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A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based approach involving the directed amplification of minisatellite DNA region (DAMD-PCR) was used to identify accession specific DNA markers and study genetic relationships between and within 15 accessions corresponding to 11 species in genus Capsicum. A touch down PCR profile and unique chemical concentration of ingredients resulted in reproducible and reliable DNA amplifications. The number of amplified products varied from 1 to 12 fragments depending on the template DNA and the primers. The DAMD-PCR technique provided a total of 38 accession specific DNA markers (diagnostic DAMD-PCR) which can be utilized in accession identification, preservation and genetic studies of Capsicum germplasm. Based on 1,292 polymorphic and monomorphic DNA markers directed with 22 minisatellite specific primers, accessions were divided into four major groups, three of which corresponded to the three distinct Capsicum complexes. Capsicum chacoense was found to be the most distinct species.  相似文献   

The genus Arachis is divided into nine taxonomic sections. Section Arachis is composed of annual and perennial species, while section Heteranthae has only annual species. The objective of this study was to investigate the genetic relationships among 15 Brazilian annual accessions from Arachis and Heteranthae using RAPD markers. Twenty-seven primers were tested, of which nine produced unique fingerprintings for all the accessions studied. A total of 88 polymorphic fragments were scored and the number of fragments per primer varied from 6 to 17 with a mean of 9.8. Two specific markers were identified for species with 2n = 18 chromosomes. The phenogram derived from the RAPD data corroborated the morphological classification. The bootstrap analysis divided the genotypes into two significant clusters. The first cluster contained all the section Arachis species, and the accessions within it were grouped based upon the presence or absence of the ‘A’ pair and the number of chromosomes. The second cluster grouped all accessions belonging to section Heteranthae.  相似文献   

Forty-seven samples of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) collected from eight locations in Egypt were studied using four sets of amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers with near infrared fluorescence labeled primers. These samples belonged to 21 named accessions and 9 of unknown pedigrees. A total of 350 bands were scored and 233 (66.6%) were polymorphic. Twenty-seven Egyptian accessions and ‘Medjool’and ‘Deglet Noor’accessions from California could beclassified into the major cluster. This major cluster may represent a major group of date palm germplasm in North Africa. There were four other clusters, each containing one or two accessions. The variety ‘Halawy’and one accession of unknown provenance were most likely from hybridization between two clusters. Six groups of accessions of which had the same names, revealed similar but not identical AFLP profiles suggesting these accessions might derive from seedlings rather thanthrough clonal offshoot propagation.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity and relationships within and among nine species of Coffea, one species of Psilanthus and the Piatã hybrid from the Coffee Germplasm Collection of Instituto Agronômico de Campinas (IAC), Brazil were assessed using RAPD markers. Genetic diversity and relationships were evaluated by proportion of polymorphic loci (P), Shannon’s genetic index (H′ and GST) and clustering analysis. The overall RAPD variation among all accessions was mostly partitioned between rather than within species. However, C. canephora and C. liberica showed a high genetic diversity within the species (\({\underline{\hbox{H}'}} \) sp = 0.414 and \({\underline{\hbox{H}'}} \) sp = 0.380, respectively) and this was highly structured (high \({\underline{\hbox{G}'}} \) ST). Genetic diversity from C. congensis and C. arabica was also structured, but with lower levels of genetic diversity (\({\underline{\hbox{H}'}} \) sp = 0.218 and \({\underline{\hbox{H}'}} \) sp = 0.126, respectively). The results were consistent with agronomic and molecular studies and demonstrated that the IAC Coffea Collection is representative of the phylogenetic structure observed in the genera. This study devises sampling strategies for coffee germplasm collections and provides genetic diversity parameters for future comparisons among them.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to isolate and characterize rhizobial strains from root nodules of cultivated legumes, i.e. chickpea, mungbean, pea and siratro. Preliminary characterization of these isolates was done on the basis of plant infectivity test, acetylene reduction assay, C-source utilization, phosphate solubilization, phytohormones and polysaccharide production. The plant infectivity test and acetylene reduction assay showed effective root nodule formation by all the isolates on their respective hosts, except for chickpea isolate Ca-18 that failed to infect its original host. All strains showed homology to a typical Rhizobium strain on the basis of growth pattern, C-source utilization and polysaccharide production. The strain Ca-18 was characterized by its phosphate solubilization and indole acetic acid (IAA) production. The genetic relationship of the six rhizobial strains was carried out by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) including a reference strain of Bradyrhizobium japonicum TAL-102. Analysis conducted with 60 primers discriminated between the strains of Rhizobium and Bradyrhizobium in two different clusters. One of the primers, OPB-5, yielded a unique RAPD pattern for the six strains and well discriminated the non-nodulating chickpea isolate Ca-18 from all the other nodulating rhizobial strains. Isolate Ca-18 showed the least homology of 15% and 18% with Rhizobium and Bradyrhizobium, respectively, and was probably not a (Brady)rhizobium strain. Partial 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis for MN-S, TAL-102 and Ca-18 strains showed 97% homology between MN-S and TAL-102 strains, supporting the view that they were strains of B. japonicum species. The non-infective isolate Ca-18 was 67% different from the other two strains and probably was an Agrobacterium strain.  相似文献   

