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Arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi(AMF) are vital in the regeneration of vegetation in disturbed ecosystems due to their numerous ecological advantages and therefore are good indicators of soil and ecosystem health at large. This study was aimed at determining how the seasonal, vegetation cover density, edaphic and anthropogenic factors affect AMF root colonization(RC) and spore density(SD)in Desa'a dry Afromontane forest. AMF RC and SD in the rhizosphere of five dominant woody species, Juniperus procera, Olea europaea, Maytenus arbutifolia, Carissa spinarum and Dodonaea angustifolia growing in Desa'a forest were studied during the rainy and the dry seasons in three permanent study vegetation cover density plots(dense, medium, and poor). Each plot(160 x40 m~2) has two management practices(fenced and unfenced plots) of area. A 100 g sample of rhizosphere soil from moisturefree composite soil was used to determine spore density.Spore density ranged from 50 to 4467 spores/100 g soil,and all species were colonized by AMF within a range of 4–95%. Glomus was the dominant genus in the rhizosphere of all species. Vegetation cover density strongly affected SD and RC. The SD was significantly higher(p 0.05) in the poor vegetation cover density than in the other two and lowest in the dense cover; root colonization showed the reverse trend. Management practices significantly(p 0.05) influenced AMF SD and RC, with the fenced plots being more favoured. Seasons significantly(p 0.05) affected RC and SD. More RC and SD were observed in the wet period than the dry period. Correlating AMF SD and RC with soil physical and chemical properties showed no significant difference(p 0.05) except for total nitrogen. Disturbance, vegetation cover density, season and total nitrogen are significant factors that control the dynamics and management interventions to maintain the forest health of dry Afromontane forests.  相似文献   

The spatial pattern and abundance of herbaceous vegetation in semi-arid savannas are dictated by a complex and dynamic interaction between trees and grasses. Scattered trees alter the composition and spatial distribution of herbaceous vegetation under their canopies. Therefore, we studied the effect of Vachellia tortilis on herbaceous vegetation composition, biomass and basal area, and soil nutrients on sites with varying grazing intensities in the central rift valley of Ethiopia. Data were collected on species composition, cover and biomass of herbs and grasses, and soil moisture and nutrient contents under light, medium, and heavy grazing pressures, both under the inside and outside of V. tortilis canopies. Species richness was similar in both locations but decreased with increased grazing. Only the overall biomass and herb cover were significantly greater under the canopy than outside, and overall biomass showed significant unchanging decline with increased grazing. However, vegetation cover was significantly greater on moderately grazed sites compared to low and heavily grazed sites. All soil variables were significantly higher under V. tortilis canopies than outside. Our findings suggest that V. tortilis has more effect on composition and diversity of herbaceous vegetation than on species richness, and that V. tortilis promotes the herbaceous layer biomass by reducing soil moisture loss and increasing soil fertility under the inside than outside the canopies. Therefore, we suggest that management practices should be directed on reducing pressure on V. tortilis by regulating grazing. Low to moderate grazing levels (i.e., a stocking rate less than 39.6 TLU ha?1 yr?1) seems to be tolerable to ensure sustainable conservation of the species in the study area in particular and in semi-arid savannas in general.  相似文献   

Allometric equations are routinely used in the estimation of biomass stocks for carbon accounting within forest ecosystems. However, generic equations may not reflect the growth trajectories of afforestation species that are introduced to degraded farmland characterized by water and nutrient limitations. Using sequential measurements of the height, basal diameter, and above- and belowground biomass of juvenile trees, we developed allometric equations for five woody species (Moringa oleifera Lam., Leucaena leucocephala Lam., Jatropha curcas L., Anacardium occidentale L. and Parkia biglobosa Jacq.) subjected to a gradient of water and nutrient availability in an afforestation trial on degraded cropland in the semi-arid zone of Benin, West Africa. For three of the species studied, the allometric relationships between basal diameter and biomass components (i.e. leaves, stems and roots) were described best by a simple power-law model (R2 > 0.93). The incorporation of species-specific height–diameter relationships and total height as additional predictors in the power-law function also produced reasonable estimates of biomass. Fifteen months after planting, roots accounted for 10–58% of the total biomass while the root-to-shoot ratio ranged between 0.16 and 0.73. The total biomass of the saplings ranged between 1.4 and 10.3 Mg ha?1, yielding 0.6–4.3 Mg C ha?1, far exceeding the biomass in the traditional fallow system. The rate of stem carbon sequestration measured ca. 0.62 Mg C ha?1 year?1. Overall, the allometric equations developed in this study are generally useful for assessing the standing shoot and root biomass of the five afforestation species during the juvenile growth stage and can help in reporting and verifying carbon stocks in young forests.  相似文献   

