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肉鸡腹水综合征(Broiler Ascites Syndrome,BAS)是发生于快速生长的肉用仔鸡的一种代谢性疾病,临床上以腹腔内有大量积液为特征.笔者对腹水综合征病鸡病理变化进行研究,现报道如下.  相似文献   

肉鸡腹水综合征是危害快速生长幼龄肉鸡的以浆液性液体过多地聚积在腹腔为特征的非传染性疾病。近年来,很多学者对该病进行了研究。、本文就近年来对肉鸡腹水综合征的研究作一概述。  相似文献   

肉鸡腹水综合征是危害快速生长幼龄肉鸡的以浆液性液体过多地聚积在腹腔为特征的非传染性疾病。近年来,很多学者对该病进行了研究。、本文就近年来对肉鸡腹水综合征的研究作一概述。  相似文献   

肉鸡腹水综合征(Ascites syndrome in broilers)是一种由多种致病因子共同作用引起的以右心肥大扩张和腹腔内积聚大量浆液性淡黄色液体为特征,并伴有明显的心、肺、肝等内脏器官病理性损伤的非传染性疾病。本病最早见于1946年美国关于雏火鸡发生腹水征的报道,而肉用仔鸡发生该病的报道早先见于1958年的北美。此后,德国、英国、意大利、加拿大、澳  相似文献   

肉鸡腹水综合征(AS)是危害快速生长幼龄肉鸡的以浆液性液体过多地积聚在腹腔、肺脏瘀血和水肿、右心扩张心肌肥大、心包液增多、肝脏肿大为主要特征的非传染性疾病。由于这种病一般由肺动脉压增高引起,最近又把此病称为肺动脉高压综合征(Pulmonary Hypertension Syndrome,PHS)。该病与猝死综合征和生长障碍综合征已是世界性的肉鸡饲养业的三种最严重的新病,由于死亡或降低屠宰率造成很大的经济损失。不同品种和日龄的鸡群都有发生,  相似文献   

肉鸡腹水综合症是以明显的腹水,右心室扩张,肺充血、水肿以及肝脏的病变为特征的一种非传染性疾病,已成为对肉鸡业危害最大的世界性疾病之一。笔者于2003年4月在湟中县某养鸡户家参与治疗一起较为严重的肉鸡腹水症,效果较好,现报告如下。  相似文献   

肉鸡腹水综合征(AS)又称肉鸡肺动脉高压综合征,是由于生长过快的禽类在各种因素作用下出现相对性缺氧,导致机体呈现血液黏稠、血容量增加、肝肿大、肺淤血水肿及肺动脉高压,临床上以腹腔积液和右心室扩张、  相似文献   

西藏肉鸡腹水症病理学研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
对腹水症肉鸡进行详细的病理检查,结果发现,该病的病理学特征主要表现为:腹水潴溜;肝肿大或缩小、硬化,肝细胞变性、坏死;右心扩张显著;肺副支气管平滑肌肥大,软骨性及骨性结节明显增多以及全身各组织器官淤血、水肿等。研究结果表明,该病可能是由于右心衰竭而导致相应组织器官的淤血、水肿,尤其是淤血肝硬化,导致腹水的形成和发展。  相似文献   

肉鸡腹水综合症是导致肉鸡残废的主要原因之一的一种非传染性疾病,已成为对肉鸡养殖业危害最大的世界性疾病之一。4~6周龄最易发生,死亡率达15%~30%。现将治疗肉鸡腹水综合症的病例介绍给广大养鸡户们,以供参考。  相似文献   

肉鸡腹水综合征及肉鸡猝死综合征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
肉鸡腹水综合征与猝死综合征是严重影响肉鸡生产的 2种非传染性疾病。据全球 18个国家统计 ,二者的发病率分别为 4 7%与 4 0 % ,年经济损失超过 10亿美元。目前认为 ,这 2种疾病具有同一性质的代谢与病理变化 ,但临床上的表现不同 ,即发病快者为猝死综合征 ,发病慢者为腹水症。主要原因是生长过快 ,使得心肺功能不能适应整体代谢的需求 ,引起肺动脉高压所致。  相似文献   

