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执业兽医制度是我国新型兽医制度的重要组成部分,为了建好用好执业兽医队伍,普洱市开展了执业兽医制度建设专题调研,摸清当前普洱市执业兽医资格考试及执业兽医从业现状及存在问题,组织普洱市对执业兽医的从业情况、管理现状进行了调研,为今后普洱市加强对执业兽医的管理工作提供依据。  相似文献   

浅谈我国执业兽医资格考试制度建设   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
执业兽医制度是我国现代兽医制度建设的重要内容,执业兽医资格考试制度是执业兽医制度的基础[1]。建立健全执业兽医资格考试制度,提升执业兽医从业能力和水平,对提高动物疫病防控能力,保障畜牧业健康稳定发展和维护公共卫生安全具有重要意义。  相似文献   

建立执业兽医制度是加速提高兽医从业人员执业水平、规范执业行为、提高兽医从业人员收入和社会地位的必然选择。针对我国推行执业兽医制度建设,对选取的陕西省156个动物诊疗机构,673名兽医从业人员进行调查分析,选择从业环境、收入状况以及对执业兽医制度的认识等为关注点,对执业兽医需求和执业兽医制度面临的问题进行了分析,并提出了今后应采取的措施和方法。  相似文献   

正为摸清当前执业兽医资格考试、执业兽医从业和管理的现状及存在问题,研究新形势下执业兽医建设的发展思路,笔者参与了云南省曲靖市执业兽医制度建设专题调研,经认真思考,提出一些想法和建议。一、基本情况2010年以来,曲靖市认真贯彻执业兽医资格考试、执业兽医管理等相关规定,建立完善约束激励机制,切实加强宣传、动员、咨询等相关考务工作,加强动物诊疗机构的专项整治和管理,严格兽医从业管理,初步  相似文献   

执业兽医制度是我国现代兽医制度建设的重要内容,执业兽医资格考试制度是执业兽医制度的基础[1]。实行执业兽医资格考试制度是全面贯彻落实有关政策法律的重要举措,是我国兽医制度与国际规则接轨的要求,是深化兽医管理体制改革、推进新型兽医队伍建设的一件大事[2]。2010年起农业部在全国范围内启动执业兽医资格考试工作,天津市严格按照国家统一部署,认真组织,顺利完成天津考区2010-2012年全国执业兽医资格考试。本文对天津考区三年来考试情况进行的分析,以期促进健全天津市执业兽医考试机制,指导相关从业人员参加执业兽医考试,从而提升全市执业兽医从业能力和水平,为动物疫病防控、动物产品质量安全监管和公共卫生安全提供人才保障,有效推动全市畜牧业可持续发展。  相似文献   

执业兽医制度是一项新型的兽医管理制度。推进执业兽医制度建设是我国主动接轨国际社会现代兽医管理制度,提升现代兽医队伍建设与管理水平,促进我国兽医业界平等参与国际交流与合作,促进动物产品对外贸易的重要举措。我国执业兽医制度建设刚刚起步,与之相配套法律法规及执业兽医制度自身的框架体系还不完善,推进适应我国国情需要,具有中国特色的执业兽医制度建设前景广阔,任重道远。  相似文献   

执业兽医制度是一项新型的兽医管理制度。推进执业兽医制度建设是我国主动接轨国际社会现代兽医管理制度、提升现代兽医队伍建设与管理水平、促进我国兽医业界水平等参与国际交流与合作、促进动物产品对外贸易的重要举措。我国执业兽医制度建设刚刚起步,与之相配套的法律法规及执业兽医制度自身的框架体系还不完善,推进适应我国国情需要、具有中国特色的执业兽医制度建设前景广阔,但任重道远。  相似文献   

我国执业兽医制度主要包括3个方面:第一,执业兽医资格考试。也就是什么人可以参加考试,考试资格需要具备何种专业知识。第二,执业兽医注册管理制度。取得执业兽医资格的人员,要从事兽医执业活动,需要进行注册取得执业证照。第三,执业兽医从业规范制度。主要通过行业自律,执业规范和标准,保持一定的专业水准。  相似文献   

