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诃子是佛门圣树,具有较高的药用和观赏价值。文章从诃子的佛教渊源、生物学特征、药用价值、文化特征等方面对其进行详细的介绍,总结了近年来诃子药理活性、繁殖栽培技术方面的研究进展,为其开发利用提供参考。  相似文献   

Vitellaria paradoxa, known as Shea tree or karité, is one of the dominant trees of agroforestry parklands in Sahelian region with an immense commercial value. In this study, we examined infestation of fruit-bearing shoots and fruits on two sites in western Burkina Faso across different reproductive phenophases, crown heights and aspects. The number of infested and healthy shoots and fruits were counted on 60 reproductively active trees randomly selected from on-year shea trees in each site, using a metal frame (0.5 × 0.5 m) to mark a fixed area of the canopy for sampling. The shoot and fruit borer was identified as Salebria sp. (Lepidoptera:Pyralidae), which was not reported earlier. The proportion of infested trees and shoots varied significantly between sites and among reproductive phenophases (P < 0.0001). The site close to the natural forest had the highest infestation rate than distantly located site. Among reproductive phenophases, the proportions of infested trees and shoots were the highest during flowering and fruit set, respectively. Fruit infestation also varied significantly between sites, crown heights and aspects (P < 0.001). The site close to the natural forest and the crown with north-east aspect were heavily infested while the bottom part of the crown had the lowest infestation. As a whole, 49–80% of trees, 24–31% of shoots and 4–15% of fruits were found infested, depending on the site. These infestation levels combined with precocious flower and fruit abscissions would pose serious economic losses that justify a call for immediate pest control initiatives.  相似文献   

永德县诃子资源保护与公益林管理相结合的探索与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
永德县是我国南药诃子的主要产地,然而目前的产量仅为1958年的1/3,1983年的1/2.分析诃子资源和产量锐减的原因为:热区开发与诃子资源保护的矛盾、资金投入不足、诃子单产低,经济效益差.文章指出诃子资源的保护与生态公益林管理相结合是充分利用国家政策保护诃子资源的最佳选择.其主要措施包括:做好公益林的区划界定工作;落实管护责任人员及管护措施;利用补偿政策做好诃子资源的恢复工作;探索提高诃子经济效益的途径.并阐明诃子资源保护与公益林管理相结合的效果及意义.  相似文献   

The pressurized gas transport which improves the oxygen supply of the roots of the wetland tree black alder (Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn.), is based on the existence of a thermo-osmotically active porous tissue partition in the lower part of the trunk with pore diameters in the range of, or smaller than, the mean free path length of the gas molecules (e.g., 70 nm for O(2) at 20 degrees C and 100 kPa). Anatomical studies have shown that only the cambial layer or the phellogen of the lenticels have intercellular spaces small enough to be responsible for thermo-osmotic activity. The final localization of the thermo-osmotically active partition and the determination of the pore sizes were done by diffusion and effusion experiments with basal trunk pieces of 3- to 4-year-old trees. The mean pore sizes of the intercellular system were not smaller than 100 nm in diameter in the cambial layer separating the bark from the wood, but 14 +/- 7 nm in diameter in the phellogen underlying the lenticels. Because of these small pores, the phellogen of the lenticels is the significant thermo-osmotically active partition for the transport of air to the root system in black alder.  相似文献   

无患子有效化学成分的分析研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了加大无患子的利用率,作者对无患子果皮的化学成分进行研究,分别测定其果皮的三萜皂苷、脂肪油、蛋白质的含量。结果表明:无患子果皮其脂肪含量约为0.212%,总皂苷含量约为5.330%,蛋白质含量约为0.980%。皂苷及苷元均具有很强的表面活性作用,利用现代科学技术制成无患子洗涤产品,具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

