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瘦西湖风景区森林生态系统建设与规划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
瘦西湖风景区森林生态系统建设与规划是城市森林生态体系研究与示范扬州试验点的重要组成部分,是实现风景区可持续发展的的重要条件。介绍了利用历史遗存植物造景、坚持乡土树种地被植物应用、加强生物多样性原则、开发水生湿地植被景观、推进生物防治管理等景区森林生态系统建设的基本原则;并就自然植被资源保护、湿地植物景观体现以及生态绿地模式建设等设想,对景区森林生态系统可持续发展的建设目标进行了初步规划和探讨。  相似文献   

该研究基于辽宁省冰砬山森林生态系统定位研究站建站5年来的定位、连续观测数据和辽宁省冰砬山森林资源清查数据(2005年),应用林业行业标准,评估了冰砬山森林生态系统服务功能及其价值。结果表明:辽宁冰砬山森林生态系统服务功能的总价值为4.02亿元/a,森林提供的价值平均为6.33万元(/hm2.a)。各项服务功能总价值依序为保育土壤〉固碳制氧〉涵养水源〉生物多样性保护〉净化大气环境〉积累营养物质〉森林游憩。生态系统服务功能总价值依序为落叶松〉柞树〉红松〉花曲柳〉油松〉樟子松〉胡桃楸〉椴树〉色树〉桦树〉水曲柳〉榆树〉云杉〉怀槐〉柳树〉杨树〉经济林〉刺槐〉赤松〉黄波罗,其中落叶松和柞树两种森林类型占总价值的71.42%。冰砬山森林生态系统为本地区的生态安全与服务社会发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

根据马家河乡2005年和2010年的土地开发利用数据,采用Costanza提出的生态系统服务功能价值(ESV)计算方法,对其不同利用类型土地的森林生态系统服务功能及森林生态系统单项服务功能的价值进行评估。结果表明:马家河乡土地利用类型变化中,以林地、居住及建设用地等类型变化为主。其中,林地面积减少的最多,其所占国土总面积的比例减少幅度达到11.94%;其次为耕地面积,减少了3.02%;果园、草地水域的面积基本保持不变;而居住及建设用地增幅最大,达到了8.14%。马家河乡土地的森林生态系统的服务功能价值以林地价值减少最多,达到664.5元;果园价值减少459.77元;耕地价值减少188.97元;草地价值减少了64.39元;水域、居住及建设用地和未利用地的价值有不同程度的上升。马家河乡森林生态系统单项服务功能价值中除了森林游憩保健服务功能的价值有所上升,其余各项服务功能的价值均有不同程度地下降。  相似文献   

The need to integrate non-market ecosystem services into decision-making is widely acknowledged. Despite the exponentially growing body of literature, trade-offs between services are still poorly understood. We conducted a systematic review of published literature in the Nordic countries (Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland) on the integration of non-market forest ecosystem services into decision-making. The aim of the review was two-fold: (1) to provide an overview of coverage of biophysical and socio-economic assessments of non-market ecosystem services in relation to forest management; (2) to determine the extent of the integration of biophysical and socio-economic models of these services into decision support models. Our findings reveal the need for wider coverage of non-market ecosystem services and evidence-based modelling of how forest management regimes affect ecosystem services. Furthermore, temporal and spatial modelling of ecosystem impacts remains a challenge. We observed a few examples of multiple non-market services assessments. Integration of non-market services into decision support was performed with either biophysical or socio-economic models, often using proxies and composite indicators. The review reveals that there is scope for more comprehensive and integrated model development, including multiple ecosystem services and appropriate handling of forest management impacts.  相似文献   

