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Seven forage types (diploid and tetraploid perennial ryegrass, Italian ryegrass and hybrid ryegrass, a low‐input mixture of perennial ryegrass, cocksfoot, timothy and meadow fescue, a mixture of perennial ryegrass and white clover, and monoculture of red clover) were sown in late July 2004. Each received one of four rates of dairy cattle slurry in three annual applications by trailing shoe, which supplied average nitrogen (N) inputs of 0·0, 114·9, 204·8 and 301·2 kg N ha?1 annum?1. Treatments were cut either three or four times annually over four years. Average dry‐matter yield (DM) response to slurry N was 15·6 kg DM kg?1 N. Lowest recovery of slurry N was in the second application each year (after first cut). The data suggest that slurry applied to Italian ryegrass, and also to swards containing legumes on soils with high phosphorus content, will produce a lower DM response to slurry N and result in a lower slurry N recovery than on swards of perennial ryegrass or cocksfoot‐dominant low‐input mixtures. Apparent recovery of slurry N was low at the second cut, especially when first‐cut yields had been high. To maximize slurry N recovery, application to regrowths with potentially slow rates of growth or high legume content should be avoided.  相似文献   

We investigated differences between forage species with regard to micronutrients that are essential to sustain livestock health. Five grasses (timothy, perennial ryegrass, meadow fescue, tall fescue and cocksfoot), three legumes (red clover, white clover and birdsfoot trefoil) and four forbs (ribwort plantain, salad burnet, caraway and chicory) were grown on one micronutrient‐poor/low pH soil and one micronutrient‐rich/high pH soil (outdoor pot experiment). In addition, six grasses (timothy, perennial ryegrass, meadow fescue, tall fescue, Festulolium hybrid and cocksfoot) and one legume (red clover) were field‐grown on the micronutrient‐poor soil. Of the twelve pot‐grown species, herbage of chicory, red clover and white clover generally had the highest micronutrient concentrations (maximum Co, Cu, Fe and Zn concentrations were 0·23, 9·8, 233 and 109 mg kg?1 DM, respectively), except for Mo, which was highest in the clovers (10·6 mg kg?1 DM), and Mn, which was highest in cocksfoot (375 mg kg?1 DM). Soil type had the strongest effect on plant Mo and Mn concentrations. We also investigated differences in micronutrients between varieties, but they were generally few and negligible. The results indicate that choice of forage species is of major importance for micronutrient concentrations in herbage and that soil type exerts a major effect through pH. Forage of chicory, red clover and white clover generally met the requirements of high‐yielding dairy cows with regard to most micronutrients; therefore, diversification of seed mixtures so as to include these species could increase micronutrient concentrations in forage.  相似文献   

Results are presented to show the effect of white clover (Trifolium repens) and of applied N on the hotanical composition of swards sown with perennial ryegrass (Lolium perernne), timothy (Phleum pratense), meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis) and mixtures of two and three of these species. White clover had a more favourahle effect on the growth of perennial ryegrass than on either timothy or meadow fescue both in terms of yield and in terms of tiller numbers. Tiller numbers of rough-stalked meadow grass (Poa trivialis) were increased and tiller numbers of Agrostis species were reduced by application of N and by inclusion of clover. Possible reasons for these effects are considered.  相似文献   

The performance of timothy in mixtures with perennial ryegrass was assessed under a simulated intensive grazing management over two harvest years in 1974–75. Three seed rates of S23 perennial ryegrass were factorially combined with three rates of Scots timothy and compared with pure stands of each grass. All were sown with Huia white clover. When cut six times at monthly intervals and with an annual N input of 350 kg ha?1, there were no significant differences in total DM production in either year. The 2-year mean DM yield for the nine mixtures and six pure swards was 9·77 t ha?1 (range 9·34–10·16). Compared with the pure ryegrass swards, in both years the ryegrass-timothy mixtures produced earlier spring growth but were significantly lower yielding at the second cut. Over the first five cuts the proptortion of timothy in the three mixtures with 22·4 kg ha?1 ryegrass seed averaged 26% in the first year and 37% in the second. Corresponding calculated mean DM yields of timothy were 2·75 and 3·00 t ha?1. It is concluded that an early timothy variety is capable of competing with a late-heading perennial ryegrass in frequently cut swards managed to simulate intensive grazing. The strong development of timothy in the dry summer of 1975 suggests that in mixtures of late perennial ryegrass varieties, an early variety of timothy should be beneficial for its spring growth in grazed swards.  相似文献   

