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The effect of shading dahlia mother plants on rootability of cuttings was studied with three cultivars: ‘Choot Hashani’, ‘Orpheo’ and ‘Lavender Perfection’. Reducing natural light intensity by approximately 50% increased rooting percentage of ‘Orpheo’ cuttings, but did not affect rooting of the harder cuttings of ‘Lavender Perfection’. Shading stock plants during midday hours only caused internode elongation in ‘Orpheo’, but did not increase rooting. In ‘Choot Hashani’ the same shading treatment promoted rooting. Shading only the base of the cutting when still on the mother plant greatly promoted rooting percentage and mean number of roots per cutting. The reason for the variability in the response to shading is discussed and it is concluded that the shading effect is limited to the root initiation region. It is assumed that shading improves rooting by promoting the herbaceous character of the rooting region. Shading did not affect rooting of cuttings which remained woody in spite of shade.  相似文献   

费约果插条生根特征和解剖特性研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以费约果品种尤力克当年生半木质化和木质化枝条为材料,研究了扦插时期对插条生根能力的影响,结果表明,生根结果(分别是根长、根数和生根率)半木质化枝扦插优于木质化枝扦插。采用常规石蜡切片法对费约果半木质化枝插条生根过程进行解剖结构观察,表明费约果插条无根原基存在,不定根原基为诱发型的,起源于维管形成层与髓射线的交叉区域,而在插条韧皮部连续排列成环状的厚壁细胞周围未见根原基的发生。不定根的发生主要经历了根原基的形成和不定根的产生2个过程,且大部分不定根产生于距插条基部切口0.1~2cm区域内。插条扦插过程中也形成愈伤组织,但未见愈伤组织中分化出根原基。  相似文献   

研究了不同浓度水杨酸加吲哚丁酸(IBA)处理对吉塞拉6号生根率、生根质量及成苗率的影响,结果表明,用2000umol/L水杨酸与1000mg/L吲哚丁酸协同作用可使吉塞拉6号嫩枝扦插生根率达98%,同时生根质量和成苗率都有所提高。  相似文献   

Optimum conditions for rooting hardwood cuttings of several plum rootstocks have been determined with respect to season of cutting collection, the thickness of shoot and the part of the shoot used as the cutting, the concentration of rooting hormone applied to the base of the cutting and the basal temperature in the rooting medium.

Rooting occurred most readily during autumn and again in late winter and spring. Cuttings made from “thin” shoots generally rooted more readily than those from “thick” ones but the position along the shoot from which the cutting was made was usually unimportant.

Some clones, including Myrobalan B and St. Julien A, responded to increasing concentrations of 4(indolyl-3) butyric acid (IBA) to an optimum at 5,000 p.p.m. and to increasing bottom heat to about 20° C. Others, including Brompton and Pershore, were relatively unresponsive to both of these factors under the conditions of these experiments.  相似文献   

Preplanting application of phenolic compounds, p-hydroxybenzoic acid p-coumaric acid and ferulic acid, in most cases promoted auxin-induced rooting on cuttings of mango, a difficult-to-root fruit plant. The ethylene-releasing chemical CEPA (ethrel, ethephon) also stimulated rooting in the presence of auxins. Synergism was more pronounced in the presence of IBA than with IAA. To a certain extent, root-promoting effects of auxins and non-auxin chemicals were related to the utilization of carbohydrate fractions from the region of root formation. Utilization of reserve polysaccharides assumed greater importance only during the root-development phase.  相似文献   


Rooting of leafless winter hardwood cuttings of the plum rootstock Prunus insititia ‘Pixy’ increased as the location from which the shoots were taken from within specially grown stockplants decreased in height above ground, associated with a parallel reduction in shoot thickness. However, the actual height of the least-ready-rooting crown cuttings had no effect on rooting, suggesting that relative rather than absolute position is important. Rooting was unaffected by bark-ringing and trunk incision distal to the shoot position, suggesting that such treatments did not interfere with a basipetally translocated root promotor which might have accounted for improved rooting of cuttings in the lower parts of the hedge. The rooting of crown cuttings above a bark ring was reduced considerably compared with that of cuttings from normal bushes, and this was associated with increased thickness of shoots distal to the ring. Delaying pruning in spring until after growth had started resulted in thinner crown shoots compared with those from plants pruned normally while dormant, and the rooting of these thinner crown shoots was much higher than that of the normal crown cuttings. It was shown by covariance analysis that shoot thickness accounted for part of the rooting response but could not account for the total effect due to shoot position within the bush, ringing, or time of pruning. Competence to root appears to develop independently in individual shoots, modified by a shoot thickness factor which favours the subordinate shoots induced in the shoot hierarchy of severely pruned hedges.  相似文献   

