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On-farm varietal diversity is now highest in marginal agricultural environments because, unlike the case in more favourable areas, modern varieties have not been a sufficiently attractive option for farmers to replace their landraces. However, the continued survival of landraces on farm is dependent on the continuing failure of plant breeding to provide better alternatives. Highly client-oriented breeding can produce suitable modern varieties for areas that were dominated by landraces. We examine here the case of the adoption of two upland rice varieties in three states in eastern India, Jharkhand, West Bengal and Orissa, where our surveys had confirmed low adoption of modern varieties in the upland ecosystem. The two new upland varieties were readily accepted by farmers who rapidly adopted them on large proportions of their land. On-farm diversity is maintained by the need to trade-off among varieties but once a variety with overall superiority was found this incentive was removed. The new varieties from the client-oriented breeding did not have weaknesses that farmers had to trade-off against their landraces so they were more likely to replace them. They also replaced older modern varieties. Farmers had previously maintained them along with landraces because they had to trade-off the higher yield of Kalinga III against the more stable yield of landraces or the higher yield of Vandana against the higher gain quality of the landraces. Only mean count per household could be used to test the significance of the differences between individual years. In all states, this revealed a significant reduction in landrace diversity with the adopting farmers when the addition of the two new varieties was not considered. Trends across years for mean varietal count, total count and Shannon–Wiener index showed a significant decline in Orissa, irrespective of whether the two new varieties were included in the analysis or not. In Jharkhand there was a significant decline only for mean count when the new varieties were not included. In Orissa, it was possible to test if rare landraces were as readily replaced as more common ones. Landrace replacement was unmitigated by increasing rarity yet the most rare landraces have the highest priority for genetic conservation. Some landraces were completely replaced by the farmers in the sample despite a diverse variety portfolio being a risk-reducing strategy in a region where there is a high risk of crop failure. There was little environmental heterogeneity in the marginal, drought-prone areas to slow this decline. The new varieties had an impact on the farming system because sometimes farmers brought additional upland into cultivation. They also introduced these varieties into more favourable, medium land. The strategy of releasing two new upland varieties met with some success in maintaining diversity.  相似文献   

Adaptability of traditional agricultural systems is suggested by their success over time, but documentation of how this happens is rare. This paper shows how genetic diversity in a rice landrace enables rice farming system of northern Thailand to adapt to a constraint of an insect pest, microenvironments of mountainous landscape and people’s different tastes in rice. Resistance to laboratory-reared gall midge varied among accessions the rice landrace Muey Nawng and gall midge populations. Higher rice yield in farmers’ fields reflected adaptation to local environment as well as resistance to gall midge. Microsatellite variation of the accessions correlated negatively with their gall midge resistance, but there was also variation in heading time and endosperm starch. Presence of non-waxy endosperm in glutinous rice provides opportunity to select for rice that is cooked into non-glutinous rice preferred by minority groups who live at higher elevations, where the gall midge is emerging as a new threat, possibly because of climate change. These data show how genetic diversity of a rice landrace coupled with seed management by farmers enabled a rice farming system to adapt to the varied microenvironment of a mountainous landscape under the constraint of an insect pest and people’s different tastes in rice.  相似文献   

In Nepal, in traditional rice farming systems many diverse landraces are grown in all of the rice agro-ecosystems from low to high altitude. Three case study sites were selected to represent the major rice agro-ecozones: Bara (100–150 m) for the low-altitude terai (plain); Kaski (700–1,206 m) for the mid-hill zone; and Jumla (2,200–3,000 m) for the high-hill zone. The diversity in rice varieties was compared in these three sites and nine survey villages in a series of surveys conducted in 1998, 1999 and 2006. The level and distribution of diversity on farm varied with the physical and socio-economic settings of the farming communities. The mid-hill site (Kaski) had the highest rice landrace diversity. This was adapted to the diverse agro-ecosystems found there and there was equal diversity in Kule khet (irrigated lands by seasonal canals) and Sim khet (marshy wet land). The next most diverse system was Nicha khet (irrigated lowlands) in Bara, the low-altitude site. The high-hill site (Jumla) had the lowest rice diversity. Across all sites many of the landraces were rarely grown and then only in small areas, reflecting the specialized uses to which they were put. At all sites the most common single landrace occupied less than half of the rice area. Resource-rich farmers were the more important custodians of on-farm rice varietal diversity across the sites. There was more rice diversity in favourable environments than in less favourable ones. This was true whether diversity was measured across sites or across rice domains within sites.  相似文献   

