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Changes in the perinatal pig   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

In an attempt to further elucidate the causes of perinatal mortality in pigs, a histomorphological study of organs from normal 0.4 to 60 h old euthanized piglets and from perinatal dead/euthanized pigs belonging to different mortality groups was performed. The heart, lung, liver, kidney, spleen, thymus, pancreas, thyroid and adrenal glands were studied; all sections were examined without previous knowledge of the cause of death. Different observations in the organs were judged according to a scale of 1 to 4 where 1 = none or significant and 4 = a high degree of specific organ characteristics. The percentage of the group examined that scored 3–4 was calculated for each organ characteristic, and with the help of covariance analysis adjusted for the linear effect of total body weight (at the time of death), age, gestation length, and litter size (all pigs born, alive or dead). This first report describes the observations for the euthanized normal animals.  相似文献   

A fluorometric assay was applied to evaluate blastogenesis of equine lymphocytes. Optimal culture conditions were as follows; concentrations of phytohaemagglutinin-P (PHA), concanavalin A (Con A) and pokeweed mitogen (PWM) were 1 microgram/ml, 40 micrograms/ml and 10 micrograms/ml, respectively, when 5 X 10(5) lymphocytes were incubated with culture medium containing 20% pooled horse serum (PHS) for 120 hours. The relative mean stimulation index of healthy non-pregnant mares were 5.107 +/- 0.323 (M +/- SE) with PHA, 4.019 +/- 0.183 with Con A and 3.610 +/- 0.131 with PWM. Sequentially the blastogenic responses of lymphocytes from twenty mares were observed during various stages of the perinatal period. Response decreased gradually before parturition was lowest at the time of parturition (PHA: 1.923 +/- 0.174, Con A: 1.698 +/- 0.206 and PWM: 1.706 +/- 0.177), and then increased gradually after parturition towards non-pregnant levels.  相似文献   

瘤胃酸中毒是由于牛过量采食含可溶性糖类物质的精饲料,瘤胃内急剧产生、积聚并吸收大量乳酸等物质所致的一种急性消化性酸中毒,危及牛的健康。本文分析了24例病牛的临床表现、血液学和生化指标变化情况。结果表明,病牛主要临床表现为轻症者食欲减退,瘤胃收缩力降低;中度病牛精神迟钝,食欲废绝,呼吸急促;重症病牛陷入昏迷状态,呼吸浅表而快,最后衰竭而死亡。血液学检测结果为病牛的RBC、Hb、Pcv均显著高于健康牛(P<0.05),且随着瘤胃酸中毒的加剧而升高;WBC总数上升,嗜中性白细胞增加而淋巴细胞减少。生化指标检测结果为随病情加重,其血浆二氧化碳结合力及钾、氯、钙等离子不同程度下降;尿素氮含量高于健康牛;轻度酸中毒阶段血糖含量不断增加,但病情严重时则下降。通过本研究,以期为反当动物瘤胃酸中毒的防治提供参考依据。  相似文献   

The results of a histological examination of organs obtained from 5 clinically and morphologically identified and described mortality groups of pigs dying during the perinatal period (0–60 h of age) were compared with the results obtained from the same examination of unaffected, apparently normal pigs (0.4–60 h of age). The histomorphological pictures were judged blind according to a scale of 1 to 4, where 1 = none or insignificant, and 4 = a high degree of a specific organ characteristic. The results for each organ characteristic were analysed statistically.  相似文献   