Simple sequence repeats (SSRs), highly dispersed nucleotide sequences in genomes, were used for germplasm analysis and estimation of the genetic relationship of the D-genome among 52 accessions of T. aestivum (AABBDD), Ae. tauschii (DtDt), Ae. cylindrica (CCDcDc) and Ae. crassa (MMDcr1Dcr1), collected from 13 different sites in Iran. A set of 21 microsatellite primers, from various locations on the seven D-genome chromosomes, revealed a high level of polymorphism. A total of 273 alleles were detected across all four species and the number of alleles per each microsatellite marker varied from 3 to 27. The highest genetic diversity occurred in Ae. tauschii followed by Ae. crassa, and the genetic distance was the smallest between Ae. tauschii and Ae. cylindrica. Data obtained in this study supports the view that genetic variability in the D-genome of hexaploid wheat is less than in Ae. tauschii. The highest number of unique alleles was observed within Ae. crassa accessions, indicating this species as a great potential source of novel genes for bread wheat improvement. Knowledge of genetic diversity in Aegilops species provides different levels of information which is important in the management of germplasm resources.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the effect of inoculation with plant growth-promoting Rhizobium and Pseudomonas species on NaCl-affected maize. Two cultivars of maize (cv. Agaiti 2002 and cv. Av 4001) selected on the basis of their yield potential were grown in pots outdoors under natural conditions during July. Microorganisms were applied at seedling stage and salt stress was induced 21 days after sowing and maintained up to 50% flowering after 120 days of stress. The salt treatment caused a detrimental effect on growth and development of plants. Co-inoculation resulted in some positive adaptative responses of maize plants under salinity. The salt tolerance from inoculation was generally mediated by decreases in electrolyte leakage and in osmotic potential, an increase in osmoregulant (proline) production, maintenance of relative water content of leaves, and selective uptake of K ions. Generally, the microbial strain acted synergistically. However, under unstressed conditions, Rhizobium was more effective than Pseudomonas but under salt stress the favorable effect was observed even if some exceptions were also observed. The maize cv. Agaiti 2002 appeared to be more responsive to inoculation and was relatively less tolerant to salt compared to that of cv. Av 4001.  相似文献   

Amplified fragment length polymorphism markers were used to assess the genetic relatedness between Dioscorea alata and nine other edible Dioscorea. These species include D. abyssinica Hoch., D. bulbifera L., D. cayenensis-rotundata Lamk. et Poir., D. esculenta Burk., D. nummularia Lam., D. pentaphylla L., D. persimilis Prain. et Burk., D. transversa Br. and D. trifida L. Four successive studies were conducted with emphasis on the genetic relationship within D. alata and among species of the Enantiophyllum section from Vanuatu. Study 1 was carried out to select a set of polymorphic primer pairs using 11 combinations and eight species belonging to five distinct sections. The four most polymorphic primer pairs were used in study 2 among six species of the Enantiophyllum section. Study 3 focussed mainly on the genetic relationship among 83 accessions of D. alata, mostly from Vanuatu (78 acc.) but also from Benin, Guadeloupe, New Caledonia and Vietnam. The ploidy level of 53 accessions was determined and results indicated the presence of tetraploid, hexaploid and octoploid cultivars. Study 4, included 35 accessions of D. alata, D. nummularia and D. transversa and was conducted using two primer pairs to verify the taxonomical identity of the cultivars `langlang', `maro' and `netsar' from Vanuatu. The overall results indicated that each accession can be fingerprinted uniquely with AFLP. D. alata is an heterogeneous species which shares a common genetic background with D. nummularia and `langlang', `maro' and `netsar'. UPGMA cluster analysis revealed the existence of three major groups of genotypes within D. alata, each assembling accessions from distant geographical origins and different ploidy levels. The analysis also revealed that `langlang', `maro' and `netsar' clustered together with the cultivar `wael' (D. transversa) from New Caledonia. Results are discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

