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Soil slips occur every few years due to heavy rains on biotite granite (Gb) and hornblende biotite granite (Ghb) slopes in the Taga Mountains, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan. The occurrence density of soil slips per unit area is 2.7 times greater in the Gb slopes than that in Ghb slopes. We examined the chemical, mineral, physical, and mechanical properties of two soil profiles on soil-slip scars in these slopes to study the effect of bedrock mineral composition on the density of soil slips. For a given size of mineral grain, the amount of biotite (which is susceptible to chemical weathering) in granitic bedrocks strongly influenced the density of soil slips. In the Gb slope the soil layer becomes thinner because of the smaller proportion of biotite in the bedrock; this restricts the downward movement of soil water into the material below the slip plane. During heavy rainfall the water surface then rises toward the slope surface above the slip plane. This promotes soil slips, increasing the density of soil-slip scars. In contrast, in the Ghb slope, with more biotite in the bedrock, the soil layer becomes thicker, so that soil water moves easily into the material beneath the slip plane. This limits the rise of water surface toward the slope surface above the slip plane even during heavy rainfalls. There are consequently fewer soil slips and density of soil-slip scars.  相似文献   

M. Burylo  C. Hudek  F. Rey 《CATENA》2011,84(1-2):70-78
In marly catchments of the French Southern Alps, the development of plant root systems is essential to increase slope stability and mitigate soil erosion, prevalent in this area. In a context of land restoration, it is important to be able to evaluate plant efficiency for soil reinforcement. This paper presents the results of investigations carried out on six dominant species from marly gullies. It aims to compare the additional soil cohesion they provide at the early stages of their development. The six following species were collected: two tree species, Pinus nigra and Quercus pubescens, two shrubby species, Genista cinerea and Thymus serpyllum, and two herbaceous species, Achnatherum calamagrostis and Aphyllantes monspeliensis. For each of them, we measured root tensile strength and root area ratio in order to calculate the potential root reinforcement and to compare species suitability to prevent shallow mass movements. Results showed significant differences between species. The herbaceous species A. monspeliensis and the shrubby species G. cinerea provided the highest increase in soil shear strength while the tree species, P. nigra and Q. pubescens were the least efficient. These results, along with the knowledge on vegetation dynamics and species response to erosive constraint, allow us to better evaluate land vulnerability to erosion and the efficiency of restoration actions in eroded marly lands.  相似文献   

Summary A further collecting mission was carried out in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in 1988 within the frame of the agreement between the Academies of Sciences of the D.P.R.K. and the German Democratic Republic. 90 samples of grain legumes, medicinal plants, vegetables, oil- and fibre- plants and cereals were collected. The material indicates a long tradition of Korean agri- and horticulture and is promising for research and breeding purposes.
Bericht über eine Reise zur Sammlung pflanzlicher genetischer Ressourcen in der Koreanischen Demokratischen Volksrepublik im Jahre 1988
Zusammenfassung Eine weitere Sammelreise in der Koreanischen Demokratischen Volksrepublik wurde im Jahre 1988 im Rahmen des Abkommens zwischen den Akademien der Wissenschaften der KDVR und der DDR durchgeführt. 99 Proben von Körnerleguminosen, Arzneipflanzen, Gemüsen, Öl- und Faserpflanzen sowie Getreiden wurden gesammelt. Das Material weist auf eine lange Tradition des koreanischen Acker- und Gartenbaus hin und ist als aussichtsreich für Forschungs- und Züchtungsaufgaben cinzuschätzen.

¶rt; - 1988
¶rt; - 1988 . . 99 , , , , . . .

Summary A further collecting mission was carried out in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in 1987 within the frame of the agreement between the Academies of Sciences of the DPRK and the German Democratic Republic. 73 samples of medicinal plants, grain legumes, oil- and fibre plants and cereals were collected. The material collected is promising for research and breeding purposes.
Bericht über eine Reise zur Sammlung pflanzlicher genetischer Ressourcen in der Koreanischen Demokratischen Volksrepublik im Jahre 1987
Zusammenfassung Eine weitere Sammelreise in der Koreanischen Demokratischen Volksrepublik wurde im Jahre 1987 im Rahmen des Abkommens zwischen den Akademien der Wissenschaften der KDVR und der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik durchgeführt. 73 Proben von Arzneipflanzen, Körnerleguminosen, Öl- und Faserpflanzen sowie Getreiden wurden gesammelt. Das Sammelmaterial ist als aussichtsreich für Forschungs- und Züchtungsaufgaben einzuschätzen.

