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以南北样带栲属树种和常绿阔叶树种(包括栲属)为试验材料,测定了栲属树种的净光合速率、叶氮和磷含量、叶厚度、比叶重和常绿阔叶树种的比叶重、叶厚度、干物质含量。通过检验叶片功能性状指标之间相关关系得到,栲属植物的单位面积最大净光合速率与单位面积叶氮含量、比叶重彼此呈正相关,单位质量最大净光合速率与比叶重、叶厚度呈负相关,同时,无论是基于面积还是基于质量叶氮和磷含量都呈正相关关系。99种常绿阔叶树种的比叶重、叶厚度、干物质含量彼此呈正相关。  相似文献   

以乌鲁木齐市苹果、大叶榆、白榆、大叶白蜡、小叶白蜡等5种乔木和紫丁香、榆叶梅、紫穗槐等3种灌木绿化植物为研究对象,测定其叶片比叶重、叶片光合速率,计算出植物叶片固氮释氧量,监测其植物茎流,评估其蒸腾耗水速率。结果表明:白榆和榆叶梅的固碳释氧能力最强,其次依次为大叶白蜡紫穗槐小叶白蜡苹果大叶榆,最差为紫丁香。根据日均蒸腾耗水速率的大小将8种乔灌木植物分为4个级别:第一级别为蒸腾耗水速率极大的树种,包括大叶白蜡、大叶榆和紫丁香;第二级别为蒸腾耗水速率较大的树种,包括苹果和榆叶梅;第三级别为蒸腾耗水速率较小的树种,包括小叶白蜡和白榆;第四级别为蒸腾耗水速率极小的树种,包括紫穗槐。  相似文献   

施肥对红锥幼苗叶功能性状的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对红锥(Castanopsis hystrix)2.5 a生幼苗进行施肥试验,测定和计算其叶形态功能性状单叶鲜质量、单叶干质量、叶长、叶宽、叶长宽比、单叶面积、比叶面积及水分功能性状叶相对含水率、干物质含量,并计算不同叶功能性状间的相关性,结果表明:施肥能够显著促进红锥幼苗叶片形态生长,增加叶片光截获能力;施肥能对红锥幼苗叶水分功能性状产生显著影响,干物质含量显著减少、相对含水率显著增加;施肥驱动不同功能性状间协同变化,多数叶功能性状间存在显著的相关性。  相似文献   

同一种源锥连栎的种子形态特征及变异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以建水县5个锥连栎种群的34个家系为研究材料,通过种长、种宽、种形指数、单粒重及千粒重5个性状指标的测定,分析锥连栎不同家系间及种群间种子形态特征及变异。结果表明,锥连栎种子的5个性状指标在家系内、家系间及种群间均存在着显著差异(P0.05)或极显著差异(P0.01)。不同家系及种群间种子性状的变异均以单粒重及千粒重最大,种长、种宽及种形指数3个性状更趋于稳定,种群间变异小于家系间的变异。其种子的形状主要受遗传控制,受环境影响较小,种子大小及质量则受分布区海拔的影响而存在一定的垂直变异。基于聚类分析结果,可优先选择格安、双剑峰、红田、燕子洞4个种群的4号、8号、9号、10号、15号、19号、20号、21号和34号共9个种子质量优良的家系作为锥连栎的采种母树。就种群而言,则是红田种群和双剑峰种群作为采种林分。  相似文献   

对楸树、灰楸、滇楸3个树种1年生嫁接苗的净光合速率、叶面积和比叶重的垂直变化进行了测定,以探讨光合速率与苗木生长的关系。结果表明,楸树、灰楸、滇楸的净光合速率、叶面积和比叶重的垂直变化趋势基本相似,但树种之间的波动幅度上存在着差异,灰楸的总体光合速率较低,滇楸前期叶面积增加速度明显大于楸树和灰楸,而后期下降趋势明显低于楸树和灰楸,且下部叶片能维持较高的光合速率,最末叶序的比叶重都比刚展叶时的比叶重高。苗高生长量与除比叶重外的4个指标呈极显著正相关,光合指标与5个指标都呈极显著正相关。  相似文献   

