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藜麦育种研究是以改良和优化藜麦的品种,实现产量、品质和抗逆性的提高为目标,通过深入研究藜麦的遗传背景和基础,了解藜麦的遗传多样性,建立丰富的遗传资源库,为未来的育种工作提供更多的遗传材料。传统育种方法结合现代分子标记辅助选择和基因组选择技术等手段可以加速藜麦的遗传改良进程,转基因技术也为提高藜麦的抗病虫能力提供了新途径。然而,藜麦育种仍面临一些挑战,包括遗传改良速度较慢、抗病和抗虫育种仍面临挑战,以及品质改良有待提高。因此,加强研究合作、拓宽遗传资源来源、加强品种改良和开发适应性更强的品种等是未来藜麦育种研究的重点和方向。通过科研创新和广泛合作,藜麦育种的发展将会不断推进,为解决全球粮食安全和可持续发展作出贡献。  相似文献   

藜麦覆膜栽培技术研究与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
初步总结了藜麦地膜覆盖栽培技术的研究成果,提出了藜麦覆膜栽培技术的比较优势,探讨了藜麦覆膜栽培技术增产的光、温、水、土效应和藜麦生长发育的响应,评价了藜麦地膜覆盖栽培技术的增产和增收效果,明确了藜麦覆膜栽培技术具有较广阔的应用前景,也分析了覆膜栽培技术的研究方向,并初步总结出藜麦覆膜栽培技术要点,以期为藜麦覆膜栽培提供技术参考。  相似文献   

梅丽 《作物杂志》2022,38(6):14-5
藜麦营养全面,植株转色后花色艳丽,观赏期长达40d左右,且耐旱、耐寒,是一种集多功能为一体的新兴保健食粮。北京市自2015年引种藜麦,在适宜种植区、适宜品种筛选、营养品质检测、抗逆稳产栽培技术探索、菜品开发和技术示范等方面开展了大量工作。北京藜麦适应性栽培研究表明,藜麦在海拔≥300m、年均气温≤12.5℃、年均积温≤4802.0℃·d、年均光照强度≥2268.7lx的区域可正常成熟;“陇藜1号”、“陇藜3号”、“红藜1号”和“红藜2号”4个品种表现优良;藜麦米富含蛋白质,特别是“红藜1号”和“红藜2号”蛋白含量高达19.6%~20.0%;围绕栽培、农机、植保三大关键环节集成的藜麦抗逆稳产栽培技术体系在京郊示范应用面积为453.33hm2,应用率达100%;与一茬籽粒玉米相比,藜麦增收3.77万元/hm2。但区域发展不平衡、生产效率低和没有享受政策性农业保险等因素制约了藜麦在北京的持续健康发展。今后,应从加大政策和财政支持、提高藜麦机械化生产水平及建立健全相关标准制度等方面着手,做大做强北京藜麦产业,让藜麦的“小生产”能够在“大市场”中找到“微需求”,卖出好价钱。  相似文献   

周学永 《中国种业》2018,(12):20-22
藜麦自1987年引入我国后经历了一个相对沉寂的过程,直到2011年在山西省静乐县试种成功后,才掀起了研究热潮。目前,我国技术人员对于藜麦这个来自南美洲的外来物种还缺乏充分了解,近年来出现了产量下降、病虫害发生严重的现象。秘鲁是南美洲藜麦原产地国家,也是目前世界上藜麦最大的生产国和出口国,长期以来藜麦产量稳定,病虫害发生率低。因此,秘鲁藜麦栽培模式对于我国有重要启示作用。介绍了秘鲁在藜麦品种选择、多样化栽培、合理轮作与休耕方面的经验以及独特的农业社区管理制度。在此基础上,提出了改良我国藜麦栽培与管理模式的建议。  相似文献   