Methods used by growers to establish seed crops of perennial ryegrass, cocksfoot, timothy and meadow fescue have been examined. While satisfactory establishments were obtained by sowing perennial ryegrass broadcast, cocksfoot, timothy and meadow fescue should be sown in rows, especially if they are to be sown under a cover crop.  相似文献   

Six dryland pastures were established at Lincoln University, Canterbury, New Zealand, in February 2002. Production and persistence of cocksfoot pastures established with subterranean, balansa, white or Caucasian clovers, and a perennial ryegrass‐white clover control and a lucerne monoculture were monitored for nine years. Total annual dry‐matter (10.0–18·5 t DM ha?1) and sown legume yields from the lucerne monoculture exceeded those from the grass‐based pastures in all but one year. The lowest lucerne yield (10 t ha?1 yr?1) occurred in Year 4, when spring snow caused ungrazed lucerne to lodge and senesce. Cocksfoot with subterranean clover was the most productive grass‐based pasture. Yields were 8·7–13·0 t DM ha?1 annually. Subterranean clover yields were 2·4–3·7 t ha?1 in six of the nine years which represented 26–32% of total annual production. In all cocksfoot‐based pastures, the contribution of sown pasture components decreased at a rate equivalent to 3·3 ± 0·05% per year (R= 0·83) and sown components accounted for 65% of total yield in Year 9. In contrast, sown components represented only 13% of total yield in the ryegrass‐white clover pastures in Year 9, and their contribution declined at 10·1 ± 0·9% per year (R= 0·94). By Year 9, 79% of the 6.6 t ha?1 produced from the ryegrass‐white clover pasture was from unsown species and 7% was dead material. For maximum production and persistence, dryland farmers on 450–780 mm yr?1 rainfall should grow lucerne or cocksfoot‐subterranean clover pastures in preference to ryegrass and white clover. Inclusion of white clover as a secondary legume component to sub clover would offer opportunities to respond to unpredictable summer rainfall after sub clover has set seed.  相似文献   

Results for years 4–8 of a long-term grazing experiment on swards of a diploid perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne), var. Contender (D swards), a tetraploid ryegrass, var. Condesa (T swards) and Condesa with S184 white clover (Trifolium repens) (TC swards), direct sown in May 1987, are presented. The swards were continuously stocked with sheep from 1988 to 1990, as previously reported, and for a further 5 years, 1991–95, at a target sward surface height (SSH) of 4–6 cm. Control of sward height was successfully achieved by variable stocking, except in 1993 when paddocks were set stocked and the resulting mean SSH was 9·3 cm. Grass swards received on average 160 kg N ha?1 year?1; grass/clover swards were mainly not fertilized with N with the exception that they were given 30 kg N ha?1 as a remedial mid-summer application during a period of low herbage mass on offer in 1994 and 1995. Mean white clover content of the swards fell from 18·2% of herbage dry-matter (DM) in 1992 to 8·5% in 1993, whereas stolon lengths fell from 120 to 58 m m?2. A return to lower sward heights in 1994–95 resulted in an increase in white clover content to 12·8% by the final sampling in August 1995. Perennial ryegrass content of the grass swards remained high throughout (mean 96·7% in 1995). Perennial ryegrass tiller densities recorded in August 1991, 1993 and 1994 showed consistently significant (P < 0·001) sward differences (3-year mean 16 600, 13 700 and 10 100 perennial ryegrass tillers m?2 for the D, T and TC swards). In 1994, the year after lax grazing, a low perennial ryegrass tiller density (9100 m?2) and low white clover content (mean 4·3%) in the TC swards resulted in a much lower herbage bulk density than in the grass swards (April–July means 72, 94 and 44 kg OM ha?1 cm?1 for the D, T and TC swards). There was a consistent 40 g d?1 increase in lamb liveweight gain on the TC swards over the T swards, except in 1994. In that year there was a reduction in lamb liveweight gain of 33 g d?1 on the TC swards and a significant increase in ewe liveweight loss (117 g d?1) associated with low herbage bulk density despite optimal sward height. Lamb output (kg liveweight ha?1) on TC swards reflected white clover content, falling from a similar output to that produced from grass given 160 kg N ha?1, at 18% white clover DM content, down to 60% of grass + N swards with around 5% clover. A 6% greater output from the T than the D swards was achieved mainly through higher stocking rate. The experiment demonstrated a rapid, loss in white clover under lax grazing, and showed that the relationship between performance and sward height is also dependent on herbage density. High lamb output from a grass/clover sward was only achieved when the clover content was maintained at 15–20% of the herbage DM.  相似文献   

