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The recent pandemic caused by human influenza virus A(H1N1) 2009 contains ancestral gene segments from North American and Eurasian swine lineages as well as from avian and human influenza lineages. The emergence of this A(H1N1) 2009 poses a potential global threat for human health and the fact that it can infect other species, like pigs, favours a possible encounter with other influenza viruses circulating in swine herds. In Europe, H1N1, H1N2 and H3N2 subtypes of swine influenza virus currently have a high prevalence in commercial farms. To better assess the risk posed by the A(H1N1) 2009 in the actual situation of swine farms, we sought to analyze whether a previous infection with a circulating European avian-like swine A/Swine/Spain/53207/2004 (H1N1) influenza virus (hereafter referred to as SwH1N1) generated or not cross-protective immunity against a subsequent infection with the new human pandemic A/Catalonia/63/2009 (H1N1) influenza virus (hereafter referred to as pH1N1) 21 days apart. Pigs infected only with pH1N1 had mild to moderate pathological findings, consisting on broncho-interstitial pneumonia. However, pigs inoculated with SwH1N1 virus and subsequently infected with pH1N1 had very mild lung lesions, apparently attributed to the remaining lesions caused by SwH1N1 infection. These later pigs also exhibited boosted levels of specific antibodies. Finally, animals firstly infected with SwH1N1 virus and latter infected with pH1N1 exhibited undetectable viral RNA load in nasal swabs and lungs after challenge with pH1N1, indicating a cross-protective effect between both strains.  相似文献   

Quail has been proposed to be an intermediate host of influenza A viruses. However, information on the susceptibility and pathogenicity of pandemic H1N1 2009 (pH1N1) and swine influenza viruses in quails is limited. In this study, the pathogenicity, virus shedding, and transmission characteristics of pH1N1, swine H1N1 (swH1N1), and avian H3N2 (dkH3N2) influenza viruses in quails was examined. Three groups of 15 quails were inoculated with each virus and evaluated for clinical signs, virus shedding and transmission, pathological changes, and serological responses. None of the 75 inoculated (n = 45), contact exposed (n = 15), or negative control (n = 15) quails developed any clinical signs. In contrast to the low virus shedding titers observed from the swH1N1-inoculated quails, birds inoculated with dkH3N2 and pH1N1 shed relatively high titers of virus predominantly from the respiratory tract until 5 and 7 DPI, respectively, that were rarely transmitted to the contact quails. Gross and histopathological lesions were observed in the respiratory and intestinal tracts of quail inoculated with either pH1N1 or dkH3N2, indicating that these viruses were more pathogenic than swH1N1. Sero-conversions were detected 7 DPI in two out of five pH1N1-inoculated quails, three out of five quails inoculated with swH1N1, and four out of five swH1N1-infected contact birds. Taken together, this study demonstrated that quails were more susceptible to infection with pH1N1 and dkH3N2 than swH1N1.  相似文献   

The introduction of the 2009 pandemic H1N1 (pH1N1) influenza virus in pigs changed the epidemiology of influenza A viruses (IAVs) in swine in Europe and the rest of the world. Previously, three IAV subtypes were found in the European pig population: an avian‐like H1N1 and two reassortant H1N2 and H3N2 viruses with human‐origin haemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase proteins and internal genes of avian decent. These viruses pose antigenically distinct HAs, which allow the retrospective diagnosis of infection in serological investigations. However, cross‐reactions between the HA of pH1N1 and the HAs of the other circulating H1 IAVs complicate serological diagnosis. The prevalence of IAVs in Greek swine has been poorly investigated. In this study, we examined and compared haemagglutination inhibition (HI) antibody titres against previously established IAVs and pH1N1 in 908 swine sera from 88 herds, collected before and after the 2009 pandemic. While we confirmed the historic presence of the three IAVs established in European swine, we also found that 4% of the pig sera examined after 2009 had HI antibodies only against the pH1N1 virus. Our results indicate that pH1N1 is circulating in Greek pigs and stress out the importance of a vigorous virological surveillance programme.  相似文献   