In many traditionally managed agroecosystems, populations of domesticated plants maintain high levels of genetic diversity. The threat of erosion of this diversity is a current conservation concern, motivating studies of how diversity can be maintained by in situ conservation measures. Precisely how the biological traits of plants and the cultural practices of farmers act on fundamental evolutionary forces - drift, migration, selection, and mutation - to create and maintain crop plant diversity has been little investigated in detail. We develop some elements of the framework required for studying such biocultural interactions, focusing on one component of management: farmers' decisions on what to plant, and the structure of germplasm exchange among farmers. We illustrate the approach with a study of Duupa farmers in northern Cameroon. Our results suggest that sorghum populations managed by the Duupa function like source-sink metapopulations. Fields of older farmers, larger and containing a greater number of varieties, act as sources, whereas fields of younger farmers act as sinks, becoming sources as their owners mature. In each field, seeds for sowing are selected from a small number of plants. The frequent exchange of germplasm among fields may counteract the genetic bottlenecks associated with the small number of genitors within each field. Identifying key processes and key individuals should facilitate the design of in situ conservation measures to maintain crop plant diversity against the threat of genetic erosion.  相似文献   

Four hundred and twenty-seven landraces belonging to different plant species (forages, cereals, pulses, garden crops and fruit trees) were found on-farm in central Italy during exploration and collecting missions carried out since 1981. Open field crops are mostly grown under modern agricultural techniques by relatively young farmers on quite large farms for Italian standards. Garden crops are mostly grown by elderly farmers, running small farms or home gardens and using traditional farming systems which include the use of mechanical tools for soil preparation and occasionally the use of chemical fertilisers. There is no unique situation in on-farm conservation and management in the investigated area: the main factors involved appear to be a fragmented habitat and the presence of relatively elderly farmers. Most landraces are directly used by farmers' families, but a part is sold at local and wider markets. The main reasons why these landraces have been maintained on-farm are: their resistance/good productivity under difficult or harsh climatic conditions, traditional reasons or organoleptic peculiarities, which make them highly valued and expensive on the local and city markets and/or simply because they are appreciated by the families. Three example cases of effective on-farm conservation are presented. Social problems seem to be the main cause of genetic erosion. Perspectives and constraints to on-farm conservation and management are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Rice genetic resources conservation and evaluation is crucial to ensure germplasm sources for further crop breeding. We conducted a wide collection of Oryza species in Niger and characterize its diversity with microsatellites (or simple sequence repeats, SSR). The aims of this research were to get a better understanding of the extent of genetic diversity, its structure and partition within rice eco-geographical zones of Niger. There were 264 accessions found in farmers’ and other fields: 173 O. sativa (Asia’s rice), 65 O. glaberrima (Africa’s rice), 25 O. barthii, and 1 O. longistaminata (weedy perennial rice), which were genotyped with 18 SSR. A total of 178 alleles were detected, with a mean of 9.89 alleles per locus. The polymorphism information content was 0.65 and heterozygosity was estimated as 0.14. Two main well-differentiate genotypic groups, which correspond to Asian and African rice species, were identified. The SSR set divided the Asia’s rice group (solely indica) into irrigated and floating rice, with rainfed lowland rice in between. The African rice species group was composed of O. glaberrima, O. longistaminata and O. barthii accessions, but without any clear genetic differentiation among them likely due admixtures within the samples of O. barthii. Five accessions that could be natural interspecific hybrids were too admixed for assigning them to any of the two well-differentiated groups. The partitioning of the overall diversity showed that maximum variation was within genotypic groups and subgroups or cropping ecologies, rather than between eco-geographical zones. The eco-geographical distribution of the diversity suggests germplasm exchange in Niger. Next-steps for conserving rice and crop wild relatives in Niger could be taken using the findings of this research.  相似文献   

