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以不同磷水平菜田土壤为研究对象,通过土柱淋溶模拟试验,探讨施用沼液对土壤磷素形态及其移动性的影响。结果表明:与单施去离子水的对照相比,施用沼液通过减少淋洗溶液体积降低淋洗液中总磷含量722.3μg·柱~(-1),中、高磷土壤淋洗液总无机磷(TIP)分别减少507.2μg·柱~(-1)和1 319μg·柱~(-1)。低、中磷土壤淋洗液中水溶性无机磷(DIP)减少158.1μg·柱~(-1)和474.3μg·柱~(-1)。在低磷土壤中,施用沼液对剖面土壤全磷、有机磷和速效磷含量影响显著,上层(0~7 cm)土壤增加的比例分别为34.8%、37.7%和148%,土壤p H值显著降低0.39个单位,下层(7~14 cm)土壤增加的比例分别为18.5%、29.3%和32.9%,土壤p H值显著降低0.28个单位。在中磷土壤中,施用沼液对上层土壤全磷含量影响未达到显著水平,速效磷增加比例20.1%,下层土壤p H值降低0.33个单位。在高磷土壤中,施用沼液对剖面土壤全磷、有机磷和速效磷含量影响未达到显著水平,下层土壤p H值降低0.34个单位。因此,施用沼液降低土壤磷素淋洗,增加低磷土壤磷素有效性含量,但对中磷和高磷水平土壤的磷素影响未达到显著水平。  相似文献   

郭刘明  卢树昌 《土壤》2024,56(3):488-494
针对集约化设施土壤中磷素过度累积,本文开展盆栽试验,探究不同类型土壤调理剂施用对糯玉米干物质积累、磷素吸收及土壤磷素形态变化的影响。结果表明,生物质炭70%+明矾30% 处理玉米的长势最好,其盆干生物量最高为44.6 g/plant,显著高于对照处理19.57%。土壤总磷和水溶性磷含量在施用调理剂后与种植前相比均有不同程度的降低。在土壤无机磷组分变化方面,明矾100% 与生物质炭100% 处理均提高了缓效性磷源的含量,生物质炭70%+明矾30% 处理显著提高了速效性磷源含量。生物质炭70%+明矾30%、生物质炭30%+腐植酸30%+明矾30% 处理可以有效抑制土壤碱性磷酸酶的活性,同时抑制土壤有机磷素的矿化。综合来看,生物质炭70%+明矾30% 处理在释放土壤潜在性磷源、提高土壤速效性磷源、促进作物磷素吸收、提高作物干物质量积累等方面的综合表现较好。  相似文献   

施肥对石灰性土壤磷素形态的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张漱茗  于淑芳  刘毅志 《土壤》1992,24(2):68-70
用石灰性土壤无机磷分级方法,研究了施肥对土壤无机磷形态变化的影响。  相似文献   

施用有机肥对蔬菜生长和土壤磷素累积的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了明确长期施用有机肥对蔬菜生长、土壤速效磷累积淋溶规律的影响,以番茄、结球甘蓝和芹菜为研究对象,于2011年开始进行田间小区轮作栽培试验,设置不施肥(CK)、肥料用量52.5 t·km~(-2)(CM1)、肥料用量105 t·km-2(CM2)、肥料用量210 t·km~(-2)(CM3)4个处理,对蔬菜产量、土壤剖面速效磷累积和分布进行监测和分析。结果表明,随施肥量增加,蔬菜增产不明显,植株磷素吸收量呈增加趋势。随土层深度增加,土壤速效磷含量下降,二者呈显著负相关。表土层(0~30 cm)和心土层(30~60cm),土壤速效磷含量表现为:CM3CM2CM1CK;60~90 cm土层,土壤速效磷整体不高。0~90cm土壤剖面速效磷累积量随有机肥用量增加呈直线和指数形式增加,肥料投入量的"双速率转折点"为100.4~118.5 t·hm~(-2)。随种植年限延长,30~60 cm土壤速效磷含量呈直线形式增加,且随施肥量增加,土壤速效磷淋溶速率加快;60~90 cm土壤速效磷表现出与30~60 cm土壤类似的规律。因此,加强有机肥在蔬菜生产中的合理利用对于减少磷素在土壤中的累积和淋溶、降低环境污染风险具有重要意义。  相似文献   

