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这几年辣椒市场看好,杂交辣椒种子价格居高不下。为解决这一问题,需要从提高种子发芽率上下功夫。下面介绍笔者经多年实践应用的科学浸种、催芽方法。1 先浸种后烫种一般农民都是先把辣椒种子用热水烫种消毒后再浸种,而据笔者多次试验,以先浸好种子后再烫种消毒为好,因干籽直接烫种杀菌处理,使一小部分秕籽和陈籽因活力小,在猛烈的高温下容易死亡,失去发芽能力,而先浸种可使这部分种籽因先在适温中涨大而增加了抗性,从而提高了发芽率。2 浸种的用水量一般以浸没种籽即可,不要加水太多,以免冲淡种子内部养分,影响发芽率。3 浸种水温为提高… 相似文献
无籽西瓜具有品质优、抗病性强、丰产耐贮运等优点,深受农民欢迎。但生产中常出现种子发芽率低的问题,种子播前处理对其发芽率及无籽西瓜生产有较大影响。在播种前采用晒种、浸种、人工破壳、高温处理、药剂处理等方法对无籽西瓜种子进行处理,可在一定程度上提高无籽西瓜的发芽率。 相似文献
农民在购买种子后进行催芽过程中,发现明明标明是发芽率98%的种子,可就是催不出芽来。于是便怀疑是假种、劣种,四处找科研单位进行测试,着急上火不说,还白白耗费了不少人力,造成不必要的经济损失。其实并非如此。发芽率高的种子催不出芽主要有以下原因。 相似文献
不同浸种温度对樟子松种子发芽率的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
采用随机区组设计,研究25、35、45、55℃温水浸种24h和不浸种5个处理对樟子松种子发芽率的影响。结果表明:樟子松育苗前,最好用25℃和35℃温水浸种24h,有利提高发芽率。用温水浸种的所有处理14d发芽率均极显著高于不浸种的发芽率,不浸种的发芽率仅为38%。用25、35℃温水浸种均显著高于55℃温水浸种的发芽率;25、35、45℃温水浸种之间、45℃温水浸种与55℃温水浸种之间发芽率不显著。樟子松以25℃浸种24h的发芽率最高,高达52%,35℃浸种24h的发芽率达51%,45℃浸种24h的发芽率达48%,55℃浸种24h的发芽率达46%。 相似文献
韭菜无公害高产高效栽培技术 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
韭菜是人们喜食的一种蔬菜,近年来一些农户,用剧毒农药防治韭菜病虫害,使韭菜中的农药残留严重超标,给人们的健康造成严重的危害,因此,生产无公害韭菜成为当务之急,现将有关技术介绍如下:1选用高产抗病品种雪韭(791)、汉中冬韭、诸城大金钩等。2浸种催芽春播可以干籽直播,夏秋播种前要进行种子处理,处理时,先用40℃的温水浸种12小时,将种子上的黏液洗净后,用湿布包好,放在16~20℃的条件下催芽,每天用清水冲洗1~2次,当60%的种子露白时即可播种。3整地施肥选择地势高燥,排灌方便的沙壤土地块作苗床,耕翻土地,结合整地每(亩)撒施优质有机肥60… 相似文献
采用室外大田育苗袋播种育苗方法,研究常温(25℃)、40℃、50℃、60℃、70℃、80℃温水浸种24h共6个处理对依兰香种子发芽率的影响。结果表明:依兰香育苗期,温水浸种与发芽率的关系呈极显著。在一定范围内,用温水浸种24h,有利于提高发芽率,但不是越高越好,超过一定的温度,其种子发芽率大幅度降低,80℃浸种发芽率只有2%,最好用40℃和50℃温水浸种,分别达到75%、84%,其次是60℃、70℃,分别为62%、35%。 相似文献
Various treatments to remove the seed coat surgically revealed its role in preventing germination of non-stratified peach seed. The peach embryo from a non-chilled seed is not dormant, as it germinates readily when the seed coat is completely removed. The peach seed coat provides a physical impediment — commonly referred to as mechanical resistance to germination. Incision through the seed coat around the seed at the cotyledonary gap allowed germination even though the seed coat remained in contact with the embryo. No role for inhibitors extracted from the seed coat could be elucidated. 相似文献
Romero FR Delate K Hannapel DJ 《HortScience : a publication of the American Society for Horticultural Science》2005,40(6):1751-1754
Organic production of one of the most popular botanical supplements, Echinacea, continues to expand in the U.S. Echinacea seeds typically show a high degree of dormancy that can be broken by ethephon or gibberelic acid (GA), but these methods are currently disallowed in organic production. In order to determine the efficacy of non-chemical seed treatments, we evaluated the effect of varying seed source and supplying light, with and without cold-moist stratification, on seed germination of the three most important medicinal species of Echinacea, E. angustifolia DC, E. purpurea (L) Moench, and E. pallida (Nutt.) Nutt. Treatments included cold-moist stratification under 