The aim was to study the effects of white clover cultivar and combinations with perennial ryegrass cultivars on seedling establishment in autumn‐sown swards and on winter survival of seedlings. Large‐leaved white clover cv. Alice and small‐leaved white clover cv. Gwenda, and an erect and a prostrate perennial ryegrass cultivar were sown in autumn in pure stands and as four binary grass‐clover mixtures. Mixtures of white clover cv. Huia and Aberherald with perennial ryegrass were also sown. Companion grasses had no significant impact on the establishment of white clover. The number of seedlings of white clover cv. Alice in mixtures (335 m?2) was higher than cv. Gwenda (183 m?2) and pure swards had similar white clover population densities as mixed swards. White clover cv. Huia tended to have more seedlings than Aberherald (355 and 205 m?2 respectively). No stolons were produced prior to a severe winter, because of the late sowing date. Winter survival of clover seedlings was 0·56 in mixtures and 0·69 in pure stands, irrespective of white clover or companion grass cultivar. Stolon development of white clover in autumn is often considered essential for overwintering survival and spring growth. In this study, there was considerable survival of the non‐stoloniferous tap‐rooted seedlings of all four clover cultivars despite a severe winter.  相似文献   

A small-plot trial comparing perennial ryegrass, cocksfoot, timothy and meadow fescue sown broadcast and also in 21 inch rows was conducted at Auchincruive from 1954 to 1957. The cutting treatments were arranged so that measurement could be made of both summer and winter production.
Of the four species, cocksfoot was the most suitable for foggage production. Perennial ryegrass suffered severely from winter killing. Timothy and meadow fescue, although persistent, did not yield as much as cocksfoot.
Total dry-matter production over three years was higher from the cocksfoot rows than from the broadcast stand. For ryegrass and meadow fescue, broadcasting gave higher yields than row sowing while timothy showed no significant difference between sowing methods.
During the winter, all species showed a loss of dry matter. Losses for ryegrass, cocksfoot, timothy and meadow fescue were respectively 34%, 17%, 18% and 24%. Broadcast stands averaged 11% greater loss than the rows.  相似文献   

The effects of the imposition and timing of a rest period from continuous sheep stocking, for a conservation cut, on white clover presence in forty perennial ryegrass/white clover associations were studied over two full grazing seasons. Each association consisted of one grass variety along with one white clover variety, the grasses being diploid and tetraploid ryegrasses from each of five maturity groups and the white clovers from each of four leaf size categories. The presence of white clover within each association was assessed at the beginning and end of both seasons by means of a 0–64-m2 quadrat subdivided into 100 squares, each 80 mm × 80 mm, the number of squares in which any part of a white clover plant was visible being recorded. Complementary point quadrat data were also collected. Although continuous sheep stocking did not necessarily have an adverse effect on white clover presence, a July to mid-August rest period increased white clover proportions in the swards (means: unrested, 48–1; April to late May rest, 32.7; July to mid-August rest, 67.3 - s.e.d. 7.59; P < 0.05) the benefit increasing with increasing white clover leaf size. The early rest period (April to late May) reduced white clover presence and the late rest period (July to mid-August) increased white clover presence, these effects being intensified with increasing white clover leaf size (very large-leaved clover: unrested, 20.6; April to late May rest, 8.3; July to mid-August rest, 41.1 and small-leaved clover: unrested, 96.3; April to late May rest, 84.8; July to mid-August rest, 97 - s.e.d. 9.2; P <0001). Tetraploid ryegrass/white clover associations had consistently and significantly more white clover than diploid ryegrass/white clover associations of similar ryegrass maturity group (tetraploid, 53.4; diploid 44.8 - s.e.d. 2.12; P <0.001) and associations with early maturing ryegrass contained more white clover than those with late maturing ryegrasses, the effect of maturity group being greater than that of ploidy. Overall, white clover presence increased with increasing openness of grass growth habit.  相似文献   

