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Two-dimensional ultrasound was used in combination with colour-coded and pulsed Doppler sonography to study the blood flow of the testes and prostate gland in a total of 30 male dogs. After detection of the vessels by colour-coded Doppler sonography, the blood flow patterns were determined by pulsed Doppler sonography measuring and describing the systolic and diastolic peak velocity (SPV, DPV), the end-diastolic velocity, the time-averaged maximum velocity (TAMAX), the pulsatility and resistance index, as well as the ratios of the systolic peak velocity and end-diastolic velocity and of the systolic and diastolic peak velocities. The blood flow of the testicular artery was measured within the pampiniform plexus and the marginal location. The prostatic blood supply was measured in the artery of the deferential duct (cranial), the prostatic artery outside (lateral) and within the gland (subcapsular). The physiological testicular flow pattern was monophasic with a high diastolic flow. Testes with neoplastic alterations showed a significant increase of SPV and TAMAX. The epididymal vessels could not be detected. Under physiological conditions the prostatic blood flow pattern was biphasic in the cranial and lateral location and monophasic in the subcapsular location. Benign prostatic hyperplasia was characterized by a significant increase of SPV, DPV and TAMAX. The results of the present investigation demonstrate that the colour-coded and pulsed Doppler sonography give additional valuable information which improves the andrological diagnostics in the dog.  相似文献   

The development of the peritoneal folds of the testis, epididymis and ductus deferens of the pig prior to testicular descent was studied in 18 to 82 days-old embryos/fetuses. The parietal attachment of the mesonephros, mesonephric and paramesonephric ducts and gubernaculum constituted the urogenital mesentery. This could be divided in a cranial and a caudal part. The first fixed the mesonephros and had a mesogonad as a secondary fold. The second had two branches, one laterally to the umbilical artery belonging to the gubernaculum (Plica gubemacularis) and the medial to the artery contained the meso- and paramesonephric ducts. The mesogonad was related caudally with Plica gubemacularis. The fold of the meso- and paramesonephric ducts could also be divided in two parts. The caudal was a primary component of the urogenital mesentery, while the cranial was first ventral and later lateral to the mesogonad (mesorchium) and appeared as a secondary fold of the urogenital mesentery (cranial part). A vascular fold contributed to separate the suspensory ligament of the testis from the developing mesorchium. The proposed meaning of the terms used might be useful for comparative studies.  相似文献   

On assessment for use in an AI stud, a 12‐month‐old bull was found to produce low volume ejaculates with 41% of the sperm having morphological abnormalities. No left epididymal tail was palpable and the head of the epididymis on the left was twice the size compared with the right. Ultrasound examination showed the left testis to contain a large central area of decreased echogenicity, which could be followed proximally to a 15‐mm echolucent lesion at the site of the epididymal head. Postmortem examination revealed a 15‐mm diameter cyst in the region of the left epididymal head, and absence of the body and tail of the epididymis. The mediastinum testis of the left testis was dilated, corresponding to the area of decreased echogenicity observed on ultrasonography. No left seminal vesicle was present and the ampulla was significantly smaller than the same structure on the right. Histological examination revealed incomplete or absent spermatogenesis involving the majority of seminiferous tubules in the left testis, and a small proportion of those of the right testis. The cystic structure at the site of the left epididymal head was lined by irregular, sometimes attenuated, epithelium and contained sparse spermatozoa. This case demonstrates the adverse impact, which segmental aplasia of the mesonephric duct had on the testicular and epididymal function of a bull, and highlights the importance of careful clinical assessment in its diagnosis.  相似文献   

