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The on line hot treatment can not only boost the strength but also gain lower cost. It is usually called tempcore which was developed greatly these years. The process of tempcor art is introduced and the core subject mathematical models is studied. According to the heating exchanging property of screw rod in cooling after rolling.Two mathematical models including beginning cooling model and cooling water amount model are obtained by analysing, deducing theoretically and simplifying mathematically. Its structure is simple and practiced .The parameter of model is obtained from measuring data of work site. It is able to suite the change of work site, so it can be used in practiced controlling.  相似文献   

The traction drive continuously variable transmission is another kind of advanced transmission device for vehicle beside the metal pushing V_belt type CVT. It provides excellent driving performances including powerful driving capacity, high efficiency, good smoothness and economy, etc. The basic structure, transmission principle and the hydraulic servo control system of traction drive CVT are described. The mathematical model of the system is established. The study of this project provides the academic bases of further studying on the dynamic characteristics of CVT and vehicle.  相似文献   

自动配料称量系统是现代化饲料生产厂的重大生产手段。就饲料生产的称量模式、计量斗的设计要点以及由称量传感器、配料控制器、计算机组成的自动配料称量系统和屏上控制系统设计方法进行了探讨。  相似文献   

dSPACE is a prototype development and real-time control testing platform which is based on MATLAB/Simulink software. By establishing mathematic model of hydraulic automatic transmission system, the shift rules are achieved. A testing platform for hydraulic automatic transmission system is developed whose control software is programmed by simulink and using the dSPACE as the centre controller. The experiment of electric throttle control and power performance matching control of hydraulic automatic transmission system is carried out. the result shows that well matching performance of hydraulic automatic transmission system can be realizedby using the control strategy proposed in this paper, it provides a fast and efficient approach for researching and developing the hydraulic automatic transmission system.  相似文献   

In the process of oil drilling, drilling string and rock bit are main drilling tools. The fact of their failure would cause serious accidents. To solve this problem, the vibration law of string should be found. The longitudinal vibration model, torsional model and lateral vibration model are founded simultaneity. Many methods are used to build up this model, including finite element technique, numerical technique and computer simulation. The dynamic model reveals the dynamic action of string, it is instructive to design new rock bit and study drilling mechanics.  相似文献   

The properties of the Impulse electroflotation equipment are introduced briefly ,and the factors that influence the treatment effect of Impulse electroflotation are analyzed. The mathematical model of the Impulse electroflotation reacting tank which determines the height, volume and treatment capability of Impulse electroflotation is provided on the base of the basic equations of electroflotation. A calculate software for the design of Impulse electroflotation reacting tank is developed and the source code is given.  相似文献   

Because there are lots of difficulties in mathematic modeling for uncertainty complex object, so it is not suitable to utilize traditional methods in some aspect such as identification, analysis, synthetical design and implementation. Especially, for the idea of system modeling, it is very different in comparison with traditional mathematic modeling, therefore, it is very difficult to study control problem for uncertainty system in technology and theory. On the basis of summarizing characteristics of uncertainty complex object, present to establish generalized control model, and apply intelligent control strategy to implement control effectively. In addition, authors also studied control algorithm and system structure. Engineering practice shows that it is effective and successful to establish generalized control model, and select intelligent control strategy for uncertainty control system.  相似文献   

This paper presents a mathematical model , simulating program and results ofball pulverlzed coal storage system. The program of simulation is writen with ACSL language. theGear arithmetics to solve the differentlal equations is recom merded by MMS. The model has beenmodularized according to the reguirements of MMS. This modular called DTM modular can be con-sidered as one component of MMS modular library.  相似文献   

In order to satisfy the quality of product's demand of consumer and improve quality while dropping expend, working procedure must be synthetically controlled because of product of steel-making is a continuous plant composed of many procedures. Logic and physics frame as well as subsystem's functions and interrelations including with quality schedule system, quality data collection system, quality evaluation and control system, quality information management system are analyzed based on CIMS of steel-making plant. At the same time computer aided quality control system of steel-making enterprise is designed and marked out. High grade and low cost products satisfied consumer are yielded by synthetically controlling every working procedure's quality, punctual consignment guaranteed.  相似文献   