On 19th July 2007 re-occurrence of the H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) virus was noticed in Europe. The index strain of this novel H5N1 lineage was identified in the Czech Republic where it caused historically the first HPAI outbreak in commercial poultry. In the present study we performed molecular and phylogenetic analysis of the index strain of the re-emerging H5N1 virus lineage along with the Czech and the Slovak H5N1 strains collected in 2006 and established the evolutionary relationships to additional viruses circulated in Europe in 2005-2006. Our analysis revealed that the Czech and the Slovak H5N1 viruses collected during 2006 were separated into two sub-clades 2.2.1 and 2.2.2, which predominated in Europe during 2005-2006. On the contrary the newly emerged H5N1 viruses belonged to a clearly distinguishable sub-clade 2.2.3. Within the sub-clade 2.2.3 the Czech H5N1 strains showed the closest relationships to the simultaneously circulated viruses from Germany, Romania and Russia (Krasnodar) in 2007 and were further clustered with the viruses from Afghanistan and Mongolia circulated in 2006. The origin of the Czech 2007 H5N1 HPAI strains was also discussed.  相似文献   

本研究2012年底从辽宁省某屠宰场猪鼻咽拭子样品中分离到1株流感病毒,经HA—HI试验和RT—PCR鉴定为H1N1亚型猪流感病毒株,命名为A/swine/Liaoning/01/2012(H1N1),通过对病毒的8个基因片段克隆并测序,并利用分子生物学软件进行遗传演化分析。结果表明,分离株HA基因裂解位点附近的氨基酸序列为IPSIQSRjG,符合低致病力流感病毒的分子特征。全基因组进化树结果表明,分离株的8个基因片段与A/swine/Jiangsu/40/2011(H1N1)株核苷酸同源性最高,分离株处在类禽型H1N1亚型遗传进化分支上;由于类禽型H1N1猪流感病毒具有潜在感染人的潜力,在国外和国内均有感染人的报道,因此,辽宁省首次分离到该型猪流感病毒对全省养猪业和公共卫生安全具有重要意义,值得深入研究。  相似文献   

为研究H9N2亚型禽流感病毒(AIV)在哺乳动物间的传播能力,本研究以豚鼠为模型评价了5株H9N2亚型AIV在豚鼠体内的复制能力和水平传播能力,并分析了5株病毒血凝素(HA)蛋白的分子特征。结果表明,5株病毒均属于CK/Beijing谱系,其中2株病毒的HA具有人样受体特征(Lys226),2株病毒具有禽样受体特征(Gln226),而A/Chicken/JN/Li-2/2010(H9N2)株在该位点的氨基酸残基为苯丙氨酸(Phe226)。裂解位点分析表明,5株病毒均具有低致病性AIV特征。个别病毒的潜在糖基化位点存在增加或缺失现象。感染试验表明,5株病毒均能够在豚鼠呼吸道复制。并且在鼻甲骨处复制稳定,平均病毒滴度为2.01 Log EID50/mL~4.5 Log EID50/mL。传播试验表明,所有病毒株的人工接种豚鼠的鼻洗液中均能够检测到病毒,最长排毒期为接毒后第8 d,而接触组豚鼠鼻洗液中未检测到病毒。本研究表明,5株H9N2亚型AIV均属于CK/Beijing谱系,部分病毒株的HA蛋白已具备人样受体结合特征,并且关键氨基酸位点(226位)处出现新的突变。5株病毒均能够在豚鼠呼吸道复制并通过上呼吸道排毒,但不能在豚鼠间同群传播。  相似文献   

猪流感病毒H1N1、H1N2和H3N2亚型多重RT-PCR诊断方法的建立   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
对我国分离到的猪流感病毒和GenBank数据库中已有的猪流感病毒H1N1、H1N2和H3N2亚型毒株的HA、NA基因核苷酸序列进行分析,分别选出各个病毒亚型HA和NA基因中高度保守且特异的核苷酸区域,设计扩增猪流感病毒H1和H3、N1和N2亚型的2套多重PCR特异性引物,建立了猪流感H1N1、H1N2和H3N2亚型病毒多重RT-PCR诊断方法。采用该方法对H1N1、H1N2、H3N2亚型猪流感病毒标准参考株进行RT-PCR检测,结果均呈阳性,对扩增得到的片段进行序列测定和BLAST比较,表明为目的基因片段。其它几种常见猪病病毒和其它亚型猪流感病毒的RT-PCR扩增结果都呈阴性。对107EID50/0.1mL病毒进行稀释,提取RNA进行敏感性试验,RT-PCR最少可检测到102EID50的病毒量核酸。对40份阳性临床样品的检测结果是H1N1、H1N2和H3N2亚型分别为16份、1份和20份,其它3份样品同时含有H1N1和H3N2亚型猪流感病毒,和鸡胚分离病毒结果100%一致。试验证明建立的猪流感病毒H1N1、H1N2和H3N2亚型多重RT-PCR诊断方法是一种特异敏感的诊断方法,可用于临床样品的早期快速诊断和分型。  相似文献   

