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为清楚阐明蒙古栎林的群落分级及其在温带落叶阔叶林群落分级中的地位,我们收集了东北亚201个蒙古栎林和日本的153个栎林的资料.将其综合于一个简表中.并应用Braun—Blanquet方法对这些森林植被进行了比较。结果表明:在温带落叶阔叶林的群落分级系统中。蒙古栎林与水青冈纲占据着同等重要的地位,它们共同构成温带落叶阔叶林纲群(Class-group)。不同生境下的蒙古栎的20个群集或群落被归纳成为2个目、3个群团和3个亚群团。  相似文献   

Absence of, or poor, oak (Quercus spp.) regeneration is a problem in uneven-aged, mixed closed-canopy broadleaved forests. Browsing by ungulates on small trees may contribute to poor oak regeneration in such forests. This possibility was investigated in 25 Swedish stands, and browsing damage was analysed in relation to landscape and stand factors. The proportion of browsed small (<20 cm tall) oak seedlings and other seedlings was low, and apparently a minor mortality factor. For saplings (20–130 cm tall), accumulated browsing damage was generally higher on oak than on five major competing tree species: Fraxinus excelsior, Corylus avellana, Tilia cordata, Acer platanoides and Sorbus aucuparia. Leaf removal was rare in late summer, except for rowan. The amount of cover (shelter) for ungulates near plots was positively correlated with oak browsing intensity; within plots, a high density of ash saplings may reduce browsing on oak saplings. In these forests, browsing probably retards growth of oak saplings relative to competing trees. Oak may persist as a minor stand component, but monitoring is needed to study future changes.  相似文献   

以怀化市鹤城区针阔混交林为研究对象,选择具有代表性的11块20 m×20 m标准地,进行树种组成结构分析,并利用Weibull分布函数开展直径分布研究。结果表明:(1)标准地内乔木层阔叶树以檫木、枫香、木荷为主,针叶树以杉木、马尾松、柏木为主。林木总蓄积量比重值位于前5位的树种是:杉木、枫香、马尾松、楠木、檫木,分别占总蓄积量的18.52%、18.36%、18.13%、12.88%、12.70%。(2)林分直径结构分析表明,树木直径分布曲线均呈不规则单山峰状曲线,应用Weibull分布函数拟合反映直径分布,并进行x2检验,效果比较理想。(3)各标准地林分的混交度均值都大于0.7,各优势树种的平均混交度比较高,按从大到小排序为马尾松杉木木荷檫木苦槠白栎枫香楠木柏木。  相似文献   

Li Yuwen  Wang Yeju 《林业研究》1995,6(3):100-104
Chemical and biochemical analysis methods were used to monitor the variations of nitrogen nutrient among the dominance trees species in secondary succession process of the mixed broad -leaved/Korean pine forest on Changbai Mountains, Northeast China. Amounts of total nitrogen, ammonium and NRA in soils of virgin broad-leaved/Korean pine forest which is in climax were higher than those ofsecondary birch forests those are in succession stage. The amount of nitrate was in the other hand. In climax, dominance trees species are tolerant mesophytic trees such asPinus Koraiensis, Tilia amurensis, Acer mono and alsoFraxinus mandshurica, they are all ammonium + nitrate adapted species, but they show a preference for the ammonium rather than those of the pioneer trees species in secondary birch forest, such asPopulus davidiava andBetula platyphylla. Because they have more ammonium in their leaves and roots, especiallyPinus koraiensis. Populus davidvana andBetula platyphlla are intolerant trees, amounts of nitrate and total nitrogen is higher in their leaves and roots and also NRA in their leaves, so they preference for the nitrate rather than the others. In secondary birch forest, the regeneration trees species adapt their nitrogen nutrient to the variation of nitrogen nutrient situation in soil, finally they could survival well and the secondary birch forest would succession to climax. In climax, dominance trees species adapt their Nitrogen nutrient to the situation in soil and there are not strong competition in nitrogen nutrient among them, so they can coexist well and keep the climax as stable vegetation.  相似文献   

The combustibility of Chinese fir and macclure michelia mixed forest   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李振问 《林业研究》1995,6(2):35-40
NATURALCONDITIONS0FTHEEX-PERIMENTALSITETheexperimentalsitcissituatedinXiken,YouxiCountyofEujianProvince,betWeenl17"8'-ll8"6'Elongltudeand25"8'-26"4O'NlatitUde.Theaverageelevationis225m.andaverageslopeis36",incliningnorthwest,fea-whngam0nsoonclimatecharacteristicofbothanintermediatesubtropicalc0ntinentalclimateandamaritimeclimate.TheaverageannualtemperatUreisl5-l9"Candannualrainfallisl600-1800nun.Soilisredformingthemoun-tainlandTheexPerimentalsitewastheslashareaofthesecondgr…  相似文献   