藜麦因为营养全面且具有耐旱、耐寒、耐贫瘠、耐盐碱等特点而受到研发者及广大消费者的普遍关注,笔者通过综述藜麦栽培、收获、饲料化利用及产品加工等环节中机械化发展现状及存在的问题,提出了针对不同区域,配套适宜的栽培方法,建立藜麦高产稳产综合栽培技术,提高藜麦收获纯度,保证藜麦品质,加强藜麦秸秆饲料化利用研究,提高藜麦米综合质...  相似文献   

安阳地区藜麦种植常见问题探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
<正>藜麦属藜科双子叶植物,原产地主要分布于南美洲的玻利维亚、厄瓜多尔和秘鲁等地,是印加土著居民的主要传统食物,有5000多年的种植历史,由于其丰富、全面的营养价值,养育了印加人民,古代印加人称之为"粮食之母",其营养价值受到了全世界的认可。近些年由于需求旺盛,我国也开始引种藜麦,安阳市农业科学院于2013年开始引种藜麦,通过2年的种植,摸索出了一些经验,同时也遇到了一些问题,现将遇到的这些问题和对策列举出来,以期能为种植藜麦的相关人士和行业的发展提供参考。1播种深度、播种时间问题及对策藜麦是双子叶植物,而且子粒小、发芽能力弱,播  相似文献   

为筛选适宜在云南2 000 m海拔的山区种植的藜麦品系,本研究从玻利维亚引进红、黄、黑、白4个籽粒种皮颜色不同的藜麦品系种植于云南拖布卡、小哨2个生态点,通过对4个藜麦品系旺长期植株农艺性状、叶片光合能力、叶片生理性状及籽粒品质和产量等指标的测定与比较分析。结果显示,拖布卡4个藜麦品系的旺长期农艺性状、叶片光合色素指标、叶片生理指标总体高于小哨,2个生态点黄藜麦植株旺长期生长势最好,黑藜麦、红藜麦居中,白藜麦较差,且4个藜麦籽粒的品质指标均存在差异。拖布卡生态点4个藜麦品系的平均公顷产量高于小哨生态点,2个生态点均是黄藜麦产量最高,红藜麦和黑藜麦产量无差异,但他们均显著低于黄藜麦,白藜麦产量较低。因而,黄藜麦、红藜麦和黑藜麦是最适宜在2 000 m海拔范围推广种植的主要藜麦品系。本研究为云南省藜麦种质资源的引进、利用及栽培提供了实验依据。  相似文献   

安阳市农业科学院2013年开始引种藜麦,通过两年的种植,摸索出了一些经验,同时也遇到了一些问题,现将遇到的这些问题和对策列举出来,以期能为种植藜麦的相关人士和行业的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

分布 藜麦(学名:Chenopodium quinoa Willd.)又称南美藜、藜谷、奎奴亚藜等,是苋科藜属双子叶植物。原产于南美洲安第斯山区秘鲁和玻利亚境内的“喀喀湖”(Lake Titicaca)沿岸。早在5000~7000年前,藜麦就被安第斯山的居民驯化种植和食用,其籽粒是当地居民的传统主食。在藜麦的滋养下,南美洲的印第安人创造了印加文明,并将藜麦尊为“粮食之母”。藜麦生长在海拔4500m左右的高原上,适宜海拔3000~4000米的高原或山地地区。主要分布于南美洲的玻利维亚、厄瓜多尔、智利和秘鲁境内,在欧洲、非洲与亚洲地区种植越来越广泛,北美也有少量种植。1980年,美国植物学家将藜麦从南美引入科罗拉多州,作为宇航员的日常口粮,并于20世纪90年代以后作为特色农作物,2000年后藜麦开始被营养学家们认可并推荐,被美国、加拿大和欧洲等国引进和栽种。中国于1987年由西藏农牧学院和西藏农牧科学院开始引种试验研究,并于1992年和1993年在西藏境内大范围小面积试种成功。2008年藜麦在山西省呈规模化种植。2014年山西省仅静乐县藜麦种植面积就达到1.5万亩,占山西省藜麦总种植面积的67%,总产量达1250t,成为全球第三大藜麦产地,获得了“中国藜麦之乡”的美称。2014年以来,全国多个省份开始较大面积种植藜麦,其中,种植面积较大的省份有山西、吉林、青海、甘肃以及河北等,目前总种植面积约5万亩。  相似文献   