雾灵山自然保护区森林生态系统服务功能价值评估   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
对雾灵山自然保护区的森林生态系统服务功能价值进行了评估,得出雾灵山自然保护区森林生态系统服务总价值30272.76万元/a,其中,间接经济价值28144.82万元/a,占总价值的92.97%。其直接经济价值2127.94万元/a,占总价值的7.03%。直接经济价值与间接经济价值的比值是1:13.23,由此可见,雾灵山自然保护区森林生态系统服务功能间接价值的重要性。因此,保存森林的价值,决不仅仅是木材价值上的保护,更重要的是森林的生态系统服务功能间接价值的保护。  相似文献   

广西九万山自然保护区是以中亚热带常绿阔叶林及其垂直带谱为主的森林生态系统及珍惜濒危动植物为主要保护对象的国家级自然保护区,对区域与国家都有着重要的生态服务价值。经过实地调研,应用市场价值、机会成本、影子价格等方法对九万山国家级自然保护区内提供林木产品、涵养水源、保育土壤、固碳释氧、积累营养物质、净化大气环境、生物多样性保护等森林生态服务价值功能进行评估。结果表明:九万山国家级自然保护区森林生态系统服务功能总价值226 533.30万元/年。其中涵养水源(132 198.24万元/年)保护生物多样性(42 241.14万元/年)固碳释氧(37 433.96万元/年)保育土壤(9 624.30万元/年)林木产品(4 543万元/年)净化大气环境(266.92万元/年)积累营养物质(225.76万元/年)。  相似文献   

  • ? The aim of this work was to analyze how the forest structure affects the risk of wind damage at the landscape level in a boreal forest.
  • ? This was done by employing: (i) Monte Carlo simulation technique for generating landscapes with different age class distributions, proportions of open areas (gaps), and tree species composition; and (ii) a mechanistic wind damage model, HWIND, for predicting the critical wind speeds at downwind stand edges of open areas (gaps) for risk consideration. The level of risk of wind damage observed at the landscape level was significantly affected by the presence of gaps and old stands. Even a slight increase in the proportion of gap areas or older stands had a significant impact on the total length of edges at risk. As a comparison, variation in species composition (Scots pine and/or Norway spruce) had much smaller impact on the risk of damage.
  • ? In conclusion, the effects of forest structure on the risk of wind damage should especially be considered by forest managers in day-to-day forest planning in order to reduce the risk of wind damage both at the stand and landscape level.
  •   相似文献   

    基于中国陆地生态系统通量观测研究网络(ChinaFlux)3年(2005.2007年)的观测数据,研究了千烟洲中亚热带人工林(QYF)和长自山温带混交林(CBF)的气体调节通量动态和气体调节价值累积过程。本文将气体调节服务区分为植被气体调节服务和净生态系统气体调节服务。采用碳税法、造林成本法和工业制氧法对气体调节服务价值化,研究表明气体调节通量具有显著的季节变化。千烟洲人工林和长白山混交林植被的日均CO2吸收量分别为82.00kg·hm^-2·d和59.37kg·hm^-2·d,对应的O2通量分别为59.65kg·hm^-2·d和43.19kg·hm^-2·d。千烟洲人工林和长白山混交林的植被气体调节价值累积过程曲线均为S型,年均植被气体调节服务价值分别为14342.69元·hm^-2和10384.18元·hm^-2。就净生态系统气体调节服务而言,千烟洲人工林全年各月均表现为CO2的净吸收和O2的净释放,而长白山混交林则主要在5-9月表现为CO2的净吸收。千烟洲人工林的净生态系统气体调节价值累积过程曲线为S型,而长白山混交林则为单峰型。千烟洲人工林和长白山混交林的年均净生态系统气体调节服务价值分别为8470.52元·hm^-2和5091.98元·hm^-2。植被气体调节服务和净生态系统气体调节服务主要发生为5-10月。  相似文献   

    采用对环洞庭湖防护林体系的野外调查数据和湖南省林业厅项目记录,依据《森林生态系统服务功能评估规范》(LY/T1721—2008),利用市场价值法、费用代替法、替代工程法等方法定量评价了2009年环洞庭湖防护林的生态服务功能总价值。结果表明,环洞庭湖防护林生态系统服务功能价值为129 772.18万元,其中涵养水源为48 450.44万元,水质净化为7 837.3万元,固土价值为24.50万元,保肥价值为6 755.98万元,固碳价值为21991.20万元,释氧价值为31 810万元,净化大气价值为12 902.83万元。  相似文献   