本研究对2011年分离自吉林省猪群的3株流感病毒进行了遗传进化分析。结果表明欧亚类禽H1N1猪流感病毒和古典H1N1猪流感病毒在吉林省猪群中共同流行,因此加强猪流感流行病学调查具有重要意义。  相似文献   

本研究以豚鼠作为哺乳动物模型,评价了6株H5N1亚型禽流感病毒(AIV)的复制和水平传播能力。经滴鼻接种后,检测到6株病毒中有5株病毒在豚鼠上呼吸道和下呼吸道复制,病毒滴度为0.8LogEID50/mL~3.5LogEID50/mL(或g),豚鼠在感染后第2d至第10d可排出病毒。另外一株病毒A/duck/GX/22/02则仅能在豚鼠的下呼吸道低水平复制。在传播实验中,6株病毒中只有A/duck/GX/35/01能够在豚鼠间水平传播。上述研究结果表明,豚鼠适用于作为高致病性AIV哺乳动物水平传播的模型,而且H5N1亚型AIV在哺乳动物间的水平传播能力不同。本研究为进一步研究AIV在哺乳动物间水平传播的分子机制奠定了良好的基础。  相似文献   

The Virology Laboratory of the Central Laboratory of Animal Diseases in Ivory Coast at Bingerville received samples of wild and domestic avian species between February and December 2006. An RT-PCR technique was used to test for avian influenza (AI) and highly pathogenic AI subtype viruses. Among 2125 samples, 16 were type A positive; of which, 12 were later confirmed to be H5N1. Fifteen of these 16 type A positive samples were inoculated into the chorioallantoic cavity of 11-day-old embryonated hens' eggs for virus isolation. Eight produced virus with hemagglutination titres from 1/64 to 1/512. The 4/16 M-RT-PCR positive samples, which were H5N1 negative, were shown to be H7 subtype negative. The diagnostic efficiency of the laboratory for the surveillance of H5N1 in Ivory Coast was demonstrated. The positive cases of H5N1 were from a sparrowhawk (Accipter nisus); live market poultry and in free-range poultry, where the mortality rate was approximately 20% (2/10) and 96.7% (29/30) respectively. Currently, investigations into intensive poultry farms have proved negative for H5N1. No human cases have been reported this time.  相似文献   

In this study, we selected three H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses (HPAIVs), A/Goose/Guangdong/1/1996 (clades 0), A/Duck/Guangdong/E35/2012 (clade and A/Chicken/Henan/B30/2012 (clade 7.2) isolated from different birds in China, to investigate the pathogenicity and transmission of the viruses in terrestrial birds and waterfowl. To observe the replication and shedding of the H5N1 HPAIVs in birds, the chickens were inoculated intranasally with 106 EID50 of GSGD/1/96, 103 EID50 of DkE35 and CkB30, and the ducks and geese were inoculated intranasally with 106 EID50 of each virus. Meanwhile, the naive contact groups were set up to detect the transmission of the viruses in tested birds. Our results showed that DkE35 was highly pathogenic to chickens and geese, but not fatal to ducks. It could be detected from all the tested organs, oropharyngeal and cloacal swabs, and could transmit to the naive contact birds. GSGD/1/96 could infect chickens, ducks and geese, but only caused death in chickens. It could transmit to the chickens and ducks, but was not transmittable to geese. CkB30 was highly pathogenic to chickens, low pathogenic to ducks and not pathogenic to geese. It could be transmitted to the naive contact chickens, but not to the ducks or geese. Our findings suggested that H5N1 HPAIVs from different birds show different host ranges and tissue tropisms. Therefore, we should enhance serological and virological surveillance of H5N1 HPAIVs, and pay more attention to the pathogenic and antigenic evolution of these viruses.  相似文献   