The relationship of injected Fe doses on blood hematology and pig growth performance during both preweaning and postweaning periods was studied. In Exp. 1, the effect of BW of 347 pigs injected with 200 mg of Fe (dextran) intramuscularly (i.m.) at birth on hemoglobin (Hb) and percent hematocrit (Hct) at weaning was assessed. As BW increased there was a decline (P < 0.01) in Hb and Hct. In Exp. 2, Fe injection doses and timing of injected Fe on blood hematology and pig growth were evaluated. Injections were as follows: 1) 200 mg of Fe at birth; 2) 300 mg of Fe at birth; or 3) 200 mg of Fe at birth + 100 mg of Fe at d 10. A total of 269 pigs were allotted within litter to 3 treatments. The 2 greater quantities of injected Fe (i.e., 300 or 200 + 100 mg of Fe) had similar but greater (P < 0.05) Hb and Hct values than pigs receiving 200 mg of Fe, but growth rates were similar at weaning. The effects of injecting 200 mg of Fe at birth and either saline or 100 mg of Fe at 10 d of age were investigated in Exp. 3. Weaned pigs of each group were fed diets with 0, 80, or 160 mg/kg of added Fe for 35 d as a 2 × 3 factorial arrangement with 12 replicates (n = 360 pigs) in a randomized complete block design (RCB). The innate Fe contents of diets averaged 200 mg/kg. The greater Fe injection group (200 + 100 mg) had greater (P < 0.01) Hb and Hct values through 14 d postweaning (P < 0.05) and greater (P < 0.01) Hct values through 21 d postweaning. As dietary Fe increased, Hb was greater only at d 14 (P < 0.05 4), whereas Hct increased linearly to d 35 (P < 0.01) postweaning. Dietary Fe resulted in linear increases (P < 0.01) in ADG from d 21 to 35 and d 0 to 35. In Exp. 4, 3 dietary Fe (80, 160, and 240 mg/kg of diet), 2 injected Fe treatments (200 or 300 mg of Fe) at birth, and birth BW (<1.5 or ≥1.5 kg) were evaluated as a 2 × 2 × 3 factorial arrangement of treatments in a RCB design with 6 replicates (n = 280 pigs). The 300 mg of Fe injection group had lighter BW in both birth BW groups, with a birth BW × injected Fe interaction (P < 0.01). This resulted in the lighter birth BW pigs receiving 200 mg of Fe having greater BW gains to 240 mg/kg of dietary Fe, whereas light birth BW pigs injected with 300 mg of Fe plateaued at 160 mg/kg of Fe. Pigs in the heavy birth BW group injected with 200 or 300 mg of Fe at birth responded similarly to dietary Fe postweaning. These results indicate that blood Hb and Hct were affected by pig BW at weaning, but the additional 100 mg of Fe i.m. at 10 d of age increased blood hematology and that Fe injected preweaning affected initial postweaning performance.  相似文献   

表皮和真皮中的郎格罕氏细胞(LC)是皮肤免疫系统主要的抗原递呈细胞(APC),是皮肤免疫的哨兵[1]。它是表皮中的专业APC,有递呈抗原的功能[2],是细胞免疫发生的诱导细胞。LC占表皮内全部细胞的约3%~4%[3],所以为了清楚地观察LC的形态及密度,应先将皮片的表皮和真皮分离再进行染色,然后将表皮片展平在镜下观察。目前检测LC最常用的是ATP酶染色法[4-6],所以通过ATP酶染色法检测豚鼠表皮的LC可以检测机体免疫功能的状态,从而为免疫学研究和临床治疗提供参考依据。1材料与方法1.1材料1.1.1实验动物清洁级豚鼠,由北京维通利华实验动物技术…  相似文献   

From 10 days before the expected date of farrowing onwards, 97 sows infected by Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae and Treponema hyodysenteriae were given tiamulin daily at a dosage of 20 mg/kg bodyweight via the feed. Three days before farrowing the sows were washed with a disinfectant and transferred to an isolated farrowing house. The sucking piglets remained with their dams for five days, during which time the sows continued to receive the tiamulin-containing feed. The sucking piglets also received tiamulin daily at a dosage of 30 mg/kg bodyweight. At six days old the weaker piglets of the litter were returned to the original herd, together with their dams. A total of 574 piglets of about 1.5 kg bodyweight each were transferred to an isolated and previously disinfected pig farm and reared there. A total of 13.8 per cent of these pigs died by 50 days old. On the isolated farm, 10.9 per cent of the 829 second generation piglets born to the 101 first generation sows, died up to the age of 50 days. On the isolated farm about 2000 pigs were subjected to repeated clinical, pathological and laboratory examinations for M hyopneumoniae, T hyodysenteriae, Aujeszky's disease virus and Leptospira species during the three year period of study. No evidence of infection with any of these agents was found in the 2000 pigs of the isolation herd, although the original sow herd had been latently infected by these pathogens. No maternally derived antibodies against these pathogens were detectable in sera of three-day-old sucking piglets of the second and third generations.  相似文献   

The complete blood count is one of the basic building blocks of the minimum database in veterinary medicine. Over the past 20 years, there has been a tremendous advancement in the technology of hematology analyzers and their availability to the general practitioner. There are 4 basic methodologies that can be used to generate data for a complete blood count: manual methods, quantitative buffy coat analysis, automated impedance analysis, and flow cytometric analysis. This article will review the principles of these methodologies, discuss some of their advantages and disadvantages, and describe some of the hematology analyzers that are available for the in-house veterinary laboratory.  相似文献   

Background: The ADVIA 120 is a laser-based hematology analyzer with software applications for animal species. Accurate reference values would be useful for the assessment of new hematologic parameters and for interlaboratory comparisons.