长期施用不同肥料对土壤磷素形态转化的影响   总被引:44,自引:3,他引:44       下载免费PDF全文
周广业  阎龙翔 《土壤学报》1993,30(4):443-446
土壤中磷素形态及其转化的研究,一直受到国内外学者的高度重视,张守敬和Jaokson7建议的无机磷分级体系尽管应用在酸性土壤上说明了许多理论和生产上的问题,但未能将石灰性土壤的钙磷从易溶的二钙盐到难溶的磷灰石加以区分,从而难于对其进行有效性评价,使石灰性土壤无机磷的形态形态分级研究受到限制。  相似文献   

长期定位施肥对蔬菜保护地土壤磷素形态的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
蔬菜保护地土壤富磷现象相当严重,因此,了解保护地土壤磷素形态特征对合理施肥及保护环境具有十分重要的意义.本文利用修正的Hedley土壤磷素分级方法,研究了长期定位施肥条件下蔬菜保护地不同施肥处理间土壤磷素形态变化.分别对土壤中的无机磷、有机磷、残余态磷以及各形态磷在全磷中所占的比重进行了分析.结果表明,不同施肥处理土壤之间磷素形态差异较大,除残余态磷,均表现为施有机肥处理高于不施有机肥处理,氮磷钾肥配施处理高于肥料单施处理.土壤磷主要以无机磷形式存在,其中以HCl-P所占比重最大,平均含量达754.04 mg·kg-1,占全磷40%左右.在长期定位施肥条件下,蔬菜保护地土壤中的磷对环境的污染潜力不容忽视.  相似文献   

低分子量有机酸对石灰性土壤磷素形态转化及有效性的影响   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
采用室内培养和化学分析的方法研究了几种低分子量有机酸对石灰性土壤中磷的活化作用。结果表明:供试有机酸通过溶解、螯合等作用均能不同程度地促进合成磷酸盐的磷素释放。活化DCP、ODP、Fe-P、A l-P的能力依次为柠檬酸>草酸>苹果酸>酒石酸>乙酸;活化FA的能力是草酸>柠檬酸>苹果酸>酒石酸>乙酸。同种有机酸作浸提剂时,有机酸浓度越高磷酸盐中磷素释放量也越大。施加各种有机酸可以不同程度地降低土壤中Fe-P、A l-P和Ca10-P,增加Ca2-P、Ca8-P和O-P含量,总的趋势是促进土壤中植物难以利用的无机磷形态向有效性较高的形态转化。这种促进作用大小顺序为草酸>柠檬酸>酒石酸。  相似文献   

连续施用生物炭对棕壤磷素形态及有效性的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
【目的】土壤磷有效性差、磷肥利用率低是农业发展的主要限制因素之一。生物炭作为新型土壤改良剂,其独特的理化性质会影响磷素形态及有效性。本研究通过分析连续施用不同用量生物炭对棕壤不同形态磷素含量及变化规律,探讨各形态磷对棕壤磷素有效性的贡献,以期明确生物炭对棕壤磷素有效性的作用,为其合理农用提供理论依据。【方法】本试验研究对象为连续5年增施生物炭的玉米连作棕壤,共设5个处理:不施肥(CK)、单施化肥氮磷钾(NPK )、1.5 t/hm2生物炭 + 氮磷钾(C1NPK)、3 t/hm2生物炭 + 氮磷钾(C2NPK) 和6 t/hm2生物炭 + 氮磷钾(C3NPK),采用蒋柏藩、顾益初土壤无机磷分级、Bowman-Cole土壤有机磷分级方法测定不同形态磷含量,研究不同用量生物炭配施化肥对棕壤磷素形态及有效性的影响。【结果】连续5年施用生物炭可显著提高棕壤全磷、有效磷含量及磷活化系数;明显提高了棕壤Ca2-P、Ca8-P、Al-P、Fe-P、LOP(活性有机磷)、MLOP(中活性有机磷) 含量,降低了MROP(中稳性有机磷) 含量;在磷组分中,MLOP、O-P分别占棕壤有机磷、无机磷比例最大,为64.32%、28.43%。施用生物炭显著提高了Ca2-P、Ca8-P占无机磷比例;Al-P与有效磷含量相关系数最大为0.945,LOP、Al-P、MROP对有效磷的直接通径系数较大,分别为0.318、0.285、–0.261;Al-P、HROP(高稳性有机磷) 对有效磷的决策系数分别为0.295和–0.130,是棕壤有效磷的主要决策因子和主要限制因子。【结论】施用生物炭可以促进棕壤磷素积累并提高其活性;施用生物炭条件下,Al-P、LOP是棕壤磷素的活跃组分,提高Al-P含量、限制HROP含量是生物炭提高棕壤磷素有效性的主要途径。  相似文献   

