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雨强对红壤坡耕地泥沙流失及有机碳富集的影响规律研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在典型红壤丘陵区平均坡度为10?的坡耕地径流小区 (2 m?5 m) 上进行降雨强度为1.69 mm min-1(大雨强)、1.31 mm min-1(中雨强)和0.64 mm min-1(小雨强)的模拟降雨试验,并对模拟降雨过程中泥沙的迁移规律和泥沙有机碳的流失富集规律进行了研究。研究结果表明:侵蚀作用下泥沙流失量随着降雨强度的增大而增加,并与径流量呈显著的立方关系,径流量是坡耕地土壤流失的重要影响因素;土壤有机碳流失以泥沙结合态为主,泥沙态有机碳流失量占总有机碳流失量的84%以上,最高达到97.6%;泥沙中有机碳富集比随着降雨强度的增大而逐渐减小,有机碳的选择性迁移在低强度降雨条件下表现更为明显;中雨强和小雨强下有机碳的富集比与黏粒的富集比分别呈极显著和显著正相关,而大雨强泥沙有机碳富集比与黏粒富集比没有显著的线性关系。雨强是影响泥沙流失和泥沙有机碳迁移的重要因素。  相似文献   

This paper presents two new definitions of sediment and water flux connectivity (from source through slopes to channels/sinks) with examples of applications to sediment fluxes. The two indices of connectivity are operatively defined, one (IC) that can be calculated in a GIS environment and represents a connectivity assessment based on landscape's information, and another that can be evaluated in the field (FIC) through direct assessment. While IC represent a potential connectivity characteristic of the local landscape, since nothing is used to represent the characteristics of causative events, FIC depend on the intensities of the events that have occurred locally and that have left visible signs in the fields, slopes, etc.IC and FIC are based on recognized major components of hydrological connectivity, such as land use and topographic characteristics. The definitions are based on the fact that the material present at a certain location A reaches another location B with a probability that depends on two components: the amount of material present in A and the route from A to B. The distance to B is weighted by the local gradient and the type of land use that the flow encounters on its route to B, while the amount of material present in A depends on the catchment surface, slope gradient and type of land use of said catchment.Although IC and FIC are independent from each other, and are calculated using different equations and different inputs, they complement each other. In fact, their combined use improves IC's accuracy. Hence, connectivity classes can afterward be rated using IC alone.This procedure has been applied in a medium-size watershed in Tuscany (Italy) with the aim of evaluating connectivity, identifying connected sediment sources and verifying the effects of mitigation measures.The proposed indices can be used for monitoring changes in connectivity in areas with high geomorphological or human induced evolution rates.  相似文献   

红壤有机碳流失特征及其与泥沙径流流失量的定量关系   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
通过野外微型径流小区模拟降雨试验,对坡面小区尺度水力侵蚀过程中物理运移土壤有机碳的规律进行研究。结果表明:2 m×5 m径流小区持续降雨30 min后,大雨强(1.64 mm min-1)和小雨强(0.58 mm min-1)降雨条件下泥沙携带流失的有机碳总量分别为56.09 g和3.18 g,溶解于径流流失的有机碳总量分别为13.55 g和2.81 g。降雨强度和持续时间对有机碳流失的过程特征有显著影响。降雨强度越大,泥沙携带及溶解于径流的有机碳流失速率和总量也越大。大雨强泥沙有机碳富集比在产流发生后的18min内大于1,随后降至1以下。小雨强泥沙有机碳富集比始终小于1。大雨强径流有机碳浓度与径流量呈立方关系,小雨强有机碳流失量随径流量增加呈线性递增趋势;大雨强泥沙有机碳含量与泥沙量之间具有明显的立方关系。  相似文献   

