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Intranasal infection with Bordetella bronchiseptica in gnotobiotic piglets.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Nineteen gnotobiotic piglets, four to six days old, from three different litters, were inoculated intranasally on three consecutive days with a pure culture of Bordetella bronchiseptica. Necropsy 10 to 30 days after inoculation revealed atrophic rhinitis lesions in all and pneumonia in 13 (73 per cent)infected piglets. One died of septicaemia two days after inoculation. Agglutinating antibodies were detected in the sera of all piglets necropsied from 17 to 30 days after inoculation. Five control piglets showed no lesions or serological changes.  相似文献   

The inhibitory effect of sulfamonomethoxine and other sulfonamides on the capsule formation of sulfonamide-resistant Bordetella bronchiseptica was investigated. All the sulfonamides having MeO(-OCH3) groups inhibited the capsule formation of B. bronchiseptica. Strong inhibition was obtained with sulfamonomethoxine. Inhibition was not seen with sulfonamides having no MeO groups.  相似文献   

猪波氏杆菌病的诊治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1998年 3— 7月份我县某集约化种猪繁殖场 60~ 90日龄生猪发生了一种慢性支气管肺炎为主要特征的传染病。临床上以咳嗽、喘气为主 ,尤其咳嗽较为明显 ,像咽喉或气管内有异物咳出来的连声长咳 ;对抗生素耐药性强 ,一旦发病病情顽固 ,很难彻底治愈 ;经流行病学、临床症状、剖检变化、病原分离、鉴别诊断等 ,确诊为猪败血波氏杆菌病。该病在我国生猪发病病例少见报道 ,介绍如下。1 流行情况  1 998年 3月某集约化种猪繁殖场引进 40头长白母猪 ,推广经济杂交组合 ,改良生猪品种。不久猪场部分断奶仔猪和小架子猪出现咳嗽、喘气症状 ,经抗生素…  相似文献   

兔波氏杆菌病是由支气管败血波氏杆菌(B.bronchiseptica)引起的兔的呼吸道传染病。该病以发生慢性鼻炎和支气管肺炎为主要特征,近几年来,在我省的多个兔场中常有发生。本文对某兔场波氏杆菌病的诊断及综合防治措施简报如下。1 发病情况及临床症状 广州某兔场饲养近1 000只种兔和肉兔,2001年1月中旬,部分兔只出现打喷嚏、咳嗽、流鼻涕  相似文献   

支气管败血波氏菌是引起猫呼吸道疾病的主要病原之一,而对猫源支气管败血波氏菌的分离鉴定目前国内鲜有报道。本研究对上海市1例有咳嗽症状的德文猫鼻拭子样品进行呼吸系统相关病原PCR检测,并对鼻拭子样品进行细菌分离培养,对分离菌株采用K-B纸片法进行药敏试验,同时检测分离菌株对小鼠的致病性。结果显示:猫杯状病毒、猫疱疹病毒、猫衣原体、猫支原体均为阴性,支气管败血波氏菌为阳性,并分离到1株支气管败血波氏菌;分离菌株对头孢拉定、氨苄西林、强力霉素等9种抗生素耐药,对阿莫西林、卡那霉素、氟哌酸、复方新诺明、美罗培南等15种抗生素敏感;用分离菌株接种ICR小鼠,发现小鼠出现精神沉郁症状,但未出现死亡。结果表明:上海市猫群中存在支气管败血波氏菌感染,需关注免疫力低下人群被感染的风险;分离株对小鼠致病力不强,但对首选治疗支气管败血波氏菌病的强力霉素耐药,建议选用敏感药物进行防治。本研究为猫源支气管败血波氏菌病的诊断与防治提供了参考。  相似文献   

