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Supplementary pollination of almond using electrostatic techniques was tested in a three year study (1996–1998) in Northern Israel. We used an electrostatic pollination device and tested its effects on fruitlet set, fruit set, yield weight and nut weight. We also tested its ability to pollinate flowers on the tree from the distal to the proximal part of the branches. We found that when individual branches were pollinated, fruitlet set was in accordance with the expected deposition rate of pollen grains on the stigma: electrostatic 1 open pollination > non-electrostatic + open pollination + open pollination > electrostatic pollination > non-electrostatic pollination > spontaneous self pollination. Fruit set results showed the same pattern but were not as precise. Electrostatic pollination of individual trees resulted in an insignificant increase in pollen germinability on the stigma. The highest germinability was on the distal part of the branch and the lowest was on the proximal part of the branch, in all pollination treatments. Electrostatic pollination increased yield as compared with non-electrostatic and open pollination. Nut weight, however, decreased slightly with increased yield. We suggest that electrostatic pollination can be an important method for pollen supplementation in almond orchards when honeybee pollination is insuf®cient and when the trees can withstand the added portion of nuts, resulting from improved pollination.  相似文献   

Pollination and fertilization success in white yam, Dioscorea rotundata Poir., depend on knowledge and good management of factors influencing the availability of open male flowers from which good pollen can be collected for effective use in pollinations of genetically compatible female plants under non-xeric conditions. In vitro germination of pollen from numerous genotypes demonstrated varied viability (0.3–85.0%). However, pollen from bisexual flowers on monoecious plants was inferior to pollen from unisexual flowers from dioecious plants. Natural pollination by thrips is inefficient, such that populations with higher ratios of male to female plants set more fruits. To improve fruit set, hand pollinations should be made with pollen from diverse genotypes, early in the flowering period when net water balance is positive. In crossing-blocks, male plants should be closely interpositioned with female plants to reduce pollination distance, thereby improving pollination and fruit set.  相似文献   

王彩霞  田敏  李全健  刘芬 《园艺学报》2012,39(6):1159-1166
 通过野外观察、授粉特性分析、杂交指数估算及人工控制授粉试验等方法对白及野生居群的花部特征和繁育系统进行了研究。结果表明:在自然条件下,白及4-5月开花,群体花期约44 d,群体盛花期约12 d,集中在4月29日-5月10日,单株花期11 ~ 27 d,单花花期6 ~ 8 d。总状花序上具两性花3 ~ 11朵。在花朵开放的整个过程中,花药始终高于柱头且两者之间存在隔离。花粉成熟时由粘性物质聚结成团,无法散落至柱头。开花后3 d 内花粉活力和柱头可授性均较高。白及杂交指数为4。无论去雄与否,套袋后的花均不结实,说明其不能进行自然的自花授粉和无融合生殖。白及人工自花授粉、同株异花授粉和异株授粉的结实率分别为93.33%、90.00%和93.33%,自然条件下的结实率为5.26%。花粉成熟时由粘性物质聚结成团和缺乏有效的传粉媒介可能是白及自然条件下结实率低的主要原因。  相似文献   

Self-compatibility was assessed in 19 almond selections by genetic and physiological means, such as PCR with specific primers for the Sf allele, pollen tube growth, and fruit set after self-pollination and in bagged branches. Although all genotypes possessed the Sf allele and showed a similar pollen tube growth after self-pollination than after cross-pollination with cross-compatible pollen, fruit sets showed a different behaviour between years, ranging from 16.2 to 24.7%, as well as between treatments, with the highest after self-pollination. The differences between genotypes could be due to the genetic constitution of each genotype, where inbreeding may reduce set by the accumulation of deleterious genes in different members of a progeny. Flower morphology may also affect sets in bagged branches. Thus, in addition to bud density, flower sterility, pollination success and environmental conditions, other traits must be taken into account when evaluating yield in self-compatible almond cultivars, such as the inbreeding effect and the effective autonomous self-pollination.  相似文献   