Average population growth in the African Sudanian belt is 3 % per year. This leads to a significant increase in cultivated areas at the expense of fallows and forests. For centuries, rural populations have been practicing agroforestry dominated by Vitellaria paradoxa parklands. We wanted to know whether agroforestry can improve local rainfall recycling as well as forest. We compared transpiration and its seasonal variations between Vitellaria paradoxa, the dominant species in fallows, and Isoberlinia doka, the dominant species in dry forests in the Sudanian belt. The fallow and dry forest we studied are located in northwestern Benin, where average annual rainfall is 1200 mm. Sap flow density (SFD) was measured by transient thermal dissipation, from which tree transpiration was deduced. Transpiration of five trees per species was estimated by taking into account the radial profile of SFD. The effect of the species and of the season on transpiration was tested with a generalized linear mixed model. Over the three-year study period, daily transpiration of the agroforestry trees, V. paradoxa (diameters 8–38 cm) ranged between 4.4 and 26.8 L day?1 while that of the forest trees, I. doka, (diameters 20–38 cm) ranged from 9.8 to 92.6 L day?1. Daily transpiration of V. paradoxa was significantly lower (15 %) in the dry season than in the rainy season, whereas daily transpiration by I. doka was significantly higher (13 %) in the dry season than in the rainy season. Our results indicate that the woody cover of agroforestry systems is less efficient in recycling local rainfall than forest cover, not only due to lower tree density but also to species composition.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of fodder shrubs to small ruminant diets and production in arid and semi-arid ecosystems, they are often not considered when quantifying grazing land potential. This oversight is mainly due to the time consuming and costly traditional techniques used to estimate shrub biomass. The shrub fodder component should be measured to avoid underestimation of the carrying capacity of rangelands. In this study, we present a fast, reliable and non-destructive method to estimate canopy vegetation cover to obtain aboveground shrub biomass. The experiment was conducted under field conditions in northwest Syria, where seedlings of seven shrub species were monitored for one year: Atriplex leucoclada (Moq.) Boiss., A. halimus L., A. lentiformis (Torr.) S. Watson, A. canescens (Pursh) Nutt., A. nummularia Lindl., Salsola vermiculata L. and Haloxylon aphyllum (C.A. Meyer) Bunge. The experimental layout was a randomized complete block design with five replications. We explored the effectiveness of digital vegetation charting technique (DVCT) for estimating shrub canopy cover. Aboveground shrub biomass was clipped to estimate the dry matter (DM) weight per species and to determine its relationship to canopy cover. In this study, an estimate of greenness (percent green vegetation cover) was extracted by way of greenness algorithms. Simple linear regressions between vegetation cover and biomass for 210 plots were performed. The cover of the seven species differed (P < 0.01): A. leucoclada had the highest vegetation cover (56%) and H. aphyllum the lowest (7%). Vegetation cover and DM biomass were positively correlated (P < 0.01) with R-squared ranging from 0.66 (H. aphyllum) to 0.84 (S. vermiculata). Our method provided reasonable estimations of canopy coverage which could predict aboveground phytomass. We conclude that DVCT offers a rapid, reliable and consistent measurement of shrub cover and biomass provided that shrubs have open architecture. This study shows the potential of digital cameras and image processing to determine cover/biomass in a non-destructive, timely and cost efficient way.  相似文献   

