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我国药用植物种质资源研究现状   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
从药用植物种质资源清查和珍稀濒危种保护生物学研究,新药源研究,药用植物种质资源道地性研究,民族药用植物资源研究,有效成分的分离和药理学基础研究,药用植物种质资源遗传多样性及分类学研究等方面评述了我国药用植物种质资源的研究现状。针对其薄弱环节,提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

从盐池湾保护区药用植物资源的多样性,特、稀有药用植物资源,药用植物资源的性味特征,蒙医药药用植物资源等多方面论述了在盐池湾保护区药用植物资源的现状。  相似文献   

通过普查柄霞山药用植物资源,评估了栖霞山现有药用植物资源的开发利用价值,讨论了栖霞山在对药用植物保护和开发过程中存在的问题,并根据南京药用植物的特点提出对栖霞山药用植物资源保护及开发利用的建议和措施.  相似文献   

药用植物多态性研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
指出了药用植物的过度采挖,造成其野生资源急剧减少,种质资源急需得到保护。研究药用植物多态性,明确种内变异水平,可为濒危药用植物资源保护提供理论支持。但是,药用植物种类繁多,近缘品种形态相近,存在混淆代用现象,探讨其多态性可为药用植物的鉴定与分类提供科学依据。简述了药用植物多态性的表现形式和研究技术,对药用植物多态性的研究现状和应用方向进行了概述与展望。  相似文献   

指出了目前我国不乏在遗传资源领域开展的相关立法实践和理论研究,但是相关进展并未在药用植物遗传资源保护领域发挥显著的作用,目前我国药用植物遗传资源的法律保护仍然没有摆脱工业文明时代法律保护传统思路的束缚。以生态文明观为指导,建议完善药用植物法律保护体系,针对药用植物遗传资源单独立法;建议建立药用植物遗传资源数据库,以期保护我国药用植物遗传资源,守护自然界生命的底色。  相似文献   

本文简述了阜新市的药用植物五大区域分布情况和主要种类以及栽培种 ,找出了药用植物资源特点 ,提出了合理开发利用药用植物资源的建议。  相似文献   

小兴安岭药用植物资源现状及其开发利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对小兴安岭的药用植物资源进行初步统计,整理出小兴安岭药用植物资源的状况,为小兴安岭药用植物资源的开发利用等方面提供参考,对该地区药用植物的保护利用及可持续发展提出了建议。  相似文献   

论述了福建省药用植物资源分布和特色以及现有资源保护和培育现状,指出存在的问题,提出福建省药用植物资源保护和可持续利用的对策。  相似文献   

2004年我们对重庆仙女山药用植物资源进行了调查。对采集的药用植物进行鉴定,共发现药用植物资源种类943种、隶属147科。这次调查,搞清了仙女山药用植物资源的种类和分布,为保护和合理开发利用提供了可靠的科学依据,对仙女山以后的基地建设具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

在当今“人类要回归大自然”思潮的影响下,药用植物资源的开发和利用备受关注。通过对华县山区药用植物资源种类、用途、开发利用现状及存在的问题的归纳分析,提出了药用植物资源的开发利用建议。  相似文献   

通过野外调查研究获取信息,并对信息进一步整理,发现河北省龙胆科野生植物共有10属23种3变种,多为药用、观赏、食用、农药、化学药品及抗菌植物。据统计,药用植物15种,根或者全草可入药,多具有清热解毒的药用价值;6种植物花色鲜艳,具有较高观赏价值;此外,还有农药植物3种,食用植物1种。另外,有些龙胆科植物的花中可提取出一种染色剂应用于实验中。为使河北省龙胆科植物得到可持续利用,应制定合理的资源利用计划及保护措施,开展繁殖和栽培技术研究,并建立种质资源库和中药材生产基地等,以促进保护和利用的平衡发展。  相似文献   

迪庆州藏药文化与药用植物多样性保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍藏医药学的理论、重要著作、特色疗法,以及藏药植物种类、生长环境、药用价值.分析认为,藏药植物资源面临着生态环境脆弱,市场需求量日益加大,相关研究欠缺等挑战.藉此,提出了加强藏药知识产权保护,加强研究机制建设,就地保护,坚持传统的采收原则,提高综合利用率等藏医药文化及药用植物多样性保护的对策.  相似文献   

We investigated herb and woody species at rehabilitated forests planted by mahogany and teak, and original, not rehabilitated forests in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Plant species were classified into five use categories: medicine, food, fodder, ornament, and construction. We registered 142 species belonging to 54 families known as useful species with at least one, often more, use categories. The number of useful species was highest for medicine use (107 species). There was a dominance of exotic herb species used for food and annual herbs used for fodder. The number of useful herbs and exotic woody species was highest in teak stands. The number of woody species used for medicine, food, and construction was higher than those for ornament and fodder. All herb species decreased with time, except annual native, that increased. Around 50% of the useful species occurred only once in one site, and some species showed a distribution restricted to one type of stands. Overall, our results seem to show that rehabilitated stands are doing well with regard to useful herb and woody species. We suggest strategies for plant and ecosystem conservation, especially for rare native plant species and species with restricted distribution.  相似文献   

