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【目的】分析苹果始花期对气候变化的响应,提取主要影响气象因子,并提出优势苹果花期预报方法;为苹果开花期气象灾害防御和管理措施的调整提供科学依据。【方法】采用偏最小二乘回归法对西峰农业气象试验站多年观测的苹果始花期与光、热、水气象因子进行分析,并开展了苹果始花期预测。【结果】苹果始花期的早晚与2月下旬至4月上旬的旬平均气温及3月平均气温呈显著负相关;苹果开花日期与积温呈现显著的相关性,≥0℃、≥5℃积温越大或0℃积温越小,花期出现越早,反之则迟;说明气温升高,开花日期出现早,反之则迟。苹果始花期与稳定通过10℃初日接近,较稳定通过5℃初日晚超过20 d。利用偏最小二乘回归模型预报苹果始花期,预测日期与实际日期相符率为97%。【结论】影响陇东苹果开花早晚的主要影响因素是热量因子,日照次之,降水影响最小,气候变暖和高光照使苹果始花期提前。偏最小二乘回归模型预测苹果始花期较传统回归模型和线性分析法预报苹果始花期更为科学。  相似文献   

The effect of gibberellic acid, GA3, on breaking of dormancy, sprouting and flowering of 9 cultivars of tulips was investigated, using 4 cultivars recommended for forcing and 5 not suitable for forcing. GA3 was applied to the basal plates of the bulbs in a lanolin paste before planting, or was injected into the bulbs prior to rooting or after 38 or 64 days of cold treatment. The application of GA3 stimulated sprouting, growth of floral stalks and flowering in all investigated cultivars. Injection of GA3 was more effective than topical application. The effect of GA3 on sprouting and flowering of plants was especially effective after 38 or 64 days of cold treatment. The possibility of applying GA3 in commercial horticulture is considered.  相似文献   

Treatment of 2-year-old blackcurrant bushes, at the early grape stage of flowering, with a 0.5% v/v spray of DEPEG prevented abscission of flowers following exposure to a simulated frost of ?2°C for 3 hours. Untreated bushes subjected to the same low-temperature treatment suffered a 25% reduction in fruit set.  相似文献   

Light intensity is an important factor affecting the flowering of Gladiolus. Insufficient illumination from sprouting to the 4-leaf stage decreased flowering percentage. However, the inflorescences of those plants which did flower under conditions of low light intensity were normal and developed the full number of florets per spike. Plants at the 4–6 leaf stage were most sensitive to prevailing light conditions. Low light intensity during this period decreased both the percentage of flowering and the number of florets per spike. After this stage only the number of florets per spike was affected by insufficient light.  相似文献   

Under conditions of low light intensity in winter, low temperatures (1–4°C) increase the occurrence of flower blasting. This chilling damage was observed at two developmental stages — immediately after planting and at the 7th leaf stage when spike emergence starts. Gladioli are extremely tolerant to high temperatures (up to 50 °C) as long as air humidity and soil moisture are at an optimum. The damaging effect of high temperature is generally indirect via its effect on plant water balance. Plants were directly damaged by high temperature during the period from planting to the first leaf stage. Decrease in soil moisture reduced flowering at most stages of development. The stages immediately after planting and just before spike emergence were the most sensitive.  相似文献   

羽衣甘蓝创新种质形态学特征研究   总被引:13,自引:5,他引:8  
利用引进的国外羽衣甘蓝杂种一代品种创造了一批羽衣甘蓝新种质,研究了形态学特征及其主要性状在杂种一代中的遗传表现和规律.其中,整理与分类了创造的新种质43份,观赏性优异的杂种一代新组合12份.杂种优势利用是选育丰富多彩的羽衣甘蓝新品种的快速有效途径之一.  相似文献   

The relationship between the susceptibility to rapid temperature drop induced leaf injury, i.e. “leaf spot”, and the antioxidant capacities of several Saintpaulia (African violet) cultivars was examined. Cultivars ‘Ritali’ and ‘Tamiko’, that are more susceptible to leaf spot caused by a rapid drop in leaf temperature from 30 to 15°C than are cultivars ‘Maui’ and ‘New Jersey’. The susceptible cultivars were also more susceptible to oxidative stress caused by H2O2 and active chlorine than the tolerant cultivars. Reduction of available chlorine, considered to be accelerated by antioxidants of leaf tissue, was rapid in ‘Maui’ and ‘New Jersey’. Activity of the antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase and catalase were higher in the leaves of ‘Maui’ and ‘New Jersey’ than in the susceptible cultivars. These findings show a correlation between leaf spot injury and antioxidant capacity in Saintpaulia leaves.  相似文献   