Domestication of the recently discovered and highly endangered Wollemi pine has relied almost entirely upon serial propagation of cuttings from a very small conservation collection. This study assessed the requirement for applied auxin to induce rooting in tip cuttings and lower segment cuttings of Wollemi pine. Both types of cuttings proved easy-to-root, with mean rooting of 71% for tip cuttings and 82% for lower segments. Auxin application (at 1.5, 3.0 or 8.0 g indole-3-butyric acid/L) did not accelerate root protrusion from propagation tubes or affect final rooting percentages.  相似文献   

The effect of the nitrogen nutrition of stock plants of Justicia gendarussa L. on the rooting of cuttings was studied in sand culture under high, medium and low levels of nitrogen.

Nitrogen starvation induced rooting. Exogenous application of the auxins IAA (indol-3yl-acetic acid), IBA (indol-3yl-butyric acid) and NAA (naphth-lyl-acetic acid) greatly increased the rooting response of cuttings from-stock plants grown with small amounts of nitrogen.

The root-promoting effect of a low nitrogen supply was associated with a retardation of growth in the stock plants from which the cuttings were made. High C/N (total available carbohydrates/total nitrogen) and P/N (total phosphorus/total nitrogen) ratios increased anthocyanin pigmentation in the shoot, and increased rooting cofactor activity in the tissues of cuttings. The phenolic compounds, ferulic acid, p-hydroxybenzoic acid and p-coumaric acid were present in the shoots of all three nutritional treatments and acted as important cofactors in the cuttings. In general, rooting cofactor activity was inversely related to nitrogen supply and the activity was highest under low nitrogen.

The cuttings taken from plants grown under different levels of nitrogen interacted differentially with the exogenously applied auxins.  相似文献   

不同处理措施对兔眼蓝莓绿枝扦插生根的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
兔眼蓝莓属于杜鹃花科越桔属灌木,扦插繁殖较困难,必须经过特殊的处理才能生根.试验结果表明,用200mg/L的IBA溶液处理兔眼蓝莓绿枝插条,然后扦插在菌根土 珍珠岩(1:1)基质上,生根率达84.7%以上.生产上用此方法进行兔眼蓝莓的种苗繁殖,成本低,见效快.  相似文献   

刘柳姣  刘震  韦燕 《南方园艺》2019,30(2):9-13
用50 mg/L IBA、100 mg/L IBA、300 mg/L IBA浸泡迷迭香嫩枝插穗、半木质化插穗、完全木质化插穗30min后,扦插在沙子及混合基质中,均促进生根,成活率83%~100%,其中100mg/L IBA促进迷迭香插穗在沙子里及混合基质里生根效果最好,不同部位枝条插穗生根总体效果:半木质化枝条>嫩枝>完全木质化枝条。  相似文献   


A rooting morphogen, arbitrarily defined, can be assumed to induce adventitious roots in woody stem cuttings. Auxins generally promote rooting in herbaceous cuttings and are often considered to limit rooting, but they often have little or noeffect when applied to difficult-to-root woody cuttings. They can move in a polar (basipetal) pathway but the polarity of root emergence equally reflects the activity of the vascular system in general, including the phloem, whose contents have a complex composition. The interactions between a morphogen of vascular origin and potential sites for root initiation arelikely to be dynamic and variables such as flux rate or flux direction could be more relevant than static variables such as composition or concentration. The potential sites are not equally sensitive to the rooting morphogen since each cell hasa unique lineage, ontogeny and position, and a prevailing insensitivity could restrict rooting. The contents of the vascular system are inaccessible to potential sites in the stem, so factors affecting efflux and the subsequent attenuation of the efflux, which depend on activity in the whole cutting, could be critical to rooting ability. No simply defined morphogen can be said to limit rooting, and the chemical identity of the morphogen (if definable) is probably unimportant.  相似文献   



Pretreatment of stock plants with cycocel or ethrel induced rooting on cuttings and air layers of mango (Mangifera indica L.), a difficult-to-root fruit plant which normally does not regenerate roots. Application of IBA to the cuttings and air layers made from pretreated shoots improved rooting, cycocel pretreatment being more effective than ethrel. Morphactin pretreatment inhibited rooting, fully counteracting the auxin-induced rooting.  相似文献   

