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Cole JR  Cole S 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1972,178(4059):368-375
Let us consider, then, some general conclusions that may be drawn from the findings reported in this study. The data allow us to question the view stated by Ortega, Florey, and others that large numbers of average scientists contribute substantially to the advance of science through their research. It seems, rather, that a relatively small number of physicists produce work that becomes the base for future discoveries in physics. We have found that even papers of relatively minor significance have used to a disproportionate degree the work of the eminent scientists. Although the conclusions of this paper may be reasonably clear, the implications of these data for the structure of scientific activity, at least in physics, need careful consideration.  相似文献   

孙咏萍  董杰 《安徽农业科学》2011,39(22):13268-13269,13333
孟德尔定律之再发现是科学史上的重要史实之一。回顾3位不同国度的科学家在这一史实中的主要贡献,再现了他们在揭示遗传学定律方面的主要科学活动,并从科学精神和科学史功能的角度评述这一过程,揭示了再现科学的可检验性、科学的求真务实精神以及科学史的为科学和学术服务的功能。  相似文献   

对SCI在科技评价中作用的认识与思考   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
20世纪90年代以来,随着我国科学技术和高等教育评价体系的逐步建立和完善,SCI(Science Citation Index,科学引文索引)已经逐渐成为我国对研究机构、高校、科研管理部门、学科领域和论文作者的实力和贡献进行评价和奖励的重要指标。作者介绍了SCI的基本情况,评价了它在我国科技事业中发挥的积极作用及其负面影响,并指出了我国科技人员要提高学术论文被SCI的收录率应采取的几项措施,旨在为有关部门及论文著者更好地利用SCI提供参考。  相似文献   

《浙江省农会报》的办刊特色及其社会作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《浙江省农会报》是我国近代由农会创办最早的农学期刊之一,也是我国由社会力量创办较早的农学科技期刊.通过对《浙江省农会报》刊物特色以及对我国近代农业科学技术发展和农业生产发展的贡献的科学翔实的分析,揭示了我国近代科技期刊形成发展的特点和里程.  相似文献   

There is no need to summarize the features of this simplified model, which describes the manner in which modern science was transmitted to the lands beyond Western Europe. The graph of Fig. 1 and the examples drawn from science in various lands should have made them clear. It may be in order, however, to reiterate that there is nothing about the phases of my model that is cosmically or metaphysically necessary. I am satisfied if my attempt will interest others to go beyond my crude analysis and make a systematic investigation of the diffusion of Western science throughout the world. Such an investigation would include a comparative appraisal of the development of science in different national, cultural, and social settings and would mark the beginnings of truly comparative studies in the history and sociology of science. The present lack of comparative studies in these disciplines can be attributed to the widespread belief that science is strictly an international endeavor. In one sense this is true.As Sir Isaac Newton remarked in his Principia (49), "the descent of stones in Europe and in America" must both be explained by one set of physical laws. Yet, we cannot ignore the peculiar environment in which members of a national group of scientists are trained and carry on their research. While I do not hold with the Nazi theorists that science is a direct reflection of the racial or national spirit (50), neither do I accept Chekhov's dictum (51) that "there is no national science just as there is no national multiplication table. . . ." In emphasizing the international nature of scientific inquiry we have forgotten that science exists in a local social setting. If that setting does not decisively mold the conceptual growth of science, it can at least affect the number and types of individuals who are free to participate in the internal development of science. Perhaps the effect is more profound; only future scholarship can determine the depth of its influence.  相似文献   

Bibliographies of 53 eminent research scientists in different fields are analyzed in terms of total publications, type of publication, coauthorship, and mean number of publications per year. For the physical and biological scientists, comparisons are made with the publication records of 153 eminent 19th-century scientists.  相似文献   

In the past 50 years, biologists have learned a tremendous amount about human brain function and its genetic basis. At the same time, political scientists have been intensively studying the effect of the social and institutional environment on mass political attitudes and behaviors. However, these separate fields of inquiry are subject to inherent limitations that may only be resolved through collaboration across disciplines. We describe recent advances and argue that biologists and political scientists must work together to advance a new science of human nature.  相似文献   