Landraces (LRs) are crop populations that are locally grown by farmers; they have a strategic role to play in rebuilding healthy and complex agro-ecosystems, but are at risk of extinction. This paper outlines how some LRs were rescued with the support of modern techniques such as molecular markers. Cowpea LRs from Umbria, Italy, were initially characterized for morphological, organoleptic and genetic traits and reintroduced among farmers. These activities led to an expansion of the area under LR based cowpea cultivation and increased farmers’ income. To encourage further LR cultivation a request for the Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) status has been promoted. Investigations were carried out to determine if it is possible to certify that the product actually belongs to the traditional agricultural and cultural context of the cultivation area. The genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships among local LRs, other LRs, commercial varieties, and other taxa were investigated with five AFLP markers. Although genetic diversity is limited, genetic analysis showed that Umbrian cowpea LRs can be distinguished from commercial varieties, LRs from abroad and other taxa. There is a tight phylogenetic connection among Umbrian LRs. These data confirmed the available historical and sociological data and were included in the PDO specification. AFLP markers can be used to monitor the origin of seed lots that are on the market; this protects the rights of both consumers and farmers. This case study could be a resource for planning activities for the future on-farm conservation of other LRs in different countries.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted for two consecutive years at North Eastern Indian Himalayan region to assess the effect of soil moisture conservation measures on soil and water productivity of different rainfed maize (Zea mays L.) - based cropping sequences. Results revealed that double mulching with in-situ maize stover mulch (MSM) + fresh biomass of white hoary pea (WHP-Tephrosia candida) and MSM + fresh biomass of ragweed (RW- Ambrosia artemisiifolia) improved soil moisture content (SMC) and leaf relative water content of crops during dry season. The soil organic carbon (SOC) content and stocks under MSM + WHP and MSM + RW mulches were significantly higher than that under no mulch at 0–15 cm depth. The soil microbial biomass carbon and dehydrogenase activity were maximum under MSM + WHP/RW. The highest system productivity was obtained from maize-French bean (Pole type-PT) sequence under MSM + RW followed by MSM + WHP. The water productivity was the highest under MSM + WHP. While SOC content was the highest under maize-French bean (PT), the maximum plant available nitrogen and phosphorus were obtained under maize-black gram sequence.Thus, double mulching technology involving MSM and RW (available in plenty) is a viable option for improving soil, crop and water productivity under rainfed hill ecosystems of eastern Indian Himalayas.  相似文献   

In situ conservation of crop genetic resources is widely recommended but, as yet, no methods have been developed to rank the genetic entities to preserve and the social organisations to involve. The highlands of Madagascar have been identified as a key site for rice, Oryza sativa, genetic diversity. To define conservation strategies, we performed multidisciplinary analysis of rice genetic diversity and factors shaping its distribution in the target region. Along with the indica and japonica rice subspecies of O. sativa, we confirmed the presence of an atypical rice group with a preferential habitat of 1,250–1,750 m. Spatial distribution of genetic diversity was uneven. The most determining factor of this unevenness was the altitude authorising or not the presence of different rice cropping systems and the associated types of varieties. Village and individual farmer’s wealth also had a determining role on the amount of rice diversity they hosted. While molecular variance between villages in a given interval of altitude represented 16 % of the total variance, within-village variance represented more than 75 % of the total, and within-farm variance 70 % of within-village variance. This hierarchical distribution of molecular variance suggests that a small number of samples per scale (altitude interval, village and farm) could allow to capture most of the genetic diversity observed. However, within-variety diversity was also important making ex situ conservation strategies impractical and costly. Implications of the within-variety diversity are discussed in terms of adaptive advantages, evolutionary processes, and need for in situ conservation.  相似文献   