The avifaunas of a 30–40-year-old secondary forest and a 25–30-year-old Lophostemon confertus plantation were compared using the point count method over 1 year. Similar total numbers of bird species were recorded in the secondary forest (44 spp.) and the plantation (46 spp.) but many of those in the plantation were typical of non-forest habitats in Hong Kong and the number of forest-associated species was higher in the secondary forest. The mean total bird density in the secondary forest (44.5 ha−1) was much higher than in the plantation (12.4 ha−1). The Great Tit Parus major, Light-vented Bulbul Pycnonotus chinensis and Japanese White-eye Zosterops japonica were the three most abundant species at both the sites but their mean annual densities were all much higher in the secondary forest. There were relatively more granivores and insectivores and fewer insectivore-frugivores in the plantation. Twelve species were confirmed breeding in the secondary forest and none in the plantation.  相似文献   

Numerous efforts around the world are underway to apply the Montreal criteria and indicators to assess the sustainability of temperate and boreal forests. In this paper, we describe a logic-based system for evaluating the sustainability of forests at regional and national levels. We believe that such a system can make evaluation of sustainability more consistent and transparent. This effort also makes two points abundantly clear: (1) a systematic way to organize expert judgment about ecological, economic, social and institutional relationships (here, using ‘fuzzy logic’) is crucial to building such a system and (2) that the structure of this logic-based system reflects a policy framework and a series of decisions about values and what is meant by ‘sustainability’.  相似文献   

金沟岭云冷杉针阔混交林林分结构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以吉林汪清金沟岭林场1 hm2云冷杉针阔混交林数据为研究基础,对样地内树种组成、直径结构以及树种的空间分布结构进行分析。结果表明:1)优势物种云杉Abies nephrole-pis、冷杉Picea koraiensis、枫桦Betula costata大径阶的单木占多数,云冷杉的峰度值小于0,直径分布较为分散,枫桦峰度值大于0,直径分布比较集中。在物种的胸径分布格局解释上,负指数模型的解释程度要优于Weibull模型。2)该群落树种的平均角尺度为0.545,空间分布格局呈聚集分布,3种优势树种的平均角尺度为0.475~0.517,呈现随机分布特征。3)云杉、枫桦的平均混交度较高,而冷杉的平均混交度相对较低。4)样地所有物种的平均大小比数为0.496,3种主要树种的平均大小比数排序为云杉<冷杉<枫桦,表明云杉竞争力最大,冷杉次之,而枫桦的竞争力最小。该林分结构较为复杂,群落内树种以聚集分布为主,所以应调整林分林木分布格局,促进林木向随机分布格局发展,同时伐除上层的"霸王树"以及病腐木、弯曲树等处于竞争劣势的林木,将混交度维持在中度混交,从而尽可能保留维持群落的物种多样性。  相似文献   

以金洞林场杉木纯林、杉木-闽楠混交林为研究对象,对不同密度和混交比例的林分进行研究,将物种多样性指数作为衡量林分密度和混交比例是否合理的参考指标,为人工混交林的经营提供理论依据。采用典型抽样法,按其混交比例分为类型Ⅰ(10杉)、类型Ⅱ(9杉1楠)、类型Ⅲ(7杉3楠)、类型Ⅳ(5杉5楠)4种类型设置典型样地,同种类型林分设置3个密度等级,低密度(A:600~1000株/hm^2)、中密度(B:1200~1600株/hm^2)、高密度(C:2000~2400株/hm^2),对比分析其林下植被物种组成及多样性差异。结果表明:从类型Ⅰ至类型Ⅳ随着闽楠比例的增加其林下植被的物种数增加。林下灌木及草本Patrick丰富度指数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Simpson优势度指数表现为类型Ⅳ>类型Ⅲ>类型Ⅱ>类型Ⅰ。林分密度及混交比例与林下灌木及草本层的物种多样性指数呈显著(P<0.05)或极显著相关关系(P<0.01);拟合曲线表明林下植被Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Patrick丰富度指数达峰值时的闽楠比例为0.465~0.506,即闽楠比例在46.5%~50.6%之间其林下植被物种多样性达到最大值。物种多样性指数与密度及混交比例均具有显著或极显著相关关系,可将物种多样性作为确定杉木-闽楠混交林最适密度和混交比例的因子之一。当前阶段,金洞林场杉木-闽楠混交林最适密度为1200~1600株/hm^2,杉木与闽楠的株数比例控制在0.97~1.10之间。  相似文献   