藜麦是巴楚县近两年引进的特色农作物。藜麦种植受气象条件影响很大,分析藜麦种植气象条件十分必要。根据2021年新疆巴楚县气候条件情况以及藜麦生长实际情况,重点分析了巴楚县藜麦种植气候条件的适应性。结果表明,巴楚县2021年3—8月气温、降水、光照条件能够适应藜麦生长发育,但是藜麦种植期间会遭遇高温、冰雹、大风等气象灾害,这些气象灾害会影响到藜麦的健康生长。梳理了几点气象服务措施,以促进巴楚县藜麦种植提质增收。  相似文献   

Chenopodium quinoa Willd. or ‘quinoa’ is a plant having many uses as a food. Importantly, it offers an alternative to normal cereals in coeliac diets because its seeds are gluten‐free. For this reason, it is worthwhile to determine the properties of quinoa and to evaluate the suitability of this crop for the south of Italy. At the CNR‐ISAFoM’s experimental station in Vitulazio (CE), a 2‐year (2006–2007) field trial under rain‐fed conditions was carried out to compare the two quinoa genotypes: KVLQ520Y (KV) and Regalona Baer (RB). Comparison was also made between two sowing dates for KV. The results showed that April was the best sowing time for quinoa in our typical Mediterranean region. Of the two genotypes, RB recorded better growth and productivity, apparently being more tolerant to abiotic stress (high temperatures associated with water stress). Chemical analyses reveal the potential of quinoa seed as a valuable ingredient in the preparation of cereal foods having improved nutritional characteristics.  相似文献   

中国北部藜麦品质性状的多样性和相关性分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
藜麦(Chenopodium quinoa Willd.)是美洲大陆最古老的作物之一,为全世界公认的全营养谷物。为了解国内不同藜麦种质资源营养性状的相关性和差异性,本研究测定国内25份藜麦种质资源的13个品质性状指标,并对其进行相关性分析、主成分分析和聚类分析。结果表明,脂肪与总黄酮呈极显著正相关(0.55),而与赖氨酸和组氨酸呈极显著负相关(–0.52和–0.54);总多酚、总黄酮和总皂苷之间均具有极显著相关性。13个品质性状分别隶属于5个主成分,累计贡献率为92.6%。25份种质材料可以聚类为4组,在品质和遗传距离方面各组群之间差异较大。利用主成分分析和聚类分析对藜麦品质进行综合评价,可避免单一指标的片面性和不稳定性,为藜麦的利用和品质育种提供重要的科学依据。  相似文献   

Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd) is an important domesticated food crop of the Andean highlands with potential as an alternative crop elsewhere. Among its most attractive characteristics are the quantity and favorable amino acid balance of the seed proteins. The objective of this study was to characterize quinoa seed proteins by electrophoretic mobility, solubility fractionation, and genetic variability from a wide genetic base. Electrophoretic profiles of denatured albumin, globulin, prolamin, and glutelin solubility fractions demonstrated that quinoa seed polypeptides could be classified as either albumin or globulin with most predominant polypeptides in the globulin fraction. Insignificant amounts of protein were present in the prolamin fraction and all polypeptides in the glutelin fraction had identical electrophoretic mobilities to albumins and globulins. Three globulin polypeptides of 34.3, 35.6, and 36.2 kilodaltons in size were highly variable within and among the accessions examined and appear to be coded by at least two loci. Two-dimensional peptide mapping revealed that these three polypeptides were homologous. These highly variable markers could be used for identification and classification of germplasm and elucidation of systematics and genetic variability within the quinoa germplasm pool. All other major polypeptides were electrophoretically invariant among the accessions examined.  相似文献   

Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) is a facultative halophyte of great value, and World Health Organization has selected this crop, which may assure future food and nutritional security under changing climate scenarios. However, germination is the main critical stage of quinoa plant phenology affected by salinity. Therefore, two experiments were conducted to improve its performance under salinity by use of saponin seed priming. Seeds of cv. Titicaca were primed in seven different solutions with varying saponin concentrations (i.e. 0%, 0.5%, 2%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 25% and 35%), and then, performances of primed seeds were evaluated based on mean germination time and final germination percentage in germination assays (0 and 400 mM NaCl stress). Saponin solutions of 10%, 15% and 25% concentration were found most effective priming tools for alleviating adverse effects of salt stress during seed germination. Performances of these primed seeds were further evaluated in pot study. At six‐leaf stage, plants were irrigated with saline water having either 0 or 400 mM NaCl. The results indicated that saline irrigation significantly decreased the growth, physiology and yield of quinoa, whereas saponin priming found operative in mitigating the negative effects of salt stress. Improved growth, physiology and yield performance were linked with low ABA concentration, better plant water (osmotic and water potential) and gas relations (leaf photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance), low Na+ and high K+ contents in leaves. Our results suggest that saponin priming could be used as an easy‐operated and cost‐effective technology for sustaining quinoa crop growth on salt‐affected soils.  相似文献   

Sarah M. Ward 《Euphytica》2000,116(1):11-16
Cytological evidence suggests the Andean grain crop quinoa is an allotetraploid, but in the few genetic studies which have been published a functionally diploid (disomic-monogenic) model has been assumed for segregation at individual loci in this species. In this study, controlled crosses using male sterile plants as female parents produced F1 and F2 generations segregating for three different single-gene morphological traits. Allelic segregation analysis revealed a range of F1 and F2 ratios indicative of both disomic-digenic and tetrasomic inheritance in two of these traits, as well as distorted F2 ratios suggesting erratic multivalent formation at meiosis. These results are consistent with allotetraploidy in quinoa, with functional alleles having been retained at some duplicate loci and at least some association occurring between homoeologous chromosomes. Tetrasomic segregation ratios observed in a minority of families may be due to reciprocal fragment exchange between homoeologues. The occurrence of tetraploid segregations at some loci in quinoa complicates breeding and genetic studies in the crop. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) is a promising crop for food security in dry areas. Studies have been conducted to define nitrogen (N) fertilization levels and to understand the responses of quinoa to drought, but little is known about the response of this crop to N fertilization under drought stress. The aim of this study was to investigate whether N fertilization could improve quinoa yield and physiology under limited water. A greenhouse experiment was carried out with quinoa grown at four N fertilization levels (0, 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6 g N pot?1) and two watering treatments (progressive drought and full irrigation; 10 and 98 % of pot water holding capacity, respectively). Results of this experiment showed that N may confer a certain degree of drought tolerance to quinoa as seed quality and yield of N‐fertilized plants were not affected by drought stress. Responses such as faster stomatal closure, reduced leaf water potential, higher leaf abscisic acid (ABA) concentration and particularly an improved N remobilization in N‐fertilized plants may have played a role in sustaining seed yield in the drought‐stressed treatment. These results under controlled conditions serve as a basis to elucidate drought tolerance mechanisms activated with N fertilization and to define the use of N in management practices under semi‐arid environments.  相似文献   