Microswards of white clover and perennial ryegrass were subjected to one of four treatments: weekly cutting to 3·5 cm, weekly cutting incorporating a period of no cutting for 6 weeks starting 27 April (early rest), weekly cutting incorporating a period of no cutting for 6 weeks starting 8 June (late rest), or cutting every 3 weeks. Two sward types were used: a mixture of white clover cv. Milkanova with perennial ryegrass cv. Melle, and white clover cv. Kent with perennial ryegrass cv. Melle. Growth measurements (leaf appearance, branching/tillering and stolon internode length) were confined to the first three treatments with records collected during contiguous 21-d measurement periods. Vertical height increments of clover and grass and red:far-red light ratios at the sward bases were also recorded at frequent intervals. At the end of the experiment population densities and unit weights were recorded for all treatments. Significant treatment effects on the rate processes were largely confined to the 21-d period immediately after weekly cutting of rested swards had resumed. On previously rested compared with weekly cut swards, clover leaf appearance rates were increased by 40% and branching rates by 164%. During the same period, grass leaf appearance rates were reduced by 50% and net tillering changed from positive to negative values. Though the rate responses were transient, effects were still apparent at harvest in September, when population density and content (proportion by population density and weight) of clover were significantly higher in the late rest treatment. The variety Kent showed a consistent, though usually nonsignificant, higher leaf appearance and branching rate compared with Milkanova, and in September was characterized by a higher population (7400 m?2 compared to 3200 m?2) of smaller units (27 compared to 46 mg/apical meristem) than Milkanova. The results are discussed in relation to defoliation effects and the role of light quantity and quality as they influence the component growth processes. Attention is drawn to the importance of canopy structure and the climatic and/or phenological differences in the relative seasonal behaviour of clover and grass, together with varietal variation within species in influencing responses to management manipulations.  相似文献   

Six red clover cultivars, three diploid—Essex, Sabtoron and Violetta—and three tetraploid— Teroba, Red Head and Hungaropoly—were sown alone and with each of three companion grasses—timothy (S48), tall fescue (S170) and perennial ryegrass (S24). The productivity and persistency of the red clover cultivars were compared over 4 years. Dry matter (DM) yield, DM digestibility and the crude protein (CP) concentration were assessed and botanical analyses conducted on herbage samples from each treatment at each of three harvests per annum. Annual fertilizer application consisted of 165 kg P and 312 kg K ha-1. Comparing clover cultivars alone Essex was significantly less productive and less persistent than the other five cultivars. Yield and persistency of the five other cultivars did not differ markedly within years with the exception that the diploids were significantly less productive than the tetraploids in the fourth year. Over all 4 years mean annual total DM and clover DM yields of the five cultivars were between 12·2 and 13·2 t ha-1 and between 9·2 (79·2% of total DM yield) and 10·2 (83·2%) t ha-1 respectively, and differences were not significant. Up to the end of the third year there was little or no advantage gained by the inclusion of a companion grass, annual total DM yields being between 11·2 and 14·2 t ha-1 for clover alone and between 10·2 and 14·2 t ha-1 for clover-grass mixtures. In the fourth year there was an overall tendency for the yield of the clover alone to be lower, between 7·2 and 12·2 t ha-1, than that of the clover-grass mixture, between 8·2 and 13·2 t ha-1, and this was more pronounced with the diploid than with the tetraploid clover cultivars. Sown with companion grasses, Essex and Hungaropoly were lower in yield and in contribution than the other cultivars over the 4 years. The influence of the companion grass on total dry matter yield showed that the contribution of timothy was low relative to that made by tall fescue and perennial ryegrass. Perennial ryegrass made the most varied contribution from year to year. Tall fescue was the most consistent contributor with all clover cultivars and at the end of 4 years both yield and clover-grass balance had not changed materially. No pronounced differences in DM digestibility were evident between treatments. Crude protein concentration of the pure clover was similar to that of the clover-timothy treatments and both would appear to be superior to either the clover-perennial ryegrass or clover-tall fescue mixtures. It is considered that red clover dominant swards are suitable for use under a cutting regime and can provide high yields of DM at a low cost for up to 4 years. Such swards are self-sufficient in N and in addition soil N accumulation can be exploited in the production of succeeding crops.  相似文献   