Replantation of degraded forest using rapidgrowth trees can play a significant role in global carbon budget by storing large quantities of carbon in live biomass,forest floor,and soil organic matter.We assessed the potential of 20-year old stands of three rapid-growth tree species,including Alnus subcordata,Populus deltoides and Taxodium distichum,for carbon(C) storage at ecosystem level.In September 2013,48 replicate plots(16 m × 16 m) in 8 stands of three plantations were established.36 trees were felled down and fresh biomass of different components was weighed in the field.Biomass equations were fitted using data based on the 36 felled trees.The biomass of understory vegetation and litter were measured by harvesting all the components.The C fraction of understory,litter,and soil were measured.The ecosystem C storage was as follows: A.subcordata(626.5 Mg ha~(-1)) [ P.deltoides(542.9Mg ha~(-1)) [ T.distichum(486.8 Mg ha~(-1))(P \ 0.001),of which78.1–87.4% was in the soil.P.deltoides plantation reached the highest tree biomass(206.6 Mg ha~(-1)),followed by A.subcordata(134.5 Mg ha~(-1)) and T.distichum(123.3 Mg ha~(-1)).The highest soil C was stored in theplantation of A.subcordata(555.5 Mg ha~(-1)).The C storage and sequestration of the plantations after 20 years were considerable(25–30 Mg ha~(-1) year~(-1)) and broadleaves species had higher potential.Native species had a higher soil C storage while the potential of introduced species for live biomass production was higher.  相似文献   

Young trees were harvested to explore non-destructive methodologies to estimate live branch dry weights in young fast-growing Eucalyptus species under different spacing and fertilizer treatments. Branch growth can vary with silvicultural management such as spacing, fertilizing and thinning, and over relatively short periods in response to environmental conditions. Many published regressions based on standard measurements of height and diameter are site, age and treatment specific. The aim of this study was to improve our capacity to predict woody crown dry weight, based on stem measurements, and to minimize (or eliminate) treatment effects on the resulting model. In young trees, branches are temporary support structures for foliage and are often discarded as the base of the green crown rises. As temporary structures they represent an investment of biomass and nutrient elements, and are subject to selection pressures to maximize the return on investment by the tree. Trees were harvested from existing plantation experiments located in south-eastern Queensland for E. grandis W. Hill ex Maiden (ranging from 0.28 to 15.85 m in height, to 5 years old) and south-western Australia for E. globulus Labill. (0.10–34.4 m in height, to 10.2 years) in order to examine the impact of spacing, nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization on early growth. Relationships to estimate crown woody biomass from non-destructive measurements were developed, and these relationships tended to have different slopes and intercepts for trees with predominantly juvenile foliage and those with intermediate or adult foliage. Dry weight of whole-crown live branch wood (Wbranch) was related to heights and/or diameter at breast height (DBH), but the regressions parameters were different, depending on treatment. The relationships became more generic (i.e. less dependent on treatment effects) between Wbranch and stem sectional area at the height of the base of the green crown (SACB), consistent with the pipe model theory (R2 > 0.91 for the two species for trees with intermediate/adult leaves). However, Wbranch was more closely related again to the stem volume above the base of the green crown and treatment effects were not significant (VCon,gc, R2 > 0.93). Branches exit the stem below the green crown, and for E. grandis the best relationship was on stem volume above the lowest live branch (VCon,llb, R2 0.94). Limited sampling from four other species with similar or contrasting crown characteristics indicated that the relationship could be applied quite generally. Individual E. grandis branch woody dry weight was closely related to the conical volume of the main (first order) branch (Vcon,br, R2 0.98). The whole crown equivalent, branch woody dry weight plus stem dry weight above the lowest live branch, was also closely related to the stem volume within the woody crown (VCon,llb, R2 0.97–0.99). While the slope of this relationship was still significantly different between trees with juvenile and intermediate/adult foliage, it had a similar form, suggesting that trees with juvenile foliage allocated a different proportion of their woody biomass within the crown to branches than older trees.  相似文献   