Abstract— —Clinical and pathological observations on an 8-year-old male Alsatian dog suffering from a brain tumour are described. The symptoms included running to and fro, whining, salivation, hiding in dark corners, a swollen blood-shot right eye, paresis of the hind legs, ataxia, anorexia, and holding of the head to the left side. At necropsy a tumour measuring 1 cm in dia. was found in the posterior part of the left olfactory tract. There was a moderate unilateral hydrocephalus of the left lateral ventricle and a tear through the septum pellucidum. Microscopically the tumour was diagnosed as astrocytoma. Résumé— —Observation clinique et pathologique concernant un chien alsacien âgé de 8 ans présentant une tumeur cérébrale. Symptomes: l'animal est agité, gémit, salive, se cache dans l'obscurité; l'oeil droit est enflé, injecté de sang; parésie des membres postérieurs, ataxie, anorexie; le chien tient la tite penchée vers la gauche. La nécropsie a révélé une tumeur d'un diamètre de I cm, située dans la partie postérieure de l'appareil olfactif gauche; ont été constatées en outre une hydrocéphalie modérée du ventricule latéral gauche et une lésion du septum pellucidum. L'analyse microscopique a permis de diagnostiquer un astrocytome. Zusammenfassung— —Klinische und pathologische Beobachtungen an einem 8 jährigen Schäferhundrüden, der an einem Gehirntumor litt, werden beschrieben. Zu den Symptomen gehörten Hin- und Herlaufen, Wimmern, Speichelfluss, Verstecken in dunklen Ecken, ein geschwollenes, blutunterlaufenes rechtes Auge, Lähmung der Hinterbeine, Ataxie, Anorexie und Schief haltung des Kopfes nach der linken Seite. Die Sektion ergab einen Tumor von 1 cm Durchmesser im hinteren Teil des linken Olfaktoriustraktes. Es bestand ein rnässiger einseitiger Hydrocephalus des linken Seitenventrikels und eine Zerreissung des Septum pellucidum. Mikroskopisch wurde der Tumor als Astrozytom diagnostiziert.  相似文献   

Tight junctions (TJ) in inter-Sertoli junctional areas and epididymal epithelia are important for the formation of blood-testis barrier (BTB) and blood-epididymal barrier (BEB). In this study, the expression of occludin, an integral member of the TJ, was verified in canine testis and epididymis. Both low molecular weight (MW) (25-28 kDa) forms as well as high MW (68-72 kDa) forms of occludin were detected in the testis and epididymis using Western blot. The relative amount of the high MW forms of occludin vs low MW forms was higher in the testis than in the epididymis. Some difference in the composition of different MW forms of occludin was found along the segments of epididymis, suggesting the possible correlation between cellular composition of occludin proteins and paracellular permeability of epithelia along the epididymal tubule. In the testis, intense occludin immunoreactivity was found in the basally located inter-Sertoli junctional area. Diffused immunoreactivity of occludin was also found in the cytoplasm of Sertoli cells. A similar pattern of zonula occludens-1 immunoreactivity was found in the cytoplasm of Sertoli cells, suggesting that occludin was not confined to the inter-Sertoli junctional areas and that subcellular localization of occludin in the Sertoli cells was dynamically regulated during spermatogenesis in canine testis. In the epididymis weak immunoreactivity was found in the apical sides and cytoplasm of epithelial cells.  相似文献   

The clinical, pathological and virological findings in puppies affected with myocarditis are reported. A parvo-like virus was isolated from pooled heart specimens, which is similar to the virus isolated from gastroenteritis cases.  相似文献   

Tight junctions (TJs) in inter-Sertoli junctional areas and epididymal epithelia build up the blood–testis barrier (BTB) and the blood–epididymal barrier (BEB), respectively. In this study, the expression of occludin, an integral member of the TJs, was examined in testis and different regions of epididymis of Lepus sinensis coreanus , an Korean wild rabbit species. In testis, intense occludin immunoreactivity was found in the basally located inter-Sertoli junctional area together with diffused immunoreactivity of occludin in the cytoplasm of Sertoli cells. It can be suggested that occludin is one of the robust elements of BTB in seminiferous tubules of rabbit testis. In proximal and distal caput epididymis, occludin immunoreactivity was found in the lateral as well as apical contacts of epithelial cells. In corpus epididymis, intense occludin immunoreactivity was found in the basolateral as well as apical contacts of epithelial cells together with cytoplasmic signal. In cauda epididymis, occludin immunoreactivity in luminal epithelia was relatively strong but largely found in the cytoplasm. This suggests that intriguing regulatory mechanisms differentially recruit occludin to the TJ in the different regions of epididymal epithelia. The differences in the subcellular localization as well as expression levels of occludin among the epididymal segments may reflect differential paracellular permeability of epithelia along the epididymal tubules and be correlated with sperm maturation in rabbit. In Western blot, a major form of occludin was MW 62 kDa together with small fragments of MW 34–39 kDa in testis and epididymis, suggesting the peptide cleavage of occludin. This is the first report on the molecular nature of TJs in a wild rabbit testis and epididymis.  相似文献   