- 1987
- . 73 , , . .

The accumulation of carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) and their vertical distribution in the soil profile in relation to site age were studied in a chronosequence of 19 sites on reclaimed spoil heaps from open-cast coal mining, near Sokolov (Czech Republic) and compared to a semi-natural alder forest in the vicinity of the mining area. The reclaimed sites were located on tertiary clay or quaternary gravel–sand spoil material and afforested with alder species (Alnus glutinosa, A. incana) 4–65 years ago.Rapid accumulation of C and N in the soil profile was registered within 15 years after reclamation. The rate of increase in C and N contents in the whole profile and the thickness of the litter and fermentation layers was slower in 25-year-old and older reclaimed sites. The soil of the semi-natural alder forest was richer in C and N in the 5–10-cm layer compared with 40-year-old (clays) and even with 65-year-old (gravel–sand) reclaimed soils. N accumulated more slowly in comparison with C, especially in deeper (5–10 cm) parts of the profile. Accumulation of organic C resulted in a decrease in substrate pH from alkaline, which was characteristic of young sites, to slightly acidic on older sites. The pH decreased gradually with increasing site age in all soil layers but increased with depth in the soil profile. In contrast to C and N, P content did not significantly change with site age in any layer of the soil profile. The highest amount of P was found in the fermentation layer, but there was no difference to the other layers. The soil profile of the semi-natural sites was richer in P in comparison to 40-year-old reclaimed ones.  相似文献   

通过土壤培养试验探讨了磷酸盐配合石灰或膨润土对铅冶炼污染石灰性土壤(全铅和全镉含量分别为497和5.22 mg kg-1)中铅、镉等重金属的稳定效果。石灰和膨润土均可使土壤pH明显上升,而磷酸盐使土壤pH下降。各处理措施均使土壤EC上升。膨润土、石灰有利于土壤磷有效性下降。稳定剂施用后30 d时,与对照相比,磷酸盐单独施用、石灰单独施用、膨润土单独施用、磷酸盐配合膨润土施用处理土壤DTPA-Pb含量分别下降了5.92%、16.7%、9.24%和17.9%;培养60 d时,以上处理DTPA-Pb含量与对照相比下降比例分别为6.15%、17.6%、14.5%和16.4%,而磷酸盐施用30 d后再施用一半石灰的处理DTPA-Pb含量下降14.2%。与铅相比,稳定措施对镉的有效性影响较小,仅有石灰单独施用和磷酸盐施用30 d后再施用一半石灰处理DTPA-Cd含量显著低于对照(P 0.05),降低比例分别为2.54%和5.51%。以上结果表明,对于铅冶炼污染石灰性土壤,磷酸盐配合膨润土施用、磷酸盐施用后一段时间再施用石灰均可促进镉、铅的稳定,磷酸盐配合石灰施用可降低土壤磷的风险。  相似文献   

This study reports on the influence of stone covers with different clast sizes on the soil moisture of alpine talus slopes in Lassen (California). Fifteen four-plot sets were sampled in the dry season (July 1990) in sandy areas and in talus covered with pebbles, cobbles, or blocks between 2740 and 2775 m. Three depths (0–5, 5–10, 10–15 cm) were sampled. Field moisture content increased gradually with depth in all soil profiles, and also in plots covered by increasingly larger rocks. Surface soils in sand areas were very dry, but under rocks had water contents 6 to 14 times greater. Differences among plots decreased with depth, but subsoil samples in sand were still drier than those beneath any stone cover at similar depths. Blocks were most effective in conserving moisture; water content below them was higher than even in deep (10–15 cm) sand soils. Soil temperatures were recorded in sand and under blocks for an 11-day period. Minima were not significantly different, but average maxima were 5.6°C lower under blocks than in sand, which reached highs 4.4°C lower than the air. Differences in soil moisture among talus types are ascribed to lower evaporation losses under stones, due to both disruption of capillarity by the coarse particles, which prevented water flow to the talus surface, and to their efficient reduction of maximum temperatures. An irrigation experiment was conducted at 2110 m on a steep talus on the Chaos Crags from July 18 to Aug. 2, 1993. Four 100×75 cm plots with the same surface types than at Lassen received 22.5 mm water; moisture content was then periodically sampled. Watering produced similar water distributions among soil depths and talus types to those in Lassen. Evaporation occurred quickly in bare soils due to high air and soil temperatures. The sand surface was already dry 2 days after watering, but stone-covered plots remained moist until day 15, when soils under blocks still retained 77–97% of the water content (percent by weight) at the start of the test.  相似文献   

