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Ethiopian moist evergreen Afromontane forests are vital for the conservation of plant diversity,including genetic pools of Coffea arabica L.However,these forests are continuously shrinking and need empirical scientific studies for their effective conservation and sustainable management.This study was,therefore,conducted to assess woody species composition,diversity,endemicity,structure,plant communities,and environmental determinants in Sirso moist evergreen Afromontane forest of southern Ethiopia.Environmental variables such as altitude,slope,aspect,disturbance levels,and geographical location were recorded for each main plots.Vegetation structure and importance value index(IVI),diversity,vegetation classification,and correlation with environmental factors were analyzed.A total of 74 woody species representing 70 genera and 34 families were identified.Seven species were endemic.Rhus glutinosa A.Rich subsp.glutinosa and Prunus africana(Hook.f.) Kalkm.were species categorized as vulnerable according to the IUCN red list category.The highest number of species was recorded for the Rubiaceae family(8),followed by Euphorbiaceae(6),and Asteraceae(6).Five plant communities were identified:Maesa lanceolata-Dombeya torrida,Galiniera saxifraga-Cyathea manniana,Vepris dainellii-Triumfetta tomentosa,Dracaena fragrans-Rytigynia neglecta,and Arundinaria alpina.The distribution of these communities depends on altitude,slope,and disturbance factors.Syzygium guineense(Wild.) DC.,Schefflera abyssinica(Hochst.ex A.Rich.) Harms,and Galiniera saxifraga(Hochst.) Bridson were species with the highest IVI,while P.africana,Cordia africana Lam.,Hagenia abyssinica(Bruce) J.F.Gmelin,Bridelia micrantha(Hochst.) Baill.,and C.arabica had the lowest.Population structure of woody species showed an inverted J-shape,a J-shape,a bell-shape,and an irregular shaped pattern.These latter three population structure revealed signs of disturbances,and were negatively correlated with altitude and slope.The study showed that the Sirso moist evergreen Afromontane forest is species rich and should be given conservation priority to maintain endemic and native species.  相似文献   

Dry afromontane forests are among the most poorly managed and endangered ecosystems.Therefore,we assessed the composition,diversity,and conservation status of woody plant species of the Debre Libanos church forests and surrounding forest lands in Oromiya Regional National State,central Ethiopia in 62 nested circular sample plots spaced 200 m apart along two transect lines.Large circular plots 314 m~2 were used to sample trees with DBH of at least 10 cm,and subplots of 28.26 m~2 were laid in each main plot were used to assess saplings and shrubs;a small subplot of 3.14 m~2 was used to assess seedlings.In total,70 woody plant species belonging to 62 genera and 43 families were recorded.Of these,59,28 and 32 were in the church,government and private forest types,respectively.The most dominant families were Fabaceae and Verbenaceae,each represented by five species.In the forests considered,trees accounted for 61%,and shrubs with diameter at breast height(DBH) of 1-10 cm accounted for ca.33%.Among growth forms of woody species,shrubs and seedlings,followed by trees constituted much of the density of woody species in all the three ownership types of forests.The church forest had the most species(59) and highest Shannon(3.12) and Simpson(0.92) species diversity indices,and the government and private forests had a nearly similar total number of species and Shannon and Simpson species diversity indices.Most of the species with higher importance value indices(IVI) were indigenous in origin within the church forest(Juniperus procera=82),government forest(J.procera=66) and private forest(Acacia abyssinica=84).The composition,diversity,and population structure of woody species in the church forest were significantly higher than in the other forest lands.However,interventions of the government and private sectors to conserve forest systems in the areas,particularly the government-owned forest and specific species such as Olea europaea need active enrichment plantings due to their limited natural regeneration.Without improved management interventions,livelihood income diversification and ecosystem services obtained from the forest will not be sustainable.  相似文献   

