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An adequate supply of nitrogen (N) is essential for the successful establishment and sustainable productivity of forest stands. N deficits may necessitate the use of artificial fertilisers. Availability of N in the inorganic forms, and the relative abundance of the NO3-N and NH4-N components, influences the species composition of natural forest vegetation. Hence it is essential to use reliable measures of soil N supply that fully reflect its ecological significance. The new Ecological Site Classification (ESC) used in British forestry employs a multi-factorial definition of soil nutrient regime (SNR), including soil N. To develop this, a soil and vegetation study was made at 89 forest sites throughout Great Britain covering the major soil types used for forestry. “Total N” levels were compared with separate pre- and post-incubation measures of the two inorganic N components as potential indices of soil N supply. Multivariate statistical analysis showed that the major discriminant chemical variables for the sampled soils were pH, calcium and NO3-N and that these were also the main variables influencing the species composition of the ground vegetation. Total N and NH4-N were less effective discriminant variables for these sites. In some infertile soils the levels of NH4-N or total N may be of greater importance, as NO3-N is usually in very limited supply. A multivariate gradient of SNR, which incorporates the NO3-N measures, has been adopted for use within the ESC system. The position of a site on this gradient can be estimated quantitatively from soil type, ground vegetation species composition and humus type. This enables soil N supply and overall SNR to be assessed in a simple but effective way that guides the operational management of British forest soils for sustainable productivity. It will also be possible to use these techniques to monitor the nutritional status of forest sites over time.  相似文献   

We examined the relationships between Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.) site index, windspeed, former land use, soil moisture and soil nutrients with a view to identifying factors limiting the growth potential of the species in three climate regions in Ireland. We selected plantations covering three climate regions (delineated on the basis of ‘growing season’ balance of precipitation and potential evapotranspiration; representing dry, moist and wet climate regions) located on sites representing the range of soil moisture regimes (SMR), soil nutrient regimes (SNR), and land use types found throughout Ireland. Site index of Sitka spruce varied among climate region, with significantly lower site index associated with the wet climate region mainly due to the deterioration in edaphic conditions and adverse climatic conditions. The effect of edaphic variables (SMR, SNR) on site index was consistent across climate regions, site index increasing with increasing SNR, and decreasing with excess moisture or moisture deficit. Site index reached a maximum on fresh/very rich sites in the dry and moist climate regions and on moist/rich sites in the wet climate region. In the dry climate region, water supply (SMR) was the most important variable regulating growth, in wetter windier climates nutrient supply (SNR) was the most important factor, accounting for 69% of the variation in site index. The study has allowed region-specific recommendations to be made for successful plantation establishment in Ireland and for countries with similar climatic regions.  相似文献   

In many countries ground vegetation and humus type are used as indicators of forest soil quality, especially nutrient regime. This paper reports the development of such methods for use in British forests, within a new Ecological Site Classification combining climate, soil moisture regime and soil nutrient regime.

To develop a field assessment method for soil nutrient regime, a study was made of soil chemistry, humus type and ground vegetation in British forests. Sites were selected in both mature plantations and semi-natural woodlands. Soil and humus profiles were described and the soil was sampled volumetrically for later chemical analysis. Vascular ground vegetation was recorded in quadrats by species cover fraction, and classified according to the existing British National Vegetation Classification. Soils were analyzed for a number of chemical variables. Vegetation data were treated by application of the species indicator values for soil reaction (R) and soil nitrogen (N), as proposed by Ellenberg [Vegetation Ecology of Central Europe, 4th Edition. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge]. Site mean indicator values mR and mN (weighted by species cover fraction) were then calculated. Multivariate statistical analysis techniques were applied to both the soil chemical and the vegetation sample data.

