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The evolution of resistance to pesticides is often conceptualised and modelled at a population level, but population‐based approaches ignore important aspects of variability between individuals within populations that may be essential drivers of resistance. Here it is argued that individual‐based modelling has the potential to generate new insights and perspectives, thus deepening our understanding of the complexities of the evolutionary dynamics of resistance to pesticides. Copyright © 2012 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Grapevine virus A (GVA) is implicated in the etiology of the rugose wood disease. The coat protein (CP) and the putative movement protein (MP) genes of GVA were cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli and used to produce antisera. Both the CP and the MP were detected with their corresponding antisera in GVA-infected Nicotiana benthamiana. The MP was first detected at an early stage of the infection, 6 to 12 h after inoculation, and the CP was detected 2 to 3 days after inoculation. The CP and MP were detected by immunoblot analysis in rugose wood-affected grapevines. The MP could be detected in GVA-infected grapevines that tested negative for CP, both with CP antiserum and with a commercially available enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kit. The study shows that detection of the nonstructural MP may be an effective means for serological detection of GVA infection in grapevines.  相似文献   

Adsorption and leaching of the herbicides thiazafluron (1,3-dimethyl-1(5-trifluoromethyl-1,3,4-thiadiazol-2-yl)urea), metamitron (4-amino-4,5-dihydro-3-methyl-6-phenyl-1,2,4-tri azin-5-one) and clopyralid (3,6-dichloropicolinic acid) were studied in one sandy and two silty-clay soils. Equilibrium adsorption coefficients (Kd) were measured using a batch equilibration procedure, and mobility was studied in repacked columns of the soils under fluctuating saturated/unsaturated flow conditions. Breakthrough curves (BTCs) were consistent with an inverse relationship between leaching and adsorption with greater mobility of the weakly-adsorbed clopyralid than the more strongly adsorbed thiazafluron or metamitron. The BTC data were used to evaluate the LEACHP simulation model. Following model calibration with respect to hydrological parameters and some of the herbicide degradation rates, the best fits between predicted and observed data were with the less adsorptive and highly mobile clopyralid. In general, the model gave acceptable predictions of the timing of the concentration maxima and the shapes of the BTCs, although earlier breakthrough than that observed was predicted with the less mobile herbicides, thiazafluron and metamitron, in the silty-clay soils. For metamitron, the total amounts leached were not predicted accurately, suggesting more rapid degradation of the herbicide in the soil columns than in the kinetic studies performed in a 1:1 soil:solution ratio shaken system.  相似文献   

The uptake, movement and metabolism of fluroxypyr* is compared in two contrasting weed species, Stellaria media (susceptible) and Viola arvensis (moderately resistant). Similar rates of uptake occurred in both species, with a rapid cuticular uptake of 50% of that applied within 4 h. Total uptake by the underlying leaf tissue reached 66.6% and 70.8% in S. media and V. arvensis after 7 days. In translocation studies, in which 14C-fluroxypyr was applied to previously sprayed plants, 5.1% of applied 14C-activity was translocated from the treated leaves of S. media after 1 day, which increased to 42.2% after 7 days, recovered mainly from the stem tissue. In V. arvensis translocation was similar after 24 h however, after 7 days over 40% of applied 14C-activity remained in the treated leaves and only 9.7% was translocated, mainly to the developing leaves and apical tissue. 14C-activity extracted from the cuticle was the methylheptyl ester of fluroxypyr in both species. In the treated leaves and apical tissue, 14C-activity was the free acid of fluroxypyr and polar conjugates with a significantly greater proportion of the acid in S. media. It is concluded that the resistance or V. arvensis is partially due to reduced translocation and greater conjugation than in the susceptible S. media.  相似文献   

Sensitivity analyses of pesticide leaching often involve a large range of simulations based on nearly identical set-ups. Using RunMACRO it is possible to make large numbers of simulations with a minimum of exertion. Running many nearly identical model set-ups is tedious and might introduce errors in selecting the correct values from a long range of parameter files that are appropriate to the model set-up. RunMACRO makes the task easier and minimises the risk of errors in the generation of parameter files and model executions. Using RunMACRO, it is possible to create a suite of MACRO simulations based on a single parameter file where the range or a list of values for one to three parameters is specified. RunMACRO then creates a parameter file for each of the simulations and runs the simulations one by one. RunMACRO can easily be modified to be used with other simulation programs that use ASCII-based parameter files and can be started from a command prompt. RunMACRO is available free to use and modify from the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland's home page.  相似文献   

采用室内模拟方法研究了三唑磷在水稻-水-土壤中的分布、迁移及消解情况,探讨了三唑磷的消解与环境温度、光照及降雨的关系。结果表明:于水稻苗期喷施药液,0~3 d内三唑磷主要分布在田水和土壤中,第7 d至试验结束时则主要吸附、积累于水稻植株中;三唑磷在水稻、田水和土壤中的消解半衰期分别为4.45、1.56和5.24 d,相互间存在显著差异(PPPPP<0.05)。  相似文献   