Riparian forests are classified as endangered ecosystems in general,particularly in sahelian countries like Burkina Faso because of human-induced alterations and civil engineering works.The modification of this important habitat is continuing,with little attention being paid to the ecological or human consequences of these changes.The objective of this study is to describe the variation of woody species diversity and dynamic in riparian forests on different type of watercourse banks along phytogeographical gradient in Burkina Faso.All woody species were systematically measured in 90 sample plots with sides of 50 m × 20 m.Density,dominance,frequency and species and family importance values were computed to characterize the species composition.Different diver-sity indices were calculated to examine the heterogeneity of riparian forests.A total of 196 species representing 139 genera and 51 families were recorded in the overall riparian forests.The species richness of individuals with dbh ≥ 5cm increased significantly from the North to the South along the phytogeographical gradient and varied significantly between the different types of riparian forests.Similarity in tree species composition between riparian forests was low,which indicates high beta diversity and reflects differences in habitat conditions and topography.The structural characteristics varied significantly along the phyto-geographical gradient and between the different types of riparian forests.The diameter class distribution of trees in all riparian forests showed a reverse "J" shaped curve except riparian forest of stream indicating vegetation dominated by juvenile individuals.Considering the ecological importance of riparian forest,there is a need to delineate and classify them along watercourses throughout the country.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic factors such as elevated deer populations, invasive earthworms or climate change may alter old-growth forests of the Upper Midwest region of the United States. We examined demographic trends of woody species across all size classes over 35 years in a late-successional forest dominated by hemlock (Tsuga canadensis), sugar maple (Acer saccharum) and yellow birch (Betula alleghaniensis) in Michigan's Upper Peninsula using two sets of permanent plots. For the duration of the study period, species that were less-preferred white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) forage, especially sugar maple, comprised a much higher fraction of all seedlings and saplings compared to overstory trees. The density of small sugar maple declined across the study period, but no other species became more abundant, creating a more open forest understory. By the most recent census, preferred species for deer browse had been nearly eliminated from the understory, and declines in unpreferred species such as sugar maple were also apparent. We found small changes in temperature (<0.5-1 °C rise in minimum and maximum temperatures depending on season) and precipitation (±28 mm depending on season) and little evidence of invasive earthworms impacts. Our results suggest that the sustained elevated deer density is shifting the structure and composition of this old-growth forest. A demographic model showed that if current recruitment, growth and mortality rates were to continue for 500 years the forest would eventually reach a new equilibrium with virtually no hemlock or yellow birch remaining.  相似文献   

A study was conducted in Tara Gedam and Abebaye forests l,northwestern Ethiopia to investigate the diversity,regeneration status,socio-economic importance and the factors causing destruction of the forests.A total of 30 plots,measuring 20 m ×20 m,were established along line transects laid across the forests.Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) method was employed to generate the socio-economic data.Primary data were collected by field observation,semi-structured interview with key informants and discussion with relevant stakeholders.A total of 143 woody species belonging to 114 genera and 57 families were recorded,and of all the species 44 (30.8%) were trees,57 (39.9%) trees/shrubs,33 (23.1%) shrubs and 9 (6.3%) lianas.The diversity and evenness of woody species in Tara Gedam forest are 2.98 and 0.65,respectively,and in Abebaye forest they are 1.31 and 0.31,respectively.The total density and basal area of woody species in Tara Gedam forest are 3001 individuals ha-1 and 115.36 m 2 ha-1,respectively,and in Abebaye forest the values are 2850 individuals ha-1 and 49.45 m 2 ha-1,respectively.The results on the importance value index (IVI) and DBH class distributions suggest that the species with low IVI value and poor regeneration status need to be prioritized for conservation.In the socio-economic survey,the responses from the key informants indicatedthat the forests are the major sources of fuelwood (90%),construction material (80%),timber (75%) and farm implements (55%).The forests are also sources of medicines,animal fodder,bee forage and edible fruits.Tara Gedam monastery,assisted by the local people who have strong religious belief and high respect to the monastery,has played a great role in the maintenance of the sacred forest since a long time.At present,the conservation efforts are made jointly by the monastery and institutions concerned with conservation.The major factors that cause destruction of the forests are livestock grazing,tree cutting for various purposes and farmland expansion.The implications of the results are discussed,and the recommendations are suggested for conservation,management and sustainable utilization of the forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