天台山3种常绿阔叶树光合特性的季节变化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以天台山东南石栎、云锦杜鹃和甜槠3种常绿阔叶树为材料,对其光合特性的季节变化进行了研究,结果表明:(1)在夏季,东南石栎等3种常绿阔叶树的光合日变化均为双峰型,具有明显的光合午休现象.(2)日均净光合速率大小的季节顺序为夏季>秋季>春季>冬季,树种顺序为东南石栎>甜槠>云锦杜鹃.(3)东南石栎等常绿树种日均净光合速率比大血藤等层间植物和七子花等落叶植物高.(4)在夏季,3种常绿树种的光补偿点最低,光饱和点最高.(5)3种常绿阔叶树叶绿素含量夏季最高,叶绿素a / b值夏季最低.同种植物叶绿素含量季节变化与净光合速率有一定的相关性,与光饱和点呈正相关,与光补偿点呈负相关.  相似文献   

【目的】明确秋茄叶表型及叶经济谱对自然潮汐生境的响应特征,以期掌握秋茄在周期性浸淹下的适应机制。【方法】对福州市罗源湾秋茄成熟林满潮线上及线下叶片进行研究,以上层未受淹叶片为对照,测定上、下层叶表型性状,并对各性状间关系及叶经济谱进行分析。【结果】与满潮线上层叶片相比,满潮线下层叶片干质量、叶柄长及叶干物质含量较小(P0.01),叶形指数较小(P0.05),比叶面积较大(P0.01);在叶片气孔特性中,满潮线下层叶片气孔长度、宽度、面积、周长、开度、开口长度、开口面积、开口周长均大于上层,而气孔密度则小于上层(P0.01);满潮线下层叶片的净光合速率、蒸腾速率及气孔导度较小,而胞间CO2浓度较大(P0.01),羧化速率较小(P0.01),水分利用效率在满潮线上、下层叶片中差别不显著。满潮线上层秋茄叶片气孔特性与光合功能之间相关性比下层高,而满潮线下层叶气孔特性与叶形态性状相关性高于上层。【结论】秋茄满潮线上、下层的叶表型差异明显,下层叶片气孔功能适应性较强,但光合功能受到一定限制。上层叶气孔特性与光合功能具有协同进化表现,而下层叶气孔特性与叶形态性状存在趋同适应。满潮线上、下层秋茄叶为适应自然潮汐生境,存在明显生存策略选择。叶经济谱表现为:满潮线下层叶片总体上向"缓慢投资-收益型"一端偏移,具有较小的叶干物质含量、气孔密度,较低的净光合速率及较大的比叶面积、气孔面积和气孔开度,以适应周期性低光、缺氧的淹水极端环境;上层叶片则向"快速投资-收益型"一端偏移以应对海岸带大风、海浪拍打等特殊生境。  相似文献   

美国栎属种源引种、变异研究:种子及苗期生长变异   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
对从美国3个州(宾夕法尼亚、纽约和田纳西州)引进的栎属3个树种北方红栎、柳叶栎和红栎的21个种源进行了两次播种和容器育苗试验。初步掌握了栎属种子砂床播种、芽苗移栽、容器育苗的关键技术。对栎属种子的发芽、芽苗和苗木的生长过程等有了一定的了解。发现栎属不同树种间和种内种源、家系间在种子体积、千粒重、发芽率、30d萌叶率和苗高生长等性状均存在极显著变异,试验数据表明种子体积北方红栎为大(其中宾夕法尼亚州家系172最大),其次是红栎和柳叶栎。千粒重以北方红栎为重(其中宾夕法尼亚州家系172最重),其次是红栎和柳叶栎。发芽率为北方红栎最高(其中宾夕法尼亚州家系191为100%),其次是红栎和柳叶栎。30d萌叶率和苗高生长以柳叶栎为高(田纳西州种源9701TN最高),其次是红栎和北方红栎。在种间和种内不同种源、家系间种子千粒重与年终苗高生长相关不显著。  相似文献   

不同光强下核桃楸、水曲柳和黄菠萝的光合生理特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究辽东山区次生林3种树种幼苗(核桃楸、水曲柳和黄菠萝)对生长光环境的适应性,在生长季测定4种光强下(全光、60%透光、30%透光、15%透光,分别记为FI,II,LJ和WI)树种幼苗叶片气体交换参数、净光合速率、单位叶面积叶绿素含量和比叶重(LMA).结果表明:随着光强的减弱,3个树种的光补偿点(LCP)、光饱和点(LSP)、最大光合速率(Pmax)、暗呼吸速率(Rd)、类胡萝卜素(Car)、LMA、单位叶鲜质量(LFA)均呈下降趋势;全光下单位叶面积的叶绿素Chl含量均低于弱光处理.本研究结果支持水曲柳在幼苗时期具有一定耐荫性的观点.树种生理生态指标的可塑性分析表明:黄菠萝能适应更宽的光强幅度,且黄菠萝的需光性大于核桃楸.不同光环境下3个树种的生理生态变化特征对解释森林生态系统内树种的共生和演替具有重要意义.  相似文献   