长期定位施肥对潮土有机氮组分和有机碳的影响   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
利用河南封丘潮土的13年长期施肥试验,采用Bremner法研究了潮土耕层有机氮组成的变化,分析了长期施肥对土壤有机氮组份和有机碳含量的影响。与不施肥和单施化肥相比,施有机肥或有机肥与化肥配施显著提高了土壤全氮、酸解有机氮、酸解铵态氮、氨基酸态氮、非酸解有机氮和有机碳的含量。有机氮主要由酸解铵态氮和氨基酸态氮组成,其次为酸解未知态氮和非酸解有机氮,氨基糖态氮含量最小。施有机肥尤其利于氨基酸态氮和非酸解有机氮的形成。施肥处理的酸解有机氮占全氮的比例减小,主要是由氨基酸态氮、酸解铵态氮占全氮的比例减小所致。与1989年试验开始时的土壤初始值相比,施有机肥能提高土壤全氮含量和有机质含量。在供应等氮磷钾的情况下,有机无机配施增加了土壤供氮能力、有机质含量和作物产量,是维持土壤肥力和保护环境最优的施肥方式。  相似文献   

免耕对土壤团聚体特征以及有机碳储量的影响   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
以实施7年的中国科学院禹城综合试验站冬小麦夏玉米轮作免耕长期定位试验场为对象,研究免耕条件下土壤水稳性团聚体和有机碳储量的变化,为进一步评价免耕措施对黄淮海平原土壤结构和质量的影响提供科学依据。设置免耕(NT)、免耕秸秆不还田(NTRR)、常规耕作(CT)3种处理,分析土壤表层(0~20 cm)及深层(20~60 cm)水稳性团聚体分布特征、土壤有机碳以及团聚体有机碳的变化和相互关系。研究结果表明:由于减少了对土壤的破坏以及增加了秸秆还田和有机肥的施用,与常规耕作相比,NT和NTRR可提高表层土壤有机碳含量和储量、水稳性团聚体平均重量直径(MWD)和几何平均直径(GMD),以及大团聚体有机碳的含量和储量。其中,秸秆覆盖比施用有机肥对表层土壤有机碳储量和0.25~2 mm团聚体有机碳储量的提高具有更显著的作用。与表层不同,深层土壤有机碳和大团聚体有机碳的含量和储量表现为NT相似文献   

Sediment budgets have been established for two small (<4 km2), lowland, agricultural catchments, by using 137Cs measurements, sediment source fingerprinting and more traditional monitoring techniques to quantify the individual components of the budget. The gross and net erosion rates for the fields on the catchment slopes were estimated using 137Cs measurements within selected fields, which encompassed a representative range of slope angles, slope lengths and land use. These estimates were extrapolated over the entire catchment, using a simple topographically driven soil erosion model (Terrain-Based GIS, TBGIS) superimposed on a DEM, to derive catchment average gross and net erosion rates. Suspended sediment yields were measured at the catchment outlets and sediment source fingerprinting techniques were used to establish the relative contributions from the catchment surface, subsurface tile drains and eroding channel banks to the sediment yields. In-channel and wetland storage were quantified using both direct measurements and 137Cs measurements. The sediment budgets established for the catchments highlighted the importance of subsurface tile drains as a pathway for sediment transfer, accounting for ca. 60% and 30% of the sediment output from the two catchments. Erosion from channel banks contributed ca. 10% and 6% of the sediment output from the two catchments. Although the suspended sediment yields from these catchments were considered high by UK standards (ca. 90 t km−2 year−1), the sediment delivery ratios ranged between 14% and 27%, indicating that a major proportion of the mobilised sediment was stored within the catchments. In-field and field-to-channel storage were shown to be of similar magnitude, but storage of sediment in the channel system and associated wetlands was relatively small, representing <5% of the annual suspended sediment yield.  相似文献   