秸秆直接还田与炭化还田对潮土硝化微生物的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为比较秸秆直接还田和炭化还田对黄淮海平原小麦/玉米轮作体系典型潮土硝化作用及硝化微生物群落的影响,设置4个处理:全量小麦秸秆还田(S)、全量秸秆炭化还田(B)、半量秸秆半量生物质炭还田(SB)和不进行秸秆或生物质炭还田的对照(CK),连续进行3 a田间试验。对小麦、玉米两个生长季土壤理化性质进行分析,用末端限制性片段长度多态性(Terminal-restriction length polymorphism,T-RFLP)技术和克隆文库技术对氨氧化古菌(Ammonia-oxidizing archaea,AOA)和氨氧化细菌(Ammonia-oxidizing bacteria,AOB)群落结构和多样性进行分析。结果表明,在小麦季,与S处理相比,B处理显著降低了土壤容重,提高了土壤pH、有机碳(SOC)和速效钾(AK)含量(P0.05),但并未显著影响土壤水分、铵态氮(NH_4~+-N)和硝态氮(NO_3~--N)含量;B和SB处理的硝化潜势(Potential nitrification rate,PNR)分别为0.58、0.49μg·h~(-1)·g~(-1)(以NO_2~-计,下同),显著高于CK,与S处理(0.40μg·h~(-1)·g~(-1))差异不显著。玉米季,B处理显著提高了土壤水分、SOC和AK(P0.05),各处理玉米季的PNR整体低于小麦季,B处理最高(0.27μg·h~(-1)·g~(-1)),显著高于CK和S处理(P0.05)。小麦季PNR分别与AK、NH_4~+浓度和土壤容重显著相关(P0.05),与AOA和AOB群落组成均无显著关系;玉米季PNR仅与理化因子SOC显著相关,但该季节PNR与AOB群落结构显著相关。冗余分析(RDA)表明,土壤SOC、容重、pH和AK是显著影响硝化微生物群落结构的主要因子,对AOA和AOB群落结构总变异的解释量分别为76.4%和75.5%。系统发育树分析表明,AOA大部分属于土壤古菌Group1.1b,AOB多属于亚硝化螺菌Nitrosospira簇3。综上,与秸秆直接还田相比,炭化还田提高土壤硝化活性,改善部分土壤理化性质,引起土壤硝化微生物群落结构变化。  相似文献   

The extent of accelerated erosion from ground damaged near ski lifts was found to have reached a peak in about 1969, with a marked decline since then. This decline was attributable to reseeding of damaged ground, provision of drains and grading of dirt roads. Burial experiments showed that where erosion debris had covered vegetation, recovery at best took several years, and with depths above about 7 cm, was almost negligible.  相似文献   

为了鉴别保水剂不同施用方式对土壤水分、土壤温度和玉米生长的影响,在内蒙古河套灌区以不施保水剂为对照,开展了沟施、混施、撒施、穴施的田间试验。结果表明,不同施用方式提高了土壤水分,特别是在干旱的抽雄吐丝期、灌浆期具有显著作用。幼苗期、三叶期不同施用方式的土壤温度上升缓慢,抑制了玉米幼苗的生长。拔节期到收获期不同施用方式促进了玉米生长,延长了玉米生长期,提高了玉米产量及生物量,提高了水分利用效率、水分产出率和灌溉水产出率。不同施用方式中,沟施的效果相对较好,撒施较差。研究表明,河套灌区玉米生产中施用保水剂应以沟施为主。  相似文献   

藏北高寒草甸土壤线虫群落对围封及自由放牧的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解放牧干扰对藏北高寒草甸的影响,以及连续围封措施对草地的恢复作用,2013—2015年连续3年对那曲县围封、自由放牧天然高寒草甸土壤线虫群落进行取样调查及数据分析。结果表明:围封、放牧样地的线虫个体数量在年际间的变化均较明显,植食性线虫是整个线虫群落个体数量变化的主要贡献者;围封样地的线虫个体密度、多样性指数H′、丰富度指数SR,以及优势度指数λ的年际变化幅度均大于放牧样地;食细菌性线虫个体数量及线虫通路比值(NCR)表明放牧样地的有机质转化效率高于围封样地;成熟度指数(MI)、植物寄生线虫指数(PPI)分析表明,所研究区域经5年围封,高寒草甸生态系统稳定性没有明显的提高,相反,现有放牧强度维持或者增加了线虫群落的物种多样性,利于物种共存和草地生态系统稳定性的维持。  相似文献   