Field trials were carried out at a single Danish and two Spanish locations. In Denmark, winter wheat was sown at 24‐cm row spacing allowing hoeing in the inter‐row area. Hoeing speeds of 2, 5 and 8 km h?1 were tested at the end of tillering, at the beginning of stem elongation or on both occasions. The crop was harrowed immediately after hoeing at the same speed. At the Spanish locations the winter barley was sown at a 12‐cm row spacing and harrowed only, at either pre‐emergence plus post‐emergence, or once post‐emergence at mid‐tillering at 2, 4, 6 and 8 km h?1. The depth of the soil layer thrown into the cereal row was measured at all locations. This layer ranged between 0.4 and 1.4 cm, depending on the site and on the treatment, but was generally higher following a single harrow treatment at all sites. The soil layer only tended to increase with faster speeds at the Danish location. On a more sandy soil and soil rolled prior to treatment, less soil was thrown into the cereal row. When two hoe + harrowing treatments were made, a finer soil structure was achieved. However, this did not affect the weed control. At the Danish location, initial intra‐row weeding efficacy of Brassica napus, based on plant number before and 7 days after treatment, was found to be low (21–41%) but increased to 74–79% when assessed after 45 days. Partial burial and bending of B. napus, together with crop competition, probably suppressed weed growth and enhanced final mortality. Uprooting was probably a more important cause of mortality for Stellaria media. At the Spanish locations, weeding efficacy of Papaver rhoeas was similar, ranging between 58% and 83% and this was achieved soon after harrowing. A thicker soil layer did not result in a greater weed kill. It was therefore suggested that burial alone could not be the main factor responsible for weed control in any of the cases studied. No reduction in wheat biomass, measured at the end of May, was found with increasing speed, or with repeated passes of the harrow. The results suggested that faster harrowing, which is economically more attractive for farmers, could be recommended. The soil layer thrown into the row was not found to be a useful parameter to predict the weed control efficacy in the cases presented.  相似文献   

Uptake, movement, and metabolism of unformulated ioxynil and bromoxynil salts were investigated in Matricaria inodora and Viola arvensis. The morphology of these two species did not give rise to different spray retention and contact angles. After 7 days, uptake of [14C]ioxynil-Na reached 8.26% of applied 14C activity in M. inodora and 16.77% of that in V. arvensis compared with 1.54 and 3.83%, respectively, for [14C]bromoxynil-K. Over 98% of the 14C activity detected in the plant after 7 days remained in the treated leaves of V. arvensis following [14C]ioxynil-Na treatment. However, 8.7% of the 14C activity detected in [14C]ioxynil-Na-treated M. inodora was recovered from the apex and developing leaves reflecting a greater translocation. [14C]Bromoxynil-K was more mobile in both species and after 7 days 87.5 and 91.39% were detected in the treated leaves of M. inodora and V. arvensis, respectively. In both species the majority of translocated 14C activity was recovered from the apex and developing leaves. Up to 20% of the applied [14C]ioxynil-Na and [14C]bromoxynil-K was not detected within the treated plant. Extraction of treated plants revealed no detectable metabolic breakdown of ioxynil-Na to halogenated derivatives in either species. However, metabolic breakdown of bromoxynil-K was apparent in V. arvensis. No significant root exudation was detected when [14C]ioxynil-Na and [14C]bromoxynil-K were applied to hydroponically grown S. media and V. arvensis. Losses of 14C activity were due to herbicide volatility or degradation to volatile products on the leaf surface.  相似文献   

Adaptive changes in the levels of carbohydrate metabolites, glucose, glycogen and lactic acid, were studied in a freshwater edible fish, Sarotherodon mossambicus exposed to a carbamate fungicide, ziram. Based on the results obtained, it was concluded that the fish showed (i) adaptive utilization of stored glycogen, particularly in liver tissue; (ii) adaptive accumulation of glycogen in muscle and heart tissues, probably by glyconeogenesis and (iii) adaptive mechanism of operation of ‘diving syndrome’, to meet the stress of the pollutant under sub-lethal exposure. © 1998 SCI.  相似文献   

In studies to identify genotypes resistant to infection with citrus viroids, Eremocitrus glauca and Microcitrus australis were selected because their evolution in their habitat in Australia and New Guinea may have led to the selection of unusual traits. The movement and accumulation of Citrus exocortis viroid (CEVd), Hop stunt viroid, Citrus bent leaf viroid, Citrus dwarfing viroid, Citrus bark cracking viroid and Citrus viroid V (CVd‐V) in self‐rooted as well as in graft‐ propagated E. glauca and M. australis plants was assessed by northern hybridization, RT‐PCR and by topworking to the sensitive selection 861‐S1 of Etrog citron. In both plant species the inoculated viroids were undetectable unless these plants were grafted to a susceptible Citrus partner, the rough lemon rootstock and/or the topworked Etrog citron, which acted as viroid sources. The results obtained indicate that M. australis and in particular E. glauca are poor viroid hosts in which viroid replication/accumulation does not occur or is extremely inefficient. However, viroid downward and upward movement to grafted Citrus partners in which viroid replication and accumulation occurs efficiently was not impaired. Eremocitrus glauca and M. australis showed differences regarding their properties as viroid hosts, but for both species CEVd seemed to have the lowest affinity among the viroid species tested and CVd‐V the highest. Even though E. glauca and M. australis do not appear to be truly resistant to viroid infection, they are interesting genotypes for further characterization of the mechanisms involved in viroid infection.  相似文献   

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