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A macroscopic, arteriographic and histological study of the development and the arterial anatomy of the navicular bone of 33 foetuses and 55 young horses is described. After 125 days of gestation the blood supply consists of two routes: one situated in the superficial layer of the fibrocartilage and the other similar to the blood supply of the navicular bone of the normal mature horse. After 270 days gestation, the blood vessels in the fibrocartilage gradually regressed and retracted until they have disappeared at six months after birth. At two months after birth the first macroscopic thinning of the fibrocartilage was noticed. From seven months to one year about 45 per cent of the navicular bones showed a slight thinning of the fibrocartilage. A positive correlation was found between radiographic abnormalities (ie enlargement of the nutrient foramina) and the frequency of thinning of the fibrocartilage. Radiographic abnormalities were first recognised 14 days after birth, whereas the arteriogram showed the first changes such as fewer or no arteries entering distally at the distal extremities at 10 weeks after birth. At four weeks after birth the first arterial wall changes were found, ie intimal thickening with or without splitting of the internal elastic membrane. From that age onward, the number of navicular bones with arterial wall changes gradually increased. Starting at five months after birth only 6 to 20 per cent of the arteries in the navicular bones without radiographic abnormalities showed arterial wall changes. However, the navicular bones with radiographic abnormalities showed arterial wall changes in 25 to 80 per cent of the arteries.  相似文献   

An arteriographic and histological study of the arterial blood supply of 35 navicular bones, from 19 adult horses with no clinical or radiographical signs of navicular disease, is described. The arteries enter the navicular bone from four directions: distal, proximal, medial, and lateral. The navicular bone can be divided into areas which receive arteries from one, two, or three directions, whereas the distal supply covers the largest part of the navicular bone. The distal arteries enter the navicular bone through the nutrient foramen which contains loose connective tissue, nutrient vessels and myelinated nerves. At least 77 per cent of the nutrient foramina contains synovial membrane. Twelve per cent of the arteries in the navicular bone show histological changes. Thickening of the intima with or without splitting of the internal elastic membrane and hyalinization, fibrosis and hypertrophy of the media were observed.  相似文献   

Mechanical overload due to poor conformation or shoeing has been suggested to contribute to the development of navicular disease. While studies have determined the compressive force exerted on the navicular bone in normal horses, this has not been reported for horses with navicular disease. Also, the force has not been converted to stress by correction for contact area. In this study we developed a technique for the determination of the contact area between the deep digital flexor tendon and the navicular bone in vivo, and used a forceplate system to determine the force and stress on the bone at trot in 6 normal and eight diseased horses. The mean +/- s.d. peak force and peak stress were 5.62+/-1.45 N/kg and 2.74+/-0.76 MPa for the normal group and 6.97+/-1.50 N/kg and 3.07+/-0.55 MPa for the navicular disease group. The peak force and peak stress were similar for both groups but the force and stress in the horses with navicular disease were approximately double control group values early in the stance phase. This was due to a higher force in the deep digital flexor tendon, which was attributed to a contraction of the deep digital flexor muscle in early stance in an attempt to unload the heels.  相似文献   