Europe, traditionally the breeding ground for basic scientific research until the 1930's, is only now approaching full recovery from the devastating effects of the war. Great Britain has a more stimulating climate for research, a more progressive graduate-school program, and a more flexible professorship structure than any other country of Europe. Germany still has several years to go before the effects of the war will be obliterated. In most northern European countries, the organization and support of academic research ranges from good to excellent, and a stimulating intellectual atmosphere exists. Germany is rapidly contending for the lead in basic research along with England and Sweden, which are now in the forefront. The Netherlands is typified by superb organization, and most of the Scandinavian countries are high in quality if not always in quantity of research. France is characterized by brilliant individual contributions but over-all falls far short of her potential for scientific research. Switzerland, a highly industrialized country, is geared primarily for engineering and does not compete as highly on basic research as might otherwise be expected. Italian research is good in certain areas but is plagued by a number of difficulties that retard progress. Nevertheless, there are encouraging efforts being made in Italy to develop some good scientific programs. In the south of Europe the situation is generally discouraging and will continue to be so, except where a few dedicated, brilliant individuals are making good contributions with the meager resources available. Europe will continue to be a tremendous scientific manpower reserve for the United States, and, despite accusations of proselyting, the fact remains that in many European countries the employment possibilities are not commensurate with the production rate of scientists and engineers. If the universities of Europe would realign the professional structure of their departmental staffs and extend their graduate curricula they would give far more opportunity to young research scientists and make better use of their facilities. America can indeed be grateful to Europe for a great cultural and academic heritage, and one can sincerely hope that close cooperation in science will take place for many years to come.  相似文献   

Peer reviews of 84 organic farming grant applications from Sweden were analyzed to determine whether the reviewers’ affiliation to one of two types of agriculture (i.e., organic and conventional) influenced their reviews. Fifteen reviewers were divided into three groups: (1) scientists with experience in organic farming research; (2) scientists with no experience in organic farming research; and (3) users of organic farming research. The two groups of scientists assessed the societal relevance and scientific quality of the grant applications based on three criteria (i.e., presentation, methodology, qualifications), whereas the user group only assessed societal relevance. The analysis showed that the two groups of scientists provided very different reviews. Scientist reviewers with experience in organic farming research agreed more with the user group on research relevance than did scientist reviewers without such experience, and the assessment of relevance was closely correlated to the assessment of scientific quality within both scientific groups. As both scientific groups did not clearly distinguish between societal relevance and scientific quality, the idea of an objective science is challenged. The contextual values associated with the norms of good agriculture were not clearly distinguished from the constitutive values of science associated with the traditional norms of good science. This raises the question of whether organic and conventional grant applications should be mixed for review regardless of the reviewers.  相似文献   

In his essay, U. S. science writer Boyce Rensberger analyzes whether there is any truth behind the assertions that U. S. citizens are particularly ignorant about science and that the press is to blame for the high interest in pseudoscience. He concludes that many Americans are very interested in science, but cannot distinguish between good and bad science because they do not understand the standards that scientific evidence must meet. Rensberger urges scientists and science writers to pay more attention to the communication of the methods by which results have been achieved. See also the related essay by Roger Highfield.  相似文献   

为明确中国在"一带一路"沿线国家所形成的科技网络中处于怎样的位置,面临怎样的科技情报风险,需要采取哪些措施维护中国科技情报安全,应用智库DIIS理论方法,对科学引文索引中2013年-2017年"一带一路"沿线国家论文合作数据进行社会网络分析,应用管理机制设计"七元组"理论开展科技情报安全机制设计。研究结果显示,中国科技情报的暴露程度较高,科技应用的不可控因素、知识产权保护的挑战、科技情报资源流失的风险同时存在,并与各种非传统安全问题相叠加。切实掌握核心技术,维护知识产权,加强政府、社会对科技交流的监管,防止科技情报被非法利用,是保障科技情报安全的主要途径。  相似文献   