The fact that rainy weather negatively affects production in almond is well-known by growers. However, as far as we know, no previous study has been carried out in this species to determine if the rain is able to wash off pollen grains from the stigma surface and consequently affect fertilization efficiency. To answer this question, flowers of the self-compatible almond cultivar ‘Antoñeta’ were emasculated on branches of trees in the field, pollinated by hand with pollen of the cultivar ‘Marcona’, and sprayed with water to simulate the rain effect at 4, 8, 24 and 48 h after pollination. A control for which no treatment was applied was also included in the assay. Seven days after spraying the flowers, the number of germinated pollen grains on the stigma was recorded in 10 pistils for each treatment by fluorescent microscopic observation. In addition, for each treatment the initial and final fruit set were determined at 30 and 60 days after pollination, respectively. The following year additional assays were performed in the field and in the laboratory in order to complete the study with earlier treatment times. Thus, an assay of rain simulation in the field at 0 and 2 h, and other consisting on immersing a branch with flowers and shaking it in a water container in the laboratory at 0, 30, 60 and 120 min after pollination were performed. One sample more was immersed, shaken, then pollinated and again immersed and shaken. The results from field assays showed that adhesion of pollen grains to the stigma was very quick and strong, and the treatments did not significantly affect pollen–stigma adhesion and subsequent fruit set. On the other hand, laboratory results showed that all washing treatments decreased the number of germinated pollen grains on the stigma, mainly when the flowers were immersed before pollination. In conclusion, the results showed that the simulated rain was not able to completely wash off pollen grains from the stigma surface, although it seems to affect adhesion in forthcoming pollinations.  相似文献   

Single spray applications of 100 ppm of a mixture of the gibberellins A4 and A7 (GA4 + 7) were made on fruiting spurs of the apple cultivar Cox's Orange Pippin to investigate the effect on set, June drop and growth of fruits, as well as on shoot development and flower-bud formation on the bourses. Applications were made from 1 to 50 days after full bloom following partial hand-pollination of flowers, i.e. two stigmas per flower pollinated. In another experiment applications were made from 1 to 20 days after full bloom following complete (five stigmas per flower) or partial (two stigmas per flower) hand-pollination, after open pollination, or on emasculated flowers.GA4 + 7 only temporarily increased fruit set after open pollination or after effemination of flowers, and then only after application 1 day after full bloom. GA4 + 7 did not affect the very high fruit set after complete or partial hand-pollination. Both latter pollination treatments induced an equally high fruit set.GA4 + 7 reduced June drop significantly whenever fruits were left after first drop, except after early applications following open pollination. GA4 + 7 was effective in June-drop reduction up to 40 days after full bloom, i.e. until the onset of the June drop.Fruit size was not clearly affected by GA4 + 7. The smaller fruits obtained in some cases after GA treatment could be explained by assuming that maturity was reached by fruits that would have abscised without an exogenous GA4 + 7 supply. GA4 + 7 also increased seed abortion. Fruit length was increased by GA4 + 7 only for applications made up to 20 days after full bloom.GA4 + 7 stimulated bourse-shoot development to some extent. Flower-bud formation on the bourses was not clearly affected by GA4 + 7, but was markedly influenced by the presence of fruits.That GA4 + 7 reduced June drop so much in spite of a slight promotive effect on bourse-shoot growth and a slight abortive action on seeds suggests that these gibberellins may be specific stimuli for apple-fruit growth after actual fruit set is achieved.  相似文献   

‘中油蟠5号’是通过多代杂交聚合选育的早熟黄肉油蟠桃新品种,其母本为单株‘99-7-14’油桃,父本为优系‘砧1-3’油蟠桃。该品种果实扁平,平均单果质量130 g,大果200 g;果实无茸毛,果皮底色黄色,果面全红;果肉黄色,硬溶质,黏核;肉质细腻,可溶性固形物含量14.0%。花为蔷薇型,花粉多,自花结实,丰产稳产;在郑州地区果实6月底成熟,果实生育期85~90 d。  相似文献   


Two artificial pollination field trials were carried out in Central Chile (32°S. Lat.) during the 1999-2000 season with ‘Hay-ward’ kiwifruit plants (Actinidia deliciosa (Chev.) Liang et Ferguson). The treatments for both trials used pollen collected from ‘Matua’ and included: flower to flower hand pollination; hand pollination using a velvet pad attached to a handle; and mechanical pollination using a portable pollen (1:1, pollen: licopodium) dusting machine; and a control treatment without artificial pollination. Trial 1 did not include bee hives as did Trial 2. In Trial 2, half of the selected shoots in each plant were isolated from bee pollination by means of a light fabric bag. A block design with 5 replications of one plant each was used in Trial 1, while in Trial 2 a fully random split plot (with and without isolation) with 5 replications was used. In both trials, flower to flower and pad pollination increased fruit set, fruit size, seeds and fertilized locules per fruit. Mechanical pollination also increased these variables but to a lesser degree. In the split plot design carried out in the Trial 2, even though there was an interaction between isolation and pollination treatment, the supplementary bee pollination tended to increase fruit size, seeds and fertilized locules per fruit.  相似文献   