Forest biomass pools are the major reservoirs of atmospheric carbon in both coniferous and broad-leaved forest ecosystems and thus play an important role in regulating the regional and global carbon cycle. In this study, we measured the biomass of trees, understorey, and detritus in temperate (coniferous and broad-leaved) forests of Kashmir Himalaya. Total ecosystem dry biomass averaged 234.2 t/ha (ranging from 99.5 to 305.2 t/ha) across all the forest stands, of which 223 t/ha (91.9–283.2 t/ha) were stored in above- and below-ground biomass of trees, 1.3 t/ha (0.18–3.3 t/ha) in understorey vegetation (shrubs and herbaceous), and 9.9 t/ha (4.8–20.9 t/ha) in detritus (including standing and fallen dead trees, and forest floor litter). Among all the forests, the highest tree, understorey, and detritus biomass were observed in mid-altitude Abies pindrow and Pinus wallichiana coniferous forests, whereas the lowest were observed in high-altitude Betula utilis broad-leaved forests. Basal area has showed significant positive relationship with biomass (R2 = 0.84–0.97, P < 0.001) and density (R2 = 0.49–0.87). The present study will improve our understanding of distribution of biomass (trees, understorey, and detritus) in coniferous and broad-leaved forests and can be used in forest management activities to enhance C sequestration.  相似文献   

Few studies have analyzed how tree species within a mixed natural forest affect the dynamics of soil chemical properties and soil biological activity. This study examines seasonal changes in earthworm populations and microbial respiration under several forest species (Carpinus betulus, Ulmus minor, Pterocarya fraxinifolia, Alnus glutinosa, Populus caspica and Quercus castaneifolia) in a temperate mixed forest situated in northern Iran. Soil samplings were taken under six individual tree species (n = 5) in April, June, August and October (a total of 30 trees each month) to examine seasonal variability in soil chemical properties and soil biological activity. Earthworm density/biomass varied seasonally but not significantly between tree species. Maximum values were found in spring (10.04 m?2/16.06 mg m?2) and autumn (9.7 m?2/16.98 mg m?2) and minimum in the summer (0.43 m?2/1.26 mg m?2). Soil microbial respiration did not differ between tree species and showed similar temporal trends in all soils under different tree species. In contrast to earthworm activity, maximum microbial activity was measured in summer (0.44 mg CO2–C g soil?1 day?1) and minimum in winter (0.24 mg CO2–C g soil?1 day?1). This study shows that although tree species affected soil chemical properties (pH, organic C, total N content of mineral soils), earthworm density/biomass and microbial respiration are not affected by tree species but are controlled by tree activity and climate with strong seasonal dynamics in this temperate forest.  相似文献   

Estimating individual tree biomass is critical to forest carbon accounting and ecosystem service modeling. In this study, we developed one- (tree diameter only) and two-variable (tree diameter and height) biomass equations, biomass conversion factor (BCF) models, and an integrated simultaneous equation system (ISES) to estimate the aboveground biomass for five conifer species in China, i.e., Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook., Pinus massoniana Lamb., P. yunnanensis Faranch, P. tabulaeformis Carr. and P. elliottii Engelm., based on the field measurement data of aboveground biomass and stem volumes from 1055 destructive sample trees across the country. We found that all three methods, including the one- and two-variable equations, could adequately estimate aboveground biomass with a mean prediction error less than 5%, except for Pinus yunnanensis which yielded an error of about 6%. The BCF method was slightly poorer than the biomass equation and the ISES methods. The average coefficients of determination (R 2) were 0.944, 0.938 and 0.943 and the mean prediction errors were 4.26, 4.49 and 4.29% for the biomass equation method, the BCF method and the ISES method, respectively. The ISES method was the best approach for estimating aboveground biomass, which not only had high accuracy but also could estimate stocking volumes simultaneously that was compatible with aboveground biomass. In addition, we found that it is possible to develop a species-invariant one-variable allometric model for estimating aboveground biomass of all the five coniferous species. The model had an exponent parameter of 7/3 and the intercept parameter a 0 could be estimated indirectly from stem basic density (a 0 = 0.294 ρ).  相似文献   

Estimation of accurate biomass of different forest components is important to estimate their contribution to total carbon stock. There is lack of allometric equations for biomass estimation of woody species at sapling stage in tropical dry forest (TDF), and therefore, the carbon stored in this forest component is ignored. We harvested 46 woody species at sapling stage in a TDF and developed regression models for the biomass estimation of foliage, branch, bole and the total aboveground part. For foliage and branch biomass, the models with only stem diameter as estimator showed greater R 2. For bole and aboveground biomass, the models including wood specific gravity or wood density exhibited higher R 2 than those without wood density. Also, the model consisting of wood density, stem diameter and height had the lowest standard error of estimate for bole and aboveground biomass. Moreover, the R 2 values are very similar among models for each component. The measurement error of height and the use of a standard value of wood density together may introduce more than 2 % error into the models. Therefore, we suggest using diameter-only model, which may be more practical and equally accurate when applied to stands outside our study area.  相似文献   

