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廊坊杨是廊坊市农林科学院于1980年进行杂交育种,在 110个杂交组合中选育出来的,历时 16 a。共有 3个系号,即 1号、 2号和 3号。 1997年6月通过了由河北省林业厅组织的技术鉴定,1998年4月通过了河北省林木良种审定委员会的良种审定,定名为廊坊杨1号、廊坊杨2号、廊坊杨3号。适应在河北省平原沙区推广。1 亲本及杂交组合1.1 廊坊杨1号是采用树上杂交方法获得的美洲黑杨杂种无性系。母本是北方型美洲黑杨山海关杨,父本是南方型美洲黑杨Ⅰ~63/51杨,即哈佛杨和欧洲黑杨中美杨的混合花粉。杂交组合…  相似文献   

遮荫对红松、红皮云杉苗木生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
研究不同年龄红松,红皮云杉在全日照、70%、40%、30%及10%光照条件下的生长情况,结果表明,红松、红皮云杉苗木均在相对照度70%的条件下,树高生长量最大。全日照不利于苗木高生长。地径生长随着光照强度的增大而增大。相对照度70%条件下,红松、红皮云杉(小)平均单株生物量最高。红皮云杉(大)在全日照下平均株生物量最高。随着苗龄的增长对光的需要量增大。  相似文献   

为了探讨氮肥对松树苗木生长的影响,以油松和樟子松为试验材料,对这2种松树的高度和生物量的变化及转移情况进行研究。结果表明:施用氮肥对油松和樟子松高度的生长有显著影响,依次为高氮中氮低氮;低氮肥处理的地上生物量最高,中肥和高肥处理的生物量向根系转移量降低,3种施肥处理均以高氮量处理生物量最低。  相似文献   

廊坊杨杂种新无性系的选育   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
在低产立地条件下利用杂种的可塑性,采用多父本杂交方式,庞大的选育群体,选育成具有速生期长,后期生长旺盛,适应性强等特点的廊坊杨1、2、3号个3个工业用材杨树杂种无性系,3个廊坊杨平均材积生长量超过对比种山海关杨1倍以上;扦插成活率90%以上,超过山海关杨、I-63杨,*-69杨及同 类研究成果中的其它杂交种;木材纤维长1.0638 ̄1.2292mm在阔叶树中均属长纤维,其中廊坊杨3号木材纤维长度高  相似文献   

伊春林区位于黑龙江省北部,属寒温带大陆性季风气候区。年平均气温为1.1~-1.1℃;10下旬至翌年4月上旬气温在0℃以下;5~9月为苗木的生长季节,月平均气温为15.2~17.7℃。全年降水量为600毫  相似文献   

采用氮、磷、钾3因素3水平施肥正交试验,研究氮磷钾施肥配比对中华楠苗木生长的影响,为中华楠苗木培育提供理论基础.结果 表明:(1)不同氮磷钾施肥配比对中华楠苗木各项指标均存在显著影响.223处理(尿素10 g+过磷酸钙20 g+氯化钾6 g)对苗木生长的促进作用最大,苗木质量指数最高,为最优施肥处理.其苗高年生长量、地...  相似文献   

Pt菌剂对高阿丁枫苗木生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进行高阿丁枫接种Pt菌剂的育苗效果试验。结果表明:Pt菌剂对高阿丁枫苗木的生长有明显的促进作用。经Pt菌剂处理后高阿丁枫苗木的苗高、地径、侧根数、主根长、地上部分鲜重、地下部分鲜重、全重及一级侧根长分别较不经Pt菌剂处理的对照提高了23.1%、8.7%、23.1%、21.0%、25%、33.3%、26.7%、49.2%。且苗木的径高比不失衡。  相似文献   

在总结廊坊杨 ( 1号、2号、3号 )配套栽培技术的基础上 ,对应用2号和 3号造纸进行了研究。结果表明 ,用 3号 1年生苗干造纸 ,白度、强度指标均达By -A级指标 ,满足了抄造文化用纸要求。同时 ,改进制桨工艺 ,解决了环境污染、化学物和碱回收等问题  相似文献   