Macrofungal diversity was investigated on 281 decaying beech trees distributed across 14 forests in Denmark, based on sporocarp inventories. Two aspects of diversity were considered, i.e., species richness per fallen tree and the incidence of red-listed species occurrence per tree. For both diversity measures the effects of both tree and site variables were tested. In total, 319 fungal species were identified, including 28 red-listed. Decay stage and wood volume were identified as key variables influencing species richness as well as red-listed species incidence. Red-listed species, however, showed a preference for more decayed trees than non red-listed species. Further, red-listed species incidence was found to be significantly higher on broken trees, compared to fallen trees with a distinct root-plate, indicating tree death cause to be important for some red-listed species. The relations between diversity measures and site variables were conflicting. Species richness per tree decreased with increasing maximum tree age and dead wood continuity, possibly a consequence of competitive exclusion of unspecialised opportunistic species in old-grown stands. For red-listed species the opposite trend was evident, and it is concluded that forest history may have fundamental effects on the community structure of wood-inhabiting fungi. Accordingly, simple species richness may be a misleading conservation measure if the aim is to conserve the most threatened aspects of forest biodiversity.  相似文献   

Vegetation strips (VS) along with conservation tillage, application of organic amendments and weed mulching improve crop yields by reducing run‐off and topsoil erosion. To investigate these issues, an experiment was conducted under rainfed conditions using grass VS for four and a half years (June 2007 to October 2011) at Dehradun, Uttarakhand, in the Indian Himalayan region. VS were incorporated in the experimental plots (Entisols) in a randomized complete block design in permanent 100 × 20 m (2000 m2) plots with a 2% slope to evaluate the effects of vegetation strips on run‐off, soil loss and crop yield. Three treatments were evaluated: (i) without VS with recommended NPK under conventional tillage, (ii) panicum as VS with recommended NPK under conventional tillage and (iii) palmarosa+ that consists of palmarosa as VS along with organic amendments (farmyard manure, vermicompost and poultry manure) and weed mulch under minimum tillage. The results show that soil loss and run‐off were significantly lower (< 0.05) in plots under palmarosa+ than without VS treatment. Mean soil loss of 3.4, 5.2 and 7.1 t/ha was recorded from palmarosa+, panicum and without VS treated plots, respectively. Mean run‐off was 234, 356 and 428 mm from plots under palmarosa+, panicum and without VS, respectively. Maize yield was lower on the plots under palmarosa+ compared with panicum, but significantly higher (< 0.05) than without a strip. The succeeding rainfed wheat yield was significantly greater in plots under palmarosa+ than in the initial years. The wheat yield equivalent was significantly higher in plots under palmarosa+ followed by panicum and without VS. Thus, vegetation strips are recommended for wider adoption to reduce run‐off and soil loss and to increase crop yield. The long‐term goal is to achieve a palmarosa+ system (palmarosa as a vegetation strip along with organic amendments, farmyard manure, vermicompost and poultry manure) and weed mulch under minimum tillage.  相似文献   

The Japanese archipelago is a biodiversity hotspot with a unique regional climate influenced by the Asian monsoon circulation, surrounding seas, and complex topography. Japan has numerous mountains and islands, which are potentially vulnerable to climate change. This study evaluated the potential impact of climate change on species diversity in Japan, using 25 conifer tree species as a case study. We applied ensemble models based on generalised additive models, artificial neural networks, generalised boostedmodels, and random forests to species’ locality records at 1 km2 resolution. The results indicated a substantial impact, such that 80% of the species may lose over half of their current climatically suitable areas by 2100. The lower altitudinal range limits were projected to shift upwards by 293 m on average, suggesting that alpine/sub-alpine and sub-boreal species may face widespread local extinctions. The impacts on sub-alpine species may be moderated by assisted migration to the northern island where they currently do not occur. However, climatically suitable areas for these species and sub-boreal species that occur on the island overlapped significantly, indicating that assisted migration may entail the risk of introducing biotic competition or interbreeding. Thus, rugged topography and dispersal barriers between islands are likely to amplify the future impacts of climate change in Japan. Limited areas in the central mountain region were identified as potential bioclimatic refugia, which should be conserved as a priority.  相似文献   