Scattered trees and woodlots are a prominent feature of agricultural landscapes of Rwanda. However, little is known about their characteristics and their contribution to farmers’ wood needs. Here, we present the results of a survey of (a) the abundance, composition, and size of trees and woodlots in the low, medium and high altitude regions of Rwanda, (b) total woody biomass and biomass for fuelwood at farm and landscape levels, and (c) opportunities for their sustainable use. Scattered trees occurred in all landscapes at minimum densities ranging from 20 to 167 trees ha?1. Of the 56 tree genera recorded, a handful of tree species dominated, with the ten most common species accounting for over 70 % of all trees recorded. Most of them provided fuelwood, fruit and timber to farm owners. Woodlots occurred on about 40 % of the survey farms and consisted for 90 % of eucalyptus coppice. Woody biomass dry weight of scattered trees on agricultural landscape was 0.7 t ha?1 in low altitude region (LAR), 3 t ha?1 in medium altitude region (MAR), and 1 t ha?1 in high altitude region (HAR). Dry weight woody biomass in woodlots (<0.5 ha) was the highest in MAR (221 t ha?1), followed by that in HAR (205 t ha?1) and least in LAR (96 t ha?1). About 80 % of total woody biomass in trees and woodlots on farmland was useable biomass for fuelwood, indicating that the production of fuelwood on agricultural land was important. Woody biomass on agricultural land was higher than that in forest plantations, and was potentially sufficient to reduce the gap between fuelwood supply and demand when the entire agricultural area was taken into account. In order to achieve this on agricultural land, while contributing to food security and environmental conservation as well, smallholder farmers must be provided with incentives to grow woodlots and to adopt agroforestry systems, thereby considering the trade-offs with agricultural production. Strategies to encourage smallholder farmers to increase the use of agroforestry have to account for the farmers’ ecological and socioeconomic conditions.  相似文献   

Diverse kinds of fast growing multipurpose trees are traditionally grown as support trees (standards) for trailing black pepper vines in the humid tropics of India. Apart from differential black pepper yields, such trees exhibit considerable variability to accumulate biomass, carbon and nutrients. An attempt was made to assess the biomass production, carbon sequestration potential (tree + soil) and nutrient stocks of six multipurpose tree species (age: 22 years) used for trailing black pepper vines (Acacia auriculiformis, Artocarpus heterophyllus, Grevillea robusta, Macaranga peltata, Ailanthus triphysa and Casuarina equisetifolia). Results indicate that G. robusta showed the highest total biomass production (365.72 Mg ha?1), with A. triphysa having the least value (155.13 Mg ha?1). Biomass allocation among tissue types followed the order stemwood > roots > branchwood > twigs > leaves. Total C stocks were also highest for G. robusta (169 Mg C ha?1), followed by A. auriculiformis (155 Mg C ha?1). Mean annual carbon increment also followed a similar trend. Among the various tissue fractions, stemwood accounted for the highest N, P and K stocks, implying the potential for nutrient export from the site through wood harvest. All the support trees showed significantly higher soil carbon content compared to the treeless control. Soil N, P and K contents were higher under A. auriculiformis than other species. Nitrogen fixation potential, successional stage of the species, stand age and tree management practices such as lopping may modify the biomass allocation patterns and system productivity.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted in five forest types of subtropical zone in the Northwestern Himalaya, India. Three forest stands of 0.1 ha were laid down in each forest type to study the variation in vegetation carbon pool, stem density, and ecosystem carbon density. The stem density in the present study ranged from (483 to 417 trees ha?1) and stem biomass from (262.40 to 39.97 tha?1). Highest carbon storage (209.95 t ha?1) was recorded in dry Shiwalik sal forest followed by Himalayan chir forest > chir pine plantation > lower Shiwalik pine forest > northern mixed dry deciduous forest. Maximum tree above ground biomass is observed in dry Shiwalik sal forests (301.78 t ha?1), followed by upper Himalayan chir pine forests (194 t ha?1) and lower in Shiwalik pine forests (138.73 t ha?1). The relationship with stem volume showed the maximum adjusted r2 (0.873), followed by total density (0.55) and average DBH (0.528). The regression equation of different parameters with shrub biomass showed highest r2 (0.812) and relationship between ecosystem carbon with other parameters of different forest types, where cubic function with stem volume showed highest r2 value of 0.873 through cubic functions. Our results suggest that biomass and carbon stocks in these subtropical forests vary greatly with forest type and species density. This variation among forests can be used as a tool for carbon credit claims under ongoing international conventions and protocols.  相似文献   