A cross-sectional survey of a convenience-sample of 740 cats was undertaken to obtain an estimate of the prevalence of Bordetella bronchiseptica infection, and to identify risk factors that might predispose them to the infection. Data on individual cats and household variables, including disease status and animal contacts were obtained by questionnaire. B bronchiseptica was isolated from 82 (11 per cent) of the cats sampled. The prevalence of B bronchiseptica varied with the type of household sampled, being 19.5 per cent in rescue catteries, 9 per cent in breeding catteries, 13.5 per cent in research colonies, and 0 per cent in household pets. On the basis of a univariable analysis, 19 of 29 predictor variables were found to be significantly associated with the isolation of B bronchiseptica, including an association with cats in rescue catteries, and with cats from premises with larger numbers of animals. Separate analysis of the rescue cattery subpopulation showed a highly significant association on multivariable analysis with current respiratory disease, suggesting that different risk factors may operate in this type of environment. In the whole sample there was also strong association with cats from households containing a dog with recent respiratory tract disease. The clinical signs observed in the B bronchiseptica-positive cats included sneezing, ocular and nasal discharges and coughing, although only the association with sneezing was statistically significant. There was no significant association between the isolation of B bronchiseptica and the isolation of respiratory viruses, suggesting that in some circumstances B bronchiseptica may be able to cause disease independently.  相似文献   

猪源支气管败血波氏杆菌河南株的分离鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从河南省多个养猪场采集126份有呼吸道症状猪的肺脏组织样品或鼻拭子,进行支气管败血波氏杆菌的分离鉴定。根据细菌培养特性、革兰氏染色镜检、生化试验和PCR鉴定,确认分离出11株支气管败血波氏杆菌(Bordetella bronchisepti-ca,Bb)。对Bb最重要的3种毒力因子fha、prn、dnt基因进行PCR检测,除2株为prn基因阴性外,其它PCR结果均为阳性。红细胞凝集试验显示各菌株均能不同程度的凝集猪和羊的红细胞。乳鼠皮肤坏死试验表明,各菌株均能不同程度的造成乳鼠皮肤坏死。通过小鼠毒力试验,筛选到4株强毒菌株(HN0710、HN0806、HN0922、HN0827)。  相似文献   

Virulence and lienotoxicity of Bordetella bronchiseptica in mice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Whole-cell suspensions (WCSs) and cell-free sonicated extracts (SEs) of seven Bordetella bronchiseptica strains were studied for lethality and lienotoxicity in mice. Lethality was assessed after intravenous and intracerebral inoculation, and lienotoxicity by splenic atrophy after intravenous inoculation. The strains represented phase I isolates with or without cytotoxin production, their phase III subcultures and a phase IV variant. The lethality and lienotoxicity of the SEs were in close positive correlation with cytotoxin production. The WCSs of all phase I strains were lethal, irrespective of their cytotoxin- and lienotoxin-producing ability. The only difference was that cytotoxic phase I strains caused splenic atrophy while the noncytotoxic phase I strain induced splenic hypertrophy in the surviving mice. The WCSs of phase III and IV variants were non-lethal and caused splenic hypertrophy even though all but one of them showed some cyto- and lienotoxic activity when their SEs were tested. The results indicate that B. bronchiseptica possesses two different mouse lethal factors: one seems to be identical with the cytotoxin, the other is associated with cell integrity and viability and, presumably, propagation in vivo. It also follows from the results that only the SEs are suitable for accurate determination of the lienotoxin-producing ability of B. bronchiseptica.  相似文献   

Bordetella bronchiseptica phase I organism possesses a capsule and has the ability to agglutinate with K antiserum, although phase III organism lacks both. The present study examines the effect of sulfamonomethoxine (SMMX) on capsule formation of B. bronchiseptica. I also investigated whether or not the organisms possessed a capsule by bacterial agglutination with K antiserum. Three SMMX-resistant strains of B. bronchiseptica phase I organisms showed loss of agglutinability with K antiserum by culturing them at a higher concentration of 1.56 micrograms/ml of SMMX. These results indicated that capsule formation of SMMX-resistant B. bronchiseptica is inhibited by SMMX.  相似文献   

Piglets infected intranasally with Bordetella bronchiseptica were injected with two fluorochrome markers. Transverse sections of undecalcified nasal conchae (cut between the third incisor and the third premolar teeth) were examined by microradiography and fluorescence microscopy; surface-stained sections were evaluated by light microscopy. The fluorescent surface of the nasal ventral conchae from the infected piglets was increased as compared with the controls. This was due to an increased amount of fluorescent mineralization fronts as well as to the presence of abnormal fluorescent areas within trabeculae. Trabecular mineral content of the microradiographs was irregular and varied from hypo- to hypermineralized. When compared with the corresponding surface-stained sections, no correlation could be made between the mineral content and the type of tissue. These findings suggest that an increased number of osteoblasts which secrete prebone matrix but are modified so that mineralization does not occur normally.  相似文献   

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