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<正>1发病与诊断哈力油(藏獒),铁包金,雌性,9月龄,体重28kg,主人讲述:6月14日深夜开车回家,哈力油突然出现,被撞,凄惨鸣叫,很久不能动弹,后发现右后肢不能着地。2010年6月15日下午到我院就诊,体温38.8℃,左后肢剃毛检查,整个后肢明显肿胀,呈蓝紫色。膝关节上部肌肉收缩变短,股内侧股骨远端骨折断端尖锐处,凸出于皮下。X线拍片检查:左侧股骨粉碎性骨折,共有2个较大的骨碎片,关节未被破坏(见图1)。  相似文献   

内固定治疗犬股骨粉碎性骨折1例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
犬股骨粉碎性骨折发生后,因股部肌肉收缩而使骨折端明显错位,闭合性整复和外固定效果往往不佳,所以通常采取内固定治疗。本文通过采用缝合线、金属丝以及髓内针内固定治疗1例犬股骨粉碎性骨折病例,术后恢复良好。  相似文献   

随着经济水平的发展,宠物犬的数量快速增加,犬骨折成为临床上一种常见疾病,而且骨折的临床表现越来越复杂。骨折是由于外力作用,引起骨的完整性和连续性:受到损伤。股骨骨折,多发生于股骨中部骨干上,临床多见横骨折、斜骨折或粉碎性骨折,而股骨近端骨折和远端骨折不常见。  相似文献   

骨折是骨组织的完整性或连续性因外力作用或病理因素而遭受破坏的状态,伴有周围软组织不同程度的损伤,如神经、血管、肌肉挫伤断裂,骨膜分离,皮肤破裂等。犬骨折中以股骨骨折发病率较高,约占全部骨折病例的26%。犬股骨骨折病例中75%-80%由车祸引起,车辆冲撞常引起开放性甚至粉碎性骨折。通常采用内固定治疗犬股骨骨折病例,  相似文献   

<正>1病例情况泰迪犬,1岁,公犬,摔伤,来就诊时已在其他动物医院做了石膏外固定,经X光片检查(见图1),确诊为股骨中断粉碎性骨折。X光片显示石膏外固定失败,需手术治疗。图12术前检查2.1一般检查患犬体重2.5kg,体温39.5℃。呼吸20次/min,心率120/min,右后肢触诊疼痛,肿胀。2.2血常规(见图2)2.3血液生化(图3)  相似文献   

辽宁医学院畜牧兽医学院于2010年10月份收治1例猫右后肢骨折病例,经临床诊断及X光确诊为右后肢股骨髁完全骨折。股骨髁骨折的治疗历来是一个难题,由于骨折靠近膝关节,所以很难完全恢复膝关节的活动度和功能,畸形愈合、不愈合及感染的发生率相对较高。笔者该病例采用T型钢板内固  相似文献   

犬猫的直肠脱垂是指直肠的后段黏膜或黏膜肌层脱出肛门(脱肛)或通过肛门全部向外翻转脱出(直肠脱)。后者在肛门处以“火腿肠”样圆筒状物突出为特征,脱出的直肠不能自行缩回直肠内。直肠脱主要是由于直肠韧带与肛门括约肌松弛、机能不全引起,常继发于细菌、病毒及寄生虫等引起的消化道疾病,另外动物长期营养不良,便秘,肠道异物也能引起直肠脱。治疗上多采用整复后进行直肠周围组织酒精注射法和肛门荷包缝合的外固定法,但临床中一些顽固性病例仍会反复脱出。笔者经长期临床探索,应用内固定法治疗不易整复及反复脱出的病例,包括18例犬,2例猫,手术均成功,现将手术方法和体会作一介绍。  相似文献   

笔者以1例犬骨盆骨折病例为研究对象,探讨了该例犬骨盆骨折的治疗方法。患犬经临床检查、血常规和血液生化检查,结果未见异常;X线检查显示骨盆两侧髂骨体骨折、髌臼后坐骨骨折,骨盆底闭孔粉碎性骨折。以髂骨嵴中心,向后延伸至大转子后下缘为手术通路,暴露髂骨体和骨折断端。结合骨折实际情况,选用四孔接骨板固定髂骨体的断端。由于坐骨和骨盆底闭孔不负重,所以让其自愈。对该患犬术后跟踪,愈后良好,恢复正常运动能力。犬骨盆骨折采用这种内固定手术进行治疗可以达到良好的效果。  相似文献   

随着经济水平的发展,宠物犬的数量快速增加,犬骨折成为临床上一种常见疾病,而且骨折的临床表现越来越复杂。骨折是由于外力作用,引起骨的完整性和连续性受到损伤。股骨骨折时,多发生于股骨中部骨干上,  相似文献   

2006年2月。我院成功的对一掌骨骨折的犬进行了内外固定术,手术2个月后,该犬患肢已能站立行走,现将手术情况介绍如下。 1发病情况该犬为一西施犬,1岁,掌骨疑为被人打伤所致。该犬表现为不愿起立,强行起立时患肢不敢着地,触诊患肢疼痛敏感,用手感觉到有骨摩擦音,X线检查发现掌骨四周都有裂缝,边缘较为平整,为非开放性、非粉碎性骨折,决定实施内固定配合大小夹板外固定的手术疗法。  相似文献   