假酸浆子胶溶液的流变特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以假酸浆子胶质为研究对象,用Brook field RVDV-Ⅲ型数字流变仪考察了胶溶液的流变学基本特性,以及质量浓度(g/L,下同)、金属离子、糖种类、放置时间、体系pH值、温度、冻融处理等因素对其流变性能的影响.结果表明,胶质溶液是典型的剪切稀化型非牛顿流体,胶质量浓度越高(超过2 g/L)时,剪切稀化现象越严重.同时溶液流变行为受温度、剪切速率、pH值等因素的影响.溶液黏度随体系温度的升高而降低,与温度的依赖关系服从Arrhenius公式.5 g/L的胶质溶液黏度在pH值为3时最高可达0.152 Pa·s.但在强酸、强碱下黏度下降.金属二价离子对胶溶液有显著的增稠效应,其增稠效果与离子浓度呈正相关.在相同浓度下,蔗糖的增稠效果优于葡萄糖.  相似文献   

Sal (Shorea robusta Gaertn. f.) forests cover over 11 millionha in India, Nepal and Bangladesh, and these forests are conventionallymanaged for timber. Recently, interest in producing multipleproducts from sal forests has increased; accordingly, a silviculturalregime for managing sal forest for multiple products is a centralconcern. Forest managers need a comprehensive scientific understandingof natural stand development processes and anthropogenic factorsaffecting sal forest when designing silvicultural regimes formultiple-product management. We review ecology and productivityplus anthropogenic niches of sal forests. Information on edaphicfactors, phenology and stand development processes (regeneration,growth characteristics, soil nutrient requirement, growth allocation,nutrient cycling, stand structure and successional stages) isimportant for designing scientific forest management of salforest; likewise, knowledge of anthropogenic factors associatedwith use of sal forest is also required for effective implementationof the recently paradigmed management efforts. Sal forest silviculturehas been evolving since the beginning of the twentieth centurymainly concentrating on timber production, though the sal forestshave always been used also for grazing and collection of fodder,fuelwood, litter and many other products. Instead of integratingthese products in sal forest management, governments have attemptedto control these additional uses through enforcing forest legislation.These attempts resulted in the persistent conflicts betweenthe interests of local people and the government, and the deterioratingcondition of sal forests. Community-based forestry in this regionemerged in response to the severe degradation of forest resources,and local people initiated protection practices and demonstratedthe success of sal forest from coppice. The coppice systemsallow managing forests with intermittent products (non-timberforest products, including fodder and litter) while producingtimber in the long term. Accordingly, a policy has been developedto manage coppice sal forest for multiple products. Managingthe sal forest for multiple products is, however, a relativelyrecent development and scientific investigations on variousaspects of multiple-product forest management need to be initiated.Ecological processes indicate good prospects of managing salforest for multiple products. The review indicates that theecological processes and anthropogenic factors form sound basisfor developing multiple-product management.  相似文献   

A basic understanding of the relationships between key phenotypic characters of the shea butter tree is considered a crucial step to its genetic improvement. As such fruit samples of the shea butter tree, Vitellaria paradoxa, were collected from nine locations in July, 2006, to determine the fruit and nut characteristics of the species. The choice of the locations was informed by the need to have as broad a picture of the trait diversity as possible. The nine locations covered were Akwanga, Ilorin, Lokoja, Makurdi, Minna (in the Southern Guinea Savanna), Jalingo, Kachia (in the Northern Guinea Savanna), Kano and Yola (in the Sudan Savanna), recognized as the main shea butter tree belt in Nigeria. Analysis of variance indicated significant (P < 0.05) variations in fruit and nut traits across agro-ecologies and specific locations (representing individual accessions). The Northern Guinea Savanna accessions had higher values for nut weight, nut length kernel weight and fruit weight. The Southern Guinea Savanna fruits were, however, superior in percent pulp weight. Nuts sourced from Akwanga were comparatively heavier and longer, had wider diameters, heavier kernels and higher percent testa weights which did not differ from those of Minna. Also fruits from Akwanga had significantly (P < 0.05) higher values for fruit length, fruit diameter, fruit weight and pulp weight. The Lokoja accession was superior to the rest in percent pulp weight, but it recorded least nut weight and nut length values. Nut shape index varied from 2.3 (Makurdi) to 1.5 (Jalingo). Nuts from Akwanga, Jalingo and Kachia had wide variation in nut weight in contrast to those from Lokoja, Makurdi and Yola (that were relatively similar). Fruit length had significantly (P < 0.05) positive relationship with pulp weight, fruit weight and fruit diameter. Nut diameter, however, had a negative relationship with percent pulp weight. A strong influence of some environmental variables on certain phenotypic traits was detected. Principal components analysis indicated nut weight, nut shape index, percent pulp weight and fruit shape index as the key discriminant variables for grouping shea butter fruit and nut in Nigeria. Results of this study indicated considerable diversity in fruit and nut traits of the shea butter tree in Nigeria, suggesting the possibility of selection for desirable traits.  相似文献   