The pattern of leaf composition was investigated in three litchi orchards (cvs Bengal and Tai So) in subtropical Australia (Lat 27°S). Leaves were sampled from fruiting and non-fruiting branches from flowering to fruit harvest. The response to fruiting varied with the nutrient and the orchard. The major effect of fruiting was to reduce leaf K in two of the orchards. Leaf N, P, Zn and Na were lower in fruiting branches in a third of the orchards, while leaf Ca, Mg, Mn and B levels were higher. The levels of these nutrients in the other two orchards, and those of Cu and Fe, were not significantly affected by fruiting status. Strong seasonal effects from flowering to harvest on the leaf contents of most nutrients followed the typical pattern as leaves aged. Most nutrients were more stable during flowering to just after fruit set. The levels of most nutrients were similar in both leaf and fruit. The major exceptions were K which was about twice as high in the fruit and B which was five times higher in the leaves. The uptake of all nutrients continued throughout fruit growth in proportion to the accumulation of fruit dry weight and reached a maximum rate during the final period of aril (flesh) development. The relative order for final content in the fruit was: K>N>P>Mg>Ca>Na>Fe>Zn>Cu>Mn>B. The choice of branch type and time of sampling would influence the diagnosis for N, K, Ca, Mg and Fe at these sites. It is recommended that leaves for diagnostic purposes in litchi be collected from fruiting branches two to six weeks after fruit set.  相似文献   

影响夏菊开花的环境因子初步研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
孙兆法  李世润 《园艺学报》1998,25(3):310-312
夏菊品种夏黄完成春化过程所需的温度范围较宽,16℃以上的温度即能满足其春化需求。气温高于30℃时夏黄开花延迟,表明其花芽发育存在某个适宜的高温界限。冬季日照强度较弱时,摘心以后全天用高压钠灯(光强2000lx)补光35d显著促进了夏黄侧枝的早期营养生长和开花。  相似文献   

The effect of gibberellic acid, GA3, on the growth and flowering of hyacinth cultivars ‘Pink Pearl’, ‘Delft Blue’ and ‘Carnegie’, chilled in a cold room at 5°C or a garden frame for 28, 42 or 81 days, and either rooted or dry, unrooted, was investigated. GA, was applied to the basal plates of the bulbs in a lanolin paste on 10 October 1975.The growth of the inflorescence and leaves of plants originating from dry-chilled bulbs was generally the same as that of those grown from rooted plants. A similar response to GA3 treatment was observed in all cultivars. Treatment of bulbs with GA3 decreased the number of days to flowering, stimulated the growth of inflorescences and leaves, and its effect was most pronounced in the plants chilled for shorter periods.  相似文献   

The present paper summarizes results which had been presented in the previous three papers of this series, concerning the sensitivity of Gladiolus plants to environmental factors at different stages of development. The interaction between irradiation and temperature and its effect on flower blasting is demonstrated by comparing the flowering of plants planted on three different dates in autumn and winter with total solar irradiance during the full period of development, or the sum irradiance during stages which are sensitive to irradiation.  相似文献   

Juvenile Prunus avium shoot apices produced flowering shoots after grafting to mature trees irrespective of treatment of the apices in the season before grafting with G A or G A + cytokinin. Scions grown from mature shoot apices grafted to seedling stocks failed to flower, again irrespective of prior hormone treatment. Similar treatment of mature shoot apices with these hormones, or with zeatin, inhibited concurrent floral initiation, but G A or GA + zeatin treatments increased flowering of scions grown from the treated apices after grafting to untreated mature trees. Localized shoot tip or root drench treatment of one or two year old seedlings with (2RS, 3RS)-paclobutrazol failed to induce flowering, but treatment of three or four year old plants did stimulate flowering. Branch or stem girdling or root flooding applied alone or in combination to three year old plants did not affect flowering. Floral initiation by three or four year old plants was inhibited by treatment with GAs. The results were consistent with the presence in seedlings of a root- produced, xylem transported, graft-transmissible inhibitor(s), which control the initiation of otherwise competent meristems, and which could include factors other than GAs. Juvenile meristem competence to flower was not affected by prior GA treatment.  相似文献   

从单穗、单株和植株群体3个方面调查分析乐山古荔枝雌雄花开花特性。结果表明:乐山古荔枝雌雄花交替开放的顺序是雄-雌-雄;植株群体雌雄花开放时间比单穗和单株长;雌花在开花后7~10d为落花高峰期。雄花在开花后10~18d,21~25d分别出现两个落花高峰。  相似文献   

试验表明,‘龙柱’碧桃嫁接繁育时,切接生产一级苗比例高达33. 4%,在4月上中旬气温较高时,采用蜡封、粗细0. 8~1. 0 cm接穗,成活率最高为90. 8%,适宜生产高端景观绿化苗;芽接时,采用砧穗粗细匹配、新采接穗、避开雨天、7月上旬~8月下旬适于嫁接,成活率高达94.6%,单株平均净收入为3.23元,高于切接苗0.19元/株,经济效益好。  相似文献   