    大中山自然保护区森林生态系统服务功能价值评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
    从生态系统服务功能的概念入手,根据观测和研究资料,采用替代工程法、市场价值法等方法,从直接和间接价值两个方面评价了大中山自然保护区森林生态系统服务功能的价值。结果表明,大中山自然保护区森林生态系统的生态服务功能总价值每年为5.62×10^8元,其中涵养水源价值为3.29×10^8元,净化水质价值为5.69×10^7元,保持水土价值为5.64×10^7元,固碳制氧价值为6.11×10^7元,净化环境价值为4.13×10^7元,林、粟及副产品等直接经济价值为1.75×10^7元。  相似文献   

    根据中华人民共和国林业行业标准《森林生态系统服务功能评估规范》所提供的方法和参数,采用湘西自治州"十五"森林资源清查数据和国内有关专家的研究成果,综合运用市场价值法、费用代替法、替代工程法等方法,对湘西州森林生态系统的服务价值进行定量评定估算,得出该地区森林生态系统涵养水源价值319.08亿元·a^-1,保育土壤价值53.60亿元·a^-1,固碳释氧价值59.12亿元·a^-1,林分营养积累价值3.10亿元·a^-1,净化大气环境价值27.64亿元·a^-1,生物多样性保护价值49.13亿元·a^-1,森林生态系统服务总价值511.67亿元·a^-1。评估结果表明:森林在为人类生存提供大量的直接产品的同时,还为人类提供了巨大的间接服务。  相似文献   

    High Andean cloud forests are home to a diversity of unique wildlife and are important providers of ecosystem services to people in the Andean regions. The extent of these cloud forests has been widely reduced through conversion to pasture for livestock, which threatens the forests’ ability to support biodiversity and provide ecosystem services. This paper explores whether impacts on woody plant biodiversity and four ecosystem properties (woody plant species richness, juvenile timber tree abundance, soil organic matter content and soil moisture) from converting forest to pasture can be mitigated if some woody forest vegetation is maintained within pastures. Woody vegetation in pastures was found to conserve those woody plant species that are more tolerant to exposure and grazing, but conservation of the high montane cloud forest community required areas of forest from which livestock were restricted. The sampled sites clustered according to woody plant species cover; these clusters represented a gradient from pasture with patches of shrubs to mature forest. Clusters differed in both woody plant species richness and number of juvenile timber trees whereas soil organic matter and soil moisture were observed to be similar among all clusters. This suggests that the different habitats may have some equivalent ecosystem properties. We conclude that the presence of woody vegetation in pastures may reduce some of the impacts of converting forest to pasture, but should not be considered a substitute for protecting large areas of forest, which are essential for maintaining woody plant species diversity in high Andean cloud forest.  相似文献   

    Forests provide many benefits (e.g., esthetics, water purification, habitat, carbon sequestration) to humans when they are conserved. However, forest conservation efforts may conflict with other uses, particularly timber harvest. Incentives for forest conservation can be established through payment for ecosystem services (PES) policies. PES policies rely on forest valuation studies which traditionally have valued the whole forest, or characteristics of a forest. Methods that allow variability in estimated forest values over space can provide valuation information at a finer scale and aid in the optimization of PES policies. These spatially explicit values provide information critical to many policy decisions, particularly conservation prioritization and planning.Using moderate resolution satellite remote sensing (i.e., LandSat) and a forest use survey conducted in Kam Cha i, Thailand, methods to estimate forest product valuation for spatially heterogeneous plots are demonstrated. These estimates are produced using geographic information system (GIS) multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA). The MCDA method combines forest use data with associated travel costs and vegetation cover estimates to provide spatially explicit estimates of forest values. This information is then used to compare local use values against potential carbon credit values estimated from the literature. The results show that a majority of the forest plots have higher PES values than for local forest products. Some do not, however, which suggests a possible cause for resistance against potential PES policies implemented in these areas.  相似文献   

