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1985年6月~2004年6月在向海保护区对半蹼鹬繁殖习性进行了观察.研究结果表明,半蹼鹬每年迁至向海时间集中在5月中下旬,并主要分布在粮库泡、白山泡、付老文泡、大肚泡、小塔甸子、二百方等地.巢址包括密集的苇丛、稀疏芦苇中突出的泥沼和植物簇生的岛状沼泽地带3种类型.雌雄共同营巢,巢由陈旧苇茎、叶、根、三棱草、蒿、碱蓬杆等交织而成,筑巢过程需5~7 d.筑巢期间即开始交尾,每次约持续10~15 s;窝卵数为1.95(1~3)枚,日产1卵.孵化任务由雌雄共同承担,孵化期平均为23.8(20~25)d;雌雄参与孵化时间在不同阶段有所差异;孵化率100%,但离巢成活率仅38.46%.  相似文献   

吉林莫莫格自然保护区夜鹭巢区结构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王祎楠  李梦莎 《野生动物》2006,27(6):38-40,37
笔者于2006年3~4月对吉林莫莫格国家级自然保护区的夜鹭的巢区结构进行研究。研究内容包括夜鹭巢的数量、巢间距、巢位高、每棵树上的夜鹭巢数及分布类型等。结果表明夜鹭筑巢主要选择树高20.04m(±1.96m)、树径20.9cm(±3.3cm)且离水源较近的杨树林,巢位置在距地面高度为19.81m(±1.26m),距树顶的距离为2.23m(±1.47m)。夜鹭巢的巢间距6.27m(±3.64m),且50.9%夜鹭选择一棵树上仅筑一个巢。夜鹭巢分布状态服从集群分布。  相似文献   

贵州中部的鹭鸟群巢   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
2006年5月,对贵州中部的鹭鸟群巢进行了调查,共记录到11个繁殖群、1587巢,种类包括小白鹭(Egretta garzetta)、牛背鹭(Bubulcus ibis)、池鹭(Ardeola bacchus)、夜鹭(Nycticorax nycticorax)和苍鹭(Ardea cinema).最大的繁殖群在黄平风云崖和赤水宴府.种类以小白鹭为优势种,其巢数量占总巢数的49.7%;而苍鹭最少,仪占0.1%.所有鹭鸟巢均只发现于贵州中、北部,而南部的雷公山地区没有调查到.鹭鸟群巢在贵州中部的分布明显受到农田种植模式(冬天种植小麦和油菜,夏天种植水稻)的影响,繁殖巢主要分布于稻作区.但在贵州南部的主要稻作区却没有发现鹭鸟繁殖群巢,其原因尚待调查.对贵州黄平和赤水这两个较大鹭鸟群巢所在地需重点加以保护.  相似文献   

黑头鸭(Heteronetta atricapilla)是鸟类专性巢寄生中唯一的早成性鸟类,其雏鸟孵出后即离开巢,不再需要宿主的哺育。因此可以预期,这一寄生系统与其他的巢寄生鸟类不同,它们应该能利用较多的宿主,繁殖成效也较高。基于在阿根廷4年的研究,我们对黑头鸭的宿主利用模式有了较清晰的认识。在野外我们没有发现黑头鸭自己筑巢的证据,这进一步证实黑头鸭是专性寄生繁殖鸟类。与预期相反的是,黑头鸭仅寄生很少的宿主,包括广泛分布和数量较多的2种骨顶鸡和1种鸥类,其他的宿主很少被利用,要么因为不常见,或因为它们逃避黑头鸭。在这3种主要的宿主中,黑头鸭卵的孵化成功率也由于宿主拒绝或忽略而相当低(≤ 28%),而3种宿主由于捕食而导致的死亡率并不高。这与Weller以往仅1年的观察结果吻合。我们的研究与以往关于黑头鸭巢寄生进化的假说不同,其所利用的宿主种类不多,孵化成功率较低。这表明,古澳大利亚大陆湿地的高捕食压力,以及宿主较强的护巢行为和较高的营巢成功率,在黑头鸭寄生繁殖的进化中扮演着重要角色。  相似文献   