土壤PH对锰赋存形态的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  

Soil organic carbon (SOC) has a high impact on the sustainability of ecosystems, global environmental processes, soil quality and agriculture. Long-term tillage usually leads to SOC depletion. The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of different land uses on water extractable organic carbon (WEOC) fractions and to evaluate the interaction between the WEOC fractions and other soil properties. Using an extraction procedure at 20°C and 80°C, two fractions were obtained: a cold water extractable organic carbon (CWEOC) and a hot water extractable organic carbon (HWEOC). The results suggest that there is a significant impact from different land uses on WEOC. A lower relative contribution of WEOC in SOC and a lower concentration of labile WEOC fractions are contained in arable soil compared to forestlands. Chernozem soil was characterized by a lower relative contribution of WEOC to the SOC and thus higher SOC stability in contrast to Solonetz and Vertisol soils. Both CWEOC and HWEOC are highly associated with SOC in the silt and clay fraction (<53 µm) and were slightly associated with SOC in the macroaggregate classes. The WEOC fractions were highly and positively correlated with the SOC and mean weight diameter.  相似文献   

A filed experiment with an early rice-late rice rotation was carried out on a paddy soil derived from red soil in the southern part of Zhejing Province to elucidate the effect of excess P application on some important characteristics of soil properies and its relation to nutrient status and grain yields of rice crops.The experimental results indicated that adequate fertilizer P(15 kg P hm^-2)could increase the content of soil available P at the tillering stage of early rice,the contents of N,P and K in the shoots of early rice at primary growth stages,and the grain yield of early rice by increasing valid ears per hectare and weight per thousand grains,which,was mainly related to the higher contents of reduced,non-reduced and total sugar in the shoot at the heading stage, And early rice supplied with excessive P could not yield more than that applied with adequate, P de to the reduction in the valid grain percentage and weight per thousead grains. In addition,one-time excess P supply at a rate as high as 90 kg P hm^-2 could not improve the soil P fertility in case the soil available P content was lower than the initial(3.74mg kg^-1 soil) after an early rice-late rice rotaion,and made a decline in the grain yield increased by per kilogram fertilzer P.Thus,one-time excess P supply should not be adopted for soils with a large P fixation capacity like the paddy soils derived from red soils.  相似文献   