The sustainability of white clover in grass/clover swards of an upland sheep system, which included silage making, was studied over 5 years for four nitrogen fertilizer rates [0 (N0), 50 (N50), 100 (N100) and 150 (N150) kg N ha?1]. A common stocking rate of 6 ewes ha?1 was used at all rates of N fertilizer with additional stocking rates at the N0 fertilizer rate of 4 ewes ha?1 and at the N150 fertilizer rate of 10 ewes ha?1. Grazed sward height was controlled, for ewes with their lambs, from spring until weaning in late summer by adjusting the proportions of the total area to be grazed in response to changes in herbage growth; surplus pasture areas were harvested for silage. Thereafter sward height was controlled on separate areas for ewes and weaned lambs. Areas of pasture continuously grazed in one year were used to make silage in the next year. For treatments N0 and N150, white clover stolon densities (s.e.m.) were 7670 (205·4) and 2296 (99·8) cm m?2, growing point densities were 4459 (148·9) and 1584 (76·0) m?2 and growing point densities per unit length of stolon were 0·71 (0·015) and 0·67 (0·026) cm?1 respectively, while grass tiller densities were 13 765 (209·1) and 18 825 (269·9) m?2 for treatments N0 and N150 respectively. White clover stolon density increased over the first year from 780 (91·7) cm m?2 and was maintained thereafter until year 5, reaching 8234 (814·3) and 2787 (570·8) cm m?2 for treatments N0 and N150 respectively. Growing point density of white clover increased on treatment N0 from 705 (123·1) m?2 to 2734 (260·7) m?2 in year 5 and it returned to the initial level on treatment N150 having peaked in the intermediate years. Stolon density of white clover was maintained when the management involved the annual interchange of continuously grazed and ensiled areas. The non‐grazing period during ensiling reduced grass tiller density during the late spring and summer, when white clover has the most competitive advantage in relation to grass. The increase in stolon length of white clover in this period appears to compensate for the loss of stolon during periods when the sward is grazed and over winter when white clover is at a competitive disadvantage in relation to grass. The implications for the management of sheep systems and the sustainability of white clover are discussed.  相似文献   

White clover can reduce fertilizer‐N requirements, improve sward nutritive value and increase environmental sustainability of grazed grasslands. Results of previous experiments in glasshouse conditions and on mown plots have suggested that white clover may be more susceptible than perennial ryegrass to treading damage on wet soils. However, this phenomenon has not been investigated under actual grazing conditions. This experiment examined the effects of treading on clover content, herbage production and soil properties within three clover‐based grazing systems on a wet soil in Ireland for 1 year. Treading resulted in soil compaction, as evidenced by increased soil bulk density (< 0·001) and reductions in the proportion of large (air‐filled) soil pores (< 0·001). Treading reduced annual herbage production of both grass and white clover by similar amounts 0·59 and 0·45 t ha?1 respectively (< 0·001). Treading reduced the sward clover content in June (< 0·01) but had no effect on annual clover content, clover stolon mass or clover content at the end of the experiment. Therefore, there was little evidence that white clover is more susceptible to treading damage than perennial ryegrass under grazing conditions on wet soils.  相似文献   

Palatability studies of 29 species of grasses, legumes and herbs, and two seeds mixtures, were conducted using three replicates of each species. Crossbred ponies and a few Thoroughbreds were obserred and timed for a total of 260 hours grazing. The results were analysed and sbowed small statistical differences between replicates, between tbe 2 years observed and between horses; and highly significant differences (P<0.001) between certain species. The most palatable was a clover-rich mixture. Tbe pasture varieties of perennial ryegrass were significantly more palatable tban S24, and as palatable as timothy and cocksfoot Alta tall fescue, crested dogs tail and wild white clover were palatable. Some herbs, red clover, brown top, red fescue and meadow foxtail were tbe least palatable. Dandelion, ribgrass and yarrow were palatable herbs.  相似文献   