新郑市某养鸡场在肉鸡饲料中添加食盐促进肉鸡生产,但由于在饲料中添加的食盐量达1%,超过标准量(0.3%~0.8%),导致部分肉鸡出现精神沉郁,口渴,鸡冠和肉髯发紫,流涎,拉稀,呼吸困难,头颈向一侧扭转。症状逐渐加重,随后发生死亡。经病理学检查及肝脏、胃肠内容物氯化物含量的测定,确诊为食盐中毒。  相似文献   

Kidneys from broiler chicks receiving 300 micrograms of oosporein K salt per gram of feed continuously from 0 to 21 days of age were examined by light and electron microscopy. Chicks that died at 3 days had nephrosis of initial proximal tubular segments with an early pyogranulomatous interstitial response. Macula densa cells had cytoplasmic accumulations of periodic-acid-Schiff-positive granules. Kidneys from chicks surviving 21 days had hypercellular or atrophic glomeruli and hyperplastic dilated proximal tubules. Centrilobular distal tubules were dilated and filled with hyaline basophilic casts. Interstitial fibrosis was prominent in cortical and medullary zones. These findings indicate that oral oosporein is a severe nephrotoxin which can cause visceral urate deposition and severe nephrosis of initial proximal tubular segments. The histopathology of this mycotoxicosis was compared with those of infectious-bronchitis-induced nephrosis and avian urolithiasis syndrome.  相似文献   

Clinical pathology of llamas   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Examination of the diseased llama often relies on clinical laboratory information to supplement that from the physical examination and history. Because of the llama's only recent importance as a companion animal, little information is available on the analysis and interpretation of clinical laboratory parameters in this species. Llamas possess red blood cells with a unique shape, small size, and high hemoglobin content. The hemoglobin has a high oxygen affinity, which helps the animal adapt to high altitudes and presents with an oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve shifted to the left. The llama maintains high resting blood glucose, creatinine, and urea nitrogen levels. It is very efficient at recycling urea nitrogen via nonrenal pathways. Most of the clinical pathologic parameters can be utilized and interpreted as in other species, but with a different baseline of normal values.  相似文献   

Spiking mortality syndrome (SMS) in chickens resembles cocklebur toxicity in cattle, sheep, pigs, and rats. In order to determine if cockleburs are toxic to broiler chicks, crushed burs were fed (25% wt:wt) to broilers for 21 days. Ingestion of cockleburs resulted in significant failure to properly gain body weight. Otherwise, chicks did not develop clinical signs of illness or gross or microscopic lesions. Although there were some significant differences in serum chemistry values among chick groups, there were no consistent patterns. Severe hypoglycemia is said to be a characteristic finding in chicks that die with SMS. Because glucose levels were not low in chicks that were fed cockleburs, we feel certain that cockleburs do not cause SMS.  相似文献   

一发病情况 该养殖户饲养AA肉鸡1000只,前期生长良好,7日龄时用某兽药厂生产的标示含量为2%的丁胺卡那可溶性粉饮水,该药说明兑水量为200kg水/袋,该户实际兑水50kg/袋,全天饮用。用药第二天死亡5只,经当地一兽医诊断为急性新城疫。用干扰素加利巴韦林和抗病毒中药进行治疗,无任何效果,死亡量急剧增加,用药第三天死亡50余只。第四天死亡200余只,至来门诊时已死亡600余只。  相似文献   

痢菌净又名乙酰甲喹,化学名为3-甲基-2-乙酰基喹噁啉-N-1,4-二氧化物,是我国研制的具有自主知识产权的兽用卡巴氧类抗菌药品。为鲜黄色结晶或黄色粉末。无臭,味微苦。在水、甲醇中微溶。本品因抗菌谱广,价格低廉且不易产生耐药性,故在畜牧养殖业上应用广泛。但在使用过程中常因超剂量应用或过量误服而导致中毒现象发生,造成严重的损失。  相似文献   

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