Oxisols, which are highly weathered, occupy a large area of Malaysia. These soils are infertile because of low pH, calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and potassium (K) levels but high aluminum (Al) content. The infertility can be ameliorated by applying soil amendments. A study was conducted to determine the effects of basalt and/or rice husk compost application on cocoa growth planted on an Oxisol. The results showed that either basalt or rice husk compost and their combinations were effective ameliorants. Basalt application increased soil pH and exchangeable Ca and Mg while decreasing exchangeable Al. Accordingly, soil solution Ca, Mg, and K increased and Al and manganese (Mn) concentrations decreased. Silicate released from basalt was able to lower the pHo (the pH at which the net charge of the variable charge minerals is zero), indicating a negative charge was being generated, which led to increase in the cation exchange capacity (CEC) of the Oxisol. The improvement in soil fertility because of application of the amendments had improved cocoa growth. Leaf K and P of the cocoa planted on the basalt-treated soils were within the sufficient range for cocoa growth. Rice husk compost applied at a rate of less than 20 t ha?1 in this trial was not able to supply sufficient N to the cocoa. Basalt application at an appropriate rate effectively ameliorates acidic soil infertility, but it takes time to realize the positive effects of application as it slowly dissolves under field conditions.  相似文献   

Soil solution chemistry is a powerful tool for studying many aspects of soil science. Among several isolation techniques, centrifugation appears most promising as a method of extracting the soil solution in the laboratory. However, some operational conditions must be defined. The present work reports the influence of sample storage on the observed composition of the soil solution of two Brazilian soils submitted to different managements. Since metal speciation in soil solution significantly influences metal bioavailability, a second experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of storage on Fe, Al, and Mn speciation by size exclusion chromatography (HPLC-SEC). The results showed that the effects of soil handling prior to solution extraction had a significant effect on soil solution composition, mainly when the sample was dried and rewetted. Only the samples that were kept refrigerated (4 °C) for 15 days led to results comparable to those obtained from fresh soils. However, considering the patterns of the UV detection chromatograms and metal distribution, only field moist samples should be used in studies related to Al, Mn, and Fe speciation in the studied soils.  相似文献   

在水稻土、红壤、潮土中分别加入不同浓度的硫酸钾镁肥溶液,研究3种土壤在不同浓度硫酸钾镁肥下pH值的变化及对K、Mg、S吸附的能力。结果表明:在3种土壤中加入硫酸钾镁肥都使土壤pH值下降,下降速度是红壤>水稻土>潮土。3种土壤对K的吸附能力较强,可用一元线性方程拟合,在0~354 mg kg-1的K加入量范围内,吸附率在50.4%~74.1%;对S的相对吸附率居中,可用一元二次方程拟合,在0~311 mg kg-1的S加入量范围内,吸附率在35.6%~88.1%;对Mg的吸附能力极弱。3种土壤对K、S吸附能力大小顺序为:潮土>红壤>水稻,对镁吸附能力大小顺序为:潮土>水稻土>红壤。土壤田间施用硫酸钾镁肥量应根据不同土壤对养分的吸附能力大小进行相应的调整。  相似文献   

郇恒福 《土壤》2008,40(4):586-590
通过田间试验研究了施用油菜菜籽饼肥处理后,次生盐渍化温室土壤中的有效养分、水溶性盐分含量及盐分离子组成的变化,以评价施用饼肥改良次生盐浈化温室土壤的可行性以及在温室土壤上大量施用油菜籽饼肥可能出现的后果.结果表明:在次生盐浈化温室土壤上施用饼肥会显著增加0~20 cm土壤中的绝大多数有效养分特别是大量元素有效养分的含量和全盐含量.同时,施用饼肥也使得20~30 cm土壤中的部分养分和盐分离子含量显著增加,土壤次生盐渍化程度进一步加重.因此,施用饼肥并不能作为一种改良次生盐溃化温室土壤的有效措施,为避免土壤次生盐渍化程度的形成和发展,应减少设施农业中饼肥的施用量.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effect of competing copper, zinc, cadmium and nickel ions in 0.01 M Ca(NO3)2 on heavy metal sorption and desorption by soil clay fractions. Initial Cu addition levels varied from 99 mg kg-1 to 900 mg kg-1 and Zn, Cd and Ni levels were 94, 131 and 99 mg kg-1, respectively. Sorption of Cu conformed to a Freundlich equation. The amounts of metals not displaced by successive 48 h desorption cycles with 0.01 M Ca(NO3)2 were considered ‘specifically adsorbed’. Total sorption of Zn and Cd generally decreased in the order: Vertisol > Gleyic Acrisol > Planosol clay. More than 70% of the copper was specifically sorbed. Specific sorption of Zn was depressed by competition with Cu in the three clays investigated. At surface coverages higher than 200 mg Cu per kg of soil clay, zinc sorption in the Planosol and Gleyic Acrisol clays took place at low affinity sites. The exchangeable component of sorbed cadmium accounted for >:60% of the sorption in the Vertisol clay, >70% in the Gleyic Acrisol clay and was almost 100% in the Planosol clay. Nickel was not retained by the Planosol and Gleyic Acrisol clays and was ionexchangeably adsorbed by the Vertisol clay. At the conditions studied, Ni and Cd remain a ready source of pollution hazard.  相似文献   

