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通过落叶松迹地不同树种更新情况对比,阐述了落叶松林伐后不宜继续更新落叶松,而应更新刺槐的观点,为今后落叶松迹地更新开拓了一条新路。  相似文献   

通过对不同地类日本落叶松生长情况的调查,结果表明不同地类更新日本落叶松效果差异较大,选择残次林皆伐迹地和退耕地更新日本落叶松效果较好,成活率在95%以上,保存率在85%以上,更新10年后胸径和树高年均生长量比落叶松皆伐迹地提高23%和31%.标准木达到73.8%,是更新造林较理想的迹地类型;落叶松皆伐迹地更新日本落叶松,其成活率、保存率、年均生长量、土壤的养分含量等均较低,所以不宜提倡.  相似文献   

针对塞罕坝地区3.5万hm2华北落叶松人工林,从迹地更新的树种选择方面,系统研究和总结了塞罕坝地区人工林采伐迹地更新的可供选择树种,探索出了不同立地条件下人工林迹地更新的树种选择问题。对塞罕坝机械林场人工林迹地更新技术的研究结果表明,人工林采伐迹地更新的树种选择问题,其核心问题是适地适树问题,特别是选树适地。在塞罕坝机械林场的大部分地区,华北落叶松一代林的生长表现和经济效益均明显优于其他乔木树种。在华北落叶松一代人工林采伐迹地上进行连作,尽管其表现明显优于其他供试乔木树种,但还是在一定程度上存在衰退的问题。在华北落叶松人工林一代林的采伐迹地上进行更新造林,首选树种仍为华北落叶松,但第三代人工林是否还可以将其作为首选,需要进一步研究论证。  相似文献   

东港市落叶松人工林采伐迹地年更新面积约150hm2,为探索落叶松人工林采伐迹地更新的最佳树种,对其进行更新树种生长调查研究。结果表明,更新红松林的保存率以及树高、胸径生长量都明显优于其它树种。因此,建议在落叶松人工林采伐迹地上尽量更新红松,立地条件好的小班,可适当更新板栗。  相似文献   

为了探讨落叶松皆伐迹地更新适宜树种,我们通过6个树种幼林期试验及对采伐迹地土壤肥力分析,初步得出30年生的落叶松皆伐迹地更新班克松、椴树、水曲柳及重茬落叶松用材林均可.  相似文献   

针对兴安落叶松人工林采伐迹地的基本情况和主要特点,运用可拓层次分析法构建兴安落叶松人工林采伐迹地的火险评级指标体系。通过不同层次的分析,建立了兴安落叶松人工林采伐迹地火灾危险等级评价模型,给出了有效的可拓区间数,确定了各个火险评级指标在兴安落叶松人工林采伐迹地火险等级评价中的权系数,为构建兴安落叶松人工林采伐迹地火险等级的动态评估演化模型、促进林地更新、实现科学管理提供理论依据。  相似文献   

华北落叶松迹地更新关键技术及其效果评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年,随着大部分华北落叶松近成熟林分被采伐利用,迹地更新技术成为经营管理的首选课题。2002~2006年,通过对围场桃山林场迹地更新技术的实践,总结出了"就近育苗、合理育苗、局部整地、加强幼抚"等,是华北落叶松迹地更新的关键技术,且效果明显。  相似文献   

通过对华北落叶松进行不同药剂浸根(ABT生根粉和保水剂),在不同降水量年份的造林试验表明:在塞罕坝,华北落叶松人工林迹地更新,用ABT生根粉浸根能够显著提高成活率和保存率,降低旱死率,为华北落叶松人工林迹地更新一次成功提供了保障。  相似文献   

我国半干旱地区华北落叶松人工林正面临大面积采伐更新的问题,其采伐迹地更新树种选择严重影响林区生态建设和经济发展。本文以塞罕坝的华北落叶松人工林更新树种为研究对象,通过对更新树种生长表现和经济效益的综合分析,华北落叶松生长表现及经济效益均优于对比树种(云杉、樟子松、桦树),并且4年内保存率也均高于对比树种,因此,根据一、二代落叶松人工林生长表现,可以确定塞罕坝地区人工林采伐迹地更新树种应优先选择华北落叶松。  相似文献   