植物叶片的性状是植物功能性状的重要组成部分,叶片的功能性状能够反映植物对外部环境的适应机制。车桑子是植被恢复工程中常见植物,本文以元谋两个海拔不同地区(海拔2 000m和海拔1 100m)的车桑子叶片为实验材料,测定其电解质渗透率、比叶重、叶干物质含量、叶厚度、含水率,比较分析以上各功能性状在不同海拔间的差异。结果表明:海拔2 000m和海拔1 100m处车桑子叶片的电解质渗透率(PEL)分别为39.96%和32.67%,叶干物质含量(LDMC)分别为597.41kg/m~3和463.39kg/m~3,比叶重(LMA)分别为118.74g/m~2和105.35g/m~2,叶片厚度(LT)分别为0.20mm和0.23mm,叶片含水率(LWC)分别为52.64%和56.55%。随海拔的升高,车桑子叶片PEL有增加的趋势,LWC有减小的趋势,海拔2 000m处的车桑子叶片LAM、LDMC比海拔1 100m车桑子叶片高,LT比海拔1 100m车桑子叶片低。海拔1 100m处的车桑子叶片抗旱性和抗寒性更好。  相似文献   

  • ? Irradiance elicits a large plasticity in leaf traits, but little is known about the modulation of this plasticity by ontogeny. Interactive effects of relative irradiance and ontogeny were assessed on leaf traits for two tropical rainforest tree species: Dicorynia guianensis Amshoff and Tachigali melinonii (Harms) Barneby (Fabaceae, Caesalpinioideae).
  • ? Eleven morphological and physiological leaf traits, relative to photosynthetic performance, were measured on saplings at three different architectural development stages (ASD 1, 2 and 3) and used to derive composite traits like photosynthetic N-use efficiency. Measurements were made along a natural irradiance gradient.
  • ? The effect of ASD was very visible and differed between the two species. For Dicorynia guianensis, only leaf mass-per-area (LMA) significantly increased with ASDs whereas for Tachigali melinonii, almost all traits were affected by ASD: LMA, leaf N content and photosynthetic capacity increased from ASD 1 to ASD 3. Photosynthetic N-use-efficiency was not affected by ASD in any species.
  • ? Leaf traits were severely modulated by irradiance, whereas the degree of plasticity was very similar among ASDs. Only few interactions were detected between irradiance and ASD, for leaf thickness, carbon content, and the ratio Chl/N in T. melinonii and for photosynthetic capacity in D. guianensis.
  • ? We conclude that ontogenic development and irradiance-elicited plasticity modulated leaf traits, with almost no interaction, i.e., the degree of irradiance-elicited plasticity was stable across development stages and independent of ontogeny in these two species, at least in the early stages of development assessed here.
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    Interspecific differences in morphology, biomass allocation and phenotypic plasticity along an experimental irradiance gradient and two contrasting water regimes were studied for eight Mediterranean woody species at the seedling stage; a critical demographic stage in Mediterranean plant communities. We tested whether species variation in these traits can explain previously reported interspecific differences in performance under shade and drought. Four irradiance levels (1%, 6%, 20% and 100% of full sunlight) and two water regimes (well watered and water-stressed conditions) in 6% and 100% irradiance levels were established. Quercus species exhibited the largest seeds, the highest total dry mass and also the highest root-shoot ratio, but their leaf mass fraction (LMF) and leaf area ratio (LAR) were low. Pistacia terebinthus, and Arbutus unedo exhibited the opposite traits. From those traits that correlated with seed size only LAR resulted significantly linked to survival in deep shade. None of the traits studied correlated with survival under water-stressed conditions. Overall phenotypic plasticity was negatively correlated with survival in deep shade but no correlation was found with survival under water-stressed conditions. Our results highlight the importance of low LAR and low phenotypic plasticity as potential determinants of enhanced performance under shade during the very early seedling stages of Mediterranean woody species. Low LAR was also positively correlated with seed size and consequently, its relationship with enhanced performance under shade might change at later life stages of the plant when seed reserves are no longer available.  相似文献   

