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《Field Crops Research》2002,78(1):65-74
Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) is widely grown as a forage crop due to its good quality characteristics and high adaptability. However, seed yield is generally considered to be of secondary importance and is characterized by fluctuating yields with often poor seed quality. A field experiment using five alfalfa cultivars (Equipe, Iside, Lodi, Robot, Romagnola) was carried out in 1995, 1996 and 1997 at Foggia (southern Italy) to evaluate the effects of four defoliation practices (H1: crop mown during early plant growth; H2: plant desiccation by chemical agent at the end of February; H3: crop mown at early flowering; H4: never cut) and two irrigation treatments (I: irrigation applied from April to beginning of seed filling; NI: non-irrigated control) on seed yield, seed yield components and seed quality (as determined by seed germination with and without accelerated ageing (AA)). The relationships between yield components (stems per m2, pods per stem, seeds per pod, 1000-seed weight) were determined by path-coefficient analysis. Irrigation significantly increased seed yield; on average doubling the control yield over the three seasons. However, the potential seed yield (calculated from seed yield components) was, on average, five times the actual seed yield. The two mowing treatments produced consistently higher seed yields than either desiccated or untreated swards. Cultivar differences were evident for seed yield, with Equipe having the highest value (40% higher than the mean of the other cultivars). Irrigation improved the yield primarily because it led on average a greater than four fold increase in the density of stems (the most influential yield component). By contrast, seeds per pod and 1000-seed weight increased in the absence of irrigation. Defoliation treatments had little effect on stems per m2, seeds per pod and seed weight, whereas pods per stem were reduced by desiccation. Path analyses calculated across irrigation treatments and years revealed that stems per m2 had the largest positive direct effect on alfalfa seed yield under each harvest management (path-coefficient values ≥0.89), and its indirect effects on seed yield via other traits were negligible. Seed quality, as measured by germination percentage both before and after AA, remained relatively consistent across both defoliation and irrigation treatments and cultivars, but was anomalously low in the 1997 irrigated crops. Overall, the highest seed yields were obtained under irrigated conditions when crops were mown during early growth or at early flowering. The potential seed yield of alfalfa varieties is sufficient to guarantee a profitable seed harvest. However, the harvest efficiency of the combine-harvester was low (20% of the potential seed yield); thus, more appropriate harvest techniques should be used.  相似文献   

Obesity is closely associated with increased incidence of cardiovascular diseases, cancer, insulin resistance, and immune dysfunction, and thus obesity-mitigation strategies should take into account these secondary pathologies in addition to promoting weight loss. Recent studies indicate that black cumin (Nigella sativa) has cardio-protective, anti-cancer, anti-diabetic, antioxidant, and immune-modulatory properties. While black cumin and/or its major bioactive constituent, thymoquinone have demonstrated bioactivity in a variety of disease models, the mechanisms of action are largely unknown. Given the growing interest in and the use of functional foods and nutraceuticals, as well as the increase in obesity and chronic diseases worldwide, further research into the therapeutic/preventive effects of black cumin may be beneficial.  相似文献   

Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz is a flexible oil-seed crop that can be grown under different climatic and soil conditions. To evaluate the effects of growth conditions on the quality of camelina seed, samples originating from 11 remote locations in Europe and in Scandinavia (6° W–25°E, 48–61°N) were analysed for content of oil, crude protein and crude fibre. The evaluation was restricted to three promising summer cultivars chosen from seven tested varieties/cultivars. Among the cultivars, a statistically significant variation in the content of oil and crude protein was found. The average content of oil in seed ranged from 39.6 to 44.1%/DM. The average content of crude protein ranged from 39.2 to 47.4%/f.f. DM, and the average content of crude fibre was 12.5–16.8%/f.f. DM. The general mean content of oil was 42.0%/DM, crude protein 43.6%/f.f. DM, and the content of crude fibre was 14.5%/f.f. DM. The variation in the quality of seed was ascribed partly to the cultivars and mainly to the combined effects of the climatic and soil conditions under which the crop was grown.  相似文献   

通过不同灌溉方式对比试验,研究寒地水稻群体素质变化。结果表明,采用间歇灌溉方式,水稻根系发育良好,可促进水稻分蘖及各生育期的叶片干重、地上部干重、千粒重等指标均在增长,提高稻谷产量6.4%。  相似文献   

The effects of several certified Sebago seed stocks on potato stands and yields were studied in 1969 and 1970 with a USDA maintenance stock used as a control. Seed piece treatments —(i) nontreated stem-end, (ii) nontreated bud-end, and (iii) Polyram®-treated bud-ends —were incorporated into the 1970 test. Large differences among certified seed stocks and seed piece treatment for stands and yields were obtained due to the bacterial seed piece decay and/or black leg disease caused byErwinia carotovora (Jones) Holland. Yields of the USDA maintenance stock were significantly superior to three and seven of the certified stocks compared in 1969 and 1970, respectively. While treatment of seed from vigorous stocks did not significantly increase yields, treatment of seed from less vigorous stocks did result in significantly greater yields. In the nontreated, less vigorous seed, there was a tendency for the bud-end seed to produce greater yield than the stem-end.  相似文献   