Horses with navicular disease have an increased load on the navicular bone in early stance. This has been suggested to be a response to pain in the heel region. Seven horses with clinical, radiographic and scintigraphic signs of navicular disease underwent forceplate and kinematic analysis before and after desensitisation of the heel region with a bilateral palmar digital nerve block. The compressive force exerted on the navicular bone during stance, and stride kinematics, were determined in each state. After regional analgesia of the palmar digital nerves (PDNB) the compressive force on the navicular bone was lower throughout stance. The mean +/- s.d. peak force at the beginning of stance was 7.05+/-1.10 N/kg before, and 6.46+/-1.15 N/kg after PDNB (P = 0.01) and at the end of stance the mean peak values were 5.00+/-2.05 N/kg before, and 4.39+/-1.65 N/kg after PDNB (P = 0.05). We explained this finding as indicating that the horse responds to heel pain (including pain in the navicular region) by contracting the deep digital flexor muscle to unload the heels. This increases the compressive load on the navicular bone, which may cause remodelling and, in some horses, damage to the overlying flexor cartilage, which is then painful and identified as navicular disease. This mechanism identifies navicular disease as a possible end point for a variety of heel related conditions.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether force-plate evaluation of horses with navicular disease would reveal an abnormal gait that persists despite loss of sensation to the palmar foot region, which may predispose such horses to navicular disease. ANIMALS: 17 clinically normal Thoroughbreds and 8 Thoroughbreds with navicular disease. PROCEDURE: Data on ground reaction forces were obtained in trotting horses, using a force plate. Force-time curve variables for clinically normal horses were derived from 4 points at the beginning and 4 points at the end of the vertical and craniocaudal horizontal plots. Principal component analysis was undertaken separately on beginning-of-stride and end-of-stride data, and the first 2 components were represented graphically. Rotation matrices were applied to equivalent data for horses with navicular disease before and after disruption of sensation by administration of a palmar digital nerve blockade. RESULTS: Prior to nerve block, horses with navicular disease differed significantly from normal horses for beginning-of-stance phase and end-of-stance phase variables. After nerve block, horses with navicular disease maintained the same significant differences from clinically normal horses only for variables at the beginning-of-stance phase. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Horses with navicular disease have abnormal limb-loading force patterns that are not altered by loss of sensation in the palmar region. These abnormal patterns were detected in a horse without navicular disease. Some horses are predisposed to navicular disease as a result of an inherent abnormal gait pattern. Analysis of gait patterns could be used for detection and appropriate management of horses susceptible to development of navicular disease.  相似文献   

The study hypothesis was that navicular disease is a process analogous to degenerative joint disease, which leads to changes in navicular fibrocartilage and in deep digital flexor tendon (DDFT) matrix composition and that the process extends to the adjacent distal interphalangeal joint. The objectives were to compare the biochemical composition of the navicular articular and palmar cartilages from 18 horses with navicular disease with 49 horses with no history of front limb lameness, and to compare navicular fibrocartilage with medial meniscus of the stifle and collateral cartilage of the hoof. Cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP), deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), total glycosaminoglycan (GAG), metalloproteinases MMP-2 and MMP-9 and water content in tissues were measured. Hyaline cartilage had the highest content of COMP and COMP content in hyaline cartilage and tendon was higher in lame horses than in sound horses (p<0.05). The concentration of MMP-2 amount in hyaline cartilage was higher in lame horses than in sound horses. The MMP-2 amounts were significantly higher in tendons compared to other tissue types. Overall, 79% of the lame horses with lesions had MMP-9 in their tendons and the amount was higher than in sound horses (p<0.05). In horses with navicular disease there were matrix changes in navicular hyaline and fibrocartilage as well as the DDFT with potential implications for the pathogenesis and management of the condition.  相似文献   

Navicular disease was diagnosed in 36 horses. Each horse was treated, using shoeing as the only major means of treatment. Phenylbutazone was used initially for 10 days after shoeing. Shoeing was designed to correct preexisting problems, enhance physiologic function of the foot, and ease breakover of the foot. The horses were evaluated over a period ranging from 12 to 54 months. The lameness improved in all horses. Thirty-one of the 36 horses treated were not lame when last evaluated. Shoeing was most effective when performed within 8 months of the first signs of lameness. Also, horses used for show ring performance classes had a better response to treatment than did horses used for gaming or jumping.  相似文献   

A sagittal fracture of the navicular bone in five horses was treated by means of lag screw. Intra-operative radiographic monitoring and a specially developed guide apparatus was necessary to implant the screw precisely along the transverse axis of the navicular bone. Internal fixation resulted in progressive radiographic narrowing of the fracture zone. In all five patients the fracture healed (bony union) without superfluous callus formation.  相似文献   