我国执业兽医准入制度已经建立,但执业兽医体系建设才刚刚开始。通过对全国执业兽医资格考试情况的分析,建议从三个方面加快建设:一是通过立法保障执业兽医社会职责的发挥及应有社会地位的获得;二是提高我国执业兽医的本科教育及继续教育水平,建立教育机构评估机制;三是完善执业兽医配套岗位和工作制度,通过行业协会更好地规范执业行为,加快与国际接轨的步伐。  相似文献   

在我国执业兽医制度全面实施的关键时期,由长沙市动物防疫监督站尹莉亚研究员、湖南省畜牧水产技术推广站肖光明研究员,率领省、市专业技术人员编写的《执业兽医从业指南》一书,日前已由湖南科技出版社出版发行。《执业兽医从业指南》全书共12章,以动物防疫法赋兽药营销网予执业兽医的基本职能为主线,对执业兽医从业资格、执业兽医基础理论、动物疫病防治、动物免疫技术、流行病学调查与疫情监测、动物疫病应急处置、  相似文献   

A small animal veterinarian in Washington State developed leptospirosis after an occupational exposure. Approximately 10 days prior to the onset of illness, he examined a healthy appearing pet rat for fleas, which urinated on his un‐gloved hands. Although the veterinarian washed his hands after the examination, his hands had abrasions from gardening. The veterinarian was hospitalized for 12 days and was able to return to work part‐time 1 month following discharge. This illness may have been prevented if the veterinarian had been wearing gloves during the examination as recommended by the National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians (NASPHV), Veterinary Infection Control Committee, in its Compendium of Veterinary Standard Precautions for Zoonotic Disease Prevention in Veterinary Personnel (2008). This case alerts us to the need for small animal veterinarians to minimize their infection risk by practising recommended infection control procedures. Veterinarians should establish and follow a written infection control plan based on the standardized infection control approach adopted by the NASPHV to minimize their risk of occupational zoonotic infections.  相似文献   

养殖场是动物源性食品安全监管的源头,而养殖场兽医工作至关重要,只有依法保护养殖场兽医合法权益,提高兽医社会地位,确保兽医相对独立开展工作,明确养殖场兽医的动物性食品安全保护职责,才能真正使养殖环节动物源性食品安全落到实处。本文就养殖场兽医监管过程中存在的问题提出建议。  相似文献   

乡镇畜牧兽医站是我国动物防疫的基础单位,是保障食品安全和公共卫生安全的第一道屏障。做好乡镇畜牧兽医站的建设,加强动物防疫体系不仅关系到养殖业发展和农民增收,而且关系到人民健康安全和社会稳定。本文从乡镇兽医站存在的问题入手,提出了继续推进乡镇兽医站改革的对策及建议。  相似文献   

腹泻是以排便次数增多、便稀溏为特征的一类疾病,根据不同特点又可分为泄泻、痢疾、便血三大类,每一类叉分为不同的证型。以临床病例为例,阐述腹泻的辨证方法、有效良方的选择及加减应用,既有同病同治、异病异治的常规方法,也有同病异治、异病同治的变化方法。  相似文献   

Testing all the cattle in an entire state with a uniform procedure for each animal affords an opportunity to relate human injury data to a known number of animals handled while carrying out a standardized procedure. Our objective was to describe the type and incidence density of injuries associated with TB-testing a large number of cattle herds, and to delineate the various factors associated with the risk of injury. A survey was mailed to all veterinarians (N = 259) who had completed at least five official bovine TB (bTB) herd tests in Michigan in 2001. We collected data regarding basic demographics and health status, work experience, veterinary specialty, and practice information. Each veterinarian was also requested to complete a separate injury questionnaire for each injury received while TB testing livestock in 2001. Accurate addresses were found for 247 eligible veterinarians, 175 (71%) of whom returned the survey. Thirty-six veterinarians reported a total of 53 injuries (10 major, 12 minor and 31 self-treated). Hands (29%) and legs (21%) were the anatomic locations most frequently injured, with sprains/strains (30%) and abrasion/contusion (30%) the most common types of injuries sustained. The overall incidence density of injuries was 1.9 per 10,000 animals tested. Female gender (RR = 3.3), being employed by the government (RR = 4.5), and smoking (RR = 6.0) were significantly associated with a higher rate of injury. Significant colliniearities were found between some risk factors associated with an increased rate of injury and participants thought 81% of their injuries could have been prevented. These results are explained by the administrative structure of the bTB testing program in Michigan, and the changing demographics of the veterinary workforce.  相似文献   