Coix is a genus in the grass family placed in the tribe Maydeae. It is closely related to maize and is also used as a crop plant. Since many valuable traits have been identified recently in Coix, it is considered to be a valuable genetic resource, particularly for maize improvement. In this study, a Coix genetic linkage map was constructed using an F2 population of 131 individuals. Eighty AFLP and 10 RFLP markers were mapped, covering a total length of 1339.5 cM with an average interval of 14.88 cM. The map consisted of 10 linkage groups, were consistent with the chromosome numbers observed cytogenetically. Both AFLP and RFLP markers were used first for genetic analysis in Coix. AFLP markers were generated by two restriction enzyme combinations, EcoRI/MseI and PstI/MseI. A total of 1349 bands were amplified, of which 140 were polymorphic. The polymorphism detection efficiency of the two enzyme combinations was compared, and utility of AFLP markers to construct the linkage map was discussed. Ten RFLP markers detected by three different probes were distributed on eight different linkage groups. The results provide a foundation to map and isolate important genes in Coix, and to investigate its genomic architecture, possible origins, and relationship with maize at the DNA level.  相似文献   

The classification and phylogeny of the species belonging to Solanum section Lycopersicon is a complex issue that has not yet reached a widely accepted consensus. These species diverged recently, are still closely related and, in some cases, are still even capable of interspecific hybridization, thereby blurring the difference between intra- and interspecific variation. To help resolve these issues, in the present study, several accessions covering the natural range for each species were used. In addition, to avoid biases due to the molecular method employed, both AFLP markers and two nuclear-gene sequences, CT179 and CT66, were used to characterize the plant materials. The data obtained suggest a classification similar to those previously proposed by other authors, although with some significant changes. Twelve species were recognized as distinct based on this dataset. According to the data presented, the recently proposed species, S. corneliomulleri, is indistinguishable from S. peruvianum s.str. In addition, both the sequence and the AFLP trees suggest that S. arcanum could represent a complex of populations composed of two cryptic species. With regard to phylogenetic relationships among these species, some clear groups were found: the Lycopersicon group formed by S. pimpinellifolium, S. lycopersicum, S. cheesmaniae and S. galapagense; the Arcanum group constituted by S. chmielewskii, S. neorickii, S. arcanum and S. huaylasense; and the Eriopersicon group made up of S. peruvianum and S. chilense. Solanum pennellii and S. habrochaites are not included in any group, but are the closest to the S. lycopersicoides outgroup. Jose Blanca and Fernando Nuez have contributed equally to this work and should be regarded as co-second authors.  相似文献   

Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers were used to characterize the genetic diversity within and among natural populations and cultivars of Hedysarum coronarium. Twelve populations within Tunisia were evaluated with three AFLP primer combinations. A total of 207 reproducible bands was detected of which 178 (86%) were polymorphic. The great discriminative power of AFLP markers and their ability to represent genetic relationships among Hedysarum plants was demonstrated. Genetic diversity within and among populations was assessed through Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis by using the Neighbor-joining clustering algorithm. AFLP technology has provided evidence of a high degree of intra- and inter-population genetic diversity in H. coronarium. AFLP banding patterns provided molecular markers correlated with the plants’ geotropism. In addition, AFLP markers can differentiate wild accessions from cultivars. Moreover, geographical origins did not correspond to population clustering.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity of 54 accessions of Aegilops tauschii from five countries was assessed using sequence-tagged microsatellites (or simple sequence repeats, SSRs) and amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs). In the case of AFLP analysis, a total of 256 amplification products obtained, 234 of them were polymorphic across all the 54 accessions. A total of 224 fragments were obtained from the 24 SSR primers and 219 of fragments were polymorphic across all the genotypes screened. Based on both AFLP and SSR markers, the highest percentage of polymorphisms were obtained in Iranian and accessions of unknown origin. The highest polymorphic information content (PIC) value was observed for SSRs (0.82) while the highest marker index (MI) value was for AFLPs (8.5) reflecting the hyper-variability of the first and the distinctive nature of the second system. Principal co-ordinate analysis (PCO) revealed congruent patterns of genetic relationships for both data sets, but did not group accessions strictly according to their geographical origins. Poor correlation was found between AFLP and SSR marker loci. This low association may be due to low number of AFLP and SSR markers. These results show that molecular markers can help to organize the genetic variability and expose useful diversity for breeding purposes.  相似文献   