A macroscopic and microscopic coupling mathematical model for solidification process of twin-roll thin strip is developed. In the model, the latent heat is treated by the enthalpy method, and the grid and node are divided by assumed streamline boundary. The heterogeneous nucleation and the columnar-equiaxed transform(CET)model are introduced, together with the revison of the dendrite growth dynamic model of KGT. With the help of solid fraction, the coupling of the macro/micro aspects is realized by using different grid-sizes and time-steps, macro and micro, together with the columnar dendrite front tracing. The columnar dendrite arm spacing and deflection angle calculated by proposed model are in agreement with the experimental ones. Therefore, the model is proved to be reliable, and it can be used to predict the effects of the processing parameters on the solidification structure of twin-roll thin strips.  相似文献   

In order to enhance automation and to design low price and performance reliable control systems for the miniature water works, the single-chip computer control system was adopted to control the work. The single chip computer control system in the miniature water works, the principle of the hardware and a part of software block diagram were discussed in this paper. Finally, the data acquisition and control network were introduced.  相似文献   

冷却猪肉主要腐败微生物生长模型的建立   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
在4℃、7℃、12℃条件下,分别对托盘和真空包装的冷却猪肉进行了假单胞菌、乳酸菌和肠杆菌生长过程中的动态监测,并由此建立了微生物数学生长模型,为冷链失控条件下冷却猪肉的货架期预报奠定了理论基础.  相似文献   

An One-dimensional mathematical model,based on oxygen blast furnace with preheating gas injection into upper shaft,has been developed to describe the variation of innerdiameter of blast furnace,13 chemical reactions,the heat losses through the furnace wall,the heatexchange and pressure losses between gas phase and solid phase.The characters of oxygen blastfurnace are discussed,The simulated results indicate that the tem perature of burden in creasesthroughout the upper shaft with the incrcasement of the flow and the temperature of preheating gasinjected,and that the effect of the heating-up of burden is not so large when the com positions ofpreheatin8 gas injeetion are changed.The model is contributed to obtain a deeper understanding ofthe oxygen blast furnace process.  相似文献   

This paper develops the control system of electronically controlled throttle with high speed on off valve.The electronically controlled hydraulic actuator is used to control the throttle controlled by high speed on off valve.The mathematical model of the control system is established.Because of the existing turn on time of high speed on off valve,the problem which throttle position is controlled actuately is solved by adding a nonlinear compensating block.Main parameters affecting throttle position control are discussed.Simulation research and road test prove that the control system is applicable and feasible.  相似文献   

Based on the energy flow path of the drive links of machine tools and the consideration that there exists simultaneously various energy losses in machine tools in operation, the energy transmission mathematical models of the main driving system of machine tools are created by analysing synthetically the energy losses in the motor and mechanical system of machine tools, which lays a foundation for the studies on the energy transmission laws, energy saving and energy information monitoring in machining processes.  相似文献   

The R S T algorithms structures of usual digital regulator are researched and the results are given. It has solved the problem of relationship between the digital regulator and dynamical characterization of system. It is a direct and quick algorithm of the digital regulator based on the characteristic equation of control system. This algorithm is especially suitable for numerical simulation of control system which contains digital regulator.[WT5HZ]  相似文献   

Particulate matter has become one of the major pollutants causing environmental pollution and affects human health. Motor vehicle particulate matter emissions accounted for more than 60% of the pollutants. At present, research on motor vehicle particulate matter emissions has inadequate systematic control strategies. This paper first analyzes the draw of the motor vehicle particulate matter formation mechanism and influencing factors. According to the statistics of the China Motor Vehicle Pollution Prevention Annual Report, mathematical models of the number of cars, the number of low speed motor vehicles and the number of motor vehicles with particulate matter emissions are presented using MATLAB, and the total amount of motor vehicle particulate emissions in the next five years is predicted. The results show that the motor vehicle particulate emissions increases every year and reached 1.032 2 million tons in 2015. Low-speed vehicle number PM emissions will gradually be reduced slowly, mainly influenced by national policies. Finally, according to the analysis and forecasting results, an effective motor vehicle particulate matter emission control strategy is put forward.  相似文献   

为了构建预测木薯茎叶生物量的数学模型,调查了5个木薯品种茎秆的基部、中部、上部茎粗及茎秆长度和各个分枝的基部粗度、长度等形态学指标,并将生物量分为茎秆和分枝两部分,分别探讨这两部分生物量与相关形态指标的关系。通过多种模型的反复拟合比较,结果以主茎复合幂函数与分枝集合函数的统合方程的拟合效果较好,均方根误差RMSE为104.2,相关系数r为0.9110,拟合优度较高。并且本模型的拟合效果明显优于前人提出的预测木薯茎叶生物量的数学模型。  相似文献   

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