There was a positive correlation between shoot length and the proximal diameter of the prepared cutting in stockplant sources of Prunus insititia ‘Pixy’ that had different rooting potential. The precise relationship depended on source, with shoots from a severely pruned micropropagated source, and those developing from the trunks of various stock- plants, usually being thinner for any given length than normal distal cuttings from pruned and non-pruned conventional source stockplants. To a large extent rooting percentage, root numbers and root length increased between sources as the overall ratio of proximal stem diameter to shoot length decreased. Cuttings from the relatively thick, short shoots of the unpruned source were among the poorest rooting, while those from the relatively thin, long shoots from the trunk, and from the micropropagated source, rooted best. This between-source effect reflected the fact that within the less ready rooting sources there was also a negative correlation between the proximal diameter of the cutting and its rooting ability. This relationship was lost progressively as the rooting potential of sources increased, thus giving no opportunity for a trend to occur in the trunk-derived cuttings from the micropropagated source where virtually all cuttings rooted.  相似文献   


IBA-treated cuttings rooted only when prepared fom bark-ringed shoots. The response to ringing declined with increasing age of the tree. However, on marcotting, the ringed shoots of four year old trees showed more and earlier rooting.  相似文献   

The response to IBA treatments in different planting seasons of four plum cultivars, as measured by rooting and field establishment, was investigated during 1986 and 1987. Among the four cultivars, ‘Santa Rosa’ gave the largest rooting percentage, number of primary and secondary roots per cutting, length and diameter of roots and field survival. The European cultivars ‘Greengage’ and ‘Early Transparent Gage’ showed poor rooting and field establishment. The cuttings planted during summer under mist gave better rooting and field establishment than dormant season- or autumn-planted cuttings. Similarly, IBA treatment of cuttings with 2000 mg l−1 during summer and 3000 mg l−1 during dormant and autumn seasons gave the largest rooting and survival percentages, high numbers of primary and secondary roots per cutting, and greater length and diameter of primary roots.  相似文献   


The influence of the ethylene action inhibitors STS and 1-MCP on poststorage performance and subsequent rooting of cuttings was investigated in Epipremnum pinnatum. Unfavourable storage conditions resulted in decreasing poststorage quality of single-eye cuttings, expressed as leaf drop and yellowing. 1-MCP and STS prohibited leaf drop and yellowing in E. pinnatum. STS pretreatment decreased rooting ability significantly, measured as percentage of rooted cuttings, number of roots, total root length and dry weight. STS caused severe injuries to the cuttings, which were worse if the cuttings were stored rather than propagated immediately. There was no significant difference in rooting between 1-MCP treated cuttings and untreated control in either stored or unstored cuttings. The influence of ethylene action inhibitors on rooting and a possible use of 1-MCP for practical use to increase poststorage performance in cuttings are discussed.  相似文献   

先用100-150mg/L的ABT1号生根粉溶液浸泡瑞必尔的插条12-24小时后,当地表温度稳定在10℃左右时,整地筑高畦覆盖地膜,将浸泡后的插条从地膜上面打孔插入,可使扦插成活率达95%以上,且苗木枝蔓粗壮,芽眼饱满,根系发达。  相似文献   

Starch depletion during rooting of juvenile chestnut cuttings was examined. A marked depletion occurred in the first 3 days following hormonal treatment; in untreated control cuttings there was no significant effect during the same period of time. Anatomical changes during the rooting-process were also studied. Greater starch depletion following hormonal treatment could provide the energy necessary for the great cell proliferation observed at 3–5 days, the organization of the primordia and the differentiation of the new xylem.  相似文献   


A rooting test was developed with shoot cuttings taken from aseptically germinated avocado seed. The rooting required treatments in two steps: (1) three days in a medium containing indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) (25 mg l?1) and (2) four to eight weeks in an auxin-free medium. Rooting was accomplished with both media containing 0.3× strength Murashige and Skoog salts, 3% sucrose, 0.4 mg l?1 thiamine hydrochloride, 100 mg l?1 i-inositol, and 0.8% ‘TC’ agar. The auxin-free medium also contained 1 gl?1 activated charcoal.  相似文献   

An additional wound at the base of one-node stem cuttings of Eucalyptus grandis increased rooting. Girdling intact shoots reduced rooting in cuttings harvested from them, while girdling cuttings at setting had little effect, suggesting that the internal phloem was active in basipetal transport in the stem. The vertical distribution of roots in additionally wounded cuttings also suggested a changed pattern of efflux from the internal phloem, as well as an increase in water uptake. In one-leaf cuttings more roots emerged from the leaf trace sector of the stem than from the trace of the absent leaf. In two-leaf cuttings the circumferential distribution of roots was uniform except in cuttings (a) reduced to a half-round cross-section at the base, in which rooting was more profuse at the lower of two sites of root emergence, and (b) from lateral coppice shoots whose stems were red-pigmented above with anthocyanins, in which there was less rooting than expected in the red sector. Stem volume was well related to rooting ability, largely explaining variation due to the original position of the cutting within the shoot and crown.  相似文献   

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