Forest structure and floristic composition were studied in a series of 0.5 ha natural forest plots at four sites near Porto Trombetas in Pará State, Brazil, 11–12 years after being subjected to differing levels of above-ground biomass harvest and removal. In addition to undisturbed control plots, experimental treatments included: removal of most trees ≥45 cm DBH (low intensity harvest); removal of trees <20 and ≥60 cm DBH (moderate intensity harvest); clear-cutting (100% above-ground biomass removal). Post-harvest basal area growth generally increased with harvest intensity, and total basal areas for trees ≥5 cm DBH were, at the time of our study, 60% (in the clear-cut) to about 80% of those in the control plots. Biomass harvests stimulated recruitment and growth of residual trees, particularly in the smaller diameter classes, but had little effect on species richness for small trees, seedlings, vine, herbs, and grasses. Species richness for trees ≥15 cm DBH was greater in the control and low-intensity (74–75 species) than in the moderate intensity (47 species) and clear-cut (26 species) treatment plots. While the tree flora within all harvest treatments was broadly similar to the undisturbed (control) plots and included similar numbers of species of the major plant families typical of the surrounding forests, the more intensive harvest treatments, especially the clear-cut, were dominated by a higher proportion of short-lived, early successional tree species.  相似文献   

马归燕 《林业科技》2000,25(6):28-29
在对茂兰喀斯特森林区蝶种数量、蝶类和科属种和区系分布组成进行统计分析的基础上,对保护和利用蝶类资源提出了建议。  相似文献   

基于1 hm2的固定样地数据,对粤北南雄小流坑—青嶂山保护区亚热带常绿阔叶林的物种多样性及优势植物种群的年龄、高度结构等特征进行了分析,以探讨森林群落的稳定性与演替进程.结果表明,样地中出现胸径≥1.0 cm的植物38科58属74种,个体总数1621株,建群种为木荷(Schima su-perba)和红锥(Castanopsis hystrix),重要值分别为16.56和12.00;优势种为赤皮青冈(Cyclobalanopsis gilva)、黄樟(Cinnamomum porrectum)、华润楠(Machilus chinensis)、青冈(Cyclobalanopsis glauca);群落优势科为山茶科、壳斗科、樟科、茜草科;群落整体上处于稳定阶段,其中木荷和青冈为稳定至早衰种群,红锥和赤皮青冈为基本稳定种群,华润楠为稳定种群,黄樟为衰老种群;各植物种群高度结构各具特色,其中木荷、华润楠和青冈对整个群落的高度结构影响较大.  相似文献   

The study was conducted at Zengena forest, a fragmented remnant montane forest in northwestern Ethiopia, which surrounds Lake Zengena. The purpose was to assess the species composition, diversity and the regeneration status of woody plants. A total of 27 plots of 20 m × 20 m were sampled along the line transects laid down the altitudinal gradient from the edge of the forest encompassing the lake to the edge of the lake in eight aspects. In each plot, woody species were counted and the diameter at breast height and the height of trees and shrubs were measured. A total of 50 woody species belonging to 31 families were found, of which 17(34%) were trees, 7(14%) trees or shrubs, 23(46%) shrubs and 3(6%) lianas. The overall Shannon-Wiener diversity and evenness indices of woody species were 2.74 and 0.7, respectively. Clausena anisata had the highest relative density(23.5%), Rapanea rhododendroides the highest relative frequency(6.5%) and Prunus africana the highest relative dominance(45%) and importance value index(IVI, 51.6). The total basal area and density of woody plants were 22.3 m2?ha-1 and 2,202 individuals?ha-1, respectively. The population structure showed variations among woody plants and revealed varied regeneration patterns of different species. The importance value index and population structure revealed that some species are threatened and need prioritization for conservation measures. The results suggest that remnant forest patches in the highlands of northern Ethiopia host several woody plant species that are almost disappearing in other areas due to deforestation.  相似文献   

