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检修养殖设施,保障生产正常进行 (1)检查大棚等保温设施和充氧、供暖没备,及时清除积雪和结冰,修补被损坏的薄膜,补充加温所需的燃料和养殖倒料,保证温室正常运行。特别是要及时做好繁殖场、工厂化养殖基地等养殖设施保温防冻工作,严防“倒春寒”的危害。(2)抓紧进行冰冻损坏的繁殖设施、电力设施、进排水渠道、渔船及柴油机、网箱、网衣和倒塌房屋等维修和重建工作,做好大水面“三网”养殖设施的防护工作,保障灾后安全开展渔业生产。  相似文献   

"5.12"特大地震灾害对水产养殖生产的影响主要表现在以下方面:一是池塘、塘堰、小水库渗漏,蓄水量明显下降,造成水体单位载鱼量相对提高;少数养殖水体甚至干枯,发生大批死鱼。二是  相似文献   

本刊讯持续近50天的无雨高温严重旱情,致使湖南省渔业生产遭受重创。为切实做好抗旱救灾和灾后渔业恢复生产工作,确保大灾之年渔业生产不减产的目标,湖南省畜牧水产局近日发出通知,要求全省各地积极做好苗种调剂工作。一是加强调查摸底,准确掌握苗种余缺情况。各市州水产主管部门要抓紧时间组织专门力量及科技人员深入基层、水产养殖企业和养殖大户,对灾后本地区的苗种存塘数量、投放数量和余缺等情况  相似文献   

一、检修养殖设施,保障生产正常进行(一)检查大棚等保温设施和充氧、供暖设备,及时清除积雪和结冰,修补被损坏的薄膜,补充加温所需的燃料和养殖饲料,保证温室正常运行,特别是要及时做好繁殖场、工厂化养殖基地等养殖设施保温防冻工作。  相似文献   

江西省泥鳅养殖面临的自然灾害主要有洪涝、干旱及台风等,本文在系统分析各类自然灾害特点基础上,提出了针对性预防措施,并就泥鳅养殖灾后应急处置提出抓紧检修养殖设施、加强池塘水质管理和合理调整养殖计划三项措施。本文还就泥鳅灾后主要存在的5类病害(细菌性疾病、寄生虫疾病、应激综合征、水质恶化导致的疾病以及鸟虫害),系统总结了对应的流行情况和发病症状,提出了防控方法。  相似文献   

本文从无公害生产的要求介绍水产养殖病害防治技术要点如下:  相似文献   

本文介绍了巴西东西南北各区域的养殖现状,并对有意前去投资开发的企业提出需要解决的问题。  相似文献   

渔业在越南国民经济中发挥着重要作用,其中水产养殖业占国内渔业产量的40%,越南拥有广阔的适宜发展水产养殖的水域和土地,近年来水产养殖业取得了快速增长。越南积极开展多品种养殖。也是亚洲少数几个进行有机水产养殖并出口到欧洲的国家。政府希望通过不断的努力,克服不利因素,保持国内水产养殖业的发展势头。  相似文献   

一、养殖场址的选择 从事养殖生产如何选择适合的地点建立养殖场十分重要,以下几点是基本要求:  相似文献   

在总结了洪涝灾害对福建省不同水产养殖方式的破坏形式,并分析了水产养殖洪涝灾害主要成因的基础上,有针对性地提出一些水产养殖业防灾减灾的对策,以期为福建省水产养殖业防灾减灾工作提供参考.  相似文献   

养殖水体中藻类的危害及其防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘熹  惠筠 《河南水产》2005,(2):25-25,39
随着鱼类养殖产量的大幅度提高,池塘有机物增多,塘泥增厚,水质日趋富营养化,藻类水华的发生率明显增加。由于藻类适应性强,繁殖速度快,一旦形成水华就比较难以治理,严重时可引起池塘鱼全部死亡。因此,养殖水体中藻类的危害应引起养殖者的高度重视。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的快速发展和人民生活水平的不断提高,人们不仅要食"鱼",而且要食好"鱼",食优质、绿色、安全卫生、健康无公害的"鱼".  相似文献   

浅谈渔业水域污染与渔业养殖生产   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
明确指出渔业是环境污染的受害者,同时也是环境污染的制造者和治理者。立足于促进渔业经济增长方式第二次转变的现实需要,提出了解决渔业自源性污染问题的相关防治措施。  相似文献   

水产养殖清洁生产的内涵与技术   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
清洁生产作为循环经济的主要生产方式适用于各生产性行业并有助于各生产行业的可持续发展。以陆上工厂化水产养殖为例,讨论了水产养殖业实施清洁生产的技术。  相似文献   

This article presents a highly detailed territorial assessment for aquaculture production in Uruguay and a methodology to identify the most suitable areas in order to develop the activity. Furthermore, it proposes the basis to generate a dynamic modelling tool of high spatial resolution to support the decision‐making process regarding national aquaculture activities. The modelling structure of aquaculture suitability was developed by the construction of a hierarchical model, combining a multicriteria assessment and a geographic information system. Forty‐one attributes were integrated in six aptitude models: one model for each one of the five common production systems intended to be the most viable in Uruguay and a sixth aptitude indicator that summarizes those five systems, representing the maximum suitability for aquaculture activities. In addition, the hierarchical model allows measurement and identification of relative weights of each model, according to the planning scale, ranging from basin to cell.  相似文献   

Design information for the use of sand beds to remove suspended solids from wastewater discharged from recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) was developed. Wastewater from a commercial RAS tilapia farm with 2% total solids and 1.6% total suspended solids (TSS) was applied to sand columns to determine infiltration rates and phosphorus capture. Various hydraulic loading rates and drying periods between application events were evaluated. Infiltration rates stabilized after five application events to 3.5 cm/day (S.D.=1.7). Practically, all suspended solids were captured at the top of the columns, creating the primary resistance to infiltration. Concrete sand removed approximately 93% of the soluble phosphorous in the wastewater and wollastonite, an economical aggregate alternative to sand, removed at least 98%. A modified Darcy equation is presented to predict infiltration based upon TSS and the number of sequential applications.  相似文献   

Nitrogen removal techniques in aquaculture for a sustainable production   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As the aquaculture industry intensively develops, its environmental impact increases. Discharges from aquaculture deteriorate the receiving environment and the need for fishmeal and fish oil for fish feed production increases. Rotating biological contactors, trickling filters, bead filters and fluidized sand biofilters are conventionally used in intensive aquaculture systems to remove nitrogen from culture water. Besides these conventional water treatment systems, there are other possible modi operandi to recycle aquaculture water and simultaneously produce fish feed. These double-purpose techniques are the periphyton treatment technique, which is applicable to extensive systems, and the proteinaceous bio-flocs technology, which can be used in extensive as well as in intensive systems. In addition to maintenance of good water quality, both techniques provide an inexpensive feed source and a higher efficiency of nutrient conversion of feed. The bio-flocs technology has the advantage over the other techniques that it is relatively inexpensive; this makes it an economically viable approach for sustainable aquaculture.  相似文献   


This paper examines recent advances in production economics with special reference to efficiency measurement using production frontiers and its implications for aquaculture management. Compared with agriculture and other industries, the use of production frontiers in aquaculture is still very limited. However, in recent years several frontier applications in aquaculture have appeared in the literature, suggesting potential applications of these techniques in aquaculture. A synopsis of stochastic frontier production function model and data envelopment analysis (DEA), the two most popular approaches to efficiency measurement, is presented, followed by a review of recent frontier studies in shrimp, carp and tilapia production. The paper concludes with a brief discussion of future development and prospects of frontier applications for aquaculture management.  相似文献   

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