Simulation models are increasingly used to analyze the impact of agricultural management at the watershed-scale. In this study, the Agricultural Policy/Environmental eXtender (APEX) model was tested using long-term (1976–1995) data from two watersheds (W2 and W3) at the USDA Deep Loess Research Station near Treynor, Iowa. The two watersheds were cropped with continuous corn (Zea mays L.) and managed with conventional-tillage at W2 (34.4 ha) and ridge-till at W3 (43.3 ha). The monthly runoff and sediment yield were calibrated for the two watersheds during 1976–1987 by adjusting the curve numbers, curve number index coefficient, RUSLE C factor exponential residue and height coefficients, and erosion control practice factor for grassed waterways. Soil organic carbon values in the top 0.15 m soil layer were calibrated for the two watersheds in 1984 by adjusting the microbial decay rate coefficient. Model validation was conducted from 1988 to 1995. The calibrated model was able to reasonably replicate the monthly and yearly surface runoff and sediment yield for both watersheds for the validation period, with Nash–Sutcliffe efficiencies (EF) larger than 0.62 except for the EF of 0.41 for monthly sediment yield comparison at W3. The errors between the predicted and observed means were all within ±6% for runoff and sediment yield; predicted soil organic carbon in the 0.15 m soils in 1994 were within 10% of the observed values for both watersheds. The percentage error between the predicted and observed average corn grain yields was −5.3% at W2 and −2.7% at W3 during the 20-year simulation period. Scenario analyses were also conducted to assess the benefits of ridge-till over conventional-tillage. Over the 20 years, the predicted benefit of ridge-till versus conventional-tillage on surface runoff reduction was 36% in W2 and 39% in W3, and about 82–86% sediment yield reduction in both watersheds. The cumulative soil organic carbon losses from sediment were reduced about 63–67%. The long-term benefit of ridge-till over conventional-tillage was also quantified as a minimum corn grain yield increase of 3.8%. The results of this study indicate that APEX has the ability to predict differences between the two tillage systems. The modeling approach can be extended to other watersheds to examine the impacts of different tillage systems.  相似文献   

There are a number of uncertainties in the use of 137Cs as a marker for deriving soil erosion rates. However, this should not limit other potential uses of this anthropogenic radionuclide in the study of soil landscape processes. This study outlines a sampling methodology which aids in the assessment of the history of erosion and depositional processes within a landscape unit. The depth distribution of 137Cs and soil organic carbon (SOC) was utilized as a means of determining the erosion and depositional history of a conventionally tilled agricultural field in southern Ontario, Canada. Three transects oriented along the slope of a large field had five soil profiles excavated at the summit, sideslope, shoulder slope, footslope and toeslope landscape positions. The soils were sampled in 5 cm increments, and 137Cs and SOC were determined on the samples. The results show that soil redistribution within landscape units of agricultural fields has been substantial both before and after fallout of 137Cs to the soil surface. Soils in depositional areas contained significant 137Cs and SOC at depths beyond which the plow can attain at present. This implies that a significant amount of carbon is being sequestered beneath the present plow layer, and the characterization of this pool must be considered in deriving the dynamics of SOC in agroecosystems.  相似文献   

Background, aim, and scope  The potential of wetlands for controlling point- and nonpoint-source pollution in surface water has attracted increasing interest. The partitioning process of organic contaminants between water, particulate organic carbon (POC) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC), impacts their behaviors in the aquatic environments. Meantime, the partitioning process of organic contaminants is closely related to their physicochemical properties, such as hydrophobicity (or K ow), and their fates in wetlands may vary greatly depending on physicochemical properties. The aim of this study was to examine fates and removals of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and nonylphenols (NPs) in a wetland in Beijing, China, and provide useful information for ecological remediation. Materials and methods  Water samples, collected at five sites from inlet to outlet of the wetland once a month in summer 2006, were immediately filtered within 2 days through 0.45-μm glass fiber prefilters and enriched by solid-phase extraction. The filtered particulates were collected as the total suspended particulates (TSPs), freeze-dried, and Soxhlet-extracted. After extraction, samples were purified following a clean-up procedure and analyzed by GC-MS. Results  TSPs could be removed efficiently with a removal rate of 97.4%, and DOC could be moderately removed with a removal rate of 44.7% from inlet to outlet. The total removals of target contaminants varied widely from null to 82.0%. A good correlation between logK ow and logK oc (organic-carbon-normalized suspended-particulate partition coefficient) was observed (r 2 = 0.84 for PAHs and r 2 = 0.86 for OCPs, p < 0.01). Ratios of the POC-bound fraction of target contaminants (or DOC-bound fraction) to the freely dissolved fraction increased with their K ow values. The removal of the POC fraction contributed more than 50% to the total removal for the contaminants with logK ow > 5.0. Only a small portion of the removal was attributed to the removal of the freely dissolved fraction. Discussion  Hydrophobic compounds such as PAHs and OCPs with higher K ow values would show stronger POC or DOC preference. Their removal depended greatly on their K ow values and the removal of total suspended particulates. On the other hand, concentrations of NPs decreased little in the wetland, probably due to their production through degradation of their precursors and relatively low hydrophobicity. Conclusions  POC and DOC play essential roles on the fates and removals of hydrophobic organic contaminants in the wetland. The removal of target contaminants with a high K ow should be mainly through association with the suspended particulates which were precipitated and retained in the wetland. The fates of the organic contaminants in the wetland greatly depended on their hydrophobicities. Recommendations and perspectives  Further work should be done to study the influence of hydraulic retention time and some other environmental factors, e.g., temperature, on removals and fates of organic contaminants. Behavior of NPs and their precursors in the wetland should also be investigated more thoroughly.  相似文献   