The influence of honey-bees’ pollination on parameters of yield of the three highbush blueberry varieties ‘Bluecrop’, ‘Reka’ and ‘Brigitta Blue’ was investigated. Four pollination variants were realized: 1. without cage; 2. cage with bees; 3. cage without bees; 4. fine-meshed bag. Total yield, fruit weight, seed production and phenology of the three varieties were examined. An enormously positive influence of honey-bees on yields of ‘Bluecrop’ and ‘Reka’ was found: total yield was by 500–560% higher in cages with bees compared to cages without bees. The results of fruit weight and seed production were similarly clear. However, ‘Brigitta Blue’ hardly responded to different intensities of pollination: regardless of the variant, total yield was extremely low (in cage with bees only 35% of the ‘Bluecrop’-yield) and couldn’t be improved by intensive pollination. The same applied to number of seeds per fruit. However, the mean fruit weight resembled that of ‘Reka’, but wasn’t influenced by the intensity of pollination, either. ‘Bluecrop’ lived up to its reputation as most profitable standard grade with highest yields in all variants (3.7?kg/m3 bush in cage with bees), highest fruit weight (1.6?g) and maximum number of seeds per fruit (98). A direct correlation between fruit weight and number of seeds per fruit couldn’t be established.  相似文献   

通过开展早熟梨果实套袋试验表明:对早熟梨实施套袋,可以显著地改善果实品质,尤以对外观品质的作用显著。套袋果实的果面都较对照的果实光滑,果点较小,锈斑面积小。可见,套袋是提高果实的商品性、生产无公害梨产品的有效途径。但套袋果可溶性固形物含量稍低于对照果,风味稍变淡,内在品质不如对照果,在生产上可采取多施有机肥、根外追肥、适当晚采、采前去袋等措施弥补这一缺陷。同时,套袋纸质的选择应根据品种而确定:‘翠冠’梨选择以台湾好果袋、山东爱农果袋等质量较好的双层纸袋为好。梨套袋时间也应根据不同品种特性确定:果点大而密、颜色深、锈斑严重的应该尽早套袋;果点小、颜色淡、锈斑轻的品种套袋时期可适当晚一些。‘翠冠’梨适宜的套袋时期一般以谢花后30 d为宜。  相似文献   


In this paper, the floral biology and pollination ecology of Salvia splendens are described. All flower characteristics (red corolla, large tubular flowers with abundant but dilute nectar) indicate that S. splendens is adapted to hummingbird pollination. Honeybees, however, were also found to be good pollinators of this plant. Apis mellifera was equally effective in pollinating S. splendens as hand pollination and open pollination, resulting in a 300% increase in seed set compared with bagged control plants. The much smaller stingless bee Tetragonisca angustula was not an effective pollinator of these flowers since during visitation its body failed to touch the stigma. Although pollination seemed not to be the only limiting factor in seed production, external pollinators enhance seed production in S. splendens, and Apis mellifera is an effective, commercially available pollination agent of this economically important ornamental plant.  相似文献   

《Scientia Horticulturae》2005,104(3):265-273
In Japan, artificial pollination is practiced to improve fruit set as well as fruit size and to obtain perfect round shapes in ‘Housui’ (S3S5) Japanese pear and most commercial cultivars that present gametophytic self-incompatibility. The period of artificial pollination application is limited by environmental conditions and the availability of a labor force. The present study aimed to determine if pre-pollination applications of putrescine (1.0 and 0.01 mM) positively affect fruit set in ‘Housui’ after hand-pollination. During 2002 and 2003, fruit set in late pollinated flowers increased with pre-pollination putrescine applications and concentrations of 1.0 mM had a better effect than 0.01 mM. In vitro pollination tests revealed that higher pollen germination was present in the stigmas of flowers sprayed with 1.0 mM of putrescine compared to the controls. Putrescine application did not affect post-pollination ethylene production in the styles. Moreover, in the styles of non-treated flowers, an increment of putrescine content and ethylene production after pollination was found, suggesting post-pollination responses and confirming the lack of antagonism between polyamines and ethylene at least during this process.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted during 2005 and 2006 growing seasons at Ras Munif (32°22′N, 35°45′E), Ajloun, Jordan, to evaluate different pollination treatments and their effects on fruit set and quality of loquat fruit grown under Mediterranean conditions. Open, supplemental, rain, and covered pollination treatments were imposed on the selected trees. Results showed that under supplemental and open-pollination, extremely higher fruit set was obtained compared with rain and covered treatments. In spite of a heavy crop load, fruits obtained under open and supplemental pollination were also heavier and larger, this could be partly due to a significant increase in seeds and flesh weight. Sugar content was good for both open and supplemental pollination. Wind plays little or no role in loquat pollination process. Loquat flowers attracted very limited number of bee visitors, A. mellifera, Anthophora albigena and Xylocopa violocea of family Apidae and Halictus quadricinctus of family Halictidae were recorded the only loquat flower visitors. They showed a variation in their visiting time but loquat flowers attracted the highest rate and number during the mid of the day.  相似文献   