24 h light, 24 h dark, and 16/8 h light/dark to break seed dormancy. We found that germination was greater in the E. purpurea and E. pallida seeds from a commercial organic seed source compared to a public germplasm source. When seeds were not cold-moist stratified, 16-24 h light increased germination in E. angustifolia only. Echinacea angustifolia, E. purpurea, and E. pallida seeds that were cold-moist stratified under 16-24 h of light for 4 wk had a significantly greater percentage and rate of germination compared to seeds germinated in the dark. Therefore, cold-moist stratification under light conditions is recommended as a method to break seed dormancy and increase germination rates in organic production of Echinacea. 相似文献
The continuous application of low temperature, under dark conditions, which stimulates germination of photoblastic lettuce seeds (Lactuca sativa L., ‘Grand Rapids’), can be minimized to the second 24 h-period of imbibition. 相似文献
N. L. Biddington Brenda Ling A. S. Dearman 《The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology》2013,88(3):427-433
Freshly-harvested seeds of green watercress were pale yellow, rapidly turning to pale brown under ambient laboratory conditions. Older seeds ranged from pale to very dark brown, the darker seeds losing more electrolyte than the pale ones when immersed in water. Dark seeds germinated more readily than pale ones when the seeds were freshly harvested, but with old seeds germination was generally greater with paler seeds than darker ones. The results suggested that darkening of the seed coat was associated initially with a loss in dormancy and ultimately a loss in viability. Darkening of the seeds was enhanced by moisture. It could be induced by high humidity storage at 40°C, a treatment which resulted in increased electrolyte leakage from the seeds, or by holding individual seeds dormant at 35°C, although only the former treatment reduced germination. The results suggest that the ability of the seeds to germinate and the colour of the seed coat are not directly linked but that both are influenced by RH and temperature during storage. 相似文献
以2014年当年采收的东北刺人参种子为材料,连续4年进行种子层积催芽处理和容器播种育苗。结果表明:人工控温预处理是解除东北刺人参种子休眠的必需阶段,在此基础上进行室外埋藏自然变温处理,2年可有效解除种子休眠,种子发芽率达到68.0%以上;不同温度条件预处理对东北刺人参种子催芽效果有影响,主要表现为起始温度15~20℃预处理组,经过7个月的预处理后,有2.3%的种子发芽可用于播种;而起始温度20~25℃预处理后,虽然预处理后没有发芽粒,但在室外埋藏1年后,其发芽率为52.2%,高于起始温度15~20℃预处理组的45.3%;不同起始温度预处理组埋藏2年后的发芽率和总发芽率则没有差异;不同室外埋藏时间发芽种子播种苗质量差异明显,其中以室外埋藏处理1年种子的播种苗质量最好。 相似文献
盐胁迫对雪菊种子萌发的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用纸培法,用不同浓度NaCI单盐溶液(O%、0.5%、0.6%、0.9%、1.2%)处理雪菊种子,研究不同浓度盐胁迫对种子萌发的影响。结果表明:随着盐浓度的升高,雪菊种子的发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数、活力指数都有所降低,在O%~0.9%盐浓度范围内,各性状指标与对照差异不显著,1.2%盐浓度下与对照形成显著差异。低浓度(0.3%)盐胁迫对雪菊种子萌发有促进作用,发芽率为87%,高于对照3个百分点,盐浓度超过0.9%时,明显延迟种子发芽时间,发茅率为57%,低于对照27个百分点。雪菊种子萌发时的耐盐适宜范围为0%~1.5%,耐盐半致死浓度为2.25%,耐盐极限浓度为5.85%,可在河北滨海滩涂盐渍化土壤地区推广种植。 相似文献