不同施磷量对蔬菜地土壤硝态氮淋失的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
【目的】在两种蔬菜地土壤上研究不同磷肥施用量对土壤硝态氮淋失的影响,为武汉城郊蔬菜合理施用磷肥和安全生产提供理论依据。【方法】利用大型原状土柱渗漏装置,2种实验土壤(粉质粘土和粉质粘壤土)均为武汉城郊典型蔬菜土壤,分别采自华中农业大学校内蔬菜基地和湖北新洲。试验期间共种植了四种蔬菜(小白菜、 辣椒、 苋菜及萝卜)。试验设置了4个P2O5水平处理(0、 125、 250、 375 kg/hm2),氮肥施用量均为N 750 kg/hm2,钾肥施用量均为K2O 500 kg/hm2。试验期间年降雨量为1043.0 mm,各土柱总灌溉量为120.1 L。秋冬季每15天、 春夏季每10天收集一次淋洗液,另外根据天气和降雨情况适当调节,每次收集淋洗液时记录淋洗液体积并测定淋洗液硝态氮浓度。在每季蔬菜生长成熟后将蔬菜收获称重,烘干后测定蔬菜中氮素含量。【结果】1)与不施磷肥相比,施用磷肥显著增加了两种土壤上小白菜、 苋菜、 萝卜产量以及四季蔬菜总产量,其产量随磷肥施用量增加而增加或显著增加,在磷肥施用量最大时产量达到最大值。粉质粘土上的产量显著低于粉质粘壤土上的产量,粉质粘壤土总产量约是粉质粘土总产量的1.63~2.36倍。2)施用磷肥显著增加了小白菜、 苋菜氮素吸收累积量以及四季蔬菜总吸收累积量,且两种土壤上总氮素吸收累积量均在磷肥施用量最大时达到最大值。粉质粘壤土上氮素总吸收累计量显著高于粉质粘土上氮素总吸收累积量。3)磷肥水平对土壤总渗漏液体积并无显著影响(粉质粘壤土P2O5 125 kg/hm2处理除外),粉质粘土渗漏水量显著大于粉质粘壤土。4)施用磷肥降低或显著降低土壤淋失液硝态氮浓度(粉质粘土苋菜季除外),随着磷肥施用量的增加硝态氮淋失浓度不断降低,4季蔬菜平均淋失浓度最大降低了38.6%(粉质粘土)和28.8%(粉质粘壤土)。5)磷肥施用显著降低了两种土壤上硝态氮淋失量(苋菜季除外),且在粉质粘土上随着磷肥施用量的增加硝态氮淋失量不断降低,而在粉质粘壤土上硝态氮淋失量先降低后上升。粉质粘土硝态氮淋失量显著大于粉质粘壤土,磷肥施用降低硝态氮淋失量分别达到达26.4%~33.7%和23.5%~39.9%。【结论】磷肥施用增加了蔬菜产量和作物氮素吸收累积量,从而显著降低了两种土壤上硝态氮的淋失; 土壤质地对硝态氮淋失有较大影响,质地较轻的粉质粘壤土硝态氮淋失显著小于质地较重的粉质粘土; 粉质粘壤土上施用P2O5量为250 kg/hm2时能提高产量同时减少硝态氮淋失,而粉质粘土上施用P2O5量为375 kg/hm2时能获得较大产量和较少硝态氮淋失量。  相似文献   

In the past 50 years, large areas of the Horqin sandy land were afforested to prevent desertification. Although the afforestation policy appears successful, many people now doubt whether it is suitable to plant trees with high density on the poor soils in semiarid regions. Little is known about the impacts of afforestation on the sandy soil properties, although the evaluation of these impacts is fundamental to judge the rationality of afforestation policy. Soil phosphorus (P) fractions, acid phosphomonoesterase activities, and other soil chemical properties were compared among five adjoining typical ecosystems on poor sandy soils in southeastern Horqin sandy land. The ecosystems studied are natural elm savanna, degraded grassland, Mongolian pine (Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica) plantation, Chinese pine (Pinus tabulaeformis) plantation, and mixed plantation of Mongolian pine and poplar (Populus simonii). The results showed that organic P dominated soil P (47%-65%) was the principal source of available P. The degradation of elm savanna to grassland significantly reduced soil pH and resulted in an overall reduction in soil fertility, although slightly increased labile inorganic P. Grassland afforestation had no significant influence on soil pH, organic carbon, and total N but significantly reduced total P. Impacts of grassland afforestation on soil P fractions depended on tree species. Natural elm savanna had higher soil P conserving ability than artificial plantations. Therefore, with the aim of developing a sustainable ecosystem, we suggested that vegetations with low nutrient demand (particularly P) and efficient nutrient cycling would be more suitable for ecosystem restoration in the semiarid region.  相似文献   