本文主要研究了散养条件下北京油鸡整个产蛋期间(19~65周)的就巢产蛋行为发生及其特性表现.选用600只18周龄的北京油鸡蛋鸡,为便于行为观察记录随机分为6组,每组单独观察.19~65周龄期间每周末观察记录各组鸡只就巢、产蛋行为发生情况,特别是37~55周龄期间每周选1d由两位专门人员进舍观察记录3次(10:00~11:00、16:00~17:00、20:00~21:00),每组10分钟.结果表明:北京油鸡预产期间(19~21周),产蛋行为表现少(<1%),此时鸡只无就巢行为发生.产蛋前期(22~28周),鸡只产蛋行为随周龄逐渐增加,尤其是29周之后产蛋行为表现频繁时(58.13%),就巢行为也开始增加并频繁发生(9.47%);而产蛋后期(44周后)产蛋行为显著降低时(46.18%),就巢行为却并没有减少很多(8.29%).37~55周期间油鸡就巢两次的比率占总体典型就巢行为发生的54.7%.平均就巢持续时间,就巢一次的要大于就巢两次的(20.4 d>17.8 d),典型就巢行为发生率小于非典型就巢行为发生率(9.5%<12.7%).最后总结了北京油鸡的就巢产蛋行为特性:主要表现为具有阶段性、明显的目的性,记忆性,个体差异性,对声、光的敏感性,以及发生的不同步性.  相似文献   

在上海地区18个区县中采用标准山雀鸟巢进行人工招引野乌的课题研究。共挂置人工鸟巢2653个,从中随机抽样448个鸟巢记录卡进行野鸟占巢的统计分析。占巢率32.8%。(树)麻雀占招引数量的76.9%,白脸山雀占10.9%;鸟巢的最佳朝向为南(P<0.01),高度2.5—6.3米。平均4.6米。  相似文献   

扎龙保护区苍鹭营巢最适生境选择模型   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
本文建立了扎龙国家自然保护区苍鹭营巢的最适生境选择指数模型。通过对影响苍鹭营巢的主要生境因子水源、植被种类、植被密度和植被高度等进行调查分析,分别建立了相应的选择指数,为苍鹭营巢的生境质量评价提供了一种建模思想。  相似文献   

抗巢虫药物巢础防治效果实验观察   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
通过在贵州省锦屏县大同乡对张久胜等 3个中蜂场分别用一半上药物巢础、一半上巢虫阻隔器 ,另将吴作沛等 3个场作常规组 ,进行抗巢虫对比试验 ,夏秋 3次调查结果表明 :上药物巢础的蜂群较上阻隔器的蜂群 ,被害率低0~ 6 7% ,被害蜂群脾均白头蛹少 2~ 5头 ;较常规组蜂群 ,被害率低 16 7~ 32 7% ,被害蜂群脾均白头蛹少 12~ 2 4 2头 ,防治效果明显。实践证明 :使用药物巢础防治巢虫 ,不但防治效果好 ,而且适用性强 ,易于推广  相似文献   

黄林才 《蜜蜂杂志》2006,26(3):28-29
巢虫是中蜂虫害之首,严重影响、制约着养蜂生产。有效防治巢虫是养蜂生产中一项十分有效的增产获益措施。清流县养蜂试验场经多年精心试验研究,总结了一套十分有效的防治措施,就是利用巢虫生活、发育各个阶段的特性,采取相应的措施进行防治。分述如下供养蜂生产者参考使用。1选育抗虫品种蜂种能够有效地解决防治巢虫的问题。本人在十几年的养蜂生产过程中发现,有一种常年分泌黄褐色蜂蜡筑巢的中蜂,具有很强的抗巢虫能力,巢脾上没有发生过巢虫。我观察到此种中蜂有采集树胶进行筑巢的能力,从而能阻碍巢虫对巢脾的危害,起到积极的防治作用。只…  相似文献   

我在生产巢蜜的实践中,对所用的巢框进行了改进,取得了良好的效果,现介绍如下: 我用的生产巢蜜的巢框是用于生产王浆的活条取浆框,增加框条数量和调整框条位置所组成.其优点是在养蜂生产中具有灵活、轻便、快捷的特点.能一框多用,具有多种功能,能用于生产蜂王浆,又能用于生产巢蜜、蜂蛹、巢房花粉和各种蜂产品组成的天然组合蜂产品.  相似文献   