甘河林业公司位于大兴安岭东南坡,在许多采伐迹地上兴安落叶松天然更新较好,幼苗密集呈团状分布。开发初期,由于种苗生产跟不上营林的需要,因此结合当地具体情况,进行了采伐迹地野生苗移植更新造林,面积共2019亩。兴安落叶松野生苗移植更新造林地是1958—1959年等带间隔采伐迹地,采伐带宽100米,坡向为东、西、南,坡度5~15°,土壤厚度8~20厘米,伐前林型分别为草类落叶松林、杜鹃落叶松林和矶踯躅落叶松林。在采伐迹地附近有丰富的群团状兴安落  相似文献   

落叶松幼中龄林主要测树因子生长规律的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
落叶松是一个分布广,易栽培,早期生长快的树种,因此,研究落叶松幼、中龄林主要测树因子的生长规律,对落叶松的早期管理有着很重要的指导意义。结果表明,落叶松幼、中龄林的主测树因子呈幂函数型生长曲线,其直径平均生长量多在0.4 cm以上,树高平均生长量均在0.4 m以上,而在20 a后,材积平均生长量高达0.002 m3。  相似文献   

The occurrence of Heterobasidion annosum in stumps and growing trees was investigated on 15 forest sites in southern Finland where the previous tree stand had been Norway spruce (Picea abies) infected by H. annosum, and the present stand was either Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta), Siberian larch (Larix siberica), silver birch (Betula pendula) or Norway spruce 8–53 years old. Out of 712 spruce stumps investigated of the previous tree stand, 26.3% were infected by the S group and 0.3% by the P group of H. annosum. The fungus was alive and the fruit bodies were active even in stumps cut 46 years ago. In the subsequent stand, the proportion of trees with root rot increased in spruce stands and decreased in stands of other tree species. On average, one S type genet spreading from an old spruce stump had infected 3.0 trees in the following spruce stand, 0.5 trees in lodgepole pine, 0.3 trees in Siberian larch, 0.05 trees in Scots pine and 0.03 trees in silver birch stand. Although silver birch generally was highly resistant to the S type of H. annosum, infected trees were found on one site that was planted with birch of a very northern provenance.  相似文献   

The incidence of Heterobasidion annosum was examined in three young hybrid larch (Larix × eurolepis) plantations in southern Sweden that were established after felling Norway spruce (Picea abies) stands heavily infected by the fungus. The incidence of H. annosum was 7 %, 33 %, and 70 %, respectively, in the 2-, 3-, and 5-year-old plantations. In all plantations, H. annosum was the most frequent rot-causing fungus (81 %) and all isolates tested belonged to the P-intersterility group. No visible external differences between infected and healthy seedlings were found on any site. Both tap and lateral roots were infected by H. annosum. The results suggest that when hybrid larch is planted on sandy soils after clear felling of Norway spruce heavily infected by H. annosum, it is very susceptible to infection by H. annosum. Furthermore, transfer of H. annosum from infected stumps to hybrid larch occurs during the first few years after planting on scarified sites. In this study, scarification may have exacerbated the root disease situation and actually led to more early infections by distributing pieces inoculum across the sites.  相似文献   

