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In 1987 a new disease, called pseudostem rot, was observed on 3–5-month-old banana plants(Musa sp.) cv. ’Robusta’. The pathogen was isolated in pure culture and identified asCorticium rolfsii (Sacc.) Curzi, teleomorph ofSclerotium rolfsii Sacc. The teleomorphic stage of the fungus was observed inside the pseudostem sheath. The pathogen produced leaf spot diseases (by basidiospores) on 16 tested host plants from various families.  相似文献   

Cucumber mosaic virus (serologically closely related to strains CMV-C and CMV-D) is reported for the first time as a natural infection of Dianthus barbatus causing leaf crinkle and stunting of plants. It was mechanically transmitted to healthy D. barbatus and Vaccaria pyramidata (Caryophyllaceae) and to other herbaceous test plants, and was also aphid-transmissible from D. barbatus to D. barbatus. A convenient host for multiplication and purification of the virus was Nicotiana rustica. The presence of CMV was confirmed in D. barbatus and also in V. pyramidata by Western immunoblotting, but the concentration was too low in both the hosts to detect the virus by agar double diffusion tests.  相似文献   

A new boll rot disease of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) cv. MCU 9 was observed in Tamil Nadu, India, in 1988. The causal organism was isolated in pure culture and identified asCorynespora cassiicola (Berk. & Curt.) Wei. The isolate, which on cotton is pathogenic only to bolls, is considered to be different from a strain ofC. Cassiicola known elsewhere causing leaf spot of cotton. The pathogenicity of this fungus on several other important crops was also tested. The fungus produced leaf spot and stem rot diseases on, respectively, eight and six host plants. Root rot, after inoculation, was observed only inVigna sinensis, Arachis hypogaea andSesamum indicium.  相似文献   

A. virus causing mosaic and leaf deformation of Physalis minima has been identified as an isolate of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) on the basis of its transmission by aphids in a non-persistent manner, polyhedral particles of 29 nm diameter, molecular weight of coat protein subunits us 24-5 kDa. serological relationship with a CMV isolate and a tripartite single-stranded RNA genome with a subgenomic RNA4- Furthermore. cDNA representing coat protein gene was synthesized and cloned. Complete nucleotide sequences (890 nt) were obtained which showed a coat protein gene open reading frame of 657 residues. THE nucleotide sequences provided the 218 amino ACID sequences of the coat protein. Nucleotide as well as amino acid sequences revealed more than 90% identity with the CMV subgroup I strains.  相似文献   

A new sheath rot disease of rice incited byCochliobolus lunatus (anamorph:Curvularia lunata) was first observed on rice cultivars at the end of the dry season (April and May) in 1990. Nearly 7% of rice plants at boot leaf stage showed typical sheath rot symptoms. Panicles emerging from diseased plants were mostly black. Six improved cultivars and five breeding lines derived from the wild riceOryza officinalis were completely free of the disease under both natural and artificial infection conditions. These genetic stocks with resistance to sheath rot can now be utilized in breeding programs.  相似文献   

From bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris) grown near Valencia, Spain, a virus was isolated that is easily transmitted by sap and by leaf contact to beans and 23 of 37 other plant species tested. In most species symptoms were mild or absent. Symptoms in bean could be easily confused with those of bean common mosaic virus, but were usually mild and diseased plants often recovered. All bean cultivars tested were susceptible. One of twelve varieties investigated showed 7% seed transmission. Seed remained infective after 27 months of storage. Two antisera (titre 64) were prepared against purified, formalin-treated virus. Serologically the virus was found to be closely related to normal cucumber mosaic virus and hardly or not to the chrysanthemum aspermy virus. This shows that it differs from peanut stunt virus which is known to cause a severe disease in beans in the USA.Partial masking of symptoms, high infectivity, wide host range and seed transmission make the virus potentially important to bean cultivation.Samenvatting Uit boneplanten, geteeld in de buurt van Valencia, Spanje, werd een virus geïsoleerd dat met sap gemakkelijk overgaat op bonen en 23 andere van de 37 getoetste plantesoorten (Tabel 1). In de meeste soorten waren de symptomen zwak of zelfs afwezig.De verschijnselen in boon konden gemakkelijk worden verward met die van het bonerolmozaïekvirus (Fig. 1), maar ze waren meestal zwak, terwijl de geïnfecteerde planten zich doorgaans min of meer herstelden. Alle 26 getoetste bonerassen (o.a. Tabel 2) bleken vatbaar te zijn.Bij boon ging het virus door aanraking met de vingers of aan een doekje over, ook wanneer na aanraking van de zieke plant 5 minuten werd gewacht alvorens een gezonde aan te raken. Na 15 minuten wachten kon evenwel geen virusoverdracht meer worden aangetoond. Door wassen met alleen water, of met water en zeep, bleken de handen gemakkelijk van virus te reinigen. In één van de 12 hierop onderzochte bonerassen bleek het virus met zaad over te gaan (7%). Het zaad was nog geïnfecteerd toen het opnieuw werd getoetst na bewaring gedurende 27 maanden.De verdunningsgrens van het virus lag bij 100.000, de inactiveringstemperatuur bij ongeveer 60°C en de houdbaarheid in vitro bij 24 uur.InNicotiana glutinosa beschermde het virus tegen latere infectie met de gele stam van het komkommermozaïekvirus.In hakselpreparaten van geïnfecteerde planten waren de virusdeeltjes slechts met moeite aantoonbaar (Fig. 2). Gezuiverde, met formaline behandelde preparaten bleken echter veel, ongeveer 30 nm grote deeltjes te bevatten (Fig. 3).Tegen gedeeltelijk gezuiverde, met formaline gefixeerde preparaten werden twee antisera met een titer van 64 gemaakt. Serologisch bleek het virus nauw verwant te zijn aan het normale komkommermozaïekvirus en nauwelijks of niet aan het chrysante-aspermievirus (Tabel 3). Het verschilt daarom van het peanut stunt virus, waarvan bekend is dat het in de USA een ernstige ziekte in boon kan veroorzaken.Gedeeltelijke symptoommaskering, hoog infectievermogen, uitgebreide waard-plantenreeks en overgang met zaad doen het virus voor de boneteelt van potentiële betekenis zijn.  相似文献   