Seed protein concentrates (SPC) were extracted from 4 leguminous species and the extractabilities of total N (nitrogen), protein N and SPC determined. In addition, composition, calorie value andin vitro enzymatic digestibility of these SPCs was analysed. Results indicate the promising nutritional potential of these SPCs.  相似文献   

A survey of growers in the Treasure Valley of western Idaho/eastern Oregon indicated that Russet Burbank potato tends to produce better quality tubers under sprinkler irrigation than with furrow irrigation. Irrigation plot studies were carried out over 3 years on 2 sites to determine if these differences were a result of commonly-used management practices or inherent in the irrigation method. With good water management, irrigation method did not affect yields, but sprinkler irrigation produced tubers with slightly better visual quality and much lower incidence of sugar ends. The reasons for better quality with sprinkler-irrigation were projected to include: 1) less water stress since sprinklers can more uniformly apply the small, frequent irrigations that potato requires; 2) better nitrogen management since furrow applications often leach nitrogen from the root zone; and 3) lower soil temperatures due to sprinkler water evaporative cooling.  相似文献   

不同种衣剂对大豆产量及品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
薛英会 《大豆科技》2009,(3):36-37,39
2006-2007年采用5种生产上不同类型种衣剂处理高油大豆品种垦农19进行田间试验,研究对大豆生长发育及产量和品质的作用.结果表明,增加了株高和根瘤数,有一定的增产作用并对粗蛋白质、粗脂肪的影响不明显.各处理增产幅度2%~16%, 处理C(火秧灭2号)、D(施特灵)比对照分别增产16%、12%,其中处理C比对照增产显著.不同种衣剂处理蛋白质含量相差0.7个百分点,脂肪含量相差0.2个百分点,差异不显著.  相似文献   

Summary Potatoes were irrigated at three growth stages: (1) planting-stolon initiation. (2) stolon initiation-tuber bulking, and (3) tuber bulking, when available soil water dropped to 25%, 50% and 75%, bringing it up to field capacity; and irrigation ceased 0, 10 and 20 days before maturity. Significant increases in specific gravity, dry matter, starch content, chip yield and significant decreases in protein content and oil absorption rate of chips were observed due to the frequent irrigation at growth stages 1 and 2. No significant effect on chip colour was attributed to irrigation during the early growth stages. Frequent irrigations at the final growth stage were found to have deleterious effects on specific gravity, dry matter, starch content and chip yield especially when irrigation continued until maturity.  相似文献   

Yield and yield components of saffron under different cropping systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study was conducted to evaluate yield and yield components of saffron (Crocus sativus L.) in response to (i) production system (PS) (irrigated vs. non-irrigated); (ii) corm size (CS) (medium −2.25 to 3 cm diameter vs. small corms <2.25 cm diameter); (iii) planting depth (PD) (10 cm vs. 20 cm); and iv) planting density (PDEN) (51 corms m−2 vs. 69 corms m−2).This fully replicated multifactorial design was started in August 2000, and carried through November 2003, when the fourth saffron harvest took place. The total and average fresh weight of stigmas, and the number of flowers were measured at each harvest.Results indicate that three of the four factors tested (PS, CS and PD) had a significant effect on the quantitative yield during the two most productive flowering years (2001 and 2002) and on the total flowering. Irrigated cultivation, medium size corms and 10 cm planting depth had the greatest effect in increasing the quantitative production of saffron.Yield was also affected by planting density in contrasting ways. Whereas at high PDEN yield increased per unit of surface, at low PDEN, yield increased with respect to the initial number of corms planted.The fresh weight of stigmas per flower yield component, an important aspect that determines the quality of the spice, was enhanced when corms were planted at 20 cm depth and when irrigation was applied to the crop.  相似文献   

Several of the recently released early-potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivars used in Ontario have produced uneven stands which have been shown to be a result of delayed emergence from basal end seed pieces. A study was conducted to evaluate the effects of seed portions on the yield of three early potato cultivars, Jemseg, Superior and Yukon Gold. Yield of plants from basal seed pieces was lower than that from apical seed pieces or whole tubers for Jemseg and Yukon Gold during several sequential harvests. With Superior, cut seed portions yielded less than whole seed. Number of stems per plant was lower for basal plants of Jemseg. Tubers with strong apical dominance or dormancy such as Jemseg and Yukon Gold are prone to differences in yield among seed portions.  相似文献   

Camelina(Camelina sativa)has emerged as a potential biofuel crop globally with its suitability even as a jet fuel source with 75–80%less greenhouse gas emissions compared to common petroleum fuels.The crop has originated from Mediterranean region and belongs to Brassicaceae family.DIBER,DRDO has made initial and pioneer efforts in successful introduction of this crop to India and its agro-technology standardization.Being a short duration crop with lesser input requirement,it fits well in the cropping pattern of hilly states of Indian Himalaya.These areas experience fallow land due to shortage of irrigation water for growing other crops.The present study revealed that irrigation at flowering stage is more beneficial.Irrigation at this stage(if only one irrigation is available)exhibited grain yield of 1.004 kg·m-2which was 21 and 80%higher over pod setting and rosette stage irrigation,respectively.The maximum seed yield was observed under treatment where irrigation was provided at all three crop growth stages(2.044 kg·m-2).It was 50%higher over T6 treatment(where two irrigations were given at rosette and flowering stage)and 104%higher over T3(where only one irrigation was given at flowering stage).  相似文献   