犬股骨远端髁间T型骨折内固定实验模型的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为创建犬股骨远端髁间T型骨折并同期行内固定术的实验动物模型,观察这种内固定术后的愈合情况。对8条成年犬通过截骨的方法制作动物模型,并分别于术后1d、1周、2周、4周、8周、12周对实验犬进行X线检查。除一条实验犬创口感染形成假关节外,其余的犬对手术耐受良好,X线检查显示,随着固定时间延长,骨折间隙逐渐变窄,骨痂从无到有,骨折线从开始模糊到消失。本实验模型中采用的内固定方法能很好的治愈犬股骨远端髁间T型骨折。  相似文献   

猫股骨骨折多因直接外力、患病动物自身骨质等问题而发生。介绍了1例狸花猫股骨骨折的诊断、治疗及术后护理过程,以期对临床实践有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

犬猫单纯的股骨头颈部骨折临床上较少,其发病原因是骨盆或股骨受到直接或间接的外力导致,也常继发于髋关节发育不良导致的骨质疏松,轻微的外力就可造成动物的股骨头颈部骨折。介绍了猫股骨头颈部骨折的临床症状、诊断及治疗过程,以供参考。  相似文献   

一例猫胫腓骨骨折的诊治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
猫胫腓骨骨折发生后,由于猫胫腓骨很细,且近心端附着丰富的肌肉,而远心端很少,如果单纯采用外固定或内固定的治疗方法,效果往往不理想。文章就一例猫胫腓骨骨折采用髓内针和金属丝进行内固定后,又在外面用夹板进行外固定,术后恢复良好的病例来进行研究,希望能对猫胫腓骨骨折的治疗提供参考。  相似文献   

犬肱骨外髁骨折是临床常见的肱骨远端骺板骨折,其发病率仅次于肱骨髁上骨折,幼龄犬高发,无品种差异。多数情况下不能自愈,因属于关节内骨折,误诊、漏诊或治疗不当会引起骨不愈合或畸形愈合,导致犬肘关节功能受限,出现支跛、关节炎等继发症。就临床上诊治的1例犬肱骨外髁骨折的术式通路、治疗措施等进行总结,以期对犬肱骨外髁骨折的诊治提供帮助。  相似文献   

This case illustrates that good results may be achieved with fractured femur that was severely comminuted (i.e. a "Humpty Dumpty" fracture). The blood supply at the fracture site must be carefully preserved. The bony architecture must be reestablished with perfect reduction of the articular surfaces, preferably with interfragmentary compression between the bone fragments. These fragments are held in place with screws and Kirschner wires. Some of the screws and pins were left in place as the trauma incurred to retrieve them would have done more harm than good due to bony overgrowth.  相似文献   

Comminuted metatarsal fractures in a dog were treated using intramedullary pins externally connected and stabilized by epoxy resin putty and application of a fibreglass cast. Two weeks later the cast was removed. After further 2 weeks application of a Robert-Jones bandage the dog could stand and walk with the pin-putty apparatus in position. The pin-putty apparatus was removed 3 months postoperatively, and the dog resumed normal activity. This fixation method could be an easy, economical and effective alternative treatment for managing comminuted fractures of the metatarsal and possibly metacarpal bones in selected cases.  相似文献   

A 9-month-old, chemically spayed female ferret (Mustela putorius furo) presented after a fall (5.5 m) from the first floor of an apartment building. The animal was nonambulatory, with pain localized in the pelvic region. Radiographic examination revealed a bilateral fracture of the iliac body with medial displacement of the left hemipelvis and narrowing of the pelvic canal. Rib fractures, pulmonary contusions, and pleural effusion were also present on thoracic radiographic images. After emergency stabilization of the patient, the fracture of the left iliac body was successfully repaired using a composite internal fixation system with K-wires and polymethylmethacrylate. The implants allowed fracture healing despite loosening of one of the K-wires. Bony healing was achieved within 25 days, including the restoration of pelvic rigidity and maintenance of the diameter of the pelvic canal. Orthopedic examination was unremarkable 4 months following the surgical procedure. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first described open reduction of a pelvic fracture in a ferret.  相似文献   

A yearling Arabian filly presented with a history of acute hindlimb lameness, marked tarsocrural effusion and associated soft tissue swelling and was diagnosed with fractures of both the lateral and medial malleoli of the distal aspect of the tibia. The fractures were repaired using a combination of cortical bone screws placed in lag fashion and a tension band wire. A full limb cast bandage was placed for recovery from general anaesthesia and the early post operative period. Despite radiographic development of osteoarthritis, 21 months after surgery the filly was clinically sound and racing successfully.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, many improvements to small animal internal fracture fixation have been developed, including improved fixation techniques and a more diverse selection of implants. The understanding that appropriate fixation selection is based on a plethora of biologic, mechanical, and clinical factors has also emerged. Classically, the methods of internal fracture fixation have used pins, wires, screws, and plates to rigidly stabilize fractures that have been anatomically reduced with significant disruption to the biologic fracture environment. Newer methods attempt to minimize trauma to the soft tissues surrounding a fracture and promote biologic osteosynthesis using such implants as interlocking nails and plate-rod fixations. This review provides an overview of both the traditional and current principles of small animal internal fracture fixation.  相似文献   

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