桉树人工混交复层林生长及生态效应研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
杨瑞德 《福建林业科技》2007,34(3):36-39,64
从促进桉树人工林多种效益持续稳定高效的发挥和林地可持续利用的角度,开展桉树人工混交复层林研究,通过巨尾桉杉木和巨桉马尾松人工混交复层林的生长和生态效应的分析结果表明,巨尾桉与杉木及巨桉与马尾松混交所形成的复层林能有效提高桉树的生长量和林分总蓄积量;桉树混交复层林独特的林分结构提高了林下植被多样性,明显改善土壤结构,有利于协调土壤水、肥、气、热平衡,而且林内凋落物量多且成分复杂,显著提高了土壤肥力。  相似文献   

为给科学、合理、可持续经营毛竹林提供参考数据,以上阔下竹复合经营模式和毛竹纯林经营模式的竹林为研究对象,对两种经营模式下毛竹的竿形生长和地上各部分生物量等指标进行了测定,研究了上位阔叶林对下位毛竹林生长的影响情况。结果表明:同在上坡位的毛竹,上阔下竹复合经营模式的毛竹其胸径、竿高、壁厚、竹竿质量、竹叶质量等指标均显著大于或高于毛竹纯林经营模式的,毛竹的相对竿径随竿高而变化的趋势也较纯林模式的平缓,而毛竹的相对壁厚随相对竿高的变化趋势较纯林模式的陡峭。两种经营模式的毛竹其胸径、竿高、壁厚、竹竿质量、竹叶质量等指标在中坡位和下坡位的竹林间均无显著差异。  相似文献   

Throughout eastern North America, stands of northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.) are undergoing successional replacement by shade-tolerant competitors. In the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence (GLSL) forest region, Q. rubra approaches the northern limit of its distribution, and ecosystem-specific silvicultural directives are needed to promote regeneration. We used an inductive, ordination-based approach to explore patterns in understorey plant community composition and microenvironment under different partial harvest treatments applied in a GLSL hardwood stand, and related these to characteristics of natural seedlings of Q. rubra and its competitors Acer rubrum and Acer saccharum.Two years after harvest, we established 2 m × 2 m plots in a stratified random design under 70% (n = 20) and 50% (n = 19) crown closure uniform shelterwood, group selection (n = 15), and uncut upper slope (n = 10) and lower slope (n = 10) areas. Percent cover of understorey vascular plant species, and a suite of microclimatic and edaphic variables were measured in each plot. Density, mean diameter and mean height of seedlings in the understorey (height <1 m) were determined in each plot for Q. rubra, A. rubrum and A. saccharum.Correspondence analysis (CA) ordination extracted two major axes explaining 21.6% of the total inertia in the species cover by plot matrix. Axis one separated uncut plots from the 50% shelterwood along a gradient of canopy cover associated with partial harvest treatments. Plot scores on axis one (13.2%) reflected a shift in dominance of the understorey from shade-tolerant Acer spp. to shade-intolerant colonizers, Rubus idaeus and Carex spp. Plot scores on axis one were directly (p < 0.05) associated with total understorey plant cover, litter depth, soil temperature and pH, but not with measures of plant diversity. Axis two (8.4%) separated plots from upper slope and lower slope areas, and plot scores were inversely associated (p < 0.05) with soil pH, phosphorus and nitrogen levels. Along axis two there was a shift in dominance from competitive (e.g. A. saccharum) to stress-tolerant (e.g. A. rubrum) species as soil fertility declined. Stepwise linear regression indicated seedling diameter in Q. rubra, A. rubrum and A. saccharum was inversely related to canopy cover. This suggests all three species benefited from partial harvest, although the relationship was strongest in Q. rubra. Patterns in understorey composition, microenvironment and seedling characteristics provide the basis to identify the main competitors of Q. rubra seedlings and adjust regeneration efforts along gradients of canopy closure and soil fertility under partial harvest systems within the GLSL forest region.  相似文献   