水土资源的不当管理或滥用是影响土壤安全,进而导致人类文明衰落甚至毁灭的一个重要因素.本文系根据大量文献归纳而成的综述文章,旨在从世界历史上人与肥沃土壤的关系角度分析水土保持对土壤安全及文明衰落的影响.有关结论目前还主要是基于逻辑推理,而不是已知的事实.但是我们认为其基本的观点都是成立的,结论也合理正确.  相似文献   

采用东方红-75链轨拖拉机牵引由犁架、犁刀、犁锋和穿洞空心弹头组成的鼠道犁,在低这地和缓坡耕地上作业试验,结果表明,鼠道耕法可使深0.6m、顶宽0.9~1.0m的土体膨松,土壤容重较对照减少0.29~0.39g/cm3,并在底部形成直径11cm的鼠道,从而提高了土壤渗蓄水能力,减免了水土流失;在坡度小于1.5°的坡耕地顺坡耕作的鼠道,其排水量可达0.5~1.6L/s,使融雪季及雨季地表凹处积水现象基本消除;旱时蓄存在鼠道中的水分可供作物生育需要。试验区甜菜增产15.5%,大豆增产13.3%。按作业间距5m计,一套机具每台班可耕6.7~8.0hm2,费省效宏。  相似文献   

The effects of ozone (O3) and excess soil nitrogen (N), singly and in combination, on growth, needle gas exchange rates and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) contents of Pinus densiflora seedlings were investigated. One-year-old seedlings were grown in 1.5-L pots filled with brown forest soil with 3 levels of N supply (0, 100 or 300 mg N·L?1 fresh soil volume). The seedlings were exposed to charcoal-filtered air or 60±5 nL·L?1 O3 (8 hours a day) in naturally-lit phytotrons for 173 days from 22 May to 11 November. The exposure to O3 or high N supply to the soil caused a significant reduction in the dry weights of the seedlings. Although no significant interactive effects of O3 and excess soil N were detected on the dry weight growth of the seedlings, the whole-plant dry weight of the O3-exposed seedlings grown in the soil treated with 300 mg N·L?1 was greatly reduced compared with the control value. Ozone reduced net photosynthetic rate at 350 µmol·mol?1 CO2 (A 350 ), carboxylation efficiency (CE) of photosynthesis and Rubisco content without a significant change in the gaseous phase diffusive conductance to CO2 (gs) of the needles. The excess soil N reduced the A 350 , CE, gs and Rubisco content of the needles. These results suggest that the reduction in the dry weight growth of Pinus densiflora seedlings induced by the exposure to O3 and/or excess soil N was caused by reduction in the net photosynthetic rate mainly due to the decrease of Rubisco quantity in the chloroplasts.  相似文献   

Ten phosphate-solubilizing bacterial strains belonging to genera Pseudomonas, Burkholderia, Enterobacter, Serratia, Klebsiella, and Aeromonas were tested for mineral phosphate solubilization activity in Pikovskaya's broth using different phosphate sources at four temperatures (15, 25, 35, and 45 οC). Dicalcium and tricalcium phosphate were solubilized more effectively (≥1000 mg L?1) than ferric and rock phosphate (≥100 mg L?1) and 35 °C was found to be the optimum temperature. Although Klebsiella and Aeromonas spp. are well known for their dinitrogen (N2)–fixing ability, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of inorganic phosphate solubilization by Klebsiella terrigena and Aeromonas vaga. Interestingly, A. vaga BAM-77 is the most efficient strain at solubilizing inorganic phosphorus (P) even in the presence of 8% sodium chloride (NaCl) at pH 10. These findings indicate that all four strains are efficient P solubilizers under variable conditions of temperature, pH, and P source and thus can be recommended for P fertilization in different soils.  相似文献   

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