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城市生物多样性保护规划探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
依据生物多样性方法和原理,从植物和动物2个方面探讨了城市生物多样性保护规划的内容,提出城市生物多样性保护中值得关注的问题。应根据绿地的功能和生境类型进行植物配置,构建以自然群落为基础的人工群落,是城市绿地系统中植物多样性保护的重点。通过规划栖息地和建设生态廊道的方法可以有效地进行动物多样性保护工作,该文对城市生物多样性保护规划的编制有参考价值。  相似文献   

对城市绿地系统植物多样性保护的认识及建议   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:19  
“保护生物多样性就是保护人类自己”已是当今世界人类的共同责任。城市绿地是我国保护植物多样性的重要基地。本文对生物多样性保护及城市绿地系统植物多样性保护的必要性和重要性提出了自己的看法。并根据成都市的实际情况提出了建设园林植物群落;增加城市绿化苗木;保护古树名木做好园林植物引种;加强乡土植物资源的保存利用和建设城市大园林等六个方面的建议。  相似文献   

陆玉云 《林业调查规划》1999,24(1):40-42,50
城市在国土资源中所占比例较小,而城市人口密集,自然生态破坏严重,因此城市的生物多样性保护具有更加重大的意义。城市生物多样性保护包括:城市园林绿地生物多样性保护,如风景名胜区、公园、城郊绿地的保护;植物园生物多样性保护,突出对观赏植物、环境绿化植物的保护,古树名木的保护;动物园生物多样性保护等。并以昆明市为例,提出了生物多样性保护的建议。  相似文献   

浅谈城市生物多样性保护   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
城市在国土资源中所占比例较小,而城市人口密集,自然生态破坏严重,因此城市的生物多样性保护具有更加重大的意义,城市生物多样性保护包括:城市园林绿地生物多样性保护,如风景名胜区、公园,城郊绿地的保护;植物园生物多样性保护,突出对观赏植物、环境绿化植物的保护,古树名木的保护;动物园生物多样性保护等。并以昆明市为例,提出了生物多样性保护的建议/  相似文献   

指出了在现代城市建设与发展中,生态模式因其的环境效益与经济效益已经成为了城市建设的主要模式,而对于城市的建设生态园林建设,则是城市建设的重要环节。介绍了生态园林中植物多样性的现状与研究意义,提出了对生态园林中植物多样性的保护方法,以期为生态园林建设中植物多样性的保护提供参考。  相似文献   

该文分析了城市生物多样性保护的现状和存在的问题,探讨了开展城市公园生物多样性保护的途径,提出应从乡土植物品种的开发利用等6方面做起,以促进城市生物多样性保护的发展。  相似文献   

通过对菏泽市实地调查研究,从遗传、物种、生态系统、景观4个层次对菏泽市域范围植物多样性现状进行分析,指出菏泽市植物多样性面临的问题,在此基础上结合菏泽市城市特点提出编制植物多样性保护规划、完善城乡绿地规划、保护湿地、建立保育中心、修建生物廊道和建立生物多样性监测网络体系等保护措施与生态管理对策,以期为菏泽市植物多样性的有效保护和利用提供依据。  相似文献   

大理市城市森林特点和建设思路   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
胡宗华 《林业调查规划》2005,30(3):58-61,67
介绍了城市森林的概念和内涵,指出了大理市森林资源丰富、植物种类繁多、森林类型多样、建成区的城市森林景观独特,城市与森林融为一体的特点,提出了保护大理市现有森林资源、保护生物多样性、科学规划、积极兴建城市森林的建设思路和措施。  相似文献   

文章介绍了城市建设中保护生物多样性的特殊意义、主要思路和工作基础,并在规划上提出了保护生物多样城市建设与生物多样性保护性的基本原则和重点保护工程。    相似文献   

生态园林的建立不仅仅能够提升城市整体美观性,对于改善城市生态环境也起到无可替代的作用。文章通过多个角度阐述城市生态园林与生物多样性保护之间的关系,并提出进行城市生态园林建立时,需要对园林内部生物多样性实施有效分析,按照城市生态园林建设要求制定生物多样性保护策略,全面提升生物多样性保护力度。  相似文献   

探讨了云南热区阔叶人工林可持续经营的生物多样性标准、生态安全标准及天然林保护标准及其指标。根据文献、试验及专题调研,提出生物多样性标准包括生物多样性集中地区或地段的保护、濒危物种保护、重要和特殊自然景观保护、具重要价值的林木种质资源保护、野生动物生境和栖息地保护5个具体指标,以及生态安全及天然林保护各两个指标,并计算了生物多样性指标。  相似文献   