    Phoebe bournei (Hemsl.) Yang is a rare and protected plant in China. This study was conducted to determine the phenotypic variation in this species and to document phenotypic variation within and among populations of P. bournei. Nested analysis of variance, coefficient of variation, multiple comparisons, principal component analysis (PCA) and correlation analysis were used to analyze ten phenotypic traits in ten natural populations of P. bournei from both the northeastern and the primary region of the range of this species. Significant differences among and within populations were observed in leaf and seed phenotypic traits. Variation among populations (34.92%) was greater than that within populations (26.19%). The mean phenotypic differentiation coefficient was 53.77% among populations, indicating that variation among populations comprised the majority of the phenotypic variation of P. bournei. The coefficient of variance (CV) of ten traits varied from 6.44 to 18.45%, with an average of 12.03%. The CV of leaf traits among populations (15.64%) was higher than that of seed traits (8.60%), indicating that seed traits were more stable. The results from CV and PCA indicated that leaf area, leaf length and thousand seed weight were the main factors accounting for the observed phenotypic variations. Significant or highly significant correlations were observed among most leaf and/or in seed phenotypic traits, whereas no significant correlations were observed between phenotypic traits and geographic factors. Based on cluster analysis, the ten populations can be divided into three clusters. These clusters were not a result of geographic distances.  相似文献   

    山桐子自然群体表型性状变异分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
    山桐子(Idesia polycarpa Maxim.)属大风子科(Flacourtiaceae)山桐子属(Idesia Maxim.)植物,主要分布于我国长江流域、华北和西北南部的17个省区。另外,朝鲜、日本的南部也有分布[1]。山桐子树干通直,树形美观,生长迅速,适应性强,材质优良,3年生实生苗木即可挂果,是我国南方主要城市园林绿化和用材树种之一.研究发现,山桐子果实含油率及油中不饱和脂肪酸含量较高,而不饱和脂肪酸中尤以亚油酸含量最高[2-3].  相似文献   

    林芝云杉天然群体针叶与种实的变异及其地理趋势   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
    在西藏地区11个有代表性的林芝云杉天然群体内分别随机抽取15~30个个体为试材,测量了针叶与种实共9个表型性状,采用统计分析方法研究了在群体内和群体间的变异和分化趋势.结果显示:林芝云杉9个表型性状在群体内和群体间的差异显著.群体间表型分化系数均值为29.55%,与云杉属其他树种相比处于中等水平;群体内的方差分量占70...  相似文献   

    班克木种子形态及发芽特征在种内与种间的变异   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
    对引自澳大利亚的班克木属5个种18个种源进行种子形态、质量以及发芽特征测定,结果表明:班克木属种子形态、质量和发芽特征在种间和种内均有不同的差异表现;香花班克木种子千粒质量最大,约106.5 g,为其他种的4~9倍;种子千粒质量与发芽率无显著相关;除红花班克木在试验期间未发芽外,其余4个种的发芽率皆高于60%,强力班克木发芽率最高,约80%;长圆叶班克木和强力班克木种子发芽速度最快,而香花班克木发芽速度最慢;发芽始期、发芽速度、发芽率、胚轴长、胚根长都和经度呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),即自西澳的珀斯至东澳的塔斯马尼亚地区,种子的发芽始期越晚,发芽速度慢,发芽率越高,胚轴和胚根的生长量越大.对于5种班克木的发芽特征的研究表明:强力班克木在广州的适应性最强,其发芽率最高,发芽速度最快,发芽最早且胚根长度最大.  相似文献   

    栀子(Gardenia jasminoides J.Ellis)为茜草科止血、消肿等作用,在中医临床常用于治疗黄疸型肝(Rubiaceae)栀子属(Gardenia)常绿灌木,广泛分布炎、扭挫伤、高血压、糖尿病等症[2];作为优质的天然于长江以南各省区[1],它是重要的森林食品及药材色素,其提取物常添加在面条、糖果等食品中[3-4];资源。其干燥成熟果实具有护肝、利胆、降压、镇静、因其果肉含有抗癌作用的藏红花素、藏红花酸、苦红  相似文献   