John M. Lhotka 《New Forests》2013,44(3):311-325
This paper is an assessment of the effect of gap size on stand structure and species composition 48 years following treatment in a mixed broadleaf upland forest. Established in 1960, the study tests three circular openings, 15.2 m (0.02 ha), 45.7 m (0.16 ha), and 76.2 m (0.46 ha). Forty-eight years following treatment (2008) basal area, top height, and quadratic mean diameter were significantly lower in 15.2 m openings. Maple (Acer spp.) species had the highest mean importance value across treatments (0.40). Trends suggest that species composition of dominant and codominant trees among opening sizes may have been influenced by shade tolerance adaptations of the species groups present. Whereas 15.2 m openings were dominated by shade tolerant maple species, 45.7 and 76.2 m openings produced a mixture of commercial species including shade intolerant species such as yellow-poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera L.), trees of intermediate shade tolerance like oak (Quercus spp.), and shade tolerant maple. Data further suggest the density of overstory oak was highest in the intermediate opening size (45.7 m), while yellow-poplar increased in the larger opening sizes. Evaluation of species shifts between 1981 and 2008 showed that relative basal area of maple increased across all treatments. Relative basal areas from 45.7 to 76.2 m openings suggest declines in yellow-poplar and other non-commercial species were balanced by increases in oak and maple.  相似文献   

The Afromontane forests of Ethiopia have been under a serious degradation threat. Assessment of floristic diversity and species composition in Biteyu forest of Gurage mountain chain in the central Ethiopia was conducted to examine the pattern of forest structure. Thirty plots of 30 m×30 m were used to record the vegetation and environmental data using systematic sampling technique. The local name, plant scientific names, DBH, height,species abundance and percentage canopy cover of plant species were recorded. Shannon diversity index and Sorensen's coefficients was used for comparison among communities and similar forests in the country. Threats to the forest biodiversity in Biteyu were determined by counting cattle interference and wood stumps as disturbance indicators. Relative Euclidean Distance measures by using Ward's method(linkage) was applied for cluster analysis. Environmental variables were also recorded in each plot. Woody species population structure, basal area and importance value index were analyzed using spreadsheet programs. Data on species distribution and environmental variables in the forest were analyzed by canonical correspondence analysis. A total of 190 species in 154 genera under 73 families were identified. Twenty species were found to be endemic taxa to the Flora Area. Only three plant community types were identified from the cluster analysis due to the high human influence. The Sorensen's coefficient showed the resemblance of the Biteyu forest with other Dry Evergreen Afromontane forests in the country. Moreover, altitude and slope strongly affect the species composition and structure of Biteyu forest. Given the high anthropogenic influence, high endemism, high dependence of the local community on the forest resources, forest conservation and restoration measures should be done by stakeholders.  相似文献   

For this study in the Ambo State Forest on woody plant diversity, structure and regeneration, 70 quadrats, each 25 m by 25 m, were selected using a systematic random sampling technique and intervals of 100 m along a transect line. For assessing seedlings and saplings,two 2 × 10 m sub quadrats were set upon opposite sides of each main quadrat. Data on species diversity, abundance,structure, basal area, density, frequency and regeneration status were collected and analyzed using standard procedures and programs. Of 58 woody plant species identified,69 % were trees, 16 % were shrubs, 12 % were tree/shrubs and 4 % were climbers. Fabaceae was the most speciesrich family comprising 17 species. The Shannon–Weiner diversity index was 2.73, and evenness was 0.67. The population structure in the cumulative diameter class frequency distribution revealed an interrupted and inverted J-shape with a very high decrease in higher diameter class.Acacia lahai(49 %) was the most important woody species with the highest importance value index. To maintain balanced structure, enhanced regeneration and protecting the forest from selective cutting are recommended.  相似文献   

Timo Pukkala 《林业研究》2018,29(2):261-272
Forest management in several boreal countries is strongly focused on conifers because they are more productive,the technical quality of their stems is better,and their wood fibers are longer as compared to broadleaves.Favoring conifers in forest management leads to simple forest structures with low resilience and diversity.Such forests are risky in the face of climate change and fluctuating timber prices.Climate change increases the vitality of many forest pests and pathogens such as Heterobasidion spp.and Ips typographus L.which attack mainly spruce.Wind damages are also increasing because of a shorter period of frozen soil to provide a firm anchorage against storms.Wind-thrown trees serve as starting points for bark beetle outbreaks.Increasing the proportion of broadleaved species might alleviate some of these problems.This study predicts the long-term(150 years) consequences of current conifer-oriented forest management in two forest areas,and compared this management with silvicultural strategies that promote mixed forests and broadleaved species.The results show that,in the absence of damages,conifer-oriented forestry would lead to 5–10% higher timber yields and carbon sequestration.The somewhat lower carbon sequestration of broadleaved forests was counteracted by their higher albedo(reflectance).Mixed and broadleafforests were better providers of recreational amenities.Species diversity was much higher in mixed stand and broadleaf-oriented silviculture at stand and forest levels.The analysis indicates that conifer-oriented forest management produces rather small and uncertain economic benefits at a high cost in resilience and diversity.  相似文献   