刘鹏  陈辉  赵文阁 《野生动物》2009,30(4):190-192
2005年和2006年冬季,利用样方法调查了哈尔滨师范大学江北校区的黑眉苇莺和红尾伯劳2种鸟巢的数量、分布和巢址特征等。结果表明,校园中黑眉苇莺巢的数量较多,主要选择红瑞木作为营巢树种,而红尾伯劳巢的数量较少,主要选择较高乔木营巢,2种鸟巢的数量在2a间呈减少趋势,且分布区逐渐缩小,建议增加适于其生存和繁殖的生境,提高大学生的保护意识,创建和谐的校园生态文明。  相似文献   

The woodpigeon (Columba palumbus) is a common and widespread bird in Morocco (North Africa). I examined, over 2 years (2010 and 2011), the breeding density and nest placement of this game species in relation to nest site habitat and degree of human disturbance. The study area was in the Middle Atlas Tighboula mountain forest, Morocco, in a disturbed and an undisturbed site. Using data collected in the 2 study sites, I aimed to identify the factors influencing the placement of nests within holm oak trees (Quercus rotundifolia) and their densities. I found that habitat structures, influenced by grazing disturbance, have affected nesting density and the location of nests of this species. Woodpigeons place their nests in a higher position (3.42 ± 0.19 m) when disturbance intensity is high and lower (1.68 ± 0.1 m) when disturbance intensity is low, and show higher nesting density in less disturbed zone (3.1 ± 0.4 nests/ha) than in highly disturbed zones (1.4 ± 0.2 nests/ha). Grazing disturbance could pose a threat to population persistence at a broader scale and could potentially reduce the abundance of this species by altering the composition and the structure of the forest nesting habitat. Further multi‐scale studies are needed to assess the effects of different levels of grazing disturbance on woodpigeon nest density and placement, and to enhance our knowledge of the breeding behavior of this game species under variable environments.  相似文献   

山西芦芽山自然保护区三道眉草鹀的繁殖生态   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王建萍 《野生动物》2010,31(4):188-191
2008~2009年,在山西芦芽山自然保护区对9窝三道眉草鹀的繁殖生态进行了观察,该鸟在本区3月种群遇见率为2.9只/km,9月后为5.07只/km,繁殖后比繁殖前增长42.8%;繁殖期为4~7月,营巢期6 d,窝卵数3~5枚,孵卵期12~13 d,孵化率为86%,成活率89.5%,巢内育雏12~13 d,巢外育雏7~8 d。  相似文献   

2011 ~2013年2~7月,对红嘴蓝鹊(Urocissa erythrorhyncha)的巢址选择进行了研究,结果表明:红嘴蓝鹊营巢最早开始于2月下旬,结束于6月下旬;第一窝出飞后,即开始另选巢址进行第二窝繁殖,原巢不再利用.红嘴蓝鹊营巢于树上,选择2~4月建巢,均为常绿树种;5~6月建巢既有常绿树种,也有落叶树种.巢树平均高度(11.12 ±4.15)m、胸径(26.23±12.85)cm、巢高(7.35±2.80)m (n=13),主成分分析表明,影响红嘴蓝鹊巢址选择的主要因子有3个,依次为:巢树因子(主要包括:树高、树胸径、巢高)、隐蔽与食物水源因子(巢上郁闭度、巢距最近食源地距离、巢距最近水源距离)、光与人类活动影响因子(巢与巢枝朝向、巢距道路距离).繁殖期红嘴蓝鹊对人为干扰与噪音敏感,巢位较低和较大的暴风雨等均可能造成红嘴蓝鹊弃巢.  相似文献   