森林生物多样性保护原理概述   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:21  
热点地区的分析,为我们确定生物多样性保护的策略和优先等级提供了依据;由于人类的剧烈干扰,现在地球上有许多物种和生态系统都处于濒危的境地,热带雨林的生物多样性丧失最为严重;热点地区虽然在地球上所占的面积很小,但却拥有大量的物种,这些地区的生物多样性丧失应特别引起我们注意;每个物种灭绝的难易程度不同,稀有种和长寿命种特别易于灭绝,而关键种一旦受到威胁,依赖于其生存的许多物种也会有灭绝的危险。遗传多样性的丧失也是生物多样性丧失的重要方面,种群内遗传多样性的丧失主要来源于奠基者效应、统计瓶颈效应、遗传漂变和近亲交配4种因素。物种的概念影响到对物种的保护,物种保护应包括物种内遗传多样性的保护;种群的动态调节机制和源—汇种群动态对于生物多样性保护具有重要的意义。种群生存力分析是了解物种濒危机制的崭新手段。群落中的种间关系和自然干扰体系是生物多样性保护中应考虑的重要方面。人为的生境破碎与自然景观的异质性不同,生境破碎会造成边缘效应和拥挤效应等一系列的生物学后果。  相似文献   

南非克鲁格国家公园是世界最大的野生动物保护区之一。文中在介绍克鲁格国家公园概况的基础上, 从水资源管理、物种管理、旅游开发管理3个方面分析生物多样性保护管理政策的制定与实施对园内生物多样性的影响, 并结合我国国情提出保护我国生物多样性的政策建议。  相似文献   

张家界武陵源区是我国大陆部分确定出的11个生物多样性保护的关键地区之一,动植物种类丰富、植物区系古老、特有类群繁多.分析张家界武陵源区生物多样性的特征、现状及保护中面临的主要问题,提出了在区内开展生态旅游、严格控制外来物种引入、引进科技人才、开展生物多样性保护和监测、做好抵御重大自然灾害预案等切实可行的保护对策.  相似文献   

With an area of 394,000 km2 (4.1% of China's total area) and specific diversified geographical environments, Yunnan houses over 18,000 species of higher plants (51.6% of China's total), 1,836 vertebrate species (54.8% of China's total) and multitu-dinous species of rare, endemic and epibiotic wildlife, ranking first in species richness value and endemicity rate of China's biodiver-sity, thus becoming a rare gene bank of wildlife species with the most concentrated distribution of important wildlife taxa and a key terrestrial biodiversity region of global significance. Despite its evident abundance and endemism, however, the biodiversity is faced with threats of ecological fragility and human disturbances in socioeconomic development resulting in attenuation of biodiversity, degradation of ecosystems and serious loss of species, thus, it needs to be carefully studied for its sustainability. Based on the analy-ses of the geographical diversity, the macro material bases of Yunnan's biodiversity were reviewed and six characteristics of the pro-vincial biodiversity were described in the ecosystems, forest types, species compositions, endemic species, genetic resources, etc. By appraising the present status of the provincial biodiversity conservation, the facts that the biodiversity coexisted with fragility were revealed so that eight key disadvantageous factors in the provincial ecological fragility causing serious biodiversity loss were sum-marized and described in this paper. In order to satisfy the two-fold needs of biodiversity sustainability and socioeconomic develop-ment, eight strategies for the sustainable development were intensively elaborated by borrowing certain theories in modern conserva-tion biology, recycling economics and some successful innovations, and by giving comprehensive consideration to the ecological fragility mechanism, nature reserve construction, environmental protection and the exploitability of resources for biodiversity sus-tainability and socioeconomic development. Accordingly, relevant targets, principles, tactics and measures for effective biodiversity conservation and sustainability were suggested to lay a solid theoretical foundation and reliable scientific basis for the biodiversity and socioeconomic sustainable development.  相似文献   

Setting aside parcels of land is the main conservation strategy to reduce the rate of biodiversity loss worldwide. Because funding for biological conservation is limited, it is important to distinguish the most efficient ways to use it. Here, we assess implications of alternative measures to conserve biodiversity in managed boreal forest landscapes. We calculated four alternative spatio-temporal scenarios and compared these to the current management regime over 100-year time period. In the alternative scenarios, a fixed amount of funding was invested in (1) permanent large reserves (each tens of ha in size), (2) permanent small reserves (each a few ha in size), (3) temporary small reserves (based on 10-year contracts with private land owners), and (4) green-tree retention (small groups of trees retained on clear-cuts). To assess biodiversity implications, we used habitat suitability indices to calculate overall habitat availability for five groups of red-listed and habitat-specific species associated with decaying spruce logs. The possibilities for timber harvests did not differ among the scenarios, but biodiversity performance was different. The scenarios with permanent reserves tended to outperform other scenarios, suggesting that conservation policies based on permanent reserves are the most cost-efficient in the long term. Results, however, varied among time scales and species groups. In the short term, a strategy of investment in temporary small reserves was the most efficient. Habitat for species associated with old spruce dead-wood and preferring shade was rare throughout all simulations, and therefore, it is likely that these species cannot be sustained in managed forests. Species that live on fresh dead-wood and are associated with forest edges coped well in all scenarios suggesting that such species will persist in managed landscapes without additional conservation efforts. Explicit definition of conservation objectives and time frames for conservation action are thus prerequisites for successful conservation planning.  相似文献   