主编 《中国兽药杂志》2009,43(10):34-36
第二届中国兽药大会在南京召开。与会领导总结我国兽医事业取得成果,探讨兽医行业发展规划,明确兽药行业发展目标。多位专家分别就猪病、禽病防控,兽药新技术作了专题报告。大会还邀请国际专家介绍国外兽药管理情况。  相似文献   

Rectal tears are a relatively rare complication of rectal palpation, mating or dystocia, and idiopathic spontaneous occurrence of rectal perforation has also been described. Rectal tears have been classified in a three or a four-grade system. Immediate recognition of the fact that a tear has been made and prompt action will improve the horses chance of survival, and is the best defence of the veterinarian against legislation. There is no clear explanation why rectal tears sometimes occur. A questionnaire of the Netherlands Equine Veterinary Association revealed that rectal tears occurred both to inexperienced veterinarians and to very experienced colleagues, working with or without a probe for ultrasonography. In the opinion of the authors, the approach in the legislation of rectal tears should be that a rectal tear is only considered 'malpractice' if the veterinarian obviously acted carelessly. However, this would create the ridiculous situation that it seems better for the veterinarian-client relationship when the veterinarian confesses to 'careless' rectal palpation. This point needs further clarification, and perhaps an 'insurance of the horse for rectal palpation' will be the solution. Further, retrospectively over the last ten years, the problem is often not 'making a rectal tear', but 'lacking recognition of making a tear'. Whenever a rectal tear is suspected, the veterinarian must assess its severity, discuss the problem openly with the owner and apply appropriate treatment including referral.  相似文献   

兽药缓释巨丸剂的研究进展及应用发展前景   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前、高效、广谱、安全的抗寄生虫药在国内外兽医临床上的越来广泛,由于防治家畜疾病的特殊需求,缓释大丸剂(Sustain-Released Bolus)在兽医临床上逐渐被重视。缓释大丸剂的应用可有效地降低了寄生虫的污染程度和寄生虫病的发生,对控制寄生虫感染和牧场净化都发挥了较好的作用。因此制剂适合于驱杀反刍动物蠕虫。缓释巨丸剂具有使动物体增重、毛产量等生产性能提高的优点,在某些情况下可以取代一般制剂。从国内兽药的供应情况看,该制剂尚不多,可作为今后研究开发的重点,也是畜牧业发展的客观需要。  相似文献   

为掌握我国包虫病流行区基层兽医对包虫病防控相关知识的认知情况,分析影响其认知的可能因素,选择我国西部5省区共312名基层兽医作为研究对象进行问卷调查.问卷共包含基础知识和专业知识两部分.计算每个知识点的知晓率,并比较不同人群是否存在差异.结果显示:基层兽医对包虫病防控知识的总知晓率为62.03%,其中基础知识知晓率较高...  相似文献   

分子生物学技术在临床兽医学上的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
近几年,生物技术不断向深度和广度迅猛发展。它的发展与动物疫病的诊断、预防和治疗技术之间已并无明显的界限,并且起了不可替代的作用;如转基因动物既能用于抗病育种,也能用于生产疫苗和药品;核酸疫苗具有预防和治疗的双重作用;单克隆抗体不但用于免疫诊断,也可用于被动免疫和导向药物治疗等。生物技术已经不是一项单一的技术,而是一个综合的技术体系,尤其是在兽医临床上的应用、发展中,需要多种不同技术、学科和领域的相互渗透、相互配合。  相似文献   

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