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Because there are lots of difficulties in mathematic modeling for uncertainty complex object, so it is not suitable to utilize traditional methods in some aspect such as identification, analysis, synthetical design and implementation. Especially, for the idea of system modeling, it is very different in comparison with traditional mathematic modeling, therefore, it is very difficult to study control problem for uncertainty system in technology and theory. On the basis of summarizing characteristics of uncertainty complex object, present to establish generalized control model, and apply intelligent control strategy to implement control effectively. In addition, authors also studied control algorithm and system structure. Engineering practice shows that it is effective and successful to establish generalized control model, and select intelligent control strategy for uncertainty control system.  相似文献   

基于环境因子的春玉米产量结构模型分析研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
环境因子对作物产量的影响是现代农业气象研究的重要内容之一,建立春玉米产量结构模型可为春玉米的科学生产提供依据.本研究分析贵港春玉米不同生育阶段的环境因子与产量结构的相关性,并建立全因子、显著因子的多元线性回归模型和BP神经网络模型.结果表明,对春玉米产量结构影响最大的生育期为拔节—抽雄期,10~40 cm的土壤水分体积...  相似文献   

Concept of stability is vague, but it is basic characteristic of dynamic system, and precondition that make all kinds of control system run normally. Today it is still a challenge to analyze stability for uncertainty complex control system, whose mathematic modeling is impossible or very difficult, so it is very hard to judge whether a system running is stable or not by mathematic stability criterion. A kind of analyzing method is presented, which combine absolute stability with self-locked concept of heuristic search, it may analyze system stability in more range through adjusting self-collected loop parameters for uncertain control system based on knowledge control model. It is shown that stability analyzing method is effective and suitable for practical physical system in the engineering project.  相似文献   

In view of the vehicle cornering or path changing under ultimate handling maneuver, a 3-DOF nonlinear vehicle dynamics model which takes the vehicle lateral velocity, yaw rate and body roll angle as the State variables is presented. Based on the dynamic analysis, the method which using additional yaw moment produced by different longitudinal braking force among each wheels to improving vehicle handling stability in emergency situations is discussed. Considering the sideslip angle as one of the vehicle state variables is difficult to measuring, the sideslip angle estimation based on vehicle dynamic model and kinematics is designed. And then, based on the theory of siding model control, the combining sliding model control system is founded, which taking the vehicle yaw rate and body side-slip angle errors between the estimated and the real as the input variables, and taking the braking torque and the steering angle as control aims. The simulation results indicate that the control method can effectively improve the vehicle lateral handling stability.  相似文献   

In system controlled,Sampling these parameters and with parameters for controller in time, it is an object to adaptive control. The article presents a scheme that the structure parameters on it's model and model parameters is robust identified by on line, while to optimal of algorithm on adaptive control is fulfilled. In control scheme, method of intelligent identifying to the structure parameters(levels of model) and algorithm of robust pole placement are introduced also It is advancer for already mentioned scheme. Whole scheme presents new model on adaptive control.  相似文献   

The importance of human-information system interaction efficiency within enterprise informationization environment is analyzed.The intension of human-information system interaction efficiency is studied from definition,characteristic and evaluation.According to different properties,the influencing factors of human-information system interaction efficiency are divided into five kinds,including human factor,information system factor,management factor,environment factor,and technology factor.On this basis,the concept model of human-information system interaction efficiency is brought forward,and mechanisms of influencing factors to human-information system interaction efficiency are discussed in the model.The analysis indicates: As the core parts of the model,human factor and information system factor determine interaction efficiency directly.Management factor restricts or supports efficiency of human and information system.Environment factor and technology factor bring indirect influence to interaction efficiency by restricting or supporting human factor and information system factor.  相似文献   

为了加快农业生产信息化和数字化的发展,节约宝贵的水资源,降低能耗,提高灌溉的质量和效率,提升控制管理水平,笔者以维控LEVI102A型触摸屏为人机界面,台达DVP60ES2型可编程控制器为控制核心构建了一套自动灌溉控制系统。该系统不仅可以根据当前土壤中含水率和用户设定的土壤含水率的情况自动控制水泵电机和电磁阀的启闭,遇到雨天自动停止灌溉,还可以按照用户设定的时间自动进行灌溉。该系统实现了灌溉的自动监控功能,节省了人力,节约了用水,提高了灌溉的质量和效率,具有造价低廉,运行稳定,操作便捷,维护简易,人机界面友好等优点,具有广阔的应用前景和实际使用价值。  相似文献   

The Fault tolerant in process control is approached. Firstly, the safety and economics requirement of chemical, power, iron and steel processes is studied. Then, the state of the art of present process control is investigated, and the fault tolerant process control is introduced. Based on the researches and applications which having been made, the future research and development for this area is proposed.  相似文献   

This paper brings forward a design and realization of electronic business based system.This system provides a set of application integrated service platform and user portal for the development,running and management of electronic business,based on the standard J2EE.This system also provides a strong,healthy and extendable technical frame for the business application in network environment,which would help the enterprise to realize business process optimization more easily and provides the technical frame for various application integration.  相似文献   

张园 《中国农学通报》2014,30(26):316-320
乡村游憩是开发者通过利用农业资源和乡村环境与设施等而开展的满足游憩者愉悦身心、休闲娱乐等多样化游憩需求的活动。乡村游憩系统是由农业资源要素和乡村地域环境等要素形成的具有某种结构与功能的整体。归纳了乡村游憩系统的组成结构,认为乡村游憩系统是由乡村游憩地域环境系统、乡村游憩行为系统、乡村游憩供给系统和乡村游憩支持系统共同组成。分析了乡村游憩空间结构系统的构成。简述了乡村游憩供给系统的功能优化途径,提出乡村游憩设施建设与服务供给应走原生态与标准化建设之路。  相似文献   