旨在研究免疫细胞在健康雄性牦牛附睾和输精管的分布。采用免疫组织化学和实时荧光定量(qRT-PCR)方法对幼龄(5~6月龄)及成年(3~4岁)牦牛附睾(头、体、尾)和输精管中CD68+巨噬细胞、CD3+ T淋巴细胞、CD79α+ B淋巴细胞、IgA+和IgG+浆细胞的分布特征及其表面标志分子的表达水平进行研究。结果显示:CD68+巨噬细胞、CD3+ T淋巴细胞、CD79α+ B淋巴细胞、IgA+和IgG+浆细胞主要分布在附睾管和输精管的上皮和间质;另外,CD68和CD3 mRNA和蛋白水平在各年龄组牦牛附睾头和附睾体显著高于附睾尾和输精管(P < 0.05),而CD79α、IgA和IgG mRNA和蛋白水平在附睾尾和输精管显著高于附睾头和附睾体(P < 0.05);此外,在成年牦牛附睾和输精管CD3、CD79α、IgA、IgG、CD68 mRNA和蛋白水平均显著高于幼龄牦牛(P < 0.05)。综上提示,牦牛附睾头可能主要是细胞免疫发生的位点,而附睾尾和输精管则主要进行体液免疫应答,此外,成年牦牛附睾和输精管的局部免疫可能更完善,以上数据为进一步研究高原牦牛局部生殖免疫和病理提供了形态学资料。  相似文献   

血管周细胞瘤是一种软组织肉瘤,起源于毛细血管壁的周细胞。在本报道中,描述了一只11岁中华田园犬的左腿腕关节肿块。为确定肿块性质,采用影像学、细胞学和病理学检查加以诊断。X光检查显示肿瘤始于软组织,肿物界限清晰;细胞学检查显示细胞呈梭形,核仁明显,细胞核大小不一;病理组织学结果显示存在围绕血管的梭形细胞;免疫组织化学结果显示波形蛋白和α-SMA阳性表达,desmin和S-100阴性表达,肿瘤组织中PCNA阳性肿瘤细胞的数量大于25%,Masson trichrome染色显示肿瘤组织中胶原纤维的含量少。结合病理学及免疫组化确诊为血管周细胞瘤。  相似文献   

Abstract— —An astrocytoma in a 9-year-old Boxer dog was found on postmortem to have invaded the sensory and motor regions of the neocortex in the right cerebrum. The limbic lobe, internal capsule and corpus callosum were also involved. Clinical symptoms included hyperaesthesia on left side of the body, poor placing response in left fore-leg, convulsions and circling away from the affected side. EEG revealed focal spike discharges which were localized around the cortical area affected.
Résumé— —Chez un chien boxer âgé de 9 ans, un astrocytome a été trouvéà l'autopsie, ayant invadé les régions sensorielle et motrice du néocortex dans le cerveau droit. Le lobe limbique, la capsule interne et le corps calleux étaient également impliqués. Les symptomes cliniques incluaient l'hyperesthésie de la région droite, mauvaise réaction de placement de la patte antérieure gauche, convulsions et tournement de côté de la région affectée. EEG révéla des décharges pointues focales localisées autour de la région corticale affectée.
Zusammenfassung— — Ein Astrocytom bei einer 9 Jahre alten Bulldogge wurde bei der Sektion gefunden. Dieses war in die sensorischen und motorischen Regionen des Neopallium im rechten Gehirn eingedrungen. Der limbische Lappen, die innere Kapsel und das Corpus callosum waren ebenfalls beteiligt. Die klinischen Symptome bestanden in Hyperaesthesie der linken Kärperhölfte, schlechte Bewegungen im linken Vorderbein, Konvulsionen und Fortbewegungen von der betroffenen Seite. EEG zeigte fokale Aehren-Entladungen, die in der betroffenen Rindenzone lokalisient wurden.  相似文献   

某警犬基地一繁育种犬于2011年3月18日死亡,根据发病及死亡经过、尸体剖检和病理学诊断,结果为卵巢纤维肉瘤并发肺转移,同时对病因进行分析。  相似文献   

Cryptosporidia organisms were identified in 42 of 161 (26%) neonatal, diarrheic calves, over a 32 month period commencing July 1979. Forty of the 161 calves were submitted alive and cryptosporidiosis was diagnosed in 63% (25 of 40) of them. The cryptosporidia infected calves were usually one to two weeks old and came from 26 herds where the typical history was profuse, watery diarrhea in nearly all neonatal calves. The diarrhea usually started around one week of age, was unresponsive to all conventional antidiarrhea therapies, lasted for two or more weeks and was usually fatal. Twenty-nine (69%) of the cryptosporidia infected calves were submitted between December and February. These calves were often hutch reared.