矿区复垦土壤碳组分对外源碳输入的响应特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究外源碳输入对复垦土壤有机碳及组分的影响,对于深入探究矿区复垦土壤有机碳提升及培肥管理具有重要意义。本文依托山西省襄垣县采煤沉陷复垦区的长期定位试验,研究了矿区复垦土壤碳组分对不同外源碳(生物炭、堆肥、沼渣、牛粪与秸秆)输入的响应特征。分别在2011年与2016年对矿区复垦土壤样品进行采集,测定0~20 cm土层土壤有机碳、易氧化有机碳、活性碳库Ⅰ、Ⅱ的含量。结果表明,生物炭处理的土壤有机碳增长率和年变化量较对照(CK,无外源碳添加)分别增加101.80%和0.56g·kg–1·a–1,且均显著高于其他有机物料处理;生物炭、牛粪处理土壤0~20 cm土层固碳量较CK分别提高100.52%和91.52%,二者间差异不显著,均显著高于其他有机物料处理,堆肥、沼渣和秸秆处理间对土壤固碳量的提升作用不显著。添加有机物料均能显著增加复垦土壤易氧化有机碳的增长率和年变化量,均表现为堆肥处理最高,较CK分别增加12.37%和0.16 g·kg–1·a–1。复垦土壤活性碳库Ⅰ、Ⅱ的增长率和年变化量均为牛粪处理显著高于其他有机物料处理。有机物料添加均能提高土壤稳定性有机碳含量,与CK相比,生物炭和牛粪处理的提高幅度最大,显著高于其他有机物料,而牛粪与生物碳之间差异不显著。生物炭处理碳库管理指数最高,分别较堆肥、沼渣、牛粪、秸秆处理提高36.30%、52.23%、41.50%、52.02%。施用生物炭、堆肥、沼渣、牛粪与秸秆都能显著提升复垦土壤各碳组分含量和碳库管理指数,施用生物炭的效果最优,因此施用生物炭可作为矿区复垦土壤有机碳提升的有效管理措施。  相似文献   

有机无机肥长期施用对潮土团聚体及其有机碳含量的影响   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
耿瑞霖  郁红艳  丁维新  蔡祖聪 《土壤》2010,42(6):908-914
用湿筛法和密度分级相结合的方法,将土壤区分为不同粒径团聚体,并进一步把团聚体细分成不同组分,系统比较了有机无机肥长期施用对潮土及其团聚体中有机C含量的影响。结果表明,潮土团聚体以53~250μm为主,有机肥长期施用显著提高了250~2000μm团聚体数量,降低了53~250μm团聚体的比例。无机肥施用增加了各粒径团聚体有机C含量,但没有改变团聚体的比例。团聚体中有机C以细颗粒有机C(fine iPOM)为主,有机肥施用显著增加了矿物态有机C含量,并通过增加250~2000μm团聚体中细颗粒有机C(fine iPOM)和矿物态有机C比例来提高土壤有机C含量。无机肥则通过比较均匀地增加团聚体中各组分有机C含量来提高土壤有机C水平。因此,有机肥和无机肥在潮土上增加土壤有机质含量的机制存在明显差异。  相似文献   