Single pugging events, which involve remoulding of the soil around the hooves of livestock during treading, of moderate or severe pugging intensity were imposed in plots in a long‐term white clover‐ryegrass pasture during spring, by using dairy cows at varying stocking rates (4·5 cows 100 m?2 for 1·5 or 2·5 h respectively). Changes in the growth and morphology of white clover were investigated over the following 12 months. Defoliation at approximately 3‐week intervals was carried out by mowing. Annual herbage production was reduced following moderate and severe pugging proportionately by 0·16 and 0·34 compared with the non‐pugged control treatment. The corresponding decreases in white clover production were 0·09 and 0·52 respectively. Annual perennial ryegrass production was reduced by 0·37 under severe pugging. Pugging had an immediate adverse effect on growth of white clover which persisted for up to 156 d, and coincided with a large decrease in the proportion of white clover in herbage over the same period (e.g. 0·40 vs. 0·12, in control and severely pugged treatments, respectively, on day 112). In comparison, recovery in ryegrass growth was apparent after 50 d in severely pugged treatments, indicating that white clover is more vulnerable to severe pugging than perennial ryegrass. Analysis of individual white clover plants extracted from turves (300 mm × 300 mm) showed that direct hoof damage, fragmentation and burial of stolons were the major factors which reduced white clover production, rather than the changes in soil physical properties measured. Morphological characteristics associated with plant size (e.g. stolon length, growing points, and leaf numbers) all decreased under pugging. The situation had reversed by late summer, with larger plants dominating pugged plots, and coincided with the recovery of the proportion of white clover in herbage. Strategic pasture management practices, such as restricted grazing and the use of stand‐off pads when soils are overly wet, are suggested as means of minimizing treading damage to pasture and reducing negative impacts on the growth and productivity of white clover.  相似文献   

The high nutritive value and persistence under a wide range of climatic and soil fertility conditions make Caucasian clover a potentially useful forage legume but there is little information about the performance of livestock grazing Caucasian clover/grass swards. This study compared liveweight gains of lambs grazing Caucasian clover/perennial ryegrass and white clover/perennial ryegrass swards on high fertility (Olsen P 20 mg L?1, SO4‐S 12 mg kg?1) and low fertility (Olsen P 11 mg L?1, SO4‐S 7 mg kg?1) soils from 1998 to 2001 in the South Island of New Zealand. Mean annual liveweight gains were 1178 kg ha?1 for Caucasian clover/perennial ryegrass and 1069 kg ha?1 for white clover/perennial ryegrass swards at high fertility compared with 1094 kg ha?1 and 1015 kg ha?1, respectively, at low fertility. There was a higher mean proportion of clover in Caucasian clover/perennial ryegrass (0·19) than white clover/perennial ryegrass (0·11) swards, but there were no differences in total herbage production between the two clover/perennial ryegrass swards. The mean concentration of crude protein in the herbage of Caucasian clover (302 g kg DM?1) was higher than that in white clover (287 g kg DM?1) and grass herbage (227 g kg DM?1). Estimated mean metabolizable energy concentrations in the herbage were 12·5 MJ kg DM?1 for the two clovers and 11·6 MJ kg DM?1 for grass herbage. The difference in liveweight gain between swards on soils of high and low fertility was associated with an increase in total herbage production of similar composition and nutritive value, giving a greater number of grazing days for the swards on soils of high than low fertility.  相似文献   