在3种土壤含水率条件下,研究了I-69杨插条苗的苗高、叶面积等生长进程和生物量。不同供水条件下苗木的生长进程相似,低供水处理封顶期提早10~15d.生物量测定表明,I-69杨十分喜水,高供水处理(土壤含水率保持在田间持水量的96%)的生物量为低供水处理(土壤含水率为田间持水量的55%)的2.74倍。  相似文献   

以廊坊杨1号、2号、3号、三倍体毛白杨4个无性系1 a生扦插苗为试验材料,在4种水分胁迫条件下对各无性系的生理生长指标进行分析。结果表明,水分胁迫对各无性系的SOD、MDA、质膜透性、叶绿素含量、离体叶片失水率以及高生长等指标均产生显著差异;用模糊数学隶属度公式对各无性系抗旱性进行综合评定,其抗旱能力从大到小为廊坊杨1号、廊坊杨3号、廊坊杨2号、三倍体毛白杨。  相似文献   

主要阐述了通过采取抽样调查的方法来确定苗木的产量精度和质量精度的方法步骤,进而计算出苗圃苗木的预产苗量和苗木的质量指标。  相似文献   

通过对不同基因型黑杨无性系植株净光合速率日变化曲线与光合主体叶面积在时间和光强上进行累计积分来计算植株日CO2固定总量P。由于净光合速率日变化曲线不易准确测得,故以光响应曲线和光强的日变化来推测净光合速率日变化。对P值和生物量的相关性研究表明,二者的相关性很高。且认为可以用计算出的P值作为评估苗木生产潜势的指标之一,这为育种中生产力的早期选择提供了有力的证据。  相似文献   

Wilson  S.J.  Clark  R.J. 《New Forests》2000,19(1):13-25
Bare-root seedlings of Eucalyptus nitens frequently exhibit water stress after planting resulting in leaf lamina damage and reduced leaf area. Two trials examined effects of root exposure and desiccation between lifting and transplanting on post-planting water relations, leaf retention and root growth. Plants with roots exposed on a glasshouse bench initially lost water rapidly. In one trial 1 declined to around –2.0 MPa within 2.5 h, after which there was no further change with exposure up to 7.5 h. In the second trial, the initial decline in 1 was more rapid, reaching below –2.0 MPa in the first hour, before remaining stable with continuing exposure up to 4.5 h. A further decline then continued to –4.0 MPa after 7.5 h.Two days after transplanting into potting mix, day – time leaf water potentials in all desiccation treatments had declined to near –2.0 MPa. Hydraulic resistivity, measured as leaf specific resistivity two days after transplanting, increased following exposure for greater than 2.5 h, but there was no further increase between 4.5 and 7.5 h. The increase in resistivity corresponded with leaf water potential declining below –2.0 MPa during exposure.In the second trial, increasing root exposure time resulted in decreased leaf area due to lamina necrosis. Root growth, measured three weeks after planting, was also reduced. and there was also a positive curvilinear relationship between leaf area remaining at three weeks and new root growth. The results are discussed in terms of hardiness and the management of E. nitens seedlings from nursery to plantation.  相似文献   

冷肖荀 《福建林业科技》2007,34(1):72-74,78
以10个西丰杨无性系进行引种试验,结果表明无性系之间苗高的差异显著,选择出高生长量超出对照20%的无性系——西丰6,并利用Logistic方程对西丰6的苗高年生长节律进行拟合,建立了数学模型,相关系数在0.95以上。速生期内的生长量占总生长量的比率较大,为57.74%,说明速生期的生长量决定着整个生长期的生长量,因此应重视速生期的苗期管理。  相似文献   

