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本文对延安树木园引种的奥地利黑松的生长特性进行了研究。结果表明,奥地利黑松叶芽开放期比乡土树种油松早8 d;展叶期比油松晚11~16 d;新梢开始生长期,奥地利黑松与油松相差近1个月时间,封顶期9月6~10日。奥地利黑松幼苗根系发达,直根长、侧根粗壮、层次明显,鲜质量大,苗木地径生长量显著大于油松,与油松形成鲜明对照,是荒山造林的好树种。31 a生奥地利黑松高生长速生期出现在第15~20 a,生长量占树高的32.1%,比较而言,奥地利黑松树高生长较慢,胸径大于油松,材积年生长量是油松的2倍。  相似文献   

美国可食松P inus edu lis是自美国近两年引进的一种常绿针叶灌木树种.对其1年生播种苗进行了全年的生长观测、生物量测定以及形态特点的研究,并以本地树种油松P inus tabu laef orm is 1年生播种苗作为对比,将可食松1年生苗的生长划分为4个时期(出苗期,幼嫩期,速生期和苗木硬化期).结果表明:可食松1年生苗高生长速生期全年仅1次,地径速生期则出现2次;可食松苗地上部分粗壮矮小、初生叶繁多,地下部分具深根性特点.同时对该树种抗逆性进行了初步分析.  相似文献   

优良灌木树种的引种试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对引进灌木树种的物候期、生长规律、抗旱性、抗寒性进行研究,各树种之间差异较大,美国李、银水牛果、欧李,北美稠李生长表现良好,抗寒、抗旱性强,适宜在干旱半干旱地区发展;西部沙樱、针叶樱桃,当年生长表现较好,第2年春季有抽梢现象,抗寒性、抗旱性居中;美洲朴、毛核木当年新梢生长量大,第2年春季地上部分全部抽梢,抗旱性、抗寒性弱。  相似文献   

以陕西榆林黑龙潭树木园引种的美国黄松和油松为研究对象,结合延安树木园的一些情况,对2个树种进行了比较,研究了生长进程和生长性状的相关性,并对其适应性进行了阐述。研究结果表明,18年生美国黄松与油松在生长量上有差异,但未达到显著水平。2个树种的高生长进程表现为一致,第7年进入速生阶段,年生长量达到40 cm以上。在树高、胸径和材积3个生长指标上,美国黄松具有很好的相关性,相关系数均在0.9以上;而油松的树高与胸径相关系数仅为0.583。对于黑龙潭山地树木园而言,油松和美国黄松都是外来树种。18年引种结果表明,2个树种引入该地后成活率高、生长量大、适应性强,具有较高的引种推广价值。  相似文献   

采用大量野外调查数据,对美国黄松的生长特性进行了研究,并通过实验手段测定了其抗寒性相关指标,对抗寒机理进行了分析和评价.结果表明:美国黄松苗木根系发达,垂直根生长能力强,植苗成活率高,地径生长量明显大于油松.幼树生长进程与油松基本一致,造林后第7年进入速生期,树高年均生长量45 cm,而且仍处于上升阶段.美国黄松胸径年生长量和总生长量都大于油松,而树高小于油松,18年生单株材积0.017 7 m3,比油松大10%.不同引种地美国黄松胸径生长量存在显著差异,年均生长量介于0.30~0.94 cm.气象因素对生长有一定影响,随着活动积温、日照时数的增加生长量明显增大.树高与胸径、新梢长、冠幅存在显著相关性,与胸径的相关系数随着树龄的增加而逐渐提高,胸径与冠幅的相关系数随树龄的增大而变小.抗寒性测定结果表明,各个低温阶段美国黄松的电解质渗出率都大于油松,LT50为-10.7℃,油松为-17.9℃.美国黄松针叶组织中束缚水、可溶性糖、K 、类胡萝卜素和ABA含量较低是其抗寒性弱的内在原因.  相似文献   

马义 《防护林科技》2016,(11):108-109
黑松是大连地区沿海防护林造林的重要树种,根据黑松在大连开发区的生长状况,分析了黑松、油松、樟子松的根系、树高和胸径生长情况。调查结果表明黑松的根系、树高和胸径生长量均超过油松、樟子松,生长曲线呈缓-快-慢"S"形曲线。  相似文献   

黑龙潭树木园引种美国黄松生长调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对榆林黑龙潭山地树木园引种的美国黄松生长状况做了调查,并和油松进行了比较.结果表明,美国黄松和油松的树高、胸径、材积生长量有差异,但未达到显著水平;其冠幅小于油松.针叶长度远大于油松,二者差异显著.树高、胸径和材积3个生长指标,美国黄松具有很好的相关性,相关系数均在0.9以上;而油松的树高与胸径相关系数仅为0.583.对于榆林黑龙潭山地树木园而言,油松和美国黄松都是外来树种.引入该地后成活率高,生长量大.适应性强.具有较高的推广价值.  相似文献   