From progeny lists of 30 Dutch Warmblood sires, 586 3-year-old females by these stallions were randomly selected, each progeny group aimed at 20 animals for statistical reasons. The front feet of the sires and female progeny were examined radiographically using lateromedial and dorsopalmar upright pedal projections. The radiological features associated with navicular disease were classified 0–4 using a standardised classification, grades 3 and 4 representing the more severe changes. The shape of the proximal articular border of the navicular bone outlined on the dorsopalmar view was classified 1–4: l=concave; 2=undulating; 3=straight; 4=convex. A significant shape-grade association was found, the highest grades 3 and 4 incidence associated with shape 1 and the lowest grades 3 and 4 incidence demonstrated by shape 4. In shapes 1 and 2, navicular bones grades 3 and 4 features were mainly characterised by inverted flask-shaped channels. In shape 3, navicular bones grades 3 and 4 were dominated by enthesiophytes. These findings indicate an apparent shape predisposition to radiological changes associated with navicular disease. The shape of the navicular bone in the offspring was on average the same as the sire, indicating an hereditary element in navicular bone shape.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: There is limited knowledge about both histological features in early navicular disease and what histological features are represented by increased signal intensity in fat‐suppressed magnetic resonance (MR) images of the navicular bone. Objective: To characterise increased signal intensity in the spongiosa of the navicular bone in fat‐suppressed MR images and to compare this with histopathology; and to compare objective grading of all aspects of the navicular bone on MR images with histological findings. Methods: One or both front feet of 22 horses with foot pain and a median lameness duration of 3 months were examined using high‐field MR imaging (MRI) and histopathology. The dorsal, palmar, proximal and distal borders of the navicular bone and the spongiosa were assigned an MRI grade (0–3) and a histological grade and compared statistically. Results: Increased signal intensity in the spongiosa of the navicular bone was associated with a variety of abnormalities, including fat atrophy, with lipocytes showing loss of definition of cytoplasmic borders, a proliferation of capillaries within the altered marrow fat, perivascular or interstitial oedema, enlarged intertrabecular bone spaces, fibroplasia and thinned trabeculae showing loss of bone with irregularly spiculated edges of moth‐eaten appearance. There were significant associations among histological lesions of the fibrocartilage, calcified cartilage and subchondral bone. There were also significant associations between MRI grading of the spongiosa and both histological marrow fat grade and the combined maximum of the MRI grades for the fibrocartilage. Conclusions and potential relevance: Increased signal intensity in the spongiosa of the navicular bone in fat‐suppressed MR images may occur in association with lesions of the fibrocartilage with or without subchondral bone or may represent a separate disease entity, particularly if diffuse, reflecting a variety of alterations of trabecular bone and marrow fat architecture.  相似文献   

Objective: To determine the physiologic response of the equine navicular bone to core decompression surgery in healthy horses. Study Design: Experimental in vivo study. Materials: Healthy adult horses (n=6). Methods: Core decompression was completed by creating three 2.5‐mm‐diameter drill channels into the navicular bone under arthroscopic control. The venous (PV), arterial (PA), articular (PDIPJ), and intraosseous pressures (IOP) were recorded before and after decompression drilling. Each IOP measurement consisted of a baseline (IOPB) and a stress test (intramedullary injection of saline solution, IOPS) recording. Lameness was assessed subjectively and using force plate gait analysis. Fluorochrome bone labeling was performed. Horses were euthanatized at 12 weeks. Navicular bone mineral density (BMD) was measured, and bone histology evaluated. Results: Peak IOP (IOPmax) after stress testing was significantly (P<.05) reduced immediately after core decompression; however, the magnitude of these effects was decreased at 3 and 6 weeks after decompression. A significant (P<.05) correlation existed between IOPmax and BMD. No lameness was observed beyond the first week after surgery. Substantial remodeling and neovascularization was evident adjacent the surgery sites. Conclusion: Navicular bone core decompression surgery reduced IOPmax, and, with the exception of a mild short‐lived lameness, caused no other adverse effects in healthy horses during the 12‐week study period.  相似文献   