利用2012年和龙林业局森林资源规划设计调查样地数据,从龄组结构、树种结构和径阶组结构进行统计分析,结果表明:全局以中龄林、近熟林为主;各龄组株数随径阶增大而递减,株数集中在小径阶组和中径阶组;红松、云杉等珍贵针叶树种和水曲柳、胡桃楸、黄檗、怀槐等珍贵阔叶树种资源偏少。针对林分具有异龄、复层林结构、珍贵树种少、林分株数密集的特点提出了经营建议。  相似文献   

Fully protected areas such as National Parks are often assumed to be the best way to conserve plant diversity and maintain intact forest composition and structure. To evaluate this assertion, we sampled trees in areas with four different levels of protection: a National Park, where the protection level is very high, a Game Controlled Area which allows tourist hunting of big game animals, a Forest Reserve which allows selective harvest of trees, and an Open Area where human populations have unrestricted access to forest resources. All four land management areas had healthy size-class distributions with greater numbers of juvenile trees (2–10 cm DBH) than adults. Surprisingly, mean stem density of trees was highest (947 stems ha−1) in the Game Controlled Area but was lowest (635 stems ha−1) in the National Park. The former had the highest basal area value (24 m2 ha−1) while the human-inhabited Open Area had the lowest (11 m2 ha−1). Species richness in the Forest Reserve and Game Controlled Area was significantly higher than in the other areas. The total number of plots with unique species not found anywhere else was lowest in the National. Our measures of forest structure and composition therefore show that fully protected National Parks do not necessarily conserve the greatest diversity of tree species or unique species, indicating that a suite of different types of protection strategies may be the key to conservation of trees in these African dry tropical forests.  相似文献   



Long-term ecological studies are essential for understanding the dynamics of natural systems. However, describing long-term dynamics in old-growth forests is often hindered by a lack of archival data.  相似文献   

森林生态系统组成和结构与病虫害防治   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
森林病虫灾害是病原物或昆虫、树木、环境、人类活动之间相互影响,导致森林生态系统不稳定性加剧、调节功能失调后的产物。森林生态系统组成多样性和结构复杂性是实现森林生态系统对病虫灾害自我调控功能的基础条件。在林分尺度基础上,总结了森林生态系统组成和结构对病原物和害虫建群和危害的影响机制,提出以生态调控策略为理论基础,以调控林分组成和结构为切入点,揭示森林生态系统对病虫灾害自我调控的自组织机理,为实现我国森林病虫灾害的可持续控制提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Phytophthora species were surveyed by collecting soil samples and placing bait leaves in selected streams during June–October in the years 2005, 2006 and 2010 at three sites in oak forests in Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of NW Yunnan province, China. Seventy‐three isolates of Phytophthora spp. were recovered from 135 baited leaf samples and 81 soil samples. Eight Phytophthora species were identified by observation of morphological features and ITS1‐5.8S‐ITS2 rDNA sequence analysis. The eight taxa included two well‐known species P. gonapodyides and P. cryptogea, two recently described species P. gregata and P. plurivora, two named but as yet undescribed taxa, P. taxon PgChlamydo and P. taxon Salixsoil, and two previously unrecognized species, Phytophthora sp.1 and P. sp.2. The most numerous species, P. taxon PgChlamydo, and the second most abundant species, P. taxon Salixsoil, were recovered at all three sites. Phytophthora cryptogea was detected only once at site Nixi. Phytophthora gregata and P. sp.2 were isolated from a stream only at site Bitahai, while the other three species were each found at two sites. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the isolates belonged to three ITS clades, one species including six isolates in clade 2, six species including 66 isolates in clade 6 and one species in clade 8. There was a relatively rich species and genetic diversity of Phytophthora detected in the investigated regions where the forest biotic and abiotic factors affecting the growth and evolution of Phytophthora populations were diverse.  相似文献   

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