蔷薇科包含很多具有重要经济价值的园艺植物,它们的开花模式多样,而不同的开花模式又直接影响了开花观赏期和果树产期,在园艺生产上非常重要。以拟南芥为代表的模式植物中,TERMINAL FLOWER1(TFL1)基因调控开花的分子机制已被深入研究,它是调控植物花芽分化的关键基因,可以维持花序的无限生长状态,延迟拟南芥的开花时间。然而,人们对蔷薇科植物开花调控机制的了解还比较有限。在本文,我们回顾了TFL1同源基因在蔷薇科植物开花时间调控分子机制方面的研究进展,并着重阐述了TFL1同源基因在各种蔷薇科植物开花转型以及童期向成熟期转换过程中的表达规律和遗传功能,为今后深入研究TFL1调控蔷薇科植物开花时间以及童期变化的分子机制提供了重要的基础。  相似文献   

根据有关文献综述了国内外应用氯酸钾诱导龙眼(Dimocarpus longana)成花效应与机理的研究进展,概述了使用氯酸盐促使龙眼成花的关键技术、施用量和施用方法以及成花机理的各种推测与假说。尽管用氯酸盐对龙眼进行反季节催花已获得一定的效果,但也存在催花效果不稳定、诱导成花率偏低、单株间效果差异大、成花的同步性差等现象,还无法在生产上大规模推广应用。究其原因是人们尚未从本质上掌握龙眼成花的调控机理。对龙眼成花机理已进行的研究主要是在营养和激索方面,而从蛋白质的功能、遗传物质和成花控制基因等分予生物学的方面的研究报道还较少。  相似文献   

龙眼花果期管理技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
龙眼 ( Dimocarpuslongana)原产于我国华南各省 ,是典型的亚热带水果 ,也是被世界公认的难于成花和坐果的树种 ( Menzel,1 960 )。近十年来 ,由于大面积种植和气候变化 ,龙眼生产上诸多问题更为突出 :大小年明显、冲梢成穗率低、坐果率低、果实品质差等。漳州地区的福眼品种种植面积大 ,根据物候期和气候因素关系的特点 ,我们采取修剪壮秋梢、调节剂促花、花穗短截壮花、适时保果提高坐果率等措施取得良好效果。现将结果报道如下。1 材料与方法1 .1 材料   ( 1 ) 1 999年 8~ 1 1月在龙海市九湖镇龙眼基地 ,选取 8年生福眼 6株 ,采果后…  相似文献   

The effect of the duration of high temperature interruption and the timing of its occurrence during inductive period on the extent of inhibition of inflorescence production in ‘Arbequina’ olive trees was investigated. Trees kept under inductive conditions in different growth chambers were subjected to high daytime temperature (26 ± 1 °C) interruptions for 3, 6, and 12 days. There was no significant difference in the extent of flowering between trees given an uninterrupted induction period and the trees where inductive period was interrupted with high daytime temperatures for three days. Inflorescence production was significantly reduced by both 6 and 12 days high temperature interruptions. Number of flowers per inflorescence was significantly reduced only with 12 days high temperature interruption. Since there was no significant difference between the extent of inhibition of inflorescence by 6 and 12 days high temperature interruption, therefore, 6 days high temperature interruption was used in subsequent experiments to study the effect of timing of interruption. A six day interruption of high temperature produced significant reduction (more than 83%) in inflorescence production irrespective of the time of interruption (i.e., 40 or 50 days after the start of induction) or number of interruptions. None of these treatments had any significant effect on the number of flowers per inflorescence. Higher levels of free arginine were found in trees that had greatest number of inflorescences produced under inductive conditions without any high temperature interruption.  相似文献   

The formation of flower buds in Clerodendrum seems not to be affected by day length, but the development of the buds is delayed in long days. When long days were established by means of low-intensity illumination with incandescent lamps, few flowers developed and the stems elongated considerably even at a day length of 16 hours. When fluorescent lamps were used for day-length extension, short shoots with many flowers were obtained even in 24-hour days. Flower development was also delayed by gibberellic acid (GA3), but promoted by chlormequat both in short and long days. Shoot elongation was retarded by chlormequat and promoted by GA3.Plants obtained from commercial greenhouses varied considerably with respect to growth and flowering. By selection a clone was obtained which flowered richly on short shoots. Shoot elongation stopped when flowering began. A ‘negative’ selection gave rise to a clone which flowered sparsely and in which shoot elongation was not influenced by flowering.  相似文献   

When grown in a glasshouse, flowering in Primula vulgaris ‘Aalsmeer Giant’ (yellow) and ‘Ducat’ (blue) was delayed with increasing temperature from approximately 12°C to 18°C. In addition, size of the first open flower and the number of flowering axillary shoots decreased, whereas the number of leaves and leaf area increased with the temperature increase. All temperature responses were greater in ‘Aalsmeer’ than in ‘Ducat’.When grown in growth rooms at 9°C, flowering in P. vulgaris ‘Aalsmeer Giant’ (yellow) was inhibited compared with 15°C. However, when 9 weeks of 15°C was applied to plants grown for 9 weeks at 9°C, the inhibition was overcome; longer periods of 15°C being no more effective. This indicates than an early stage of flower formation, probably the initiation, in Primula vulgaris is inhibited by 9°C, and not the further development of the buds towards open flowers.  相似文献   

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