Stand structure of an old-growth forest was studied by tree (≥4.0 cm in DBH) census in a main plot of 1.3 ha and 8 additional plots (0.525 ha in total) located in the Mt. Moiwa Forest Reserve, central Hokkaido, northern Japan. Major tree species with ≥1.0% of the relative basal area and of relative number of trees (Acer mono, A. mono var.mayrii, Kalopanax pictus, Magnolia kobus var.borealis, M. obovata, Prunus ssiori, Tilia japonica, andUlmus laciniata) have positive values of skewness in DBH, which shows the abundance of smaller-sized stems. All stems over 1.3 m high in the main plot were mapped to clarify the relationship between stem densities and canopy states. Although advances from sapling (>1.3 m tall and <4.0 cm DBH) to small tree (10.0 cm ≤ DBH <25 cm) for all major component species, exceptP. ssiori andU. laciniata, were independent of canopy states, those ofP. ssiori andU. laciniata depended on canopy gaps.Betula spp. was the most abundant gap makers, butT. japonica andA. mono (including var.mayrii) were dominant species in the main plot. This suggests the shift of dominant species in the forest of the study site. Historical records of disturbance demonstrated that selective cuttings of conifers during the late 19th century were responsible for the dominance ofBetula spp. and the subsequent shift of dominant species. This fact suggests that artificial disturbance plays an important role in the establishment ofTilia japonica-Acer mono forest considered to be a climax of the mixed deciduous broadleaf/conifer forests.  相似文献   

The long-term development of stand characteristics and tree spatial patterns (TSP), their mutual relation, and linkage to site and tree species were studied in the Boubín primeval forest (protected since 1858). Surveys were carried out in 1851, 1961/1964, 1972, 1984/1989, 1996 and 2010 on one to six research plots sized 0.58-1.00 ha. To see how results from these surveys could be generalized, results were also compared with whole-area data sets (46 ha) from 1972 to 2010.The proportion of Abies alba continually decreased, from 20% in 1851 to 2-3% in 2010. This decrease started no later than at the beginning of the 20th century. In contrast, the proportion of Fagus sylvatica slightly increased. The sum of dead and living wood volume was stable during the 159 year period, with deviations of only up to 5%. From 1961/64 to 2010, the number of living trees continually decreased, but the mean-tree volume and volume of dead wood increased. The distribution of dead wood always differed from the distribution of living trees.A random TSP was always most common, which seems to be typical for this type of forest. This was true even when A. alba was gradually forced out from the stand structure. Nevertheless, the pronounced decrease of A. alba found during the 1961/64 survey compared with 1851 was reflected in a tendency towards clustering, as gaps from A. alba dieback gradually closed. In these gaps, competitive pressure was lower, resulting in more clustered distributions. Regular distribution was recorded only rarely. F. sylvatica maintained a random or clustered TSP over long periods, depending on site conditions. On water-affected plots, it had a consistently higher tendency towards clustering. The only step change in TSP occurred due to Hurricane Emma in 2008. Otherwise, the most marked TSP changes over time were found for Picea abies, in which there was a gradual trend from clustered to random, connected with a decreasing number of individuals.The main reason for the decline of A. alba and the decreased number of living trees from 1961/64-2010 was the on-going effect of a high stock of red deer at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. The decreasing trend in the number of living trees showed no marked change, even 60 years after the game pressure was strongly reduced. However, the vertical structure became increasingly homogenized due to the long-term absence of severe abiotic and/or biotic disturbances.  相似文献   

The effect of tree species mixture on stand volume yield and on tree-species-specific diameter and height growth rates were analysed in managed mixed stands of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and silver birch (Betula pendula Ehrn.).Data were obtained from 14 repeatedly measured stands located in Southern Finland on mineral soil sites with varying admixture of Scots pine and silver birch. Statistical analysis was carried out for studying the effect of species mixture on the development of stand characteristics. For the analysis, the plots were categorised into three groups (plot types) according to the species dominance. In order to analyse species-specific growth rates, individual-tree mixed linear growth models for tree diameter and height growth were developed for both tree species.The results clearly show that the yield of the managed mid-rotation, mixed stands was greater for stands dominated by Scots pine than for stands dominated by birch, and the stand volume increment decreased with an increasing proportion of silver birch. Analysis of diameter and height growth by tree species revealed that the main reason for this pattern is the negative impact of birch competition on the growth of pine trees. The increase in diameter of pine was clearly hampered if the proportion of birch was high. An abundance of birch also slightly decreased the growth in height of Scots pine, although the effect was less than on diameter growth. Species mixture did not affect the diameter growth of birch but did have a significant effect on height development. Height growth of birch was considerably greater in pine-dominated stands than in birch-dominated stands. In pine-dominated mixed stands, the height growth of birch was quite close to that of dominant pine trees, and birches can endure in competition with pines for light.The results apply for even-aged and single-storey managed stands, where stocking density and structure are controlled with pre-commercial and commercial thinnings. The results are not applicable to unmanaged mixed stands undergoing self-thinning. This study provides new information on mixed stands from a silvicultural perspective, which can be applied in decisions involving the management of mixed stands.  相似文献   

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