The major Nile crocodile Crocodylus niloticus populations in South Africa are threatened by pollution, habitat alteration/destruction, and poaching. This has highlighted the importance of other minor populations. The Phongola River Nile crocodile population was previously considered as unsubstantial. Consequently, we investigated the Nile crocodile population numbers and status and the effects of the impoundment of the Phongola River on this. In 2009–2010 we determined a minimum population number of 281 Nile crocodiles in Pongolapoort Dam using a combination of survey methods. The population structure was identified as having a minimum of 116 (41.3%) juveniles (<1.2 m total length), 31 (11.0%) subadults (1.2–2.5 m total length) and 134 (47.7%) adults (>2.5 m total length). At the commencement of the breeding season in August, crocodiles congregated at a major basking site where the main tributary entered the dam. Three major nesting areas were identified, two of which were located on the river inlet to the dam. We identified approximately 30 nesting females during the 2009/10 nesting season. Several nests were predated by the Nile monitor Varanus niloticus. There was a total recruitment failure of nests along the river inlet to the dam due to a flash flood of the Phongola River in January 2010. This preliminary study suggests that the Pongolapoort Dam Nile crocodile population has a relatively high potential reproductive output, although their annual successes may vary greatly because of loss of nesting sites as a result of water-level fluctuations and predation. It appears that the river impoundment has generally had a positive impact on this Nile crocodile population, although suitable nesting sites may become limited. Continued long-term monitoring of the Nile crocodile population in Pongolapoort Dam is required to determine if the impoundment continues to support a viable population.  相似文献   

Nesting behaviour of LSL hens from a deep litter house and from a battery system was compared. Every hen was tested in one of two trial chambers containing a wire mesh floor and a nest unit with 5 nesting materials: wire mesh, perforated plastic, synthetic grass, wheat straw and oat husk. Wheat straw and oat husk were preferred as nesting materials to perforated plastic, synthetic grass and wire mesh. The results from these trials were confirmed in a deep litter house. After the nesting material, oat husk, was changed in two of 10 communal nests the hens did not accept those two nests for the trial period of two weeks and laid elsewhere. Hens of the same breed and age reared together on deep litter showed no differences in nest site selection and nesting behaviour regardless of whether they had previously been housed in a deep litter house or in cages.  相似文献   

Green sea turtles are one of the two species of marine turtles known to nest in the Maldives. The prevalent time of nesting seems to be inconsistent throughout the island nation. In this study, sea turtle nesting activity was monitored on the island of Coco Palm Dhuni Kolhu in Baa Atoll over a period of 12 months. A total of 13 nests were confirmed with a median hatching success rate of 89.58% as ascertained by nest excavation. In one of the nests, a severely deformed hatchling with polycephaly, an opening in the neck area and a lordotic spine was found, and we investigated in detail with radiographic images and a necropsy. Our findings support the importance of consistent nesting activity and nest monitoring efforts in the country as a basis for conservation efforts.  相似文献   

张娟茹  谢春雨  倪丽 《野生动物》2010,31(4):182-184,196
2006年3~6月,在上海野生动物园百鸟园内对白鹇的巢址选择进行了初步研究,分析和讨论了营巢小生境、营巢背景植物高度、郁闭度、人为干扰、水源、投料点、坡度、巢间距这8类生态因子对白鹇巢址选择的作用,发现在食物充足、繁殖空间环境有限的情况下,隐蔽条件、营巢背景植物高度、坡度依然是影响白鹇巢址选择的主要因素之一,白鹇会通过调节水源和投料点的距离、改变巢的位置、增加巢的密度、选择较高郁蔽度的营巢地来弥补空间环境的不足。  相似文献   

1. Preferences of hens for different types of nest box were tested in two deep litter pens, each containing 300 Isabrown laying hens. Four types were offered: traditional wooden nests with litter, metal rollaway nests with plastic liners, wooden rollaway nests with artificial turf and autonests.

2. Most eggs were laid in traditional nests (70% in pen 1, 66% in pen 2). Metal rollaways were the next preferred type. These preferences were confirmed by analysis of records from individual nest boxes, and by observations of hens marked with wing tags.

3. Choice of nesting material was tested in one pen of 370 hens. Traditional nests were provided, containing either wood shavings or a mixture of buckwheat and oat husks.

4. Preferences for type of nesting material were equivocal. The majority of eggs were laid on wood shavings initially, but on buckwheat/oat husks later. Individual hens were inconsistent in their choice. A deep (100 mm) layer of nesting material was preferred to a shallow (25 mm) layer.

5. Individual, wooden nest boxes incorporating buckwheat/oat husk nesting material on a movable belt are probably the most suitable system for automation of egg collection in deep litter houses.  相似文献   

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