Gough Island is a remote Southern Ocean Island that, despite having no permanent human population, is under substantial conservation threat as a result of human activity. A considerable proportion of the flora and fauna has been accidentally introduced, and new data are presented showing that ca. 70% of the free-living pterygote insect species are introductions. We describe how endangered seabirds that breed on the island may suffer from human fisheries activities and present new evidence showing that local temperatures have risen significantly since 1963, threatening to alter the architecture and composition of species communities. These observations are an indication that the terrestrial ecosystems of other remote islands in the Southern Oceans may be under greater conservation threat than previously thought. In light of the threats described, we discuss conservation management priorities for Gough Island. To facilitate conservation of the indigenous biota, and that of similar islands elsewhere, we suggest that a combination of proactive measures designed to maintain the integrity of island communities, and monitoring programs designed rapidly to identify new conservation threats, should be implemented conscientiously.  相似文献   

In this paper we summarize the current knowledge on earthworm diversity in the central part of the Balkans, in the State of Serbia. Up to now, 71 species and 8 subspecies, belonging to 18 genera, are known from investigated territory. Our aim was to produce a single priority list for earthworm conservation, particularly as the Balkan countries did not have their own Red Lists for earthworms and none of the species had a legally protected status. The list underlines the diversity of earthworms, zoogeographical position as well as category of threat. The analysis based on the IUCN (2001) Red List Categories shows that 17 of 79 taxa are Critically Endangered (5 species are serious Critically Endangered, but 12 species are only suspect for the Critically Endangered category), 9 species are Endangered and 14 species are Vulnerable. Serious candidates for their inclusion in CR category within the IUCN (2001) Red List are: Cernosvitovia biserialis, Dendrobaena kozuvensis, Lumbricus improvisus, Serbiona kosowensis montenegrina and Serbiona serbica. Of all registered earthworms, 34 taxa (43.1%) were identified only as endemic species. Unfortunately, most of the high-priority species are endemic (23 taxa). The position of the Central Balkans contributes to the great biodiversity of earthworms on its territory, but the fact that nearly 36% of its lumbricids are threatened is a strong signal that action is required.  相似文献   

Over the last century, island biodiversity has become one of the most threatened in the world. Although many island conservation plans address biodiversity requirements at the species level, few plans address the spatial requirements of the biodiversity processes that underpin the persistence of these species. Using systematic conservation planning principles, we map the spatial components of biodiversity processes (SCBPs) and use these to design broad-scale conservation corridors for Réunion Island. Our method is based upon a literature review, expert knowledge, spatially explicit base data, conservation planning software, and spatial modelling. We combine a target-driven algorithm with least-cost path analyses to delineate optimal corridors for capturing key biodiversity processes while simultaneously considering biodiversity pattern targets, conservation opportunities, and future threats. We identify five SCBPs: the oceanic-terrestrial interface; riverine corridors; macrohabitat interfaces; the boundaries of isolated topographic units; and lowland-upland gradients. A large proportion of the SCBPs (81.3%) is currently untransformed, whereas 3% is irreversibly transformed by urbanisation and 15.7% is transformed but restorable. However, SCBPs are almost fully disrupted by urbanisation in the lowlands, thereby compromising functional corridors along full altitudinal gradients. This study is a contribution toward the reconciliation of conservation versus development objectives on Réunion Island but we believe that the delineation method is sufficiently general to be applied to other islands. Our results highlight the need for integrating marine, coastal and terrestrial conservation planning as a matter of urgency, given the rapid transformation of coastal areas on islands.  相似文献   