不同类型果袋对秦光2号油桃品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为了完善油桃果实套袋技术,以油桃(P.persicavar.nucipersica)秦光2号品种为试材,研究了不同果袋对果实外观品质和内在品质的影响。结果表明,套单层双色纸袋使成熟期果实果皮中叶绿素和类胡萝卜素分别比对照降低34.14%和53.14%,但花青苷却增加4.20%,且果实硬度略有增加,果面干净,色泽鲜艳,外观品质提高;可溶性糖、有机酸含量略有下降。套双层双色纸袋与套单层双色纸袋对油桃果实的外观品质和内在品质的影响差异不明显。套塑膜袋易产生日灼。在陕西关中地区,对中晚熟油桃套袋,选择单层双色纸袋效果较好。  相似文献   

中果型西瓜不同授粉方式的效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了降低瓜农的劳动强度,研究西瓜不同授粉方式,对地爬中果型西瓜京欣3号蜜蜂授粉、激素授粉和人工对花授粉方式的效果进行比较.结果表明:3种授粉方式的植株长势在整个生育期无明显影响,植株长势良好.蜜蜂授粉的植株坐果率最高为100%;人工授粉方式的植株单瓜质量最高为5.89 kg,但经统计分析在5%水平上无显著差异.在3种不同的授粉方式中,蜜蜂授粉处理西瓜中心可溶性固形物含量最高,达到11.24%;667 m2产量和经济效益也最高,分别为4 231 kg和13 409元,显著高于激素授粉和人工授粉,且蜜蜂授粉西瓜果形周正品质好.综合考虑产量、坐果率和品质等指标,中果型西瓜蜜蜂授粉表现最为优异,蜜蜂授粉绿色环保,大大降低了农户的劳动强度.  相似文献   

珍稀濒危植物掌叶木的开花生物学特性与繁育系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过野外观察、杂交指数估算、授粉特性分析及人工控制授粉试验等方法对珍稀濒危植物掌叶木(Handeliodendron bodinieri)开花生物学特性和繁育系统进行研究。结果表明:(1)掌叶木每年开花1次,花期在4月下旬到5月中下旬,开花的起止时间及花期的长短受当地气候影响较大;(2)花多为假两性花,即形态上为雌、雄蕊完整的两性花,而功能上为雌、雄蕊选择性败育形成的单性花,偶见雌、雄蕊可育的真两性花植株;单性花通常雌、雄异株,且雌株较雄株少,花序较雄株短5.6 cm,花期也较雄株短2周左右,雄株花序上偶尔见雌花单花;(3)单花经历萌动、露白、展开、盛开、凋落5个阶段,历时5 ~ 6 d;雄花从萌动到开花1 d的花粉活力高达90.5%,开花2 d后活力显著下降;雌花柱头在展开前部分具可授性,展开后1 ~ 3 d均具可授性,花粉活力与柱头可授性重叠;(4)雄花单花花粉量为51 461个,雌花单花胚珠数6,花粉胚珠比(P/O)为8 577,杂交指数为4,结合人工授粉、套袋、套网和自然授粉坐果率判断,掌叶木繁育系统为专性异交,传粉过程需要传粉者,可能存在无融合生殖。(5)掌叶木花性别分化复杂,可孕花数量较不孕花少,可育雌、雄蕊存在较大的空间隔离,加之不稳定的传粉环境,可能是其濒危的重要生殖生物学原因。  相似文献   