Exclosure is a method of rehabilitating degraded lands by protecting them from the interference of animals and from human encroachment, and is used to regenerate native vegetation as a way to reduce soil erosion, increase rain water infiltration and provide fodder and woody biomass in degraded grazing lands. Therefore, we studied woody plant structure, diversity and regeneration potentials in 5- and 10-year grazing exclosures in comparison with open grazed sites in a semi-arid environment. Data on species diversity, abundance, structure, basal area, frequency, density, and regeneration status were collected from 270 sample plots. Forty-one woody species representing 20 families were identified, with 18, 28 and 38 species found in open grazed areas, and in 5- and 10-year grazing exclosures, respectively. The 10-year grazing exclosures had a higher (P < 0.05) species richness and plant densities compared to the 5-year grazing exclosures and the open grazed areas. The population structure and regeneration status of woody species in both grazing exclosures showed an inverted J-shape, indicating a healthy regeneration status, whereas hampered regeneration was observed in open grazed areas. The establishment of grazing exclosures had positive effects in restoring woody plant diversity and improving vegetation structure and regeneration potentials of degraded grazing lands.  相似文献   

Root biomass plays an essential role in carbon sequestration at both individual and ecosystem scales, yet few feasible methods for measuring root biomass of individual trees have been developed. We sampled 11 trees in a pure 20-year-old Pinus tabuliformis plantation to estimate total root, fine root and leaf biomass of individual trees using the nested regression method. The relationships between fine root biomass and surface area as well as leaf biomass and area were examined across tree sizes. Fine roots of P. tabuliformis were estimated to consume 40 % of the net primary production for turnover, and absorbed a total of 1364 g m?2 year?1 of major nutrients. A significant linear relationship was determined between roots and leaves in terms of both biomass and surface area. The findings added weight to the concept that the functional balance theory is applicable to even-aged mature trees of P. tabuliformis.  相似文献   

Natural forest recovery on abandoned farmland is hindered by a variety of factors and active restoration plays an important role when quick afforestation is desired. We investigated seedling survival of four transplanted native tree species (Quercus myrsinifolia, Quercus serrata, Aphananthe aspera, and Rhus sylvestris) by experimentally manipulating the vegetation cover, which was mainly dominated by dwarf bamboo (Pleioblastus chino), and herbivore access to the planting sites on farmland that had been abandoned for 15 years at the start of the study. Few transplanted seedlings of any species survived under intact vegetation cover, irrespective of herbivore presence. In gaps in the vegetation cover, winter browsing by Japanese hare (Lepus brachyurus) damaged all species. However, lower browsing frequency and higher resprouting ability after grazing of the seedlings enabled both Quercus species to survive better than the other species. These results indicate that dwarf bamboo and the hare jointly limit the establishment of native trees in old fields. If active afforestation by transplanting seedlings at sites dominated by dwarf bamboo is planned, a combination of vegetation removal, selection of suitable species, and temporary seedling protection will be most effective.  相似文献   