在全球环境基金(GEF)组织的资助下,2003年8月~2004年10月,对湖南省壶瓶山自然保护区社会经济和生物资源本底进行了调查。研究结果表明:壶瓶山自然保护区具有丰富的物种多样性、生态系统多样性和景观多样性,同时也面临着一些威胁和限制因素。为加强生物多样性的保护,2005年1月~2007年12月,又对该保护区内的重点保护物种、林火隐患、薪材需求、林木采伐、生态旅游、采矿、猎捕、放牧及道路建设等方面进行了监测,并运用逻辑分析法和对比分析法,对当前生物多样性保护仍面临的主要威胁与限制因素进行了探讨,并在此基础上提出了相应对策。  相似文献   

高黎贡山自然保护区森林资源丰富,动植物种类繁多,其物种多样性的丰富程度为国内外罕见。由于周边社区集体森林破坏严重,使保护区受到周围村社的"蚕食",给高黎贡山的森林资源管理和生物多样性保护工作带来了巨大的压力。在对村社集体林地的管理与高黎贡山生物多样性保护相关性论述的基础上,提出加强对乡村集体森林的管理,发展社区林业,实行"以林养林",即以发展集体林来保护国有林、保护区,使社区林业的发展既为当地农户提供日常生产、生活和经济发展所需要的非木材林产品、薪材及木材,又为保护区构筑一道以集体林为主的绿色屏障,以实现自然保护区森林资源管理、生物多样性保护和周围农村经济的协调发展。  相似文献   

Agroforestry, as one of integrated approaches to biodiversity conservation, has received attention. But the methods to evaluate this contribution are rare. The present study focuses on the method development for quantification of effects of agroforestry on biodiversity conservation. It includes identifying the functional groups of agroforestry components, defined as a set of species with similar impacts on a system process, and quantifying the distinctness of these groups, as related to wise use of resources and increasing well-being of local people. Combining with functional group-based Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) analysis, the present work gives a useful way for an integrated evaluation-planning of agroforestry management relative to biodiversity conservation. It also provides a means to improve our knowledge on the potential roles of agroforestry in biodiversity conservation of nature reserves. The analyses, using the distinctness index of functional groups, demonstrated the impacts of various land-use systems on biodiversity conservation. The analyses, using AHP, ranked the priorities of various agroforestry and plantations on the protection of nature forests, aiming at the long-term solution for the resource support. The present study suggests that agroforestry development for biodiversity conservation should take into account the impacts of functional groups in strategic planning.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is one of the leading forest certification schemes. While many studies concern political aspects and social outcomes of FSC, little is known about the contribution of certification to biodiversity conservation. In Europe, the Russian Federation and Sweden have the largest areas of FSC-certified forest. We assessed the potential of FSC certification for boreal biodiversity conservation in terms of standard content, and outcomes as habitat area set aside and habitat network functionality. First, we compared the biodiversity conservation indicators at different spatial scales in Swedish and Russian FSC standards. Second, focusing on one large state forest management unit in each country, we compared the areas of formally and voluntarily set aside forests for biodiversity conservation. Third, we evaluated the structural habitat connectivity by applying morphological spatial pattern analysis, and potential functional connectivity by using habitat suitability index modelling for virtual species. The Russian standard included indicators for all spatial scales of biodiversity conservation, from tree and stand to landscape and ecoregions. The Swedish standard focused mainly on stand and tree scales. The area of voluntary set-asides for FSC was similar in Sweden and Russia, while formal protection in the Russian case study was three times higher than in the Swedish one. Swedish set-aside core areas were two orders of magnitude smaller, had much lower structural and potential functional connectivity and were located in a fragmented forestland holding. We conclude that to understand the potential of FSC certification for biodiversity conservation both the standard content, and its implementation on the ground, need to be assessed. We discuss the potential of FSC certification for biodiversity conservation with different levels of ambition. We stress the need for developing rapid assessment tools to evaluate outcomes of FSC for biodiversity conservation on the ground, which could be used by forest managers and FSC-auditors toward adaptive governance and management.  相似文献   

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