【目的】研究长期连续过量施用磷肥下蔬菜的产量响应、磷肥去向及土壤各形态磷库的动态变化。 【方法】在太行山山前平原典型潮褐土上,连续进行11年21茬露地蔬菜的长期定位肥料试验,P2O5年施用量设0 (P0)、360 (P1)、720 (P2)、1080 (P3)、1440 (P4) kg/hm2共5个处理,分别测定每茬蔬菜产量及各年土壤不同形态磷素含量。 【结果】与不施磷肥处理比较,单季P2O5用量180、360、540、720 kg/hm2均显著增加大白菜、菜豆产量,不同磷肥用量间蔬菜产量均无显著差异。P2O5年用量为360、720、1080、1440 kg/hm2,土壤年盈余磷为41.2~478.7 kg/hm2,积累率为26.2%~76.1%。与基础土比较,随着磷肥用量的增加,土壤有效磷、全磷、无机磷总量及无机磷中的Ca2-P、Ca8-P、Al-P、Fe-P含量均呈显著增加趋势,无机磷中的O-P、Ca10-P含量无显著变化。P2O5年用量为720、1080、1440 kg/hm2处理土壤的有效磷年均增加量为2.3、4.2、5.0 mg/kg;土壤有效磷增加量与磷盈余量呈显著直线正相关关系,土壤磷素每盈余100 kg/hm2,有效磷、Ca2-P、Ca8-P、Al-P、Fe-P 含量分别增加1.13、2.41、15.27、4.14、1.37 mg/kg。随着土壤磷盈余量和施肥年限的增加,有效磷占全磷比重、Ca2-P、Ca8-P、Al-P占无机磷比重逐渐增加。 【结论】施用磷肥显著增加大白菜和菜豆产量,过量施用磷肥蔬菜产量无显著变化;土壤磷素处于盈余状态下,随着磷肥用量的增加或种植年限的增加,土壤积累磷的有效性随之增加。基于蔬菜对磷肥产量响应和土壤磷素收支表观平衡状况,露地大白菜P2O5推荐用量180 kg/hm2,菜豆270 kg/hm2。  相似文献   

Although land use clearly modifies soil properties, the intensity of the modifications depends on the management procedures and also on the soil properties themselves. To enable construction of models that describe soil nutrient losses, extensive databases corresponding to soils under different land use must be made available. Analysis of 404 samples of soils (from Galicia, NW Spain), under different types of use revealed that most of the soil properties underwent changes in the following order: forest use (least modified) ‐ grassland ‐ arable (most modified). Decreases in the contents of organic matter, extractable oxides and P‐adsorption capacity followed the same order, as did increases in the contents of available P (total, inorganic and organic), P desorbed with distilled water, and degree of P saturation. In general, in all of the soils, independently of their use, the amount of P desorbed (whether total P, molybdate reactive P or particulate P) was more closely related to the degree of P saturation than to the levels of P extracted with bicarbonate. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

实验室培养条件下,研究了有机复混磷肥对石灰性土壤无机磷组成变化的影响。结果表明: 1)单独施用有机物料对提高土壤速效磷含量的影响不大,但施用磷肥,无论是磷酸一铵化肥还是有机复混磷肥,均显著提高了土壤速效磷含量;施用有机复混磷肥提高土壤速效磷的幅度(67.5mg/kg~80.4mg/kg)高于施用磷酸一铵化肥处理(62.3mg/kg);有机复混磷肥中有机物料的含量高低对土壤速效磷含量的影响不大。2)单独施用有机物料具有提高土壤Ca2-P含量的作用,且明显提高了Ca8-P含量,但对Al-P、Fe-P、O-P、Ca10-P含量影响不大;施用无机磷肥和有机复混磷肥,显著提高了土壤Ca2-P、Ca8-P、Al-P含量,而对Fe-P、O-P、Ca10-P含量的影响很小;与磷酸一铵化学磷肥处理相比,施用有机复混磷肥对Ca2-P含量影响较小,但明显提高了Ca8-P含量,Fe-P含量也表现增加的趋势,而Al-P含量明显降低,O-P和Ca10-P含量的变化则没有明显规律;有机复混磷肥中有机物料的比例高低对土壤无机磷组成变化的影响没有表现出明显的规律性。3)施用磷肥引起速效态Ca2-P和缓效态Ca8-P的变化最大,其它形态无机磷的变化相对较小。与磷酸一铵化肥处理相比,有机复混磷肥处理Ca8-P的变异提高幅度增加,而Al-P的变异提高幅度减小,其它指标库容的变异幅度与之相近。4)施磷处理土壤速效磷含量与土壤Ca2-P、Ca8-P含量呈线性正相关,相关系数分别达到0.9888、0.9867,而Al-P、 Fe-P、O-P、Ca10-P与土壤速效磷相关性不显著,磷肥施入土壤后,土壤无机磷库中Ca2-P、Ca8-P的变化对土壤速效磷含量的贡献最大。  相似文献   