Status of women microbiologists   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The general picture that emerges from this study is that the woman microbiologist, upon entering the professional job market, faces (i) slower advancement; (ii) restricted extramural recognition; and (iii) fewer positions of a supervisory or administrative nature, when compared to men. Most striking is the salary differential, which increases with increasing educational level, with increasing rank, and with increasing seniority. From the beginning of her professional training, the woman microbiologist feels handicapped by lack of encouragement and proper role models. She generally receives little advice regarding her professional future and rarely feels pushed to take the most challenging position. Should she be married, she feels that her mobility is severely restricted. Even though the subjective nature of these feelings may be interpreted as projections of failure, subtle inducements for women to stay at lower levels may well exist, in addition to more objective measurements, such as lower salary levels and slower professional advancement. Despite these handicaps, professional women continue to work. As a group, they work for the same reasons that men do, they work as long and as hard as men do, and they remain at their positions as long as men do. Women and men rate themselves equally as to job performance, degree of independence, and publication rate. On the basis of this study, it should not be surprising that women professionals are less visible than men and that only a small proportion of women become what is considered successful by the usual external criteria. If women were to receive continued encouragement, scientific contact, and professional recognition at each stage of their professional lives, they would undoubtedly become more visible. The lack of encouragement and selfconfidence leading to isolation, which then leads to lack of recognition, is a vicious circle that must be broken for the woman professional. This can be done most easily for the beginning student. For older women, there must be increased placement in positions of responsibility and visibility. Protective practices that discourage women from entering arenas of competition can only be viewed as discrimination on the basis of sex, since women professionals are rarely given the choice between being protected and being independent. Unexpectedly, this study illustrates the lower status of another group of individuals who are considered deviants from the expected roles of the established society-single men with doctorates, who were found in the positions predominately filled by women. In conclusion, this study of a select group of scientists probably has general applicability to all women professionals in their roles vis-à-vis men. Examination and documentation of discriminatory practices based on sex points to the areas in which women must direct their demands for equality.  相似文献   

国家高度重视科学普及工作,致力于不断提升公众科学文化素质。作为科普教育的重要组成部分,农业科研基地科普工作对加快推进农业现代化,助力乡村振兴发挥着不可替代的作用。文章阐述了农业科研基地在农业科普工作中的重要地位与作用,剖析了当前农业科研基地科普工作存在的主要问题,并针对这些问题提出了深入推动农业科普工作的对策建议。  相似文献   

利用问卷调查、统计资料和走访座谈等形式对江西境内农业科技人员收入状况进行了调查,并对收集整理的与收入相关问题进行了分析。结果表明,江西农业科研机构科研人员工资低,科技人员对收入满意度不高。分析了收入低的原因:主要与农业科研单位公益性强,农业科技成果转化社会效益大,科研人员收入主要依靠财政拨款有关。在此基础上提出了提高农业科技人员收入的建议。  相似文献   

浅谈科技期刊编辑对作者的培养作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从提高作者的写作水平、开阔作者的科研工作视野、引导作者的科研活动、培养作者严谨治学的精神以及发现和培养优秀作者、提高作者知名度等方面阐述了科技期刊编辑对作者的培养作用,通过编辑对作者的这一培养作用,可以强化科技期刊的社会功能,从而促进我国科技事业的发展。  相似文献   

加强科技创新能力建设引领区域农业可持续发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黑龙江省农业科学院牡丹江分院是黑龙江省东南部唯一的综合性农业科研单位。为了加强科技创新能力建设,引领区域农业可持续发展,分析了其在"十一五"期间的科技创新工程实施情况,即坚持"开放办院,开放办园"方针,实施了农业科技创新工程,构建创新体系、加强人才队伍和实验室、信息平台的建设;根据区域农业生产特点和社会需要,积极调整了科研结构,不断拓宽科研领域,广泛开展合作研究;围绕区域经济优势,开展了农业科技合作共建,通过专家大院、科技培训、示范园区和致富项目,实现科研、开发和生产示范紧密结合;在服务"三农"的过程中,增强了科技人员研究创新和指导生产能力,为区域农业经济发展做出了突出贡献。  相似文献   

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