Soil nutrient regime was shown to be a composite gradient of several soil chemical variables, of which the pH value and the availability of mineral (especially nitrate) nitrogen, and of calcium, were of particular importance. The species composition of the ground vegetation was related to position on this soil nutrient gradient. The vegetation: soil nutrient correlation using the site mean Ellenberg values was satisfactory (r=0.89), but was improved by using indicator values generated from within the present data. The occurrence of the major humus types (mor, moder and mull) is broadly related to soil nutrient regime defined in this way. Both ground vegetation and humus type can therefore be used as soil nutrient indicators in British forests.

A division of the soil nutrient gradient into five classes (Very Poor, Poor, Medium, Rich and Very Rich) is proposed. Future sampling work may lead to the definition of an additional class of soils with carbonate nutrient regimes. The Ecological Site Classification will provide forest managers in Great Britain with an improved basis for the selection of tree species for planting, and the adoption of silvicultural methods best suited to the site.  相似文献   

Whole catchment liming or forest liming has been proposed and implemented as a countermeasure to the effects of elevated sulphur deposition. Since the end of the 1980s the Swedish Forest Agency has undertaken experimental forest liming experiments in selected catchments in southern Sweden. These studies were with low doses (3 tonnes ha−1) of lime (CaCO3) and dolomite (CaMg(CO3)2). Data from both soil samples and stream water samples have been collected for the 16 years following treatment. The stream data has been complemented with data from untreated catchments, from the Swedish monitoring stream network. Significant differences due to treatment were seen for Ca, cation exchange capacity (CEC) and base saturation (BS) in the humus layer, none of these variables showed a statistically significant change in the mineral soil due to treatment alone. Soil samples from both the treated and untreated sites showed temporal changes in both the humus layer and the mineral soils with increases in pH, Ca and CEC and decreases in BS and Al which were independent of treatment. A combination of treatment and time, gave significant changes in BS and TA down to 10 cm in the mineral soil. In the stream water samples no statistically significant differences were observed between treated and untreated sites. Regardless of treatment, the streams exhibited a general pattern of declining concentrations of SO4, Ca, sum of base cations (BC) and increasing acid neutralizing capacity (ANC). In summary, the application of a low dose of lime (3 tonnes ha−1) did not result in significant changes in surface water chemistry in the study catchments and changes in soil chemistry were mainly restricted to the humus layer during the 16 years following treatment. The natural recovery, as a result of reductions in sulphur deposition, dominated the effects and was clearly seen in both the treated and untreated study sites. MAGIC simulations indicate that this recovery will continue in the coming decades.  相似文献   

混交林在不同立地类型条件下 ,有不同的生长表现 ,通常以北坡、坡度 10°以下、山下腹、土层厚 >30cm的立地类型较好。辽东区域的林分乔木层生物生产力 ,比辽西和辽南区域提高32 %~ 58% ,混交林生物生产量随年龄增长呈递增趋势 ,生物生产力呈递减趋势。混交林生物生产力与水、热关系明显 ,当年降水量 >70 0mm ,且年均气温在 5~ 8℃时出现正效应  相似文献   

The influence of temperature regime on forest production in the northern boreal forest was studied by analysing the variation in site index for 20 provenance tests of lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl. var. latifolia Engelm.) in Finland and Sweden with respect to temperature. The site indices were regressed with several different temperature variables, which were obtained from interpolated monthly averages over 30 years from permanent meteorological stations nearby. There were strong correlations between all tested temperature variables and site index (r = 0.80–0.94). Site fertility influenced site index to some extent but the slope of the test sites did not. An increase in temperature sum from 600 to 1200 degree days (corresponding to an increase of the mean temperature in July from 13 to 15°C) was associated with an increase in site index of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) from 12.2 to 21.6 m (77%). Such an increase in site index can be assumed to correspond to an increase of 6.5 m3 ha?1 wood (183%) in mean annual increment. The effect of temperature was greater on poor sites than on fertile sites, and in harsh temperature regimes than in mild.  相似文献   