Radiography and soft tissue- and bone-phase scintigraphy were performed on 14 clinically normal horses and 35 horses in which definite, probable, or possible navicular disease had been diagnosed. The specificity of radiography and scintigraphy in revealing signs of navicular disease were nearly equal; however, the sensitivity of scintigraphy appeared to be greater than that of radiography. The greatest sensitivity and specificity were achieved when the results of radiography and scintigraphy were evaluated together. Differences in sensitivity were greatest when scintigraphy revealed lesions not detected by radiography. Although a diagnosis of navicular disease was sometimes made when only soft tissue-phase or only bone-phase scintigraphy revealed lesions, results obtained during the 2 phases generally were similar. It was concluded that scintigraphy can be a valuable aid in diagnosing navicular disease in horses, especially when radiographic findings do not support clinical findings.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Distal border fragments of the navicular bone can be seen in lame and nonlame horses and their clinical significance remains open to debate. Objectives: To describe the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) appearance of distal border fragments and the adjacent navicular bone. To investigate the relationship between fragments and other abnormalities of the navicular bone and the distal sesamoidean impar ligament (DSIL). Methods: Horses were included if pain causing forelimb lameness was localised to the foot and high‐field MR images were acquired. The size and location of distal border fragments were recorded. Abnormalities in the adjacent navicular bone were graded to obtain a fragment grade. A total navicular bone grade was assigned. The DSIL was also graded. A Chi‐squared test was used to test for associations between the presence of a fragment and specific lesions involving the distal border of the navicular bone, the total grade of the navicular bone, and the grade of the DSIL. Results: 427 horses were included and 111 fragments observed. There was a significant association between the presence of a fragment and the total navicular bone grade, osseous cyst‐like lesions, increased number and size of the synovial invaginations of the distal border, increased signal intensity on fat suppressed images and size of distal border entheseophytes. Conclusions: There is an association between distal border fragments and other pathological MRI abnormalities of the navicular bone. Potential relevance: Distal border fragments are part of navicular disease, but their contribution to pain and lameness remains to be clarified.  相似文献   

Navicular syndrome is a multifactorial disease process in horses with multiple structures in the foot contributing to lameness. Surgical debridement is a treatment option for lesions of the navicular bursa and deep digital flexor tendon. This retrospective case series describes the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) appearance of the navicular bursa following bursoscopy. Seven horses (three being bilaterally affected) with forelimb lameness isolated to the foot, and pre- and post-operative MRI were included. All limbs had concurrent lesions associated with the deep digital flexor tendon, navicular bone, impar ligament, collateral sesamoidean ligament and/or distal interphalangeal joint. All bursae developed or had progression of proliferative bursal tissue following surgery. At recheck MRI, following rehabilitation protocols, almost all horses had improved to resolved lameness with relatively unchanged concurrent lesions despite the navicular bursa appearance worsening. Outcomes for return to work were poor with only two horses going back to the previous level of work.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was tested for evaluation of the soft tissue structures of the equine digit in 16 limbs, derived from three adult warmblood horses and two newborn warmblood foals. The following measuring sequences were used in sagittal, transversal and coronal planes: spin echo, gradient echo, inversion recovery. The images were made with a 1.5 Tesla Siemens scanner in a CP-Helmholtz circular coil. To compare the visualization of the same tissue structures in adult and in newborn cases the limbs were imaged with the routinely used MRI sequences that are used for mature tissues. In newborn foals the bursa podotrochlearis could not be determined with the used sequences. For both the adult and newborn limbs the most visualization of the same tissue structures including the fluid spaces and growth plates were taken by the inversion recovery sequence. T2 sequence was very informative in adult cases but moderately in newborn foals.  相似文献   