三七花叶症的检测与鉴定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从云南文山采集的表现明显花叶,并畸形、皱缩症状的三七样品,经血清学检测,与黄瓜花叶病毒(cucumbermosaicCucumovirus,CMV)有弱阳性反应,根据CMV种的外壳蛋白同源性序列设计引物,对其进行了RT鄄PCR扩增和序列分析,判定样品中含有CMV。  相似文献   

A. GERA  J. COHEN 《Plant pathology》1990,39(3):558-560
A strain of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) was isolated from phlox plants raised from imported cuttings and grown in plastic tunnels. The infection was acquired from local sources. Virus identification was based on electron microscopy, host range, aphid transmission, serology and physical properties.  相似文献   

Stability of the aphid transmission phenotype in cucumber mosaic virus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ng  & Perry 《Plant pathology》1999,48(3):388-394
The stability of the aphid transmission phenotype in seven field isolates of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) was studied, using aphids Aphis gossypii and Myzus persicae . Field isolates, obtained from four vegetable crops, were propagated in squash and Nicotiana glutinosa , and passaged by either aphid transmission or mechanical transfer. All seven isolates were transmissible by both aphids and this aphid transmission phenotype was stable after 20–24 mechanical passages. Upon further mechanical passaging, one of the seven isolates, CMV-2 A1-MT 60x, lost its transmissibility by Myzus persicae but was still transmissible by Aphis gossypii , although at a reduced rate. Isolates maintained by both aphid transmission and mechanical transfer were transmitted more efficiently by Aphis gossypii than by Myzus persicae . A comparison of the RNA profiles showed no major differences among the CMV isolates before and after mechanical passage.  相似文献   

A varied population of cucumber mosaic virus from peppers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A varied population of Cucumber Mosaic Virus (CMV) isolates is reported from peppers ( Capsicum annuum ) in Australia. Isolates representing both CMV subgroups (serogroups) I and II have been obtained from the same field at the same sampling time. The CMV isolates were typed into subgroup I (eight isolates) and subgroup II (two isolates) using both a nucleic acid hybridization assay and an immunological assay with monoclonal antibodies. The immunological assay described allows the typing of strains in crude sap extracts, obviating the need for purified virions. The spatial and temporal coincidence of both CMV subgroups presents a situation in which pseudorecombinants with reassorted genomic components might arise.  相似文献   

The interaction of beet western yellows virus (BWYV), lettuce mosaic virus (LMV) and cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) has been studied in lettuce cultivars Little Gem and Saladin. LMV infection alone or in combination with BWYV and or CMV caused the most severe symptoms and yield losses in both cultivars. BWYV caused more severe reactions in Little Gem than in Saladin; the reactions caused by CMV were mild in both cultivars. The interaction between BWYV and CMV infection resulted in a significantly greater yield loss in both cultivars than that caused by BWYV or CMV infection alone.  相似文献   

Severe mosaic, yellowing and stunting symptoms were observed on petunia (Petunia hybrida L.) growing in pots at NBRI and in various gardens of Lucknow, India. The association of Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) with the mosaic disease was detected based on positive bioassay on susceptible hosts, isometric cored virus particles of ~28?nm during electron microscopic observations in leaf dip preparations and positive amplification of expected size (~650?bp) during RT-PCR using coat protein gene specific primers. Further, the complete RNA 3 genomic fragment of virus isolate was amplified by RT-PCR using RNA 3 specific primers. The obtained amplicons of ~2.2 Kb were cloned and sequenced. The analysis of sequence data of RNA 3 revealed highest sequence identities (96%) with several CMV strains which belong to subgroup IB. The virus isolate also showed closest phylogenetic relationships with banana strain of CMV of subgroup IB (Acc. EF178298) reported from India. To the best of our knowledge, we report the first molecular characterization of CMV strain of subgroup IB causing severe mosaic disease on petunia in India.  相似文献   

黄瓜绿斑驳花叶病毒病的鉴定与防治   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
黄瓜绿斑驳花叶病毒病是1种检疫性有害生物,主要为害葫芦科瓜类作物,在引种和调运种子、种苗时应加强对种苗进行检测,最好实行产地检疫。通常采用生物学、电镜观察、血清学和分子生物学进行鉴定。控制黄瓜绿斑驳花叶病毒病的有效方法是调运无病的种苗和瓜果,其次是合理轮作减少毒源。  相似文献   

Occurrence of a variant of cucumber green mottle mosaic virus in ISRAEL   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A virus was isolated from naturally infected melons and squirting cucumber(Ecballium elaterium (L.) Rich) plants collected in the northern part of Israel. Some data are presented on the biological, serological and physical properties of the virus, which was identified as a variant of cucumber green mottle mosaic virus.  相似文献   

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