Abstract. The purpose of the study was to determine the soil organic carbon (SOC) stock for Flanders, Belgium and to evaluate various methods for assessing SOC stock. The assessment methods first determined the SOC density (C mass per unit area) for pedons in a database of soil properties, and then spatially distributed the SOC density to soil and soil/land use categories on a map. The results showed that the pedon SOC density is influenced by drainage class, texture and land use/land cover. The SOC density estimation method significantly influences results and leads to differences of up to 6% in total estimated SOC stock for Flanders. Use of various spatial distributing methods creates differences of up to 2% in total estimated SOC stock. The largest difference in SOC stock estimate between any combination of assessment methods was 7% (125.6 Tg vs 134.9 Tg). These findings emphasize the importance of complete spatial soil databases of high quality that reduce uncertainty of estimates for use in research examining the role of soils in the C cycle. The results indicate that the need for these databases is greater than the need to standardize methods to determine the spatial distribution of SOC. A map of the distribution of SOC density shows that in Flanders a large proportion of SOC is stored in sandy soils in the north of the territory.  相似文献   

长期不同施肥模式对潮土有机碳组分的影响   总被引:4,自引:6,他引:4  
采用物理分组方法分析了长期不同施肥模式条件下潮土有机碳组分变化及其分布规律。结果表明,与不施肥(CK)比较,长期氮、磷、钾平衡施用(NPK)、秸秆还田(NPKS)和有机无机肥配施(NPKM和1.5NPKM)均显著提高了潮土粗自由颗粒有机碳(cfPOC)、微团聚体内物理保护颗粒有机碳(iPOC)及矿物结合有机碳(mSOC)的含量,其中以粗自由颗粒有机碳增幅最高,达114.5%~278.9%,对施肥最敏感,能较好反映长期施肥下土壤有机碳库的变化。矿物结合有机碳是潮土固存有机碳的主要形式,它占总有机碳的67.0%~80.4%。除偏施化肥(N和NP)外,其它施肥模式增加的总有机碳有49.1%~58.1%进入矿物结合有机碳组分;26.2%~31.7%进入粗、细自由颗粒有机碳组分;15.7%~20.9%进入物理保护有机碳组分。偏施化肥(N和NP)有利于自由颗粒有机碳的增加。综上分析,长期有机无机肥配施或秸秆还田是提升潮土不同组分有机碳库的较好施肥模式。  相似文献   


A simple method for routine determination of organic carbon in soil by a modified Mebius procedure is described. It involves (a) digestion of the soil sample with an acidified dichromate (K2Cr2O7‐H2SO4) solution for 30 minutes in a Pyrex digestion tube in a 40‐tube block digester preheated to 170°C and (b) estimation of the unreacted dichromate by titration of the cooled digest with an acidified solution of ferrous ammonium sulfate with use ofN‐phenylanthranilic acid as an indicator. The method is more rapid and precise than the Mebius procedure commonly used for routine analysis of soils for organic carbon, and the only equipment required for its use is equipment now commonly used for routine Kjeldahl analysis of soils for total nitrogen.  相似文献   

Soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics are affected by tillage, soil erosion and depositional processes. The objectives of this paper are to evaluate soil organic carbon and fly-ash distribution methods for identifying eroded phases of soils in Illinois and Russia and quantifying the extent of soil loss from erosion. The effect of accelerated erosion on soils is recorded on National Cooperative Soil Survey maps as phases of soil series that reflect the percentage of the original A horizon materials remaining. Identification depends on knowledge of the original A horizon thicknesses, SOC and fly-ash contents at uncultivated and uneroded sites when determining erosion phases of soil at cultivated and eroded sites. However, locating uncultivated and uneroded comparison sites with similar landscape and slope characteristics can be difficult. The amount of A horizon materials within the plow layers (Ap horizons) or topsoils are often determined by soil colors which reflect the SOC contents. Soil erosion phases based on original A horizon materials remaining in the topsoils may underestimate the extent of soil losses from topsoils and subsoils, particularly where soils have been cultivated for hundreds of years and are severely eroded. The SOC contents and soil erosion phases can be affected by losses or gains of organic C-rich sediments from tillage translocation and erosion, by management input level differences, oxidation, or as a result of land use and landscape position variations. Fly-ash was found to be more stable and act as a better indicator of soil erosion phase than SOC content.  相似