A genetic fingerprinting technique (AFLP) was used to determine the relationships among Capparis spp. Genetic distances, based on AFLP data were estimated for 45 accessions of Capparis species, from Spain, Morocco and Syria. The results of this analysis support the differentiation of four of the five taxa involved. The group of plants recognised as C. spinosa on the basis of morphological characters, includes several cultivars and appears in an intermediate position between C. orientalis and C. sicula and overlaps with C. orientalis. The other two species C. aegyptia and C. ovata are separate from the rest. Capparis spinosa had a low number of unique bands in comparison with the other species. Although these results cannot confirm the hybrid origin of C. spinosa, the distribution of the bands supports this hypothesis, the most likely parental species being C. orientalis and C. sicula.  相似文献   

AFLP (Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphisms) and SSR (Simple Sequence Repeat) markers were utilized to assess genetic diversity and relatedness between Vigna unguiculata subspecies. Three AFLP primer combinations and 10 SSR primer sets successfully identified closely related accessions, and the presence of heterogeneity in some accessions. AFLP methodology was successful in separating different species of Vigna. However, the level of intra-subspecies variation was as great as was the interspecies variation with both marker methods. The number of markers employed was insufficient to successfully group the subspecies into distinct clades.  相似文献   

In a Robinia-pseudoacacia-dominated coastal forest in Tottori prefecture Japan, the growth and survival of Pinus thunbergii seedlings and the natural regeneration of P. thunbergii was disturbed by R. pseudoacacia. In order to improve the growth of P. thunbergii seedling in the Tottori sand dune, we tried to find a mycorrhiza helper bacteria (MHB) from P. thunbergii mycorrhizosphere in a Tottori sand dune. Two MHB, Ralstonia sp. and Bacillus subtilis, were selected from the nine bacterial species isolated from the mycorrhizosphere of P. thunbergii. The bacterial effect on the ectomycorrhizal fungus Suillus granulatus was investigated by confrontation assay and a microcosm experiment. The confrontation assay showed that Ralstonia sp. promoted the hyphal growth of S. granulatus. Moreover, the S. granulatusP. thunbergii symbiosis was significantly stimulated by Ralstonia sp. and B. subtilis. Ralstonia sp. and B. subtilis were regarded as MHB associated with P. thunbergii. This is the first report of Ralstonia sp. as an MHB.  相似文献   

Emmer wheat (Triticum dicoccon Schrank, 2n = 4x = 28) consists in a hulled wheat; its cultivation has been drastically reduced during the last century as a consequence of its low yield. Recently, its agronomic and nutritive values, as well as the increase of popularity of organic agriculture, have led to a renewed interest making its cultivation economically viable in the marginal lands with an increase of the cultivated areas. In Italy, it mainly survives in few marginal lands of central and southern Italy, where local varieties, adapted to the natural environment from where they originate, are used; moreover, some selected lines have also been developed. In the present work, agro-morphological and qualitative traits, together with molecular analyses of 20 emmer accessions consisting of Italian landraces, breeding lines, and cultivars, were performed. The field experiments were conducted for two consecutive years (2001/2002–2002/2003) in two locations: Viterbo in central Italy, and Foggia in south Italy. The analyzed emmer wheat accessions showed a good amount of genetic variability for both evaluated agro-morphological and molecular traits. This study illustrates an increase in earliness, GY, TW, TKW, and YI going from landraces, breeding lines to cultivars, while the variability does not change proportionally.  相似文献   