Three Alnus glutinosa populations from central Slovakia were investigated by means of isozyme analysis. The average expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.151 to 0.173. Despite significant differences in allele frequencies among populations, genetic differentiation was low (FST=0.022). Intrapopulation fixation indices indicate no or very slight deviation from panmictic expectations towards the heterozygote deficiency. No indications were found that the investigated populations have experienced recent bottlenecks in population size. A spatial autocorrelation analysis based on Moran’s I indicates the existence of a spatial genetic structuring in the population Král’ová. Patch size was estimated to be 70–100 m, which is more than observed in other broadleaved tree species. This difference is explained by the linear shape of alder populations and a higher mobility of seeds.  相似文献   

Terminalia arjuna (“Arjuna”) in the family Combretaceae is a well-known medicinal tree whose bark is extensively used in Ayurvedic medicine, particularly as a cardiac tonic. Demand for Arjuna bark, both in India and abroad, has been growing rapidly for over a decade. Litsea glutinosa (“Maida”) in the family Lauraceae is a medium size tree. Its bark is used to treat joint pain, fracture, sprain, arthritis, back pain, and indigestion. Presently the bark of Arjuna and Maida is being extracted through unscientific and destructive harvesting practices. This is the first study on development of sustainable harvesting practices of Arjuna and Maida bark. The stages of bark recovery varied from tree to tree. Age of tree, harvesting method, and season of harvest influenced bark regeneration. This study recommends that for sustainable harvest, mature bark from only one fourth to one third of the total girth of the tree should be stripped by removing only outer and middle bark, leaving the inner bark for regeneration. However, strip harvesting was found to be the best method in younger trees having a girth at breast height (GBH) of less than 60 cm. Sustainable bark harvesting can be done after every 2 yr for Arjuna and 1 yr for Maida by removing opposite quarters of trunk bark.  相似文献   

Characterization and acetylation behavior of bamboo pulp   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the present study, the chemical–physical properties of bamboo pulp prepared with a sequential totally chlorine-free procedure were analyzed and compared with that of commercial wood pulp by SEM, FTIR, TGA, and X-ray. α-Cellulose content was determined to be 95%, a little less than that of commercial wood pulp. But the crystallinity of bamboo pulp is lower than wood pulp. Acetylation activity of bamboo pulp was determined to be higher than that of wood pulp, which was carried out in heterogeneous media with sulfuric acid as catalyst. The cellulose acetate prepared with bamboo pulp can be quickly dissolved in acetone without distinct difference with that of cellulose acetate prepared with wood pulp. The results indicate the potential utility of bamboo as an alternative to wood pulp for cellulose derivate fiber material.  相似文献   

This article examines the role of humans in shaping a shea tree (Vitellaria paradoxa C.F. Gaertn.) population in Prata, central-west Burkina Faso. Four management regimes or land uses were considered: fields cultivated by indigenous Gurunsi farmers, fields cultivated by migrant Moose farmers, fallows, and bush lands. The structure of the shea population differed between Gurunsi and Moose fields and between these fields and fallow and bush lands. The size class distribution of V. paradoxa in fallows and bush lands was skewed towards the lower classes and the slope of the distributions was negative and significant, indicating the occurrence of recruitment. In comparison, Gurunsi fields carried young and mature trees with 95 % of individuals in the 15.5–90 cm range, whereas Moose fields carried no specimen with dbh <16.5 cm. The slope of the size class distribution was slightly negative for Gurunsi fields and slightly positive for Moose fields, but non significant in both cases. Vitellaria paradoxa densities did not significantly differ between Gurunsi (35 stems/ha) and Moose (26 stems/ha) fields, but were higher in fallows (172 stems/ha) and in the bush (161 stems/ha) than in cultivated fields. Nearest neighbour distances were progressively greater from uncultivated fields to Gurunsi and finally Moose fields, whereas shea trees were increasingly aggregated from Moose to Gurunsi fields to fallows and bush lands. In Prata, shea tree management is thus associated with ethnicity and/or with a host/migrant status that confers different farm sizes and levels of tenure security to farming households. Gurunsi and Moose farmers cited productivity, spacing and shading effects as the main factors influencing their decision to conserve specific shea trees in their fields. Results signal favorable prospects for V. paradoxa regeneration in Prata’s fallows and bush lands and to a lesser extent in Gurunsi fields.  相似文献   