We identified 67 and 21 NTFP-yielding plant and animal species, respectively, in a reserve forest in Cachar district of Assam. We recorded globally threatened species listed by IUCN as Critically Endangered (plant species Dipterocarpus turbinatus), Vulnerable (plant species Aquillaria malaccensis), Endangered (animal species Hoolock hoolock, Indotestudo elongata and Manis pentadactyla), and Vulnerable (animal species Nilssonia hurum and Rusa unicolor). The whole plant or animal and/or their various parts were used as food or medicine, in house construction, magico-religious activities and others. While some NTFPs were harvested throughout the year, others were harvested seasonally. A comprehensive NTFP policy, along with scientific measures for regen- eration, restoration and augmentation of NTFP-yielding plants and animals, would help in addressing the conflicting demands of conservation and livelihood in the forests of this area.  相似文献   

西藏野生藏药材驯化技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对西藏42种野生藏药材进行了45d的野外调查,掌握了大量的第一手资料和采集了一定数量的种质资源。通过3年多来的田间试验,对其11种采用移地栽培技术和32种采用直播育苗方法,分别做了移栽后的综合性状表现观察和播种后的出苗情况以及苗期生长发育特性、物候期现象、大田栽培及田间管理等方面作较全面的试验研究。初步总结西藏不同地区的藏药材种质资源差异性较大,其成活率也有明显的差别,对于部分药用及经济价值较好的藏药材进行了重点观察,并已掌握了18种藏药材的育苗和大田栽培技术要点。为西藏今后开展人工栽培藏药材工作奠定了良好的基础。  相似文献   

民勤连古城国家级自然保护区白刺种类及实生苗培育技术   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
白刺是干旱荒漠区重要的建群植物,是优良的防风固沙造林先锋树种及饲用植物,是药食两用的野生水果,其生态价值和经济价值较高。主要介绍了甘肃民勤干旱荒漠区白刺植物种类及生物学特性,探讨了其种子采集、催芽、播种、田间管理等实生苗培育技术。  相似文献   

The gastroprotective effects of some extracts of the dried leaves of Ficus sur in animals were investigated in order to validate the use of the plant in traditional medicine. The water and methanol extracts showed antiulcer activity, the hot water extract being the most effective. These extracts had also spasmolytic effects on the rabbit jejunum. LD50 values ranged from 900 to 1200 mg/kg in mice. These results show that F. sur has potential in the treatment of ulcers.  相似文献   

“葵”的演化及其原植物考证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"葵"是我国古老的植物名称,后又衍生出落葵、蜀葵、锦葵、黄蜀葵、黄葵、龙葵、菟葵、冬葵、向日葵等植物汉名;各汉名亦有演化。故历代本草对"葵"为何物一直莫衷一是,传统中药"冬葵子"也早已失传。经对古籍记载的各种"葵"的考证,确认我国最早的蔬菜和药用植物"葵",即为落葵Basella alba L.,其演化过程为:葵→终葵→蔠葵→落葵。"冬葵子"当系该植物的种子。  相似文献   

Herbal medicines have attracted considerable attention in recent years, which are used to treat Parkinson's disease (PD) in China based on traditional Chinese medicine or modern pharmacological theories. We summarized and analyzed the anti-Parkinsonian activities of herbal medicines and herbal formulations investigated in PD models and provide future references for basic and clinical investigations. All the herbal medicines and herbal formulations were tested on PD models in vitro and in vivo. The relevant compounds and herbal extracts with anti-Parkinsonian activities were included and analyzed according to their genera or pharmacological activities. A total of 38 herbal medicines and 11 herbal formulations were analyzed. The relevant compounds, herbal extracts and formulations were reported to be effective on PD models by modulating multiple key events or signaling pathways implicated in the pathogenesis of PD. The plant species of these herbal medicines belong to 24 genera and 18 families, such as Acanthopanax, Alpinia and Astragalus, etc. These herbal medicines can be an alternative and valuable source for anti-Parkinsonian drug discovery. The plant species in these genera and families may be the most promising candidates for further investigation and deserve further consideration in clinical trials. Active components in some of the herbal extracts and the compatibility law of herbal formulations remain to be further investigated.  相似文献   

在对盱眙铁山寺自然保护区进行植物调查和标本采集的基础上,分析了该地区植物区系基本组成成分及其植物区系特点。并对植物资源进行了分析,按其经济用途,分为纤维植物、淀粉和糖类植物、油脂和芳香油植物、药用植物、野菜植物和观赏绿化植物6大类。最后提出了植物资源开发利用和保护的建议。  相似文献   

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