    Timo Pukkala 《林业研究》2018,29(2):261-272
    Forest management in several boreal countries is strongly focused on conifers because they are more productive,the technical quality of their stems is better,and their wood fibers are longer as compared to broadleaves.Favoring conifers in forest management leads to simple forest structures with low resilience and diversity.Such forests are risky in the face of climate change and fluctuating timber prices.Climate change increases the vitality of many forest pests and pathogens such as Heterobasidion spp.and Ips typographus L.which attack mainly spruce.Wind damages are also increasing because of a shorter period of frozen soil to provide a firm anchorage against storms.Wind-thrown trees serve as starting points for bark beetle outbreaks.Increasing the proportion of broadleaved species might alleviate some of these problems.This study predicts the long-term(150 years) consequences of current conifer-oriented forest management in two forest areas,and compared this management with silvicultural strategies that promote mixed forests and broadleaved species.The results show that,in the absence of damages,conifer-oriented forestry would lead to 5–10% higher timber yields and carbon sequestration.The somewhat lower carbon sequestration of broadleaved forests was counteracted by their higher albedo(reflectance).Mixed and broadleafforests were better providers of recreational amenities.Species diversity was much higher in mixed stand and broadleaf-oriented silviculture at stand and forest levels.The analysis indicates that conifer-oriented forest management produces rather small and uncertain economic benefits at a high cost in resilience and diversity.  相似文献   

    There are many studies indicating the linkages of Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) forest management certification to forest ecosystem services (FES). The primary focus of the research was the FSC system's impacts on FES management. What is unique about this study is that it evaluates the adaptability of key FSC stakeholders in terms of their ability to incorporate FES. We surveyed 270 FSC stakeholders to quantify the capacity of FSC certification bodies (e.g., auditors) to audit FES delivery, the preferences of FSC enabling partners (e.g., FSC national networks) to provide training, and the experiences and expectations of FSC certificate holders (e.g., forest owners) to manage and sell FES. The study results indicate that the stakeholder adaptability was high for biodiversity conservation, carbon storage, and provision of non-timber forest products, medium for watershed protection services, and low for ecotourism and agricultural products. This may help FSC establish priorities for capacity development for FES.  相似文献   

    构建了适合云南省森林生态系统服务功能的评价指标体系,依据文献资料,并结合最近2次森林资源清查资料及社会公共数据估算了云南省"十五"和"十一五"期间森林生态系统服务功能的总价值.结果表明:"十五"期间平均每年总价值为9 851.66亿元,单位面积价值为6.32万元/(hm2·a);"十一五,,期间为1520.11亿元,单...  相似文献   

    To simulate stand-level impacts of climate change, predictors in the widely used Forest Vegetation Simulator (FVS) were adjusted to account for expected climate effects. This was accomplished by: (1) adding functions that link mortality and regeneration of species to climate variables expressing climatic suitability, (2) constructing a function linking site index to climate and using it to modify growth rates, and (3) adding functions accounting for changing growth rates due to climate-induced genetic responses. For three climatically diverse landscapes, simulations were used to explore the change in species composition and tree growth that should accompany climate change during the 21st century. The simulations illustrated the changes in forest composition that could accompany climate change. Projections were the most sensitive to mortality, as the loss of trees of a dominant species heavily influenced stand dynamics. While additional work is needed on fundamental plant–climate relationships, this work incorporates climatic effects into FVS to produce a new model called Climate–FVS. This model provides for managers a tool that allows climate change impacts to be incorporated in forest plans.  相似文献   

    European Journal of Forest Research - Ecosystem services are investigated from many perspectives, but there are very few studies comparing the perception of forest and demand for forest ecosystem...  相似文献   

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