Plant species distributions show patterns along elevation gradients. Regardless of the diverse Afromontane vegetation in Ethiopia(AFE), studies of elevation patterns of woody plants are limited and they are restricted to small areas or single/few Mountains. Moreover, there is no general consensus on the patterns of woody taxa distribution by elevation. The objectives of this study were to examine the elevation patterns of woody taxa richness and their relationship with elevation in the AFE. Data were collected and compiled from the Flora of Ethiopia and Eritrea(Vols. 1–7). About 5918 plant species of 243 families were examined and their elevational distributions were recorded. The distributional ranges of woody taxa were aggregated at 19 points(sites) at 100 m intervals starting from 1500 to 3400 m a.s.l. Single-factor analysis of variance(one-way ANOVA) was used to test the hypothesis that mean species richness of woody taxa decreases from the lower to the upper limit of AFE. Simple linear correlation and regression were used to show the relationships of woody taxa richness with elevation. We documented the presence of 505 woody taxa(441 species,31 subspecies and 33 varieties) representing 267 genera and 90 families in the AFE. In terms of habit, 279 taxa are shrubs, 178 are trees and 48 are lianas. The distribution of woody taxa(trees, shrubs and lianas) showed a slight increase at the lower portion and a monotonic decline with increasing elevation. Species richness of trees, shrubs and lianas was negatively and significantly correlated with elevation(r =-0.985,-0.984,-0.981, respectively; all p 0.001). Our hypothesis was accepted because mean richness significantly decreased from the lower to the upper limit of AFE(p 0.001). Generally, monotonic patterns of decline in richness were observed for trees, shrubs and lianas. The contribution of shrubs to total richness increased with increasing elevation whereas that of trees and lianas decreased.  相似文献   

Non Timber Forest Products play an important role as source of food and income generation in developing countries. In Burkina Faso, many wild tree species provide various useful products, among them the local oil tree, Lophira lanceolata which occurs in the western part of the country. This study aimed at assessing the habitat diversity and population structure of L. lanceolata’s natural stands according to land cover types. Two sites were considered: Banfora, where the use value of fruits is unknown and Orodara, where fruits are exploited for oil production. A stratified and oriented sampling scheme based on the occurrence of L. lanceolata and land cover was applied using rectangular plots of 50 m × 20 m. Phytosociological and quantitative inventories were carried out to assess the woody species diversity of stands and L. lanceolata population structure, respectively. Species diversity indices, structural parameters were computed and analyses of variance, Chi square test were performed to compare sites according to land cover types. The results showed high woody species diversity associated with L. lanceolata stands (H = 3.2–3.6). The densities of L. lanceolata ranged between 94 and 280 trees per hectare, with significant differences between land cover types and sites. The population pattern showed a good regeneration potential and high resource availability. L. lanceolata was fairly resilient to human pressure and tended to recolonize disturbed lands. With a high potential for sustainable management, L. lanceolata is a promising NTFP species which can contribute to improve the local and national economy.  相似文献   

The structural diversity in urban forests is highly important to protect biodiversity. In particular, fruit trees and bush species, cavity-bearing trees and coarse, woody debris provide habitats for animals to feed, nest and hide.Improper silvicultural practices, intensive recreational use and illegal harvesting lead to a decline in the structural diversity in forests within larger metropolitan cities. It is important to monitor the structural diversity at definite time intervals using effective technologies with a view to instituting the necessary conservation measures. The use of satellite images seems to be appropriate to this end. Here we aimed to identify the associations between the textural features derived from the satellite images with different spatial resolutions and the structural diversity indices in urban forest stands(Shannon–Wiener index, complexity index, dominance index and density of wildlife trees).Rapid Eye images with a spatial resolution of 5 m 9 5 m,ASTER images with a spatial resolution of 15 m 9 15 m and Landsat-8 ETM satellite images with a spatial resolution of 30 m 9 30 m were used in this study. The firstorder(standard deviation of gray levels) and second order(GLCM entropy, GLCM contrast and GLCM correlation)textural features were calculated from the satellite images.When associations between textural features in the images and the structural diversity indices were assessed using the Pearson correlation coefficient, very high associations were found between the image textural features and the diversity indices. The highest association was found between the standard deviation of gray levels(SDGLRAP) derived from RVIRAPof Rapid Eye image and the Shannon–Wiener index(Hh) calculated on the basis of tree height(R2= 0.64). The findings revealed that Rapid Eye satellite images with a spatial resolution of 5 m 9 5 m are most suitable for estimating the structural diversity in urban forests.  相似文献   

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