Prunella vulgaris (Lamiaceae), commonly known as selfheal, is a perennial herb with a long history of use in traditional medicine. Recent studies have found that P. vulgaris possesses anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antibacterial properties, and it is likely that this will lead to increased commercial demand for this species. To date, research publications on P. vulgaris cultivation and genetics are scarce. Using accessions originally collected from different geographical regions, we investigated the breeding system of this species by observing variation in floral morphology, time of pollen release, and selfed-seed set in bagged flowers and isolated plants. Two types of floral morphology, one with exerted styles, extending past open corollas when viewed from above, and the other with shorter, inserted styles, were found among 30 accessions. Two accessions originally collected from Asia uniformly displayed exerted styles, and 27 accessions had inserted styles. One accession from Oregon displayed variation in this trait among individual plants. Microscopic observation of seven accessions, including ones with both exerted and inserted styles, revealed that they all release pollen to some degree before the flowers open. Using bagged flowers, we found that selfed-seed set varied widely among eight accessions, ranging from 6% to 94%. However, bagging may underestimate seed set for some accessions. The two accessions with the lowest rates when using bagged flowers increased in seed set by 350% and 158%, respectively, when we evaluated single, unbagged plants in isolation cages. The accession with 6% selfed-seed set when bagged also had exerted styles. These findings suggest that mating systems in P. vulgaris may be in the process of evolutionary change and that understanding breeding-system variation should be useful in developing efficient seed-regeneration protocols and breeding and selection strategies for this species.  相似文献   

钙素营养与套袋苹果苦痘病的关系   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
为了探讨苹果套袋后苦痘病加重的原因,以富士苹果为试材,对果实发育过程中钙、氮含量的变化规律,果实幼果期和成熟期钙总量,套袋后果实微环境湿度变化及不同有机质果园苦痘病发生率进行了测定。结果表明,未套袋苹果果实在幼果期吸收钙量占成熟果实总钙量30%左右,后期占70%左右,套袋影响了果实对钙的吸收;套袋使袋内湿度增加,果实表面蒸腾作用降低,使果实对钙的吸收受到影响;同时套袋果氮含量一直高于未套袋果,N/Ca增大,促成了苦痘病的发生。增加果园有机质含量,可以改善根际钙离子供应,降低苦痘病的发生。  相似文献   

紫背天葵花部特征与繁育系统的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈雄伟  邵玲  梁广坚  梁霞 《园艺学报》2013,40(2):363-372
 通过对濒危植物紫背天葵(Begonia fimbristipula Hance)野外定点观测和引种栽培,运用杂 交指数、花粉活力及柱头可授性、花粉-胚珠比、人工授粉和套袋试验等方法,对其花部特征、开花动 态及繁育系统进行研究。结果表明:紫背天葵单株花期25 ~ 30 d,群体花期45 ~ 55 d,花单性,雌雄同 株同花序、异熟,雄蕊先熟。花药与柱头相距约2.0 cm,花开放式样为雄花-雌花-雄花的开放顺序, 雌花开放一般滞后雄花2 ~ 3 d,杂交指数OCI ≥ 4,P/O 值为96.56,结合去雄、人工套袋和自然授粉坐 果率判断,紫背天葵繁育系统为自交亲和为主,与异交并存的混合交配型系统。对生存环境的专一性依 赖及其小居群长期自交的方式可能是导致该物种濒危的原因之一,“球茎”是其生殖补偿的有效途径。  相似文献   

Flower or fruit thinning is a critical cultural practice in the date palm production chain that affects fruit development, quality and yield and regulates tree yearly bearing. Development of a save and economic thinning agent for date palm is critically required especially under harsh conditions. During 2004 and 2005 seasons, water spray for 3 min was applied at different times following mechanical pollination on ‘Lulu’ date palm cultivar growing under Al-Ain oasis conditions. The results showed that water spray following pollination generally decreased fruit set percentage to different extent depending of the time of application. In this respect, the most effective treatment was water spray after 4 h following pollination. This treatment significantly decreased fruit set percentage (48%) compared to the control (79%), as the mean of both seasons. However, the other treatments including water spray 1 h before pollination also decreased fruit set percentage but to a lesser extent. Fruit quality characteristics especially fruit and flesh weight, length and diameter were significantly increased by water spray treatments during the 2004 season, in contrast to the 2005 season. Thinning with water significantly decreased both bunch weight and total yield per tree at the Tamr stage especially when applied after 4 h following pollination. To the best of our knowledge, this is a pioneer study investigating the role of water as a potential thinning agent for date palm flowers. The use of water spray as a save and economic thinner needs, however, more research work to justify the time following pollination and duration of application which may vary upon cultivar, method of pollination and district.  相似文献   

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