For evaluating microbial community changes in a Siberian larch stand disturbed by forest fire or clearcutting,357 clones were randomly selected and sequenced using a culture-independent approach and 16S rRNA sequencing to characterize the bacterial composition and diversity from the different disturbed Siberian larch stands.Interestingly,the burned larch stand had an increase in the relative amounts of b-proteobacteria and Firmicutes and a decrease in Acidobacteria,while Gemmatimonadetes increased Verrucomicrobia decreased in the harvested larch stand.Microbial diversity and richness were higher in the undisturbed larch stand than the disturbed(burned or clear-cut)larch stands,and the influence of clear-cutting was more negative than that of the forest fire.This study indicates that evaluating the microbial diversity of undisturbed,burned,and clear-cutting Siberian larch stands provides information about the impact of forest disturbances on soil microbial communities,which may be helpful for understanding and evaluating soil health and devising reafforestation strategies for larch.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONSitequalityisoneofthemostimpor-tantfactorsinfluencingtheproductivityofforeststands.Eva1uatingsitequalityisba-sictostudystandgrowthanddeviseman-agementtreatments.Basisofsitequalityissoil,whichhasacontrollinginfluenceontheforestproductivity-Soilpropertieschangeslowlyovertime,andsoilindexcanbeappliedincutover,deforested,andnonforestedareasinadditiontoareaswheretimberstandsarepresent.Underundisturbed,naturalconditions,somein-dicatorplantscomprisingthelesservegeta-tionmaybeassociat…  相似文献   

Timber quality and increment of Scots pines were analysed in two adjacent stands in northern Sweden. One stand originated from advance growth, and one from planted seedlings. Height increment of advance growth that was higher than 1.3 m when released was slow compared with advance growth lower than 1.3 m and planted trees. Timber quality of advance growth, > 1.3 m at release, was poor due to high incidence of stem damage, most likely inflicted during the logging operation. Potential timber quality of planted Scots pines was better among dominated than dominating trees. Volume production was more than twice as high in the plantation as in the stand originating from advance growth. Slash burning after clear felling had a positive effect on production in the plantation.  相似文献   

Endophytic fungi were isolated from surface‐sterilized needles of the Siberian larch. Samples were collected from a native growing site of the Siberian larch in north‐western Russia and from sites in Russia, Finland and Iceland where the Siberian larch has been introduced. The isolated fungi were classified to operational taxonomic units (OTUs) using colony morphology and molecular characteristics. Needle colonization rates were 50–99% and in total 79 OTUs were found. There were five common OTUs, which covered 86.2% of all isolates. The most common OTU lacked from the youngest plantations in Finland (Solböle) and in Iceland (Kjarnaskógur). The highest similarity in regard to the frequency of OTUs occurred among the stands established long ago in Finland, and the UPGMA clustering using similarity indices separated the seven stands into two major groups.  相似文献   

Reconstruction in twenty single-cohort stands across five climax series on the eastern slope of the Washington Cascade Range found a variety of species combinations and development patterns. Western larch (Larix occidentalis Nutt.) and lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl. ex Loud) were found to be very competitive species that usually occupied a dominant position in stands in the Abies grandis, Abies lasiocarpa, and Tsuga mertensiana climax series. Interior Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca (Mirb.) Franco) was found in all five climax series and, although its height growth was less than that of western larch or the lodgepole pine, it was usually found in the upper stratum. These results suggest that site classification based on climax potential should be used cautiously when applied to young stand management decisions regarding seral species. For example, the difference between an Abies grandis, and a Tsuga mertensiana climax series is quite large in terms of potential productivity but in either case western larch, if present, will likely dominate these stands.  相似文献   

Growing concern about increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and resulting global climate change, has spurred a growing demand for renewable energy. In this study, we hypothesized that a nurse tree crop may provide additional early yields of biomass for fuel, while in the longterm leading to deciduous stands that are believed to better meet the demands for other ecosystem services. Ten different species combinations were planted, with two different stocking densities, at three different sites in Denmark. Significant differences, with regard to biomass production, were observed among the different sites (P?P??1?yr?1 more biomass. The additional biomass production was similar to what was obtained in stands with conifers only (Sitka spruce, Douglas-fir and Japanese larch), which produced 4.9–6.1?t ha?1yr?1 more biomass than the pure beech stands. No effects of initial planting density (P?=?.19), or of initial weeding (P?=?.81), on biomass production were observed. Biomass production of the broadleaved crop was in most cases reduced due to competition. However, provided timely thinning of nurse trees, the qualitative development of the trees will allow for long-term timber production.  相似文献   

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