Diagnosis and treatment of the navicular syndrome in horses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Navicular syndrome can be treated in a variety of ways. This is related to the fact that it has a variety of causes. Prognostically, most horses will improve with treatment. One can expect about 50 per cent of the horses to become useably sound for 1 year, no matter what treatment is used. The disease is progressive, and affected horses eventually will need to be retired because of lameness. The author's therapeutic approach is to utilize shoeing as the primary therapy. Shoeing is performed to correct structural problems and to ensure that shoeing is physiologically sound. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are not used unless radical changes have been made in the shoeing. In cases of confirmed distal interphalangeal joint synovitis, either sodium hyaluronate or polysulfated glycosaminoglycans will be used in conjunction with shoeing. In cases where decreased circulation is documented, isoxsuprine hydrochloride will be administered if shoeing alone has not improved the horse within 6 weeks. If therapy does not improve the horse within 6 to 12 weeks, palmar digital neurectomy is recommended.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: The significance of distal border fragments of the navicular bone is not well understood. There are also no objective data about changes in thickness and proximal/distal extension of the palmar cortex of the navicular bone. Objectives: To describe the distribution of distal border fragments and their association with other radiological abnormalities of the navicular bone and describe the shape of the navicular bone in sound horses and horses with foot‐related lameness, including navicular pathology. Methods: Sound horses had radiographs acquired as part of a prepurchase examination. Lame horses had forelimb lameness abolished by palmar nerve blocks performed at the base of the proximal sesamoid bones. Diagnosis was assigned prospectively based on results of local analgesia and all imaging findings. The thickness of the palmar cortex of the navicular bone and size of proximal/distal extensions were measured objectively. Other radiological abnormalities were evaluated subjectively and each navicular bone graded. Results: Fifty‐five sound and 377 lame horses were included. All measurements were larger in lame compared with sound horses except the size of the distal extension of the palmar cortex. Fragments were observed in 3.6 and 8.7% of sound and lame horses respectively and in 24.1% of horses with a diagnosis of primary navicular pathology. There was an association between fragments and overall navicular bone grade, radiolucent areas at the angles of the distal border of the navicular bone and number and size of the synovial invaginations. Conclusions and potential relevance: The palmar cortex of the navicular bone was thicker in lame compared with sound horses. Distal border fragments were most frequent in horses with navicular pathology. Evaluation of changes in shape of the navicular bone may also be important for recognition of pathological abnormalities of the bone.  相似文献   

In 25 adult horses the podotrochlea of 49 forelimbs was examined by means of light and electron microscopy in order to correlate clinical and morphological findings. According to the clinical diagnosis the animals were divided into three groups: lameness due to syndrome of podotrochlosis (group 1) or due to tendopathy (group 2) and horses without lameness (group 3). The most striking pathological findings of the navicular bone and the opposite surface of the deep flexor tendon were found in horses with podotrochlosis, consisting of loss of cartilage and tendon matrix with denudation of collagen fibrils, superficial degeneration and necrosis, focal occurrence of fissures and far-reaching defects, sometimes accompanied by adhesions between tendon and navicular bone surface. In radiologically only slightly altered tendons and navicular bones light and scanning electron microscopy often revealed moderate to severe pathological changes, which sometimes could also be seen in clinically healthy horses. The distribution of the lesions indicate that in course of podotrochlosis the initial alterations caused by repeated microtraumata start at the surface of the deep flexor tendon and subsequently spread to the opposite facies flexoria of the navicular bone. An involvement of the cartilage and the synovial layer of the hoof joint in cases with podotrochlosis could only be rarely observed and is to regard as a secondary manifestation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To characterize the normal ultrasonographic appearance of the podotrochlear apparatus in horses by use of standardized measurements and identify soft tissue changes associated with navicular syndrome. DESIGN: Prospective study. ANIMALS: 7 clinically normal horses and 28 horses with navicular syndrome. PROCEDURE: The feasibility of identifying and measuring the soft tissue structures of the podotrochlear apparatus ultrasonographically via the transcuneal approach was assessed in 2 additional horses without navicular syndrome; both horses were euthanatized, and the structures identified ultrasonographically were confirmed at necropsy. Ultrasonographs were obtained in the study horses. Objective and subjective data were obtained to characterize ultrasonographic changes associated with navicular syndrome. RESULTS: Abnormalities of the flexor surface of the distal sesamoid (navicular) bone, the impar ligament, the distal digital annular ligament, deep digital flexor tendon (DDFT), and the podotrochlear (navicular) bursa were assessed via the transcuneal ultrasonographic approach. No significant differences were found between the measurements of the podotrochlear apparatus in normal horses and those with navicular syndrome; however, important subjective differences were detected ultrasonographically in horses with navicular syndrome. In horses with navicular syndrome, ultrasonographic findings were indicative of navicular bursitis, dystrophic mineralization of the DDFT and impar ligament, tendonitis and insertional tenopathy of the DDFT, desmitis of the impar ligament, and cortical changes in the flexor surface of the navicular bone. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Findings of ultrasonographic evaluation of the hoof appear to be useful in determining the cause of caudal heel pain and characterizing the components of navicular syndrome in horses.  相似文献   

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