为构建包装含有H1亚型流感病毒HA蛋白的伪型病毒,本研究将人工合成的H1N1流感病毒(A/Califorma/04/2009株)血凝素(Hemagglutinin,HA)基因连接至真核表达载体pcDNA3.1,该重组质粒与表达逆转录病毒相关元件的骨架质粒pHIT111及pHIT60共转染人胚胎肾细胞293T,构建了以鼠白血病病毒为核心、包装含有HA蛋白的伪型病毒.通过对伪病毒感染细胞中LacZ报告基因表达产物的检测,证明伪病毒可以感染MDCK细胞;同时其感染过程可被流感病毒免疫后的小鼠阳性血清所阻断,表明该伪型病毒可模拟野生型病毒完成对宿主细胞的感染过程.本研究所构建的伪病毒系统为研究H1亚型流感病毒HA蛋白抗原特性及新型中和抗体检测方法的建立提供了理想的工具.  相似文献   

Swine influenza viruses H1N1 and H3N2 have been reported in the swine population worldwide. From June 2008 to June 2009, we carried out serological and virological surveillance of swine influenza in the Hubei province in central China. The serological results indicated that antibodies to H1N1 swine influenza virus in the swine population were high with a 42.5% (204/480) positive rate, whereas antibodies to H3N2 swine influenza virus were low with a 7.9% (38/480) positive rate. Virological surveillance showed that only one sample from weanling pigs was positive by RT-PCR. Phylogenetic analysis of the hemagglutinin and neuraminidase genes revealed that the A/Sw/HB/S1/2009 isolate was closely related to avian-like H1N1 viruses and seemed to be derived from the European swine H1N1 viruses. In conclusion, H1N1 influenza viruses were more dominant in the pig population than H3N2 influenza viruses in central China, and infection with avian-like H1N1 viruses persistently emerged in the swine population in the area.  相似文献   

中国猪源HSN1和H9N2亚型流感病毒的分离鉴定   总被引:41,自引:5,他引:41  
猪是禽流感病毒"禽-猪-人"传播链中重要的中间宿主,了解猪流感的疫情动态将为动物流感及人流感的疾病预测及防制提供重要依据.1999~2001年间进行的血清学和病毒学监测发现我国猪群存在大范围的H1和H3亚型猪流感感染(李海燕等,2002).2002~2003年,我们进一步对来自全国14个省市的1936份血清进行了H9亚型猪流感的检测,同时在广东、福建等省进行了H5亚型猪流感的检测.2002年辽宁、广东、山东及重庆猪血清中出现H9亚型流感抗体,阳性率分别为7.3%、6.8%、5.1%和1.6%.2003年采集的猪血清H9亚型流感抗体均为阴性,同时发现广东、福建两省2003年出现H5亚型流感阳性猪群,阳性率分别为4.7%和8.2%.从2001~2003年收集和送检的样品中分离鉴定了6株H9N2亚型和2株H5N1亚型猪流感病毒,部分序列分析发现H9和H5亚型猪流感病毒均与我国分离的禽流感病毒高度同源.本研究进一步确证了我国猪群中存在H9N2亚型流感病毒,并且首次发现我国猪群已出现H5N1亚型流感病毒,为人类流感及动物流感的防制敲响了警钟.对这两个亚型流感病毒所具有的公共卫生和兽医公共卫生危害性应予以高度重视.  相似文献   

两株H1N1亚型重组流感病毒的猪致病性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取2种不同宿主来源的新型甲型重组H1N1亚型流感病毒(犬流感病毒(A/canine/Guangxi/QZ5/2013)(简称CIV-QZ5)和猪流感病毒(A/swine/Guangxi/QZ5/2014)(简称SIV-QZ5),以猪为动物模型,分别以106 PFU/mL病毒剂量和气管攻毒的方式感染3周龄仔猪,从而探究新型甲型重组犬流感病毒对猪的致病性。试验发现CIV-QZ5及SIV-QZ5均能有效感染仔猪,攻毒仔猪均出现发热(≥39.5℃)、流鼻涕、食欲减退、活动减少等流感症状,其中CIV组出现1头仔猪(A3)死亡。通过对肺脏灌洗液进行病毒滴定,发现CIV组在攻毒后3d和5d在肺脏的复制能力较SIV组强,最高达到3.12log10PFU/mL。病理剖检发现,肺脏出现不同程度的实变。肺脏病理切片发现两组均出现不同病变,其中以死亡仔猪(A3)最为明显,主要以支气管上皮细胞坏死脱落,肺泡壁增厚,肺泡腔以及支气管内有大量的弥漫性浸润的单核细胞为主要特征。结果表明,猪源甲型重组CIV不仅能引发猪出现明显流感症状,而且能有效地在肺脏复制,为了解潜在的猪-犬跨宿主传播机制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