耕作方式对黄绵土无机磷形态的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以设置在陇中黄土高原并已经进行了5年的田间定位试验为基础,采用蒋-顾石灰性土壤无机磷分级法,研究了不同耕作方式对黄绵土无机磷形态的影响。结果表明,供试土壤中78.6%的磷以无机磷形式存在,且以Ca-P占绝大多数。无机磷各形态含量排列顺序为:Ca10-P Ca8-P O-PAl-P Fe-PCa2-P。与传统耕作不覆盖(T)相比,免耕秸秆覆盖(NTS)、免耕不覆盖(NT)、传统耕作结合秸秆还田(TS)均可降低土壤中的Ca8-P、O-P和0—5 cm土层中的Ca10-P含量,其中NTS最为明显;NTS处理可提高土壤中的Al-P、Fe-P含量。不同处理中,Ca2-P、Ca8-P、Al-P、Fe-P均以0—5 cm土层中含量最高,且随着土层的增加呈下降趋势;但是Ca10-P 以5—10 cm土层含量最高;各处理O-P在土壤剖面中的变化没有显著差异。  相似文献   

利用方式和土壤肥力对土壤团聚体和养分的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The size distribution of water-stable aggregates and the variability of organic C, N and P contents over aggregate size fractions were studied for orchard, upland, paddy, and grassland soils with high, medium, and low fertility levels. The results showed that > 5 mm aggregates in the cultivated upland and paddy soils were 44.0% and 32.0%, respectively, less than those in the un-tilled orchard soil. Organic C and soil N in different size aggregate fractions in orchard soil with high fertility were significantly higher than those of other land uses. However, the contents of soil P in different size aggregates were significantly greater in the paddy soil as compared to the other land uses. Soil organic C, N and P contents were higher in larger aggregates than those in smaller ones. The amount of water-stable aggregates was positively correlated to their contribution to soil organic C, N and P. For orchard and grassland soils, the > 5 mm aggregates made the greatest contribution to soil nutrients, while for upland soil, the 0.25-0.053 mm aggregates contributed the most to soil nutrients. Therefore, the land use with minimum disturbance was beneficial for the formation of a better soil structure. The dominant soil aggregates in different land use types determined the distribution of soil nutrients. Utilization efficiency of soil P could be improved by converting other land uses to the paddy soil.  相似文献   

中国滇池流域土地利用方式对土壤侵蚀和养分状况的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Soil erosion and loss of soil nutrients have been a crucial environment threat in Southwest China. The land use and its impact on soil qualities continue to be highlighted. The present study was conducted to compare soil erosion under four land use types(i.e.,forestland, abandoned farmland, tillage, and grassland) and their effects on soil organic carbon(SOC), total nitrogen(TN) and total phosphorus(TP) in the Shuanglong catchment of the Dianchi Lake watershed, China. There were large variations in the erosion rate and the nutrient distributions across the four land use types. The erosion rates estimated by137 Cs averaged 2 133 t km-2year-1under tillage and abandoned farmland over the erosion rate of non-cultivated sites, and the grasslands showed a net deposition. For all sites, the nutrient contents basically decreased with the soil depth. Compared with tillage and abandoned farmland, grassland had the highest SOC and TN contents within 0–40 cm soil layer, followed by forestland. The significant correlations between137 Cs, SOC and TN were observed. The nutrient loss caused by erosion in tillage was the highest. These results suggested that grassland and forestland would be beneficial for SOC and TN sequestration over a long-term period because of their ability to reduce the loss of nutrients by soil erosion. Our study demonstrated that reduction of nutrient loss in the red soil area could be made through well-managed vegetation restoration measures.  相似文献   

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