河北省山区核桃立地质量评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用典型抽样的调查方法,在河北省山区核桃分布区17个县内不同立地条件下,调查了698块标准地,在综合分析影响核桃生长发育的环境因子的基础上,选择了7个立地因子,运用数量化理论Ⅰ方法,构建了河北省山区核桃地力指数模型,编制了河北省山区核桃地力指数表。检验结果表明,达到了精度要求。利用这一模型可对河北省山区核桃立地质量进行数量化评价,为河北省山区核桃的栽培生产管理提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

滩地杨树立地质量数量化评价研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本研究在编制洞庭湖滩地杨树立地指数表的基础上,根据影响杨树树高生长的立地项目的选择和类目划分,采用定性和定量相结合的方法,应用数量化理论I,编制出滩地杨树数量化地位指数得分表,旨在为滩地有林地和无林地的杨树立地质量评价提供统一的标准,为滩地杨树造林和经营提供理论依据。经检验其精度较高,符合使用要求。  相似文献   

To analyze the relationship between the management of three forest stand plantations and soil quality in the Dimapur district of the Northeastern Himalayan region,India,three forest soil profiles,covered by different species stands,at three depths were tested for 13 physical and chemical variables.Only four of these variables(electric conductivity,bulk density exchangeable Mg and available P)were included in a minimum data set,after using a varimax rotation algorithm in a principal component analysis,and subsequently used to calculate a soil quality index(SQI).Results showed higher SQIs in the surface layers(0–20 cm depth)than in the deeper ones.Average weighed SQI varied significantly(P<0.05)through the three considered forest sites,with the lowest value at site FS3.These findings reveal that the approach used here is suitable for preliminary screening of the impact of a forestry species on soil,to aid in species selection and improve soil health for afforestation and reforestation projects.  相似文献   

排矸年限是影响矸石风化程度、土壤理化性质、植被种类及生长状况的主导因素,因此,按照排矸年限可将海州露天矿排土场划分为四种立地类型:Ⅰ类矸石山排矸年限50 a,风化层厚度50 cm,土壤结构较好,物理理化指标均高于其他类型矸石山;适生植物种类较多,具备了进行人工植被恢复的良好条件。Ⅱ类矸石山排矸年限30~50 a,风化层厚度40 cm,土壤结构良好,物理指标低于Ⅰ类矸石山高于Ⅲ、Ⅳ类型矸石山;适合于抗逆性强的灌木或乔木树种。Ⅲ类矸石山排矸年限10~30 a,风化层厚度25 cm,土壤结构一般,土壤通气性较差;植被恢复时应采取一些辅助措施。Ⅳ类矸石山排矸年限10 a,风化层厚度10 cm以下,地温高,且有自燃现象,几乎无风化层、无土壤团粒结构;尚不能进行植被恢复。  相似文献   

本文采用两点法原理和方法,对大兴安岭地区的落叶松和樟子松人工林地位指数表进行分析,建立了大兴安岭人工针叶林标准化生长模型,按模型导出各生长指数级和各龄阶理论值,并建立了标准化地位指数表。理论值检验结果表明,该标准化地位指数表符合精度要求。本项研究解决了大兴安岭地区针叶林同一立地类型不同树种地位指数和不同树种不同立地类型地位指数间的相互转换。  相似文献   

The objective of the investigation was to study the site variables controlling teak yield (Tectona grandis Linn.fil.) and to establish guidelines for the selection of high productivity sites in Benin, Côte d'Ivoire, Liberia, Nigeria and Togo. Depending on stand age, soil and region, between 70 and 90% of the variation in tree growth (site index, SI) could be explained by the supply of nitrogen, the root-available soil depth and precipitation. Diagnostic foliar analysis for a broad range of elements was carried out in all plantations with the exception of Nigeria. This showed that in 20% of the stands, various deficiency symptoms occur, and in an additional 40%, hidden demand of at least one nutrient is apparent. According to the Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS), the most deficient nutrients besides N are Ca and P, while in 45% of all stands there is a relative Al excess. Recommendations for the evaluation and classification of site quality and the number of trees sampled for foliar analysis are given.  相似文献   