基于SCP范式的中国水产品加工业的市场结构分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
赵蕾  杨子江 《中国农学通报》2010,26(11):386-390
水产品加工业在中国渔业的发展中发挥了举足轻重的作用,不仅是渔业产业增值增效的重要保障,而且也是发展现代渔业、优化渔业产业结构的有效途径。从产业层面分析,中国水产品加工业存在的很多矛盾和问题都与其市场结构特征有关,基于SCP范式,从市场集中度、产品差异化和进入退出壁垒等方面分析了中国水产品加工业的市场结构,为从调整市场结构入手来提高水产品加工业的市场绩效提供可以借鉴的理论基础和政策建议。  相似文献   

设计了一套水暖锅炉自动调温系统应用于农业生产,主要部件包括主机、辅机、控制系统和水暖管道装置等。基于PLC的锅炉补水泵控制系统能够对整个锅炉的运行状况进行监测、报警、控制,保证锅炉正常、可靠地运行。该设计克服了以往养殖水暖锅炉中存在的缺陷,可以保证锅炉补水泵控制系统稳定可靠工作。  相似文献   

The control signals of conventional car lighting and signal control system which is not possess self-diagnosing function are transmitted via special wiring harness, with which the drivers are not able to discover a trouble and an accident may be occur when car running. To solve the problem, a new control system based on optical fiber communication is proposed. Its fundamental control function, self-diagnosing function, hardware designing and software developing are introduced.  相似文献   

The robot techniques development is making over in an astonished velocity. Today ,all kinds of robots have different shape and function appear in everywhere. The robot that used the turning theory of human being and the motion theory of cankerworm is introduced. Micro-robot is an important offset of robot technique. This paper has solved three problems of this kind of micro-robot. One is the mechanical structure design, and the second is controlling circuit design, the third is measurement system design. Two new pattern micro-robots have been made which not only can move on the smooth armor plate, but also can turn its body quickly and freely. This new pattern micro-robot has strongly driving power, which also can be refitted another walking-type robot. At the same time, it also succeeded in controlling the robot through the microprocessor AT89C52 and the other new type controlling circuit. Taking the chip of LG9110 as the positive and negative driver, and the chip of SN75451B as the driver of the other parts, not only the design of circuits become easily, but also circuit board become simply. It provides some diagrams of program. In short, through the experiment, it gains some important data of making this kind of robot on the other hand, the experiment proves that the project not only can control the robot freely, but also offers a new idea for the studying of this kind of micro-robot.  相似文献   

当前农村土地整治项目仍处于初级阶段,项目管理水平不高,乡村转型发展过程中,农村土地整治需要从原来的单一目标导向向实现区域功能的综合目标转变。要实现其综合功能,就需要运用系统思维有效协调各种矛盾,解决项目管理中存在的问题。本文通过借鉴系统工程方法理论中的霍尔三维结构模型,构建符合农村土地整治项目管理特征的管理体系,为科学组织农村土地整治项目管理提供参考,助力农村土地整治项目在乡村振兴中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

为了合理规划东北三省产业结构,提升东北三省区域经济产业的整体竞争力,笔者应用马尔可夫预测方法对东北三省产业结构进行了研究,并用区间自适应遗传算法求解马尔可夫状态转移概率矩阵,依据2004—2014 年产业结构的统计数据,预测了东北三省第一、二、三产业结构,平均误差为2.92%,具有较高的预测精度。用该模型对2015—2016 年东北三省产业结构进行了预测,为东北三省制定相应的地方产业结构政策提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

基于温湿度指数的牛舍喷淋降温系统的控制   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
针对夏季高温对奶牛的不利影响,本文对适合应用于牛舍的喷淋降温系统的控制部分进行了研究。根据奶牛的生理特性,该控制系统以温湿指数(THI)为主控参数,结合时间控制参数等,编制的定时控制喷淋降温模式,能使奶牛生活环境得到更为合理的控制,能更加有效的减轻奶牛热应激。本文对该控制系统软硬件设计的主要内容进行了阐述。该控制系统主要采用单片机技术来完成对喷淋降温设备的控制,其研究主要包括单片机控制单元和动力驱动单元的设计。单片机控制单元以AT89S52单片机为核心,通过设计的外围电路及编写的功能程序实现对动力驱动单元的控制;动力驱动单元通过线路的设计布置,实现喷淋模式中降温设备的交替运行功能,从而对喷淋降温设备进行直接控制。  相似文献   

The firm governing is a structure with a board as its core, and its goal is to guard the interests and rights of the shareholders and related people thru supervising the management under the condition of firm's ownership and management separation. So, it is very important to know what the board structure is and whether it can work properly. Thru constructing board model and conducting theoretical and empirical analysis, in this paper, a best model of the board including the shareholders, managers and outsiders is proposed. In order to improve the efficiency of the board, attention should be paid to the following: composition of the board, separation of board director and general manager and the incentive scheme to outside board members.  相似文献   

基于GIS的分布式侵蚀产沙模型及其空间尺度转换研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
地理信息系统(GIS)与模型的结合是分布式侵蚀产沙模型的发展方向,而模型的空间尺度转换是其研究的重要方面。笔者对国内外基于GIS的分布式侵蚀产沙模型及其空间尺度转换研究进行了全面综述,结合中国的实际研究情况,总结了目前研究存在的主要问题,最后提出了今后一定时期内中国基于GIS的分布式侵蚀产沙模型及其空间尺度转换研究的发展方向。  相似文献   

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