兴城油松种子园无性系生长比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在兴城油松种子园,经过两年对具有代表性的12个无性系各3个植株的生长状况做了定期观测,按主梢年生长量判断,该种子园无性系之间的生长差异是显著的。生长周期呈典型S曲线,顶梢长度生长与气温关系最密切。当日平均气温稳定在12℃时开始速生期(>0.4厘米/天),持续30-48天,各无性系顶梢年生长量与速生期天数,最高日生长速率以及顶梢上针叶束数呈极显著正相关,侧枝萌动时间与顶梢一致,但结束较早,第二轮枝生长速度最快,向下各轮有减慢趋势,直径生长较顶梢长度生长约晚10-15天,且在6月底-7月初有停滞现象,直径和长义生长顶峰值出现时间相互错开。  相似文献   

在内蒙古赤峰市敖汉旗小流域选择小叶杨、白榆、油松为研究对象,采用样地法和标准木树干解析木法,对标准地内林木进行每木检尺,同时对标准木树干解析,从而对流域内3种人工造林树种进行树高、胸径以及材积生长过程分析。结果表明:立地条件对不同人工林都存在明显的生长抑制作用。(1)小叶杨在种植19年后,树高、胸径、材积量生长均出现下降或减缓;从材积生长来看,第5~19年时为小叶杨的速生期;(2)白榆在种植后9~10年间树高和胸径生长速度开始降低,树高连年生长量与平均生长量相交于10年。材积量的快速积累可达22年;(3)油松在种植后14~19年开始出现树高和胸径生长降低现象,种植后19年是油松生长的转折期,应在此时实施疏伐调整。从材积生长来看,第7~20年时为油松的速生期。  相似文献   

为比较不同树种遮荫对香榧幼龄期生长的影响,选择板栗、厚朴、杉木、杨梅4个树种进行林下套种香榧试验,以同种林分林缘裸露的山地种植香榧为对照。结果表明:林下套种香榧,平均成活率均极显著高于对照,不同树种之间成活率差异不显著;新梢年均生长量均极显著高于对照,且板栗林下套种香榧的新梢年均生长量极显著大于其它3个树种。说明以板栗遮荫最有利于香榧幼龄期生长。  相似文献   

Seasonal retranslocation in white pine (Pinus strobus L.) and white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) was examined in response to silvicultural treatments (scarification, annual fertilization application, and annual control of competing vegetation with herbicide) that changed both environmental conditions and the growth rate of the trees. Four years after plantation establishment and initial treatment, nutrient accumulation in current-year needles of white pine and retranslocation from 1-year-old needles were increased following the vegetation control treatment, which increased resource availability (nutrients, water and light) and, hence, growth rate. Nutrient accumulation also increased in current-year white spruce needles following the same treatment, whereas retranslocation decreased in 1-year-old white spruce needles. Correlations of retranslocation (N, P and K) with growth rate (shoot biomass increment) showed a strong positive relationship for white pine and a negative relationship for white spruce. Retranslocation of K was correlated with foliar and soil K concentrations; the availability of this nutrient was also significantly reduced by vegetation control. A general theory for the control of nutrient retranslocation in conifers, which is not based exclusively on either sink strength or soil nutrient availability, is proposed. We conclude that retranslocation response is species specific and related to the potential phenotypic growth response to changing environmental conditions and to short-term imbalance in the supply versus the demand for nutrients.  相似文献   

文章介绍了引进的加拿大东部白松10个种源的优良种源选择的早期研究结果.通过6年的造林试验,东部白松生长量极显著大于乡土树种红松;东部白松10个种源之间生长量存在显著差异,筛选出2个优良种源,其苗高的遗传力为86%,遗传增益为11.7%;胸径的遗传力为88%,遗传增益为63.4%.说明直接引种东部白松优良种源造林可获得显著的增产效益.  相似文献   

在实验室从黑松健康针叶中分离到了刺黑乌霉菌〔Memnoniella echinata(Riv.)Gall.〕,经形态学比较和宿主范围研究证明,黑松是刺黑乌霉的新宿主,在我国属于首次报道。  相似文献   

For 12 conifer species, the maximum ratio of shoot to leaf silhouette area of shade-acclimated shoots was found to vary from 0.50 to 0.99. Maximum leaf area index (leaf area per unit ground area) of conifer stands varied from 3.5 to 20, and maximum mean annual increment varied by a factor of 2. Significant correlations were found between leaf silhouette area ratio of shade-acclimated shoots and the maximum leaf area index (R(2) = 0.84) and the maximum mean annual increment (R(2) = 0.93). These results support a hypothesis that species to species differences in the morphology of shade-adapted shoots strongly affect both the development of leaf area and the productivity of stands of evergreen conifers.  相似文献   