Because both natural and anthropogenic disturbances affect biogeochemical cycles in forest ecosystems, monitoring is needed to separate their influences. Chronosequence is very useful for such studies. In our study area, plantation through forest rotation on a watershed basis resulted in more than 40 adjacent watersheds of between 0 and 87 years of stand age, kind of chronosequence. Here, we examined the biological similarity of the watersheds and the long-term effects of clear-cutting on stream water chemistry. The stream water NO3–stand age relationship was similar between the two observation years; stream water NO3 concentrations increased dramatically in the watersheds after clear-cutting and decreased in 7–10-year-old replanted watersheds. The slope of stream water NO3 concentrations between the different watersheds covered by same age stand was significant, at 1:1. Additionally, stream water NO3 concentrations were more strongly correlated between the different watersheds covered by same aged stand than between the observations at 4 years intervals within a watershed. These findings indicate that stream water NO3 concentration is mainly regulated by stand age, i.e., by vegetation regrowth, rather than watershed-specific characteristics. Hence, adjacent watersheds are biologically similar apart from stand age and can be regarded as a chronosequence. While there was a clear relationship between stream water NO3 concentration and stand age, there was significant correlation with stream water SO42−, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl or Na+ between two observations in the same watershed. This indicates that watershed-specific characteristics, rather than vegetation regrowth, control stream SO42−, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl, and Na+ concentrations. After 25 years of clear-cutting Ca2+, Mg2+ and Na+ concentrations significantly increased. It is likely the contribution of forest floor accumulation with stand development. Based on these results, clear-cutting influences stream chemistry, not only NO3, but also the major cation and the influence of clear-cutting continues for several decades at this study site.  相似文献   

《Southern Forests》2013,75(3):247-253
Genetic materials interact with the environment in specific ways, therefore their responses in wood need to be better understood. The present study sought to evaluate the influence of different climatic conditions in Minas Gerais, Brazil on Eucalyptus grandis × Eucalyptus urophylla wood. Two six-year-old clones were cultivated in Belo Oriente, Ferros, Santa Bárbara, Itabira and Peçanha. Five trees from each clone were sampled from the base to top direction. Wood density, heartwood/sapwood ratio, vessels, fibres, and extractive and lignin contents were determined, as well as their correlation with environmental variables. Vessel diameters, heartwood/sapwood ratio, and extractive and lignin contents all increased due to higher water availability in Santa Bárbara and Itabira. In both genetic materials, the variables linked to growth and wood quality were related to environmental factors.  相似文献   

以华北落叶松人工林为研究对象,基于塞罕坝机械林场2012年森林资源二类调查数据,选取立地因子(坡向和土层厚度)和林分因子(树高和林龄),应用统计学方法划分立地类型,利用理查德(Richard)函数拟合立地指数,构建华北落叶松树高曲线,编制地位指数表,并对该区不同林龄(幼龄林、中龄林和近熟林)华北落叶松的6种立地类型进行立地质量评价,结果表明:阳坡中层土和阴坡厚层土立地质量为Ⅰ级,平均立地指数分别为12.15m、11.55m;阳坡厚层土和阴坡中层土立地质量为Ⅱ级,平均立地指数分别为11.39m、11.16m;阴坡薄层土和阳坡薄层土立地质量分别为Ⅲ级和Ⅳ级,平均立地指数分别为10.85m、9.87m。  相似文献   