Objective: The goal of this study was to establish reference intervals for CBC results and new parameters for RBC morphology, reticulocytes, and platelets in healthy dogs and cats using the ADVIA 120 hematology system.


Methods: The ADVIA 120, with multispecies software (version 1.107-MS), was used to analyze whole blood samples from clinically healthy dogs (n=46) and cats (n=61). Data distribution was determined and reference intervals were calculated as 2.5 to 97.5 percentiles and 25 to 75 percentiles.


Results: Most data showed Gaussian or log-normal distribution. The numbers of RBCs falling outside the normocyticnormochromic range were slightly higher in cats than in dogs. Both dogs and cats had reticulocytes with low, medium, and high absorbance. Mean numbers of large platelets and platelet clumps were higher in cats compared with dogs.


Conclusions: Reference intervals obtained on the ADVIA 120 provide valuable baseline information for assessing new hematologic parameters and for interlaboratory comparisons. Differences compared with previously published reference values can be attributed largely to differences in methodology.  相似文献   

Fetal and maternal blood gas tensions, pH, packed cell volume and glucose, fructose and lactic acid concentrations were monitored during the last two days of gestation, during parturition and and the first hour after birth. Blood samples were taken by means of indwelling catheters (implanted seven to 14 days before parturition) from 12 fetuses in seven sows. All fetuses were liveborn at a mean gestational age of 113.1 days. The significant finding was that all variables in fetal blood were stable during labour and, although mild hypercapnia was present during the last three hours, no significant changes in mean values were seen until those of samples taken within 15 minutes of birth. In some fetuses, no changes were seen until after birth, while in others pH and pO2 values declined during the last hour of fetal life. Immediately after birth a rapid increase in pO2 and decrease in pCO2 followed the onset of respiration. Blood pH fell during the first 30 minutes after birth and this fall was accompanied by increasing blood lactic acid concentrations. Blood glucose concentrations rose rapidly in the first 15 minutes after birth and were maintained during the first hour despite separation of the piglets from the sow. There was a transient, but significant, increase in packed cell volume during the period from 15 minutes before to 15 minutes after birth. Maternal values for all variables measured remained virtually unchanged during delivery.  相似文献   

Pet rodents, such as rats, guinea pigs, and chinchillas, differ from more traditional companion animal species in many aspects of their hematologic parameters. Animals within this order have much diversity in size, anatomy, methods of restraint, and blood collection technique. Appropriate sample collection is often the most challenging aspect of the diagnostic protocol, and inappropriate restraint may cause a stress response that interferes with blood test results. For many of these patients, sedation is required and can also affect results as well. In most cases, however, obtaining a standard database is necessary and very possible when providing medical care for this popular group of pets.  相似文献   

The study of mutant mice with altered or deficient hematopoietic or hemostatic gene products provides a challenge to the researcher, particularly when genetic alterations lead to lethal phenotypes. The following review provides a framework for understanding murine hematopoiesis, based on work with mutant mice, and details experimental approaches used to evaluate these animals. Mice with deficiencies in hemostatic and fibrinolytic system proteins are discussed, and the investigation of their phenotypes is reviewed.  相似文献   

In 3 relatively large samples intersexuality was found in 0.2 % of the pigs. Litters with intersexes had a deficit of male piglets. The total number of piglets in such litters was correspondingly reduced. Pig losses until the age of 5 weeks were reduced in intersex litters. Other malformations, especially scrotal hernia, were more common in these litters than in normal ones.Forty-five intersexes showed big variation in the development of sexual organs. All had testicles, however. Thirteen (29 %) were so-called true hermaphrodites whereas 32 were male pseudohermaphrodites.All 42 cases being karyotyped were genetical females. There are arguments for genetical predisposition for the defect. The hereditary transmission is probably complicated. In any case it is not monogenic recessive.Practical consequences of the defect are: almost complete sterility, slaughter losses due to bad smell and taste of the meat and increased risk of cassation (local or general inflammations), increased frequency of other malformations in litters holding intersexes.  相似文献   

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