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During an evaluation of the gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) confirmatory procedure of Lynch and Bartolucci for pyrantel residues in swine tissues, we developed a GC flame ionization method for quantitating pyrantel residues in extracts of swine liver. The method was subjected to trial principally in the laboratories of Biospherics, Inc., using control liver, fortified control liver, and incurred liver tissue samples. Although the method does not meet all of the current Food and Drug Administration criteria, it compares favorably to the official determinative method. Portions of the same extract can be used for quantitation and for GC/MS confirmation, true recoveries appear to be slightly higher, and an internal standard is not required. The precision of this method equals or exceeds that of the official determinative method.  相似文献   

Quantitative methods are detailed for determination of ethyl carbamate in distilled alcoholic beverages by capillary gas chromatography with flame ionization detection (GC/FID) and by packed-column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) using selected ion monitoring. Five g samples of distillate of known ethanol concentration are diluted with water to 25% ethanol (v/v), washed with petroleum ether, and extracted with dichloromethane prior to GC/FID or GC/MS analysis. As necessary, sample extracts that exhibit GC/FID interference are passed through alumina for additional cleanup. When internal standards (tert-butyl carbamate and n-butyl carbamate for GC/FID, or ethyl 13C-15N-carbamate for GC/MS) were used for quantitation, the limit of detection for ethyl carbamate was in the range of 5-25 ppb. Coefficients of variation ranged from 3.5 to 6.0% for GC/FID determinations, and from 1.4 to 3.2% for GC/MS. Correlation between methods for 22 random distillate samples ranging in concentration from approximately 40 to 800 ppb gave a correlation coefficient (r) of 0.996.  相似文献   

Amino acids and amines are the precursors of betalains. Therefore, the profiles of free amino compounds in juices obtained from cactus pears [Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill. cv. Bianca, cv. Gialla, and cv. Rossa], pitaya fruits [Selenicereus megalanthus (K. Schumann ex Vaupel) Moran, Hylocereus polyrhizus (Weber) Britton & Rose, and Hylocereus undatus (Haworth) Britton & Rose], and in extracts from differently colored Swiss chard [Beta vulgaris L. ssp. cicla (L.) Alef. cv. Bright Lights] petioles and red and yellow beets (B. vulgaris L. ssp. vulgaris var. conditiva Alef. cv. Burpee's Golden) were investigated for the first time. Amino compounds were derivatized with propyl chloroformate. While gas chromatography (GC) with mass spectrometry was used for peak assignment, GC flame ionization detection was applied for quantification of individual compounds. Whereas proline was the major free amino compound of cactus pear and pitaya fruit juices, glutamine dominated in Swiss chard stems and beets, respectively. Interestingly, extremely high concentrations of dopamine were detected in Swiss chard stems and beets. Furthermore, the cleavage of betaxanthins caused by derivatization in alkaline reaction solutions is demonstrated for the first time. Amino acids and amines thus released might increase the actual free amino compound contents of the respective sample. To evaluate the contribution of betaxanthin cleavage to total amino acid and amine concentration, isolated betaxanthins were derivatized according to the "EZ:faast" method prior to quantification of the respective amino compounds released. On a molar basis, betaxanthin contribution to overall amino compound contents was always below 6.4%.  相似文献   

A procedure was developed to determine amphetamine salts in solid dosage forms. Amphetamine was extracted from the solid matrix with dilute hydrochloric acid and reacted with cyclohexanone in a strongly basic aqueous methanolic solution. The Schiff base reaction product was extracted with hexane for gas chromatographic determination. Reaction time and optimum conditions were studied. Phenethylamine, similarly treated, was used as an internal standard. Results compared favorably with those obtained by using USP methods.  相似文献   

A method using gas chromatography/chemical ionization mass spectrometry (GC/CIMS) for the determination of daminozide residues in apples has been developed. Daminozide was separated from the sample matrix by water extraction and cation exchange, converted to the methyl ester by treatment with HCl-methanol, and determined by GC/CIMS using succinonitrile as an internal standard. The detection level was 0.05 ppm. Recoveries were 92-104% from apples spiked at the 0.05-0.5 ppm levels. Of the 25 apple samples analyzed, only 2 were positive for daminozide (1.04 and 0.32 ppm).  相似文献   

Several margarine base stock candidates have previously been prepared for the purpose of finding better, more oxidatively stable food components: high-saturate vegetable oils, randomized vegetable oils, vegetable oil-hard stock blends, and interesterified vegetable oil-hard stock blends. Here are reported the triacylglycerol compositions of these products, determined using reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled with a flame ionization detector or a quadrupole mass spectrometer with an atmospheric pressure chemical ionization source. Triacylglycerol percent composition results for samples of known composition (randomized and interesterified samples) exhibited less average error by HPLC coupled with a quadrupole mass spectrometer with an atmospheric pressure chemical ionization source, after application of response factors, than the results by HPLC coupled with a flame ionization detector. The fatty acid compositions calculated from the mass spectrometric data exhibited less average error than the fatty acid compositions resulting from the flame ionization detector data. The average error of the fatty acid compositions by the mass spectrometer was lowest for interesterified blend samples, next lowest for randomized samples, then followed by high-saturated fatty acid oils, normal oils, and blends. Analysis of the vegetable oil-hard stock blends by mass spectrometer required special treatment for calculation of response factors.  相似文献   

An analytical method is described for the simultaneous quantitative determination of tri-n-butyltin and di-n-butyltin compounds in fish. The sample was extracted with 0.5N HCl-methanol, and the methanol solution was extracted with hexane. The extract was purified by gel permeation chromatography and treated with Grignard reagent to yield the methyl derivatives, which were determined by gas chromatography with flame photometric detection operated in the tin mode (610 nm). Recoveries of tri-n-butyltin chloride (Bu3SnCl) and di-n-butyltin dichloride (Bu2SnCl2) spiked to fish at the levels of 0.2 and 1.0 ppm ranged from 80 to 105%. Detection limits were 0.02 micrograms/g for both compounds. Tri-n-butyltin compounds equivalent to Bu3SnCl levels of 0.07-2.0 ppm and di-n-butyltin compounds equivalent to Bu2SnCl2 levels of 0.02-0.11 ppm were found in reared yellowtails, and these values showed good agreement with the results from gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric analysis.  相似文献   

建立了电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)法测定肥料中总铊。在0~10 ng/mL范围内呈现良好的线性关系,线性方程为y=0.014631x-1.177373×10-4(R2=1.0000),方法检出限为0.4 μg/kg。相对标准偏差为2.3%  相似文献   

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