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饲料生产中加油是生产高浓度能量饲料的要求,饲料中添加脂肪还可使氨基酸减少氧化,提高氨基酸的消化率;能抑制葡萄糖和其他前体物质转化为脂肪;油脂能促进脂溶性维生素A,D,E,K和某些激素的吸收和利用;在高温条件下,还有利于提高能量摄入量,降低畜禽的体热增耗,减缓热应激;添加脂肪可有效地提高饲料的适口性,还可以降低配料过程中的粉尘,减少设备的的磨损。畜禽饲料用油一般为猪油、牛油、大豆油脚等。饲料中添加油脂的位置可在成粒前和成粒后。成粒前的添加量一般不超过生产量的3%,否则将导致制粒后颗粒松散等问题, 相似文献
通过对流量式饲料油脂添加设备的系统设计过程进行分析,提出如何选择有关参数,如何进行机构设计,对设计人员设计类似设备有一定的参考作用。 相似文献
<正> 武汉饲料二厂是一个生产能力为5吨/小时的饲料厂,为了更好地开拓市场,1991年底投资2万元安装了油脂添加剂系统。该系统为间歇式工作,采用机电一体化自动控制,油液 相似文献
饲料中添加油脂不仅可以提高饲料产品质量、增加饲料能量、提供动物必需的脂肪酸,而且可以在加工过程中提高制粒机产量,降低电耗,改善饲料成品光泽度及防止粉尘飞扬。为此,笔者借鉴国外技术经验,研制出一套在国产混合机中自动添加油脂的生产工艺,并取得了明显的成效。现介绍如下:该添加油脂工艺适用性强,既适用于熔点较高的牛油、棕榈油,也适用于熔点较低的玉米油、黄豆油等。整个工艺由三部分组成:一是原油的接收。首先用蒸汽加热水槽中的水,用热水将油桶加热至油熔化,然后用油泵经过滤抽注油罐中去备用。二是油喷入混合机。油… 相似文献
饲料生产中.添加脂肪可有效地提高饲料适口性.还可以降低配料过程中的粉尘,减少设备磨损。畜禽饲料用油一般为猪油、牛油、大豆油脚等。油脂添加设备是饲料生产流水线中必不可少的一部分.目前国内安装的加油设备少部分是进口的.大部分是国产。进口和国产的设备其工作原理类似。本文以一种安装较多的国产加油设备为例.阐述生产和饲料加工厂家应如何做好油脂添加设备的安装和使用。 相似文献
随着饲料工业的发展,对饲料生产的要求也越来越高,除了要求生产一般的畜禽饲料外,还要求生产水貂、对虾、蟹、鳗鱼等特种动物的饲料;不仅要求生产粉状饲料,还要求生产颗粒饲料、膨化颗粒饲料等。为了提高生产水平,油脂添加技术已是目前饲料生产中的一个十分重要的课题。为了充分发挥油脂添加的作用,合理而经济地采用这项技术,并使之获得良好的效果,对近几年来饲料中油脂添加技术作一论述。1油脂的作用油脂的最主要作用是提供能量,除此之外具有以下作用。1.1额外能量效应主要是指添加油脂后,饲料的利用率提高。其原因可能是油… 相似文献
一 肉鸡饲料中添加油脂的作用 饲料中添加油脂,能量利用效率高,可提高肉鸡饲养的经济效益。研究显示,随着日粮能量水平的提高,平均日增重显著提高,配合饲料中增加1%~2%少量脂肪,能使肉仔鸡增重提高50~100克和改善饲料报酬;饲料中添加1%~4%的油脂,平均日增重提高6%~18%,饲料利用率提高5%~12%。因此,肉鸡日粮中普遍添加油脂,并且有添加量逐步增加的趋势。 相似文献
本文通过分析饲料加工过程中几个加油点和各种加油和喷涂设备的特点,提出针对不同加油点的特点和不同饲料加油量,配置不同的加油和喷涂设备的建议.可供设备设计人员设计设备以及饲料加工厂采购设备时参考。 相似文献
<正>1不同来源的油脂其脂肪酸的构成不同油脂是动物必需脂肪酸的来源,油脂最重要的组成成分是脂肪酸,不同的油脂其脂肪酸的组成也不同。表1为不同来源油脂的脂肪酸组成。植物性油脂的饲用价值优于动物性油脂,主要是植物性油脂含有丰富的不饱和脂肪酸, 相似文献
A semi-automatic unit for handling pigs through a weigher is described. Two crates are used in series, the first being a handling crate where identification is done before the pigs are loaded one at a time into the weigh crate. The latter has pneumatically operated gates and a floor which senses the presence of a pig. Using electronic weight averaging, the unit enables one man to weigh about 100 pigs/h without assistance. With a second man, throughputs of about 200 pigs/h are possible. Similar principles are applied to sheep and cattle weighing. Possible future developments are discussed. 相似文献
针对青南地区低产草地的现状,找出了形成低产草地的原因:超载过牧,鼠虫害,人类破坏活动和温度升高、降水减少等因素.提出了治理低产草地的措施:控制人口增长,科学配置载畜量,加强草原"三害"灭治,治理"黑土滩",实施退牧还草工程;提高植被盖度和牧草产草量,解决畜草矛盾,改善生态环境,促进畜牧业经济发展. 相似文献
许多革兰氏阴性细菌借助于细菌的分泌系统来发挥其毒性。革兰氏阴性细菌有5种类型蛋白分泌系统(Protein secretion system),即Ⅰ~Ⅴ型。其中,Ⅲ型分泌系统与细菌的致病性密切相关。Ⅲ型分泌系统广泛存在于动、植物致病菌中。在动物致病菌中,胞外菌利用Ⅲ型分泌系统黏附在宿主细胞表面,然后跨越胞膜将特异性蛋白注入宿主细胞内,而存在于空泡中的细菌也利用此系统穿越空泡膜注入蛋白质,从而来调节宿主细胞的功能。研究该分泌系统可能会发现新药的靶子,理解该分泌途径可能对于高毒性的或不稳定的成分的靶向运输等都有重要意义,Ⅲ型分泌系统正日益受到微生物学者的重视。 相似文献
根据草原综合顺序分类法(Comprehensive and Sequential Classification System,CSCS)划分了高寒、荒漠、半荒漠、亚热带森林灌丛、典型草原、草甸草原、温带森林灌丛、热带森林灌丛8个类型的放牧系统。放牧系统经历了原始游牧、粗放游牧、过度放牧和现代化放牧4个演替阶段,根据3个类型放牧系统生产力长期动态,我国主体仍为过度放牧系统,但开始向现代化放牧系统转变。我国放牧系统生产力平均18.04APU·hm~(-2),总计63.50亿APU,每年可产肉295.9万t。我国放牧系统存在结构性超载,即整体超载,但是部分区域、部分季节存在放牧利用不足。目前,我国草原增产潜力为0.5~2倍,关键途径是实现草原放牧系统的现代化转型。 相似文献
介绍了兽药注册技术要求国际协调会(VICH)基本情况,分析了我国兽药注册技术要求与VICH指南的差异,并从两者兽药注册规则的角度,研究我国加入VICH的可行性及利弊问题,以期为决策提供参考。 相似文献