    乐东拟单性木兰地理种源变异与选择研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
    对乐东拟单性木兰14个种源种子、苗期以及幼林期生长性状进行了调查分析.结果表明:种子千粒质量、苗高、地径、叶长和叶宽等5个性状在种源间差异极显著;造林保存率种源间差异显著,来自北部的种源,如浙江龙泉种源保存率较高,而来自南部的海南尖峰岭种源保存率较低;幼林期4年生树高、5年生树高和胸径、6年生树高和胸径等5个主要生长性状种源间差异均达到极显著水平,其生长性状广义遗传力为0.855~0.930,说明乐东拟单性木兰幼林期主要生长性状的表型差异主要受遗传因素的控制;乐东拟单性木兰苗高和地径与纬度负相关,表明随种源纬度的升高,乐东拟单性木兰种源苗期生长有减小趋势;乐东拟单性木兰幼林期树高和胸径与经度正相关,与纬度极显著正相关.根据乐东拟单性木兰种源幼林期试验结果,选择出浙江龙泉、福建顺昌和湖南新宁3个优良种源.通过聚类分析,把乐东拟单性木兰种源初步划分为3个区:西部种源区、东部种源区和南部种源区.  相似文献   

    Within- and between-provenance variations in seed and seedling traits of Khaya senegalensis A. Juss were studied at INERA in Burkina Faso. Nursery grown seedlings from four provenances in Burkina Faso were used for the study. The studies revealed significant variability in all traits evaluated. Seed length and weight significantly varied among provenances and families within provenances, where Bopiel and Koyenga had the highest mean values. Height and root collar diameter of 1 year old seedlings significantly varied among families within provenances. Except leaf biomass ratio and carbon isotope ratio which varied significantly among provenances but not among families within provenances, all other seedling biomass traits—total plant biomass, stem biomass ratio, leaf biomass ratio, root biomass ratio, root shoot ratio, specific leaf area, and leaf area ratio were significantly affected by provenances and families within provenances. The magnitude of variation due to family effect ranged from 65 to 93 % for seed size traits, and from 4.5 to 17.8 % for seedling characters. Estimates of family heritability were moderate to high (0.67–0.95) for seed traits, but low to moderate (0.19–0.59) for seedling characters, indicating that much of the total variation in seed traits is due to the genetic effect. The two most prominent provenances, Koyenga and Bopiel, with higher seed size and greater seedling growth could be considered for an eventual K. senegalensis improvement program in Burkina Faso.  相似文献   

    Efforts in Europe to convert Norway spruce (Picea abies) plantations to broadleaf or mixed broadleaf-conifer forests could be bolstered by an increased understanding of how artificial regeneration acclimates and functions under a range of Norway spruce stand conditions. We studied foliage characteristics and leaf-level photosynthesis on 7-year-old European beech (Fagus sylvatica) and pedunculate oak (Quercus robur) regeneration established in open patches and shelterwoods of a partially harvested Norway spruce plantation in southwestern Sweden. Both species exhibited morphological plasticity at the leaf level by developing leaf blades in patches with an average mass per unit area (LMA) 54% greater than of those in shelterwoods, and at the plant level by maintaining a leaf area ratio (LAR) in shelterwoods that was 78% greater than in patches. However, we observed interspecific differences in photosynthetic capacity relative to spruce canopy openness. Photosynthetic capacity (A1600, net photosynthesis at a photosynthetic photon flux density of 1600 μmol photons m−2 s−1) of beech in respect to the canopy gradient was best related to leaf mass, and declined substantially with increasing canopy openness primarily because leaf nitrogen (N) in this species decreased about 0.9 mg g−1 with each 10% rise in canopy openness. In contrast, A1600 of oak showed a weak response to mass-based N, and furthermore the percentage of N remained constant in oak leaf tissues across the canopy gradient. Therefore, oak photosynthetic capacity along the canopy gradient was best related to leaf area, and increased as the spruce canopy thinned primarily because LMA rose 8.6 g m−2 for each 10% increase in canopy openness. These findings support the premise that spruce stand structure regulates photosynthetic capacity of beech through processes that determine N status of this species; leaf N (mass basis) was greatest under relatively closed spruce canopies where leaves apparently acclimate by enhancing light harvesting mechanisms. Spruce stand structure regulates photosynthetic capacity of oak through processes that control LMA; LMA was greatest under open spruce canopies of high light availability where leaves apparently acclimate by enhancing CO2 fixation mechanisms.  相似文献   

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