本文结合省科技厅下达的“大豆高产攻关研究”课题内容,付诸于实际生产工作,以科学研究为手段,对四种不同的大豆种子质量合格粒与不合格粒在整个生育期内的各方面表现进行了认真观察、详细记录、全面比较与综合分析,确认了不合格粒在整个生育期期间内各方面表现均不良好,影响了质量和产量,说明了种子处理的重要性与在高产优质生产中的意义和作用。  相似文献   

以5个不同生态类型的大豆品种为试验材料,分别施用3个不同水平的氮肥,研究种肥对5个不同基因型大豆品种产量及品质的影响。研究表明,在草甸黑钙土上施用氮肥,对大豆的产量和品质均有显著影响,且对不同品种的影响各不相同。就产量而言,增施氮肥提高了晚熟品种黑农37和早熟品种东农44的产量,降低了中熟品种东农48和东农53的产量;就品质而言,增施氮肥提高了绥农14籽粒中蛋白质含量,降低了其余4个品种籽粒中蛋白质含量,提高了黑农37籽粒中油分含量,降低了绥农14和东农48籽粒中油分含量。  相似文献   

Background:Cotton fiber quality and seed composition play vital roles in the economics of cotton production systems and the cottonseed meal industry.This research aimed to examine the effects of different irrigation levels and planting geometries on fiber quality and seed composition of cotton(Gossypium hirsutum L.).We conducted a 2-year study in 2018 and 2019 in a warm,humid area in the Southeast United States on Dundee silt loam soil.There were three irrigation treatments in the study.The treatments included irrigating every furrow,or full irrigation(FI),every alternate furrow,or half irrigation(HI),and no irrigation,or rain-fed(RF).Planting geometries were on ridges spaced 102 cm apart and either a single-row(SR)or twin-rows(TR).Results:The results of high-volume instrument(HVI),advanced fiber information systems(AFIS)and near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy(NIRS)showed that irrigation and planting treatments played a significant role in fiber quality and seed composition.Across irrigation treatments,significant differences were seen in fiber properties,including fineness,maturity ratio,micronaire,neps,short fiber,strength,uniformity,upper half mean length(UHML),upper quartile length by weight(UQLw),and yellowness(+b).Irrigation and planting geometry(PG)had a significant effect on micronaire,strength,and UHML while their interaction was significant only for micronaire.The micronaire was negatively affected by irrigation as FI-SR,FI-TR,HI-SR,and HI-TR recorded 11%~12%lower over the RF-SR and TR treatments.The PG played a minor role in determining fiber quality traits like micronaire and nep count.Irrigation treatments produced significantly lower(3%~4%)protein content than rain-fed,while oil content increased significantly(6%~10%).Conclusions:The study results indicate a potential for improving cotton fiber and seed qualities by managing irrigation and planting geometries in cotton production systems in the Mississippi(MS)Delta region.The HI-TR system appears promising for lint and seed quality.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the intra-specific variation of wheat grain quality response to elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration (e[CO2]), eight wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)cultivars were grown at two CO2 concentrations ([CO2]) (current atmospheric, 389 CO2 μmol mol−1vs. e[CO2], FACE (Free-Air CO2 Enrichment), 550  ±  10% CO2 μmol mol−1), at two water levels (rain-fed vs. irrigated) and at two times of sowing (TOS1, vs. TOS2). The TOS treatment was mainly imposed to understand whether e[CO2] could modify the effects of timing of higher grain filling temperatures on grain quality. When plants were grown at TOS1, TKW (thousand kernel weight), grain test weight, hardness index, P, Ca, Na and phytate were not significantly changed under e[CO2]. On the other hand, e[CO2] increased TKW (16%), hardness index (9%), kernel diameter (6%), test weight (2%) but decreased grain protein (10%) and grain phytate (11%) at TOS2. In regard to grain Zn, Mn and Cu concentrations and some flour rheological properties, cultivar specific responses to e[CO2] were observed at both sowing times. Observed genetic variability in response to e[CO2] in terms of grain minerals and flour rheological properties could be easily incorporated into future wheat breeding programs to enable adaptation to climate change.  相似文献   

为明确适用于灌区胡麻高产优质生产的密度和氮肥施用量,以内亚9号为材料,于2017和2018年连续两年进行田间试验,分析播种密度与氮对胡麻籽粒木酚素及脂肪酸组分含量及其产量的影响.播种密度分别为3.0×106、6.0×106和9.0×106粒每公顷,现蕾前结合灌水进行的氮肥追施量分别为每公顷0、16、32和48 kg氮....  相似文献   

Paddy and Water Environment - Alternate wetting and drying (AWD) is an irrigation technique where water is applied to the field a number of days after disappearance of ponded water. This is in...  相似文献   

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