The recent taxonomic classification of beech in Europe considers existence of one species (Fagus sylvatica L.) with two subspecies: F. sylvatica ssp. sylvatica and F. sylvatica ssp. orientalis. Four beech populations growing on the Greek part of the Rodopi Mountains were studied using morphological traits as well as DNA molecular markers (AFLPs and chloroplast DNA SSR). The aim of the study was to describe the variation patterns of beech in the Rodopi Mountains and to test the hypothesis of possible introgression between the beech subspecies’ sylvatica and orientalis in this area. Both morphological traits and gene markers revealed a possible influence of F. orientalis on the east side of Rodopi and at the low elevations, while characters resembling F. sylvatica were observed mainly on the western part of the mountains and in higher altitudes. There was a clinal increase of genetic diversity from the west to the east, reaching a level firstly reported for beech populations. These results can be explained either by the existence of a main refugial area for beech during the last glaciation or by the occurrence of a recent hybridization among the subspecies, which were spatially isolated during the last glaciation and came into reproductive contact during their postglacial remigration. These two scenarios are not necessarily mutually exclusive.  相似文献   

The amount of heartwood and sapwood in Eucalyptus globulus Labill. wood was determined in commercial pulpwood plantations at harvest age (12 to 15 years) in four ites in central portugal. twelve trees were sampled in each site at nine stem height levels. Heartwood was present in all the trees up to 82%–87% of the total tree height and amounted to 38%–41% of the total tree volume. The heartwood proportion in the stem cross-section decreased from the base upwards, representing 53.3% and 26.1% of the total area respectively at the base and 55% height level. The sapwood width remained relatively constant along the stem at a mean 38 mm up to the 55% height level. The trees within the site, the height level and their interaction were highly significant sources of variation for heartwood proportion and sapwood width. The heartwood diameter and sapwood width were positively correlated with radial tree growth.  相似文献   

Growth of Fomes annosus is studied by a test based on growth of previously starved hyphae on sawdust of heartwood of Picea abies as the only nutrition. Our observations show that the method can be used to distinguish beween different spruce individuals or clones, between different Fomes annosus strains and between different growing sites of the trees.  相似文献   

以叶面积、叶长等叶片形态性状和果长、果宽等果实形态性状为指标,研究了桂花叶片和果实形态性状在单株水平上的遗传变异规律。结果表明,桂花叶片和果实等形态性状在单株水平上存在着丰富的遗传变异,且叶片形态性状与果实形态性状由各自独立的遗传基因控制,并受到高等程度的遗传控制,遗传潜力较大。  相似文献   

以单瓣榆叶梅果实与种子为材料,观测种实有关性状,结果表明:果实形成初始阶段发育较快,花后第3 d幼果为绿豆粒大小,第7 d如黄豆粒大小。果实成熟时有3种果形,即近圆形果实、扁圆形果实和阔纺锤形果实,3种果实平均纵向径、横向经大小分别为1.7 cm与1.6 cm、1.7 cm与1.8 cm、2.1 cm与1.8 cm,阔纺锤形果实最大,3种果形脱出的种子纵向径、宽横向径、窄横向径分别为1.3 cm、1.0 cm、0.9 cm,1.3 cm、1.1 cm、1.0 cm,1.6 cm、1.2 cm、1.1 cm。外种皮均为黄褐色,形状均为阔扁纺锤形。3种果形种子千粒重均值变化范围在46~61 g,阔纺锤形果实种子千粒重为其他两种果实的1.30倍和0.32倍,差异显著。  相似文献   

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