in height, length and thickness of the shells were limited by water temperature during winter (< 20 °C), whereas growth in thickness correlated with food abundance, measured as chlorophyll, during early summer (> 20 °C). These results suggest that the shell of P. fucata martensii could grow well at locations with greater abundance of food and adequate water temperatures (20–26 °C), resulting in a longer growing season.  相似文献   

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