Khasa  P.D.  Sigler  L.  Chakravarty  P.  Dancik  B.P.  Erickson  L.  Mc Curdy  D. 《New Forests》2001,22(3):179-197
The effect of three levels of fertilizer on thegrowth of three species of containerized-grownconifer seedlings (Pinus contorta, Picea glauca, and Picea mariana) and twospecies of bare-root conifer seedlings (Pinus sylvestris and Larix sibirica),and on the colonization of these seedlings bysix species of ectomycorrhizal fungi (Hebeloma longicaudum, Laccaria bicolor,Paxillus involutus, Pisolithustinctorius, Rhizopogon vinicolor andSuillus tomentosus), was studied. Thegrowth of the seedlings in both container-grownand bare-root nurseries increased as the levelsof fertilizer increased. For better seedlinggrowth and environmental quality it may be possible to reduce the level of fertilizers in commercial nurseries upto 33% by using selected mycorrhizal fungi.Ectomycorrhizal colonization in all seedlingswas not affected by fertilizer levels. Hebeloma longicaudum, L. bicolor, P.involutus, and P. tinctorius formedwell-developed ectomycorrhizae, whereasectomycorrhizal development by R.vinicolor and S. tomentosus was poor.Native mycorrhizal fungi colonizednon-inoculated control seedlings; however,their colonization was always lower than withinoculated fungi.  相似文献   

分别以浓度为0.05%和0.1%的秋水仙素溶液处理一串红植株3d和6d,研究秋水仙素处理对一串红生长的影响.结果表明:以浓度为0.05%秋水仙素处理一串红生长点6d,一串红植株变异率较高,而且保持稳定,同时处理后植株死亡率低;发生变异的植株花色红艳,呈大球型.  相似文献   

Wilson  S.J.  Clark  R.J. 《New Forests》1998,16(3):199-211
Field symptoms of transplanting shock in Eucalyptus nitens open rooted (1/2 + 1/2) transplants suggest water stress. To identify stages in the development of symptoms, changes in water relations were monitored from undisturbed seedlings growing in a commercial nursery through lifting, transplanting into pots and re-establishment of normal water relations. Hydraulic resistance measured as leaf specific resistivity increased with each step in the transplanting process. Resistivity after lifting was double that measured on undisturbed plants in the nursery and subsequently doubled with each of the two successive stages, root trimming and planting out. Resistivity fell after the initial rise, returning to the values recorded in the nursery in two stages. An initial rapid decrease, which was not accompanied by any measurable root growth, was followed by a seven day period without a change in resistivity before a further gradual decrease as root volume increased with new root growth.All water relations measurements were taken on trees which had not suffered any permanent leaf damage as a result of transplanting. For a small group of trees which did suffer damage there was a significant relationship between root volume at planting and the retained healthy leaf area. Before shoot growth had recommenced the final ratio of turgid leaf area to initial root volume was comparable with plants immediately after lifting and before trimming. The results are discussed in terms of the changes in predawn leaf water potential, leaf water potential and the leaf damage or defoliation symptoms occuring in plantations.  相似文献   

在公益林区布设固定样地,定期、定点对公益林林木材积生长率进行调查,结果表明,2010年与2007年相比较,样地1、样地2、样地3、样地4、样地5的活立木材积净生长量分别为0.642 8 m3、0.641 9 m3、0.952 6 m3、1.179 4 m3、0.237 4 m3、3.627 1 m3,生长率分别为12.80%、4.73%、8.12%、3.87%、1.52%。对公益林进行有效管护,可以使林分蓄积稳步增长,森林生态功能和经济效益逐年增强。  相似文献   

Through several years seedling-growing experiments in nursery in Daxing‘anMountains forest region,the author posed that the seedling cultivated for the region mustpossess the characteristics of being suited to thin and meager soil and having strongresistance to adverse conditions.For this purpose,the cultivation regime ought to bedirectization,standardization and programmatization;seedling growth ought to be promotedby regulating ecological conditions;and the mursery stock quality ought to be tested usingvigor index.  相似文献   

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