Histopatholoical examination revealed large numbers of the coccidial parasite Cryptosporidium sp embedded in the microvilli of jejunal and ileal absorptive enterocytes of all affected calves. The organisms were identified as trophozoites and schizonts (asexual stages) and macrogametes (female sexual stages) with the electron microscope. Microgametes (male sexual stages) were not identified. Occasionally a merozoite (asexual stage) was also seen apparently burrowing into or about to be enveloped by a host microvillus. Observation of the organisms was much easier when diarrheic calves were submitted alive. Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli were often cultured from intestines of dead calves and occasionally from calves submitted alive. Coronavirus particles were seen in one calf. In the last year of this study, oocysts were identified in fecal smears stained with May-Grünwald-Giemsa stain and fecal samples using a dichromate solution flotation technique.


成年公猪睾丸及附睾中促卵泡素受体mRNA的表达   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
本试验采用FQ PCR技术, 进行了成年公猪睾丸及附睾中促卵泡素受体(FSHR) mRNA表达的研究。结果表明,FSHR mRNA不仅在睾丸内表达,附睾中也有表达。睾丸、附睾中FSHR mRNA的表达量分别为(1.66±0.14)×107和(3.54±0.25)×105个拷贝/ml,睾丸FSHR mRNA表达量极显著高于附睾组织(P<0.01)。  相似文献   

提取绵羊睾丸总RNA,并以此为模板,采用RT—PCR技术扩增出精子表面特异性蛋白PH-20的cDNA。应用T/A克隆策略,将扩增的PH-20基因克隆入T栽体,通过酶切和测序进行鉴定,结果表明,PH-20 mRNA在绵羊睾丸和附睾中均有表达。  相似文献   

为研究辛基酚对成年小鼠附睾、精囊腺和前列腺组织结构的影响,将25只成年雄性昆明小鼠随机分为5组(5只/组),对照组腹腔注射橄榄油,试验组分别腹腔注射含0.1、1、10、100mg/kg剂量辛基酚的橄榄油,连续处理1周。试验结束后,取附睾、精囊腺及前列腺称重,并观察其组织结构的变化。结果显示,辛基酚处理后附睾、精囊腺及前列腺萎缩,重量下降。附睾管、精囊腺及前列腺管上皮细胞形态出现明显的改变,上皮细胞数量均减少并显示明显皱缩,附睾管管腔内少见成熟精子;精囊腺及前列腺官腔内分泌物明显减少。结果表明,辛基酚可诱发成年雄性动物附睾、精囊腺及前列腺发育异常,且造成其组织结构损伤。  相似文献   

为了研究不同热应激温度及持续时间对雄性生殖器官中过氧化氢酶(catalase,CAT)含量和超氧化物歧化酶(superoxide dismutase,SOD)活力的影响。选用体重和年龄相近的健康雄性新西兰大白兔60只,随机分为高热应激组(39℃~41℃)、低热应激组(32℃~34℃)和常温对照组,每组20只;各组按热应激持续时间又分为4个处理(15 d、30 d、45 d、60 d组)。高热应激组和低热应激组每天11:30~14:30分别放入39℃~41℃和32℃~34℃,相对湿度为56%~60%的热应激室3 h,连续作用60 d。结果发现睾丸中CAT的活性随着温度升高显著降低,活性随时间CAT延长呈显著升高趋势;附睾中CAT的活性随着温度的升高显著降低,但在同一应激温度条件下随着应激时间的延长,同一应激组中其活性呈显著升高趋势;睾丸中SOD的活力随着温度升高显著降低,同一温度下随时间延长SOD活性也显著降低;附睾中SOD的活力随着温度的升高同一温度下随着时间延长显著降低,随着温度的升高睾丸和附睾组织中CAT的活性均呈下降的趋势,随着应激时间的延长,不同温度组均呈上升的趋势;睾丸和附睾中SOD的活力随着温度的升高呈下降趋势,且随着应激时间的延长,不同温度组也呈下降的趋势。  相似文献   

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