Intensification of human activities has caused drastic losses in semi-natural habitats, resulting as well in declining connectivity between remaining fragments. Successful future restoration should therefore increase both habitat area and connectivity. The first steps in a framework for doing so are addressed here, which involve the mapping of past habitat change. We present a method which is unique in: the large area covered (2500 km2), the high resolution of the data (25 × 25 m), the long period assessed (70 years), and a system for translation of land use maps into Broad Habitat Types using soil surveys.We digitised land use maps from the 1930s for the county of Dorset in southern England. The resulting map was compared to the UK Land Cover Map of 2000. For our example area, land use shifted dramatically to more intensive agriculture: 97% of all semi-natural grasslands were converted into agriculturally-improved grassland or arable land as were large proportions of the heathlands and rough grasslands (?57%). The other important driver of change was afforestation (+25%). The larger habitat areas became fragmented, with average fragment size of different habitats falling by 31–94%. Furthermore, the connectivity between fragments dropped drastically, by up to 98%.Analyses such as those presented here not only quantify the scale and pattern of habitat loss, but are important to inform land-use planning to restore biodiversity by both increasing the available habitat and facilitating dispersal among habitat fragments. We discuss the possible steps for such a framework.  相似文献   

We evaluated the influence of uncertainty, based on variation in expert opinion, on assessment of conservation status of Australian amphibians. We examined relationships between different biological variables and inferred relative extinction risk, the influence of uncertainty on resulting ranks, and regional patterns of extinction risk and uncertainty. Our results were in general agreement with the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources but also reveal apparent high extinction risks among some taxa that the IUCN did not classify in any threatened category. These differences were exaggerated when the most conservative status assessments were taken from variation in expert opinion. Our assessments of relative extinction risk were strongly dependent on basic demographic variables, particularly population size, geographic distribution of populations and age at first reproduction. We identified regional hotspots of high relative extinction risk and poor knowledge of amphibians, leading to high uncertainty about the conservation status of species from those areas. Regional clustering of species with high relative extinction risk and high uncertainty may indicate higher levels of relative extinction risk than previously assessed. Our results highlight the influence of uncertainty on interpretation of conservation assessments of organism groups with large knowledge gaps. Uncertainty should be further incorporated into conservation planning as it not only highlights taxa with potentially underestimated extinction risk, but also facilitates identification of knowledge gaps informative of conservation status. Knowledge of regional patterns of extinction risk and uncertainty assists conservation planning through identification of regions of high extinction risk and/or large knowledge gaps.  相似文献   

A considerable number of alternative approaches have been suggested during the last years to predict species richness of a given taxon, while retaining information on the identities of the observed individuals. Such information can be extremely useful for choosing conservation priority areas, either by using raw richness values or, preferentially, by considering the complementarity between potential sites. Among the most popular approaches is the use of indicator taxa. Both one single family and a group of several families are here tested in their ability to predict the number of spider (Araneae) species independently of sampling effort, geographical location and type of habitat. We use data from three Portuguese protected areas as a test case. A two-family indicator group – Gnaphosidae and Theridiidae – is found to be a good surrogate of species richness, even if caution is needed regarding the comparison of sites with considerably different sampling effort or vegetation cover. No single family can be seen as a good surrogate of the totality of spiders. In addition, only a group of the two mentioned families is found to be efficient and reliable either when used to rank sites according to taxa richness or for determining near-minimum sets of sites for conservation. We therefore recommend surrogacy with this indicator group as a promising approach for the prediction of spider species richness or evaluation and ranking of areas according to their conservation importance. The reached conclusions should uphold for Portugal and the entire Mediterranean region.  相似文献   

The Arasbaran Protected Area is an important but little studied nature reserve in NW Iran. In the past habitat heterogeneity and biodiversity have been threatened by over-exploitation; in the future depopulation may lead to partial abandonment. The soil seed bank was examined to see whether there are sufficient species represented as persistent seeds to reconstitute the vegetation in the event of habitat deterioration. There were differences between seed banks from different soils and vegetation types but essentially all soil seed banks contained few species and low densities of seed. Moreover, the species in the seed bank were unrepresentative of the vegetation. During future periods of changing land use it will be important to maintain the existing vegetation. There are however indications of successful recent conservation management. Annuals are abundant in the woodland seed bank but absent from the vegetation. The forest is recovering from the disturbance of collecting fire-wood.  相似文献   

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