1. This study investigated when and where body weight and flock‐uniformity should be determined in an aviary system by using automatic weighing systems. 2. An Individual Poultry Weighing System (IPWS) was developed to record time, duration, location and body weight of visits of individual hens to 4 weighing scales. 3. The number of hens that visited the weighing scales per 3 h period varied from less than 10 during the dark‐period to more than 60 during the light‐period. 4. The average number of visits per individual hen was 1–4 and the average number of successful weighings per hen was 0–6 during the light‐period. 5. Body weight showed a diurnal rhythm: the difference between the maximum body weight at night and the minimum body weight in the morning was 63 g. 6. The location of the scales influenced number of visits, number of weighings, mean body weight, flock‐uniformity and duration of visits. 7. Body weight per 3 h period did not differ between hens which were individually recognised and those which were not. 8. Flock‐uniformity was 2–6% higher during the light‐period if it was based on weighings of identified hen visits. 9. The average duration of the visits to the scales in the middle of the feeding tier during the light‐period was 63 s. 10. Of all the hens that visited the scales during a 24 h period, 54% visited them only once. 11. Automatic weighing systems without individual hen recognition can deliver reliable management information on mean body weight and flock‐uniformity in aviary systems if the weighing scales are located on the feeding tier in the middle of the house and if they are used during the light‐period. 相似文献
12004年我国玉米市场走势2004年以来,玉米市场承接了2003年走势,今年上半年国内玉米现货市场维持强势格局,9月份前玉米市场仍在高价徘徊阶段;9月份后国内玉米振荡下行,供应增加,价格一路走跌。1.12004年玉米市场先扬后抑区间波动剧烈2004年我国玉米市场经历了一场波澜起伏的价格走势,禽流感后玉米价格开始走高,之后出现长期振荡下跌的行情,其中主要表现为2003年玉米产量低,玉米市场后市普遍看涨。去年玉米收购后,玉米市场出现反季节上涨的行情,从整个价格走势看,上涨幅度超过20%;至今年2月末3月初,玉米价格下跌后,市场又出现一个强劲上涨的… 相似文献
<正>当前饲料企业正面临行业内的无序竞争和养殖业相对不景气的双重挑战。残酷的处境迫使企业除了不断改进产品质量,完善全方位服务体系外,还必须不断挖掘潜力、降低各项费用,以争取保持和扩大市场份额。生产费用作为饲料企业四大费用之一,自然成为降本增效的重点攻坚课题。影响饲料生产费用的因素有哪些,以及怎样控制,笔者想就此作初步探讨。 相似文献
Force sensors were used to detect lameness in dairy cows in two trials. In the first trial, leg weights were recorded during approximately 12,000 milkings with balances built into the floor of the milking robot. Cows that put less weight on one leg or kicked frequently during milking were checked first with a locomotion scoring system and then with a clinical inspection. A locomotion score of more than 2 was considered lame, and these cows' hooves were examined at hoof trimming to determine the cause and to identify any hoof lesions. In the second trial 315 locomotion scores were recorded and compared with force sensor data. The force sensors proved to be a good method for recognising lameness. Computer curves drawn from force sensor data helped to find differences between leg weights, thus indicating lameness and its duration. Sole ulcers and white line disease were identified more quickly by force sensors than by locomotion scoring, but joint problems were more easily detected by locomotion scoring. 相似文献