采用CEPA、GA3、PP333、B9等植物生长物质,以不同浓度处理马尾松、黑松、湿地松、火炬松枝梢,比较药剂种类和处理浓度对枝梢生长的影响。结果表明: GA3(2 500 mg·L-1)对各供试树种均有显著促进作用(试验3中对湿地松除外);试验1中,5 000 mg·L-1 PP333显著抑制马尾松枝和黑松枝的伸长生长,具有最佳调节效果;试验2中,5 000 mg·L-1 PP333显著抑制湿地松和马尾松枝的伸长生长,具有最佳调节效果;试验3中,5 000 mg·L-1 PP333+5 000 mg·L-1B9复合制剂显著抑制湿地松和火炬松枝梢的伸长生长,具有最佳调节效果。用"Y"型嗅觉仪测定微红梢斑螟成虫对松梢的嗅觉反应,结果表明处理组枝梢对微红梢斑螟成虫驱避效果明显;微红梢斑螟等松梢害虫危害率调查表明,处理枝梢的被害率也明显低于对照枝梢。  相似文献   

对从北美引进的东部白松在辽阳铧子林场进行了15a的种源试验研究。方差分析表明不同种源之间生长量差异显著,筛选出的3号和2号2个优良种源,树高、胸径遗传力为85%和87%,遗传增益为20.2%和28.9%,直接引种这些优良种源造林可获得显著的增产效益。东部白松的生长量显著高于乡土树种红松,是辽宁大有发展前途的优良树种。  相似文献   

Seasonal shoot dynamics of Japanese mountain stone pine (Pinus pumila Regel.) growing at six sites with different altitudes and slope aspects on the Kiso mountain range in central Japan were investigated. The shoots followed a similar growth pattern at all sites; current shoots elongated rapidly during June and July, and the current needles grew during July and August. Final lengths of the current shoots and needles decreased with increasing altitude. Current-shoot lengths were also shorter at the windward sites than at the leeward sites. At all sites, leaf senescence occurred intensively between mid-August and mid-September. Needle longevity, i.e., the age of the oldest living needle attached to a shoot, increased with increasing altitude. Fascicle density, i.e., the number of current needle fascicles on a unit shoot length, was greater at higher altitudes and windward sites than at lower altitudes and leeward sites. Seasonal dynamics of the P. pumila shoots were characterized by simultaneous replacement of old needles with new needles in the early autumn, thus avoiding any loss of canopy photosynthetic production during the growing season. Increases in needle longevity and fascicle density were associated with declining air temperature and increasing wind exposure. Needle longevity and fascicle density were characteristics of adaptive plasticity in P. pumila that prevent a reduction in growth potential in the stressful conditions of alpine regions.  相似文献   

为了探明马尾松人工林的生长规律,在桂西北乐里林场设置了3个固定样地,对马尾松人工幼林(4~11a生)的胸径、树高等进行了连续8年的监测研究,得出如下结果:1)胸径逐年总生长为5.50~12.27cm,与林龄的关系式为YDBH/cm=3.9383Ln(X林龄)+3.7132,连年生长和年平均生长分别为0.77~2.23cm和1.10~1.31cm。2)树高逐年总生长为3.53~11.73m,与林龄的关系式为YH/m=1.2186 X林龄-1.5443,连年生长和年平均生长分别为0.73~1.47m和0.88~1.08m。3)林分逐年总蓄积量为6.5~137.8m3/hm2,与林龄的关系式为YV/m3/hm2=0.0932X3.1119林龄,连年生长和年平均生长分别为5.0~25.0m3/hm2和1.6~12.5m3/hm2。研究充分说明,该区马尾松人工幼林生长较为缓慢,林分蓄积量较低。  相似文献   

松梢枯病的发生规律   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文

The current annual increment (wood volume) of stands of evergreen conifers on a research site in Sweden, was found to be significantly correlated with the maximum ratio of shoot to leaf silhouette area of shade‐acclimated shoots (R max). Neither the slope nor the intercept of the regression was significantly different from that published earlier relating maximum mean annual increment of British stands to R max . Moreover, a strong correlation between wood volumen increment and R max also occurs when data from four countries are combined. Wood density was not significantly correlated with R max. Harvest index for stand grown conifers more than 25 year old, was also not correlated with R max. Estimated net biomass production (excluding fine roots) was significantly correlated with R max (R 2 = 0.82, F = 17.7). These new analyses could not be used to disprove the hypothesis that variation in shade shoot structure of evergreen conifers has a measurable effect on maximum biomass production.  相似文献   

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