制备了一种可以从大体积、低浓度病毒液体样品中富集H5N1亚型禽流感病毒的新型生物磁珠。比较了氨基磁珠与羧基磁珠作为生物磁珠载体的效果。结果表明,以pH 4.5MES(2-(N-吗啉)乙磺酸)为活化缓冲液活化羧基磁珠每毫克可以结合9.8μg的胎球蛋白,pH 4.5PBS(磷酸盐缓冲液)为活化缓冲液每毫克可以结合9.25μg的胎球蛋白;以5%戊二醛为活化剂活化氨基磁珠1h较以2.5%、7.5%的戊二醛为活化剂每毫克结合胎球蛋白量多,为8.12μg。制备完成的羧基型生物磁珠与氨基型生物磁珠均可富集H5N1亚型禽流感病毒,而羧基型生物磁珠可以富集检测出15倍病毒稀释液,敏感性较氨基磁珠富集检测出7倍病毒稀释液高。  相似文献   

猪流感病毒H1N1分离株HA基因的克隆与序列分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
无锡某猪场发生不同程度的猪呼吸系统疾病.对发病猪采集鼻拭子,经双抗处理后,接种鸡胚,收集24 h后死亡的鸡胚尿囊液.对一株具有血凝性的病毒分离株进行RT-PCR鉴别,结果为H1亚型流感病毒.利用RT-PCR扩增尿囊液中的流感病毒HA基因.经pGEM-T easy载体克隆、序列测定和进化树分析,结果表明,在该猪群中分离获得的该株SIV为古典型H1N1.  相似文献   

为模拟哺乳动物感染H5亚型高致病性禽流感病毒(HPAIV)的发病进程,本研究采用对哺乳动物高度致病的H5N1亚型HPAIV株A/bar-headed goose/Qinghai/3/05 (BHG/3/05),以低剂量鼻腔接种小鼠,观察发病、存活、病毒复制及组织病理损伤情况.结果显示,100.4 EID50即能够100%感染小鼠,但发病表现缓慢,死亡延迟至8d以后,存活达60%;体内病毒复制可持续10 d以上,感染后前3d病毒的增殖限于呼吸道,随后扩散至脑、脾、肾等其他器官;组织病理学观察肺脏早期表现出渗出性炎症,第10d发展为典型的间质性肺炎.本研究结果为探讨人禽流感的病理发生机制提供了具有价值的模型.  相似文献   

为建立H5N1亚型人源禽流感病毒A/Anhui/2/2005(W-AH05)反向遗传操作系统,本研究构建了W-AH05的8重组质粒,拯救出人源禽流感病毒R-A/Anhui/2/2005(R-AH05)。全基因序列测定结果表明,救获病毒R-AH05与野生病毒W-AH05的核苷酸序列完全一致;动物试验证实,R-AH05保持了W-AH05的对BALB/c小鼠呈高致病力的特性,其MLD50分别为1.5log10EID50和1.2log10EID50。R-AH0与W-AH05分别以106EID50剂量鼻腔感染BALB/c小鼠,病毒在小鼠体内的分布情况及各个脏器中的病毒滴度基本相同。由此可见,R-AH05保持了W-AH05的生物学特性,从而为进一步研究人源禽流感病毒的致病机理及跨宿主传播机制等提供了操作平台。  相似文献   

为构建禽流感病毒(AIV) H5N1亚型非结构蛋白NS1的真核表达载体,并鉴定其在哺乳动物细胞中的表达与分布,本研究采用RT-PCR技术,从甲型流感病毒的总RNA中扩增NS1全长基因,并将其克隆于pXJ40中,构建真核表达载体pXJ40-HA-NSl.将该重组质粒转染293T细胞,通过western blot方法鉴定表达的NS1蛋白;并以免疫荧光技术观察NS1在H1299细胞中的分布与定位.Western blot结果显示NS1基因编码蛋白获得表达,免疫荧光检测显示NS1蛋白主要存在于细胞核中.本研究为NS1蛋白功能和H5N1亚型AIV致病机制的研究奠定了基础.  相似文献   

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