Summary Field trials were carried out in Ecuador with two indigenous communities, Ninín Cachipata and La Esperanza, to determine farmers’ preferences for quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) cultivars and to improve PPB processes. More women than men participated, reflecting that quinoa, a primarily subsistence crop, is mainly managed by women. Farmers’ field selection criteria for quinoa in the field were mostly based on yield, earliness and plant colour; however only breeders’ measurements of yield and panicle height significantly correlated to farmer selection scores. Older women gave higher scores than younger women or men, apparently due to a concept of no cultivar being without value. Working in same gender pairs improved evaluation richness. INIAP technicians were more discriminating in their evaluations than farmers. They also used additional selection criteria of disease resistance and uniformity. At seed selection, farmers from Ninín Cachipata, where food security is not assured, chose lines based on yield, while farmers from La Esperanza, where resources are less limiting, also considered seed size, colour, saponin content and marketability. Field characteristics were not taken into consideration at seed selection, signifying that farmers are less interested in those characteristics, or that it was difficult for them to correlate field data when presented in tabular form with seed characteristics. Future trials with small farmers should have fewer lines or replications to avoid farmer fatigue during evaluation. Farmers who grow primarily for subsistence in semi-arid environments have more interest in growing quinoa, and more to gain from having improved cultivars; therefore future participatory efforts should focus on them.  相似文献   

Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) has gained considerable attention worldwide during the past decade due to its nutritional and health benefits. However, its susceptibility to high temperatures has been reported as a serious obstacle to its global production. The objective of this study was to evaluate quinoa growth and pollen morphology in response to high temperatures. Pollen morphology and viability, plant growth and seed set, and several physiological parameters were measured at anthesis in two genotypes of quinoa subjected to day/night temperatures of 22/16°C as a control treatment and 40/24°C as the heat stress treatment. Our results showed that heat stress reduced the pollen viability between 30% and 70%. Although no visible morphological differences were observed on the surface of the pollen between the heat‐stressed and non‐heat‐stressed treatments, the pollen wall (intine and extine) thickness increased due to heat stress. High temperature did not affect seed yield, seed size and leaf greenness. On the other hand, high temperature improved the rate of photosynthesis. We found that quinoa has a high plasticity in response to high temperature, though pollen viability and pollen wall structure were affected by high temperatures in anthesis stage. This study is also the first report of quinoa pollen being trinucleate.  相似文献   

Iran has been faced to drought during last decades, and one way to overcome this phenomenon is to improve the water productivity by introducing new crops tolerant to water stresses such as quinoa. Two-year field experiment was performed to find out the response of quinoa (cv. Titicaca) to deficit irrigation imposed at different growing stages. Hence, the effect of full irrigation (100% irrigation water requirement) and deficit irrigation (50% full irrigation) on physiological parameters, yield, irrigation water productivity and root density of quinoa was investigated during 2016 and 2017 growing seasons. The result showed that there was a significant difference between all variables in two years. Higher average air temperature in 2017 (2.0°C) resulted in a reduction of seed yield and water productivity (55% and 40% of that obtained in 2016, respectively). Application of deficit irrigation during different growing stages reduced crop height, stomatal conductance and seed yield, while it increased the root length density in both years. In conclusion, flowering stage of quinoa was very sensitive to deficit irrigation, and irrigation at grain filling stage would not help to recover the seed yield. Furthermore, the seed yield was lower than that obtained in other studies performed in other countries using same quinoa cultivar, which could be due to higher amount of applied irrigation water and different phenology under different climatic conditions. A decision on cultivating this crop under semi-arid conditions has to be made considering limited water resources.  相似文献   

藜麦EST-SSR的开发及通用性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
藜麦因营养均衡受到越来越多的关注,但尚未深入开展其基础研究。开发微卫星序列重复SSR分子标记将为藜麦的遗传分析提供重要资源。本研究利用NCBI数据库中藜麦RNA测序RNA-Seq及表达序列标签EST数据挖掘、验证及评价藜麦EST-SSR,共发现1862个藜麦非单核苷酸EST-SSR。其中,二核苷酸重复最多(38.3%),六核苷酸重复最少(11.7%)。不同重复类型SSR的数量随着核苷酸数目的增加呈下降趋势。在随机选取验证的119个EST-SSR标记中,66 (55.9%)个能够扩增出清晰条带,39个在4份藜麦资源中具有多态性,且其多态性与重复序列长度不具有显著相关性。t测验显示,多态性EST-SSR在藜麦与其他藜科种质间不存在显著差异,说明其具有良好的通用性,可用于藜科物种的遗传关系分析。  相似文献   

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