Pools of macro-nutrients in soil and vegetation were studied in an old fertilization experiment with a large previous input of N. Different doses of N, in the form of urea, had been added four times during a 20-year period. In total, between 480 and 2400 kg N ha−1 had been given. The experiment was established in a relatively productive Norway spruce stand and the expectation was that the large N input would cause an accelerated leaching of N, especially nitrate, accompanied by soil acidification and losses of several nutrients. The aim was to test for possible residual effects. Thirteen years after the last N addition, samples from the aboveground part of trees, field layer, S-layer, humus layer and mineral soil (0–10 cm) were analyzed for concentrations of most major nutrients. Nutrient pools were calculated. In the humus layer, the concentration of N increased and the C/N-ratio decreased with increasing N dose. The calculated recovery of added N in soil including ground vegetation was complete for the lowest N dose, while it was 25–50% for higher doses. The amount of N retained was unaffected by the N dose. The amount of extractable P in the upper part of the mineral soil was negatively correlated with N dose, as was also the concentration of total P in the S-layer. Neither soil pH, nor concentrations or amounts of Ca, Mg and K were affected by the previous fertilization. The calculated total soil-plant pool was only influenced by N dose in the case of P, which was 20% lower at the highest N dose compared with unfertilized conditions. Despite the large extra N input, the nutritional changes in plants and soil of the actual study site seemed surprisingly small.  相似文献   

The objectives of the study were to investigate mineral soil profiles as a living space for microbial decomposers and the relation of microbial properties to soil acidity. We estimated microbial biomass C on concentration (g g–1 DW) as well as on volume basis (g m–2) and the microbial biomass C to soil organic C ratio along a vertical gradient from L horizon to 20 cm in the mineral soil and along a gradient of increasing acidity at five beech forest stands in Germany. Microbial biomass C concentration ranged from 17,000–34,000 g Cmic g–1 DW in the litter layer and decreased dramatically down the profile to 29–264 g Cmic g–1 DW at 15–20 cm depth in the mineral soil. This represents depth gradients of microbial biomass C concentrations ranging from a factor of 65 in slightly acidic and up to 875 in acidic soils. In contrast, microbial biomass C calculated on a volume basis (g Cmic m–2) showed a different pattern since a considerable part of the microbial biomass C was located in the mineral soils. In the soil profile 22–34% of the microbial biomass C was found in the mineral soil at strictly acidic sites and as much as 64–88% in slightly acidic soils. The microbial biomass C to soil organic carbon ratios decreased in general down from the L horizon in the forest floor to 0–5 cm depth in the mineral soils. In strongly acidic mineral soils however, the C to soil organic carbon ratio increased with depth, suggesting a positive relation to increasing pH. We conclude from depth gradients of soil pH and microbial biomass C to soil organic carbon ratio that pH affects this ratio at acidic sites. The inter-site comparison indicates that acidity restricts microbial biomass C in the mineral soils.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONSitequalityisoneofthemostimpor-tantfactorsinfluencingtheproductivityofforeststands.Eva1uatingsitequalityisba-sictostudystandgrowthanddeviseman-agementtreatments.Basisofsitequalityissoil,whichhasacontrollinginfluenceontheforestproductivity-Soilpropertieschangeslowlyovertime,andsoilindexcanbeappliedincutover,deforested,andnonforestedareasinadditiontoareaswheretimberstandsarepresent.Underundisturbed,naturalconditions,somein-dicatorplantscomprisingthelesservegeta-tionmaybeassociat…  相似文献   


The choice of species in forestry is important, and a real issue as large areas of wind-damaged forest land in southern Sweden need to be regenerated. To compare the growth potential between the most common tree species in Sweden, ratios between site quality derived from site index values determined with site properties were used. A regression function to determine site index for birch from site properties was used to complement the known relationships between site properties and site index for spruce and pine. In large regions of Sweden the distribution of site quality classes was calculated to compare the special characteristics and demands of the three species. On average, the growth difference for pine compared to spruce was about 60% in southern Sweden and 95% in northern Sweden. Corresponding figures between birch and spruce were 40% and 60%. Birch was expected to produce around 60% of pine in northern Sweden and about 70% in southern Sweden. However, it must be stressed that the comparison is based on survey data encompassing mainly naturally regenerated birch, whereas spruce and pine are mainly planted.  相似文献   

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