Root colonization and mitigation of NaCl stress on wheat seedlings were studied by inoculating seeds with Azospirillum lipoferum JA4ngfp15 tagged with the green fluorescent protein gene (gfp). Colonization of wheat roots under 80 and 160 mM NaCl stress was similar to root colonization with this bacterial species under non-saline conditions, that is, single cells and small aggregates were mainly located in the root hair zone. These salt concentrations had significant inhibitory effects on development of seedlings, but not on growth in culture of gfp-A. lipoferum JA4ngfp15. Reduced plant growth (height and dry weight of leaves and roots) under continuous irrigation with 160 mM NaCl was ameliorated by bacterial inoculation with gfp-A. lipoferum JA4ngfp15. Inoculation of plants subjected to continuous irrigation with 80 mM NaCl or to a single application of either NaCl concentration (80 or 160 mM NaCl) did not mitigate salt stress. This study indicates that, under high NaCl concentration, inoculation with modified A. lipoferum reduced the deleterious effects of NaCl; colonization patterns on roots were unaffected and the genetic marker did not induce undesirable effects on the interaction between the bacterium and the plants.  相似文献   

A fertile amphidiploid × Brassicoraphanus (RRCC, 2n = 36) between Raphanus sativus cv. HQ-04 (2n = 18, RR) and Brassica alboglabra Bailey (2n = 18, CC) was synthesized and successive selections for seed fertility were made from F4 to F10. F10 plants exhibited good fertility with 14.9 seeds per siliqua and 32.3 g seeds per plant. Cytological observation revealed that frequent secondary pairing occurred among 3 chromosome pairs in pollen mother cells of plants (F4) with lower fertility, but not of plants with high fertility (F10). GISH analysis indicated that these F10 plants included the expected 18 chromosomes from R. sativus and B. alboglabra, respectively, but they lost approximately 27.6% R. sativus and 35.6% B. alboglabra AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism) bands. The crossability of the Raphanobrassica with R. sativus and 5 Brassica species (13 cultivars) were investigated. Seeds or F1 seedlings were easy to be produced from crosses × Brassicoraphanus × R. sativus, and B. napus, B. juncea and B. carinata × Brassicoraphanus. Fewer seeds or seedlings were obtained from crosses × Brassicoraphanus × B. napus, B. juncea and B. carinata. However, few seeds were harvested in the reciprocals of × Brassicoraphanus with B. rapa and B. oleracea. The possible cause of fertility improvements and the potential of the present × Brassicoraphanus for breeding were discussed.  相似文献   

RAPD markers were applied to subterranean clover aiming at: (i) assessing the genetic relationships among the subspecies subterraneum L., brachycalycinum Katzn. et Morley, yanninicum Katzn. et Morley, as their taxonomic status is still debated; (ii) verifying the adoption of RAPDs to supplement the common morphological markers used for cultivar identification and protection; (iii) assessing the possible genetic diversity in relation to the geographic origin. Eight primers were selected for genetic analysis of 18 genotypes: 10 subsp. yanninicum (five from Greece and five from Sardinia), six subsp. subterraneum (forming three pairs, each one difficult to distinguish by morphological markers), and two subsp. brachycalycinum. Cluster analysis, performed on the Jaccards coefficients of association computed across the eight primers, formed three groups of genotypes, corresponding to the three subspecies. The results supported at the DNA level previous inferences, made at cytological, karyological, and isoenzymatic levels, on the ongoing speciation process within the subterranean clover complex, although not warranting yet the full species rank to the three forms. The genotypes of subsp. yanninicum were genetically closer to those of subsp. subterraneum than either group was to the subsp. brachycalycinum genotypes. Within the subsp. yanninicum cluster, the Sardinian genotypes appeared fairly distinct from those from Greece, suggesting a possible, independent evolution going on in different centres of diversity of this subspecies. In two pairs of subsp. subterraneum genotypes, the members could be unequivocally distinguished, thus supporting the role of RAPD fingerprinting in cultivar identification. In the third pair, the two genotypes appeared to be the same, inadvertently duplicated within the germplasm collection.  相似文献   

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