The selection and feeding of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) varieties (PRV) or perennial grass species (PGS) may affect enteric methane (CH4) output because of changes in the fermentation dynamics in the rumen as a result of differences in herbage chemical composition. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of PRV and PGS harvested throughout the growing season on herbage chemical composition, and in vitro rumen fermentation variables and CH4 output per unit of feed using a batch culture technique. Seven PRV (Experiment 1: Alto, Arrow, Bealey, Dunluce, Greengold, Malone, Tyrella) and six perennial grasses [Experiment 2: perennial ryegrass (Navan), perennial ryegrass (Portstewart), cocksfoot, meadow fescue, tall fescue, timothy; defined as PGS], managed under a simulated grazing regime, were incubated for 24 h with buffered rumen fluid in two separate experiments. The CH4 output per unit of feed dry‐matter (DM) incubated was not affected (P > 0·05) by PRV (range of mean values across PRV of 23·9–25·3 (SEM 0·41) mL g?1 DM) or by PGS (25·6–26·6 (SEM 0·37) mL g?1 DM). The CH4 output per unit feed DM disappearing during the in vitro rumen incubation was not affected by PRV (33·9–35·1 (SEM 0·70) mL g?1 DM), and although there was an overall PGS effect (P < 0·05; 37·2–40·3 (SEM 0·71) mL g?1 DM), none of the paired contrasts between PGS were significant when analysed using Tukey adjusted comparisons. This outcome reflected either small‐scale or a lack of treatment effects on individual herbage chemical composition (e.g. 454–483 g NDF kg?1 DM, 215–224 g CP kg?1 DM and 94–122 g water‐soluble carbohydrate (WSC) kg?1 DM across PRV; 452–506 g NDF kg?1 DM, 208–243 g CP kg?1 DM and 73–131 g WSC kg?1 DM across PGS) and in vitro rumen fermentation variables. Hence, these results provide no encouragement that choices among the grasses examined, produced within the management regimes operated, would reduce enteric CH4 output per unit of feed in vivo. However, the technique utilized did not take account of animal × PRV or PGS interactions, such as potential differences in intake between animals, that may occur under farm conditions.  相似文献   

Four‐species mixtures and pure stands of perennial ryegrass, tall fescue, white clover and red clover were grown in three‐cut and five‐cut systems at Ås, southern Norway, at a low fertilization rate (100 kg N ha?1 year?1). Over a three‐year experiment, we found strong positive effects of species diversity on annual dry‐matter yield and yield stability under both cutting frequencies. The overyielding in mixtures relative to pure stands was highest in the five‐cut system and in the second year. Among the possible pairwise species interaction effects contributing to the diversity effect, the grass–grass interaction was the strongest, being significant in both cutting systems and in all years. The grass–legume interactions were sometimes significant, but no significant legume–legume interaction could be detected. Competitive relationships between species varied from year to year and also between cutting systems. Estimations based on species identity effects and pair‐specific interactions suggested that the optimal proportions of red clover, white clover, perennial ryegrass and tall fescue in seed mixtures would have been around 0·1, 0·2, 0·4 and 0·3 in the three‐cut system, and 0·1, 0·3, 0·3 and 0·3 in the five‐cut system.  相似文献   

An established sward of binary mixtures of meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis) and white clover (Trifolium repens) (either AberHerald, Grasslands Huia or Sandra) was subjected to (A) no further defoliation, (B) a defoliation in late September or (C) a defoliation in late October after four harvests had been taken during the grazing season. About a tonne of dry matter (DM) was removed by the autumn defoliations. There were two levels of nitrogen application in spring, either 0 or 90 kg ha?1. The development of grass and clover morphology and population sizes from early autumn until the first harvest the following year was followed by regular sampling of the above-ground material. Stolons were analysed for total non-structural carbohydrates (TNCs), and the temperature at stolon level was continuously recorded. There were no interactions between autumn defoliation, clover cultivar or nitrogen treatments on any of the parameters studied. White clover growing-point numbers and stolon morphological characteristics were reduced in size during the winter and did not recover during the spring. A defoliation in late September resulted in the greatest reduction, whereas there were no differences between the other two treatments. The grass tiller population increased from early autumn until the last sampling occasion in May, but both autumn defoliations resulted in a smaller increase. Defoliation in late September had the greatest impact. The TNC content of white clover stolons fell from about 350 g kg?1 to 150 g kg?1 DM from late autumn until late April. There were small differences between the treatments, but a defoliation in late September resulted in a significantly lower level in late autumn. The temperature amplitude at stolon level was consistently greater in plots defoliated in late September. Total DM harvested in spring was 4367, 2564 and 3536 kg ha?1, of which 388, 352 and 460 kg ha?1 was white clover, from treatments A, B and C respectively. It is concluded that an autumn defoliation may affect the overwintering of white clover negatively, but that the effect on the grass may be even more detrimental.  相似文献   

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