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养殖场环境控制浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近20多年来,我国养殖业发展迅速,取得了可喜的业绩。我国肉、蛋、禽总产量连续保持世界第一,为改善我国人民生活水平,调整人们膳  相似文献   

When we speak of riding for handicapped, it is evident that this term embodies a wide range of possibilities as far as the type of therapy used and the benefits gained. The needs of the student dictate which therapy is selected and implemented. The effects of therapeutic riding have not been subjected to scientific scrutiny. However, the benefits do have a physiologic basis that needs to be analyzed further. More empirical studies are required, using sound research methodology. Both the physical parameters (range of motion, balance, flexion, and so on) and the psychosocial parameters (risk, self-esteem, behavior, and so on) should be explored and documented. Until then, Robert Mayberry leaves us with this thought: "Is it the unique movement of the horse, the psychodynamics involved or a primal atavistic need for experiencing controlled risks? Perhaps it is all or none of these: suffice to say, the mystique of the horse is strong medicine."  相似文献   

浅谈养殖场生物安全体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,养殖场生物学安全这一新概念已越来越受到养殖业生产者的高度重视。一般认为,生物安全措施可以看作是传统的综合防治或兽医卫生措施在集约化生产条件下的发展,也就是通过各种手段排除疫病的威胁,保证养殖业持续健康的发展,其总的目标是保持畜群的高生产性能,  相似文献   

晓雨 《饲料广角》2005,(22):1-4
[本刊讯]深秋的北京,天高云淡,阳光融融.11月5日,北京人民大会堂热气腾腾,喜气洋洋.由中国饲料工业协会举办的“庆祝中国饲料工业协会成立20周年暨第五次全国会员代表大会”在这里隆重召开.……  相似文献   

出口企业饲养场是我国加入WTO后 ,畜牧业与国际接轨的突破口。为及时掌握全区出口企业饲养场的生产动态 ,纠正存在的问题 ,研究防疫对策 ,提出改进措施 ,促进养殖业发展 ,我们自2001年1月至12月对辖区49家出口企业饲养场进行了调查。从调查情况来看 ,尽管各类饲养场独具特色 ,但也存在不少问题 ,亟需纠正和完善。1存在问题1.1布局不合理 ,条件差。有的饲养场的农户在一无资金 ,二无技术 ,三无设施的情况下 ,利用现有的破旧厂房、倒闭的饲养场所、老宅院等抱着试试看的心理土方上马的 ,没有必要的消毒、防疫制度和设施 ,另外…  相似文献   

To answer the question of whether horse height, cannon bone circumference, and loin width can be used as indicators of weight-carrying ability in light horses, eight mature horses underwent a submaximal mounted standard exercise test under four conditions: carrying 15, 20, 25, or 30% of their body weight. Heart rate was monitored, plasma lactate concentration was determined in jugular blood samples pre-exercise, immediately post-exercise, and 10 minutes post-exercise, with serum creatine kinase activity determined at the same times as plasma lactate concentrations, with additional samples collected at 24 hours and 48 hours post-exercise. Muscle soreness and muscle tightness scores were determined using a subjective scoring system 24 hours before and 24 hours after exercise. Heart rates remained significantly higher when the horses carried 25 and 30% of their body weight. Plasma lactate concentrations immediately and 10 minutes after exercise differed when horses carried 30% of their body weight compared with 15, 20, and 25% weight carriage. Horses tended to have a greater change in muscle soreness and muscle tightness when carrying 25% of their body weight, and a significant change in soreness and tightness scores was found in horses carrying 30% of their body weight. Loin width and cannon bone circumference were found to be negatively correlated to the changes in muscle soreness and tightness scores. In conclusion, the data suggest that horses with wider loin and thicker cannon bone circumference became less sore when carrying heavier weight loads.  相似文献   

谢磊 《中国动物检疫》2010,27(10):21-22
建设动物隔离场所是根据《中华人民共和国动物防疫法》及相关法律法规和政策要求,为预防和控制外埠动物疫病传入,构建动物及动物产品无疫安全控制技术保障平台,加速构建和谐都市的必然选择。本文从必要性、功能定位、建设方案、运行模式和注意事项等方面论述首都动物隔离场所的建设思路。  相似文献   

建立完善我国优质牛肉生产全程质量控制体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了我国牛肉生产和进出口现状及影响因素,并建议要制定推行我国牛肉生产全程质量控制体系以提高我国牛肉生产水平、牛肉质量及市场竞争力。  相似文献   

With the steady further development of microelectromechanical systems, nowadays, it is possible to measure various specific kinematics of riders with inertial sensors. The aim of the study was to quantify the rider's posture on the horse with a full-body inertial measurement system (Xsens MVN) under field conditions. Ten high-level riders from the German National Equestrian Federation participated in this study. The measurements were performed in sitting trot (ST) in an indoor riding hall. Kinematic data from the riders' segments (head, trunk, and pelvis) and joint angles (elbow and knee) were collected. Qualitative analyses of the waveform parameters and statistical analyses were applied to the data. In addition, the coefficient of multiple correlations (CMCs) was calculated between angle-time courses to quantify the waveform similarities and intertrial repeatability for each rider. All analyzed CMCs ranged from moderate (0.65) to very good (0.92). The two-beat rhythm of the ST was qualitatively represented in the waveform data of the head, trunk, and pelvis about the rotation of the mediolateral axes (Roll). The Roll of the riders' pelvis was significantly greater than the Roll of the riders' trunk. In general, the movements of the riders' segments about the sagittal axes (Pitch) show smaller values than about the mediolateral axes. In conclusion, this setup seems to be suitable to quantify riders' kinematics under certain field conditions. Based on these findings, there is a possibility to obtain several objective information of the riders' kinematics in different equine gaits and skill levels.  相似文献   

自1997年12月国务院颁布《生猪定点屠宰管理条例》 ,实施生猪定点屠宰以来 ,全国大部分县以上城镇都实施了生猪定点屠宰。而乡村集市 ,其市场小、分散、屠宰量少 ,如何实施好乡村生猪定点屠宰 ,本文结合当地实际 ,就乡村生猪定点屠宰的实施与管理作肤浅论述 ,供同行参考。1乡村实施生猪定点屠宰的必要性1.1保证人民群众身体健康的需要。随着城镇生猪定点屠宰的实施 ,病害猪肉在城镇得到了有效控制 ,不法商贩把目标投向了管理较为薄弱的乡村市场。乡村人民群众收入不高 ,文化低、识别病害肉能力差 ,更容易贪图小便宜而吃亏上当 ,危…  相似文献   

畜牧兽医站与屠宰场是管理和被管理的关系。畜牧兽医站依据《动物防疫法》、《江苏省动物防疫条例》等法律、法规履行对动物防疫条件审核,对防疫、检疫法规执行情况检查,对屠宰场防疫工作进行督查、督办,并派出专职检疫员实施待宰动物入场检疫、宰前检疫、宰后检疫和检疫记录、有关防疫资料的核查和监督病害畜禽及其产品的处理等  相似文献   

发布单位:商务部财政部《生猪定点屠宰厂(场)病害猪无害化处理管理办法》已经2008年5月7日商务部第6次部务会议审议通过,并经财政部同意,现予公布,自2008年8月1日起施行。部长:陈德铭部长:谢旭人  相似文献   

王斌 《中国动物检疫》2002,19(11):15-16
潍坊市是出口肉鸡饲养大市,从2001年下半年起,全年推行标准化生产,促进了肉鸡饲养业的规模化、产业化、国际化,疫病和药残得到了基本控制.但从已通过认证的4 000多个出口肉鸡饲养场的认证审查和日常性监督的情况看,基础设施条件、饲养规模、业务人员素质、饲养管理水平、饲养环境洁净程度存在着很大差异,要合理配置监督资源、提高企业自律意识,急需对出口肉鸡饲养场实行兽医卫生监督化分级管理的探讨.  相似文献   

The riding surface is an important and modifiable factor in the development injuries in sport horses. An objective and simple examination of the sport-functional properties of riding surfaces, such as shock absorption, is thus desirable. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the use of a handy device to test the sport-functional properties of riding surfaces. Therefore, a technical device, called Artificial Athlete, was used on five riding surfaces: two sand–synthetic indoor arenas, one sand–sawdust indoor arena, and two outdoor arenas, one with a sand footing layer and one with a grass surface. The shock absorption, the energy restitution, and the vertical deformation measurements were acquired by the Artificial Athlete. Additionally, the hoof acceleration of six warmblood horses trotting by hand on the five investigated riding surfaces was recorded. The parameters of the Artificial Athlete and the acceleration data during hoof landing were compared. The outcome of the statistical analysis illustrated that the shock absorbing parameter was not in agreement with the results of the acceleration data, whereas the results of the vertical deformation parameter were mostly in accordance with the results of the hoof-acceleration measurement. In conclusion, the use of the Artificial Athlete for testing the sport-functional properties of riding surfaces was assessed as unsuitable because of the large deviations between the results of the shock absorption measured by the Artificial Athlete and the hoof-acceleration data. However, it could be shown that the vertical deformation parameter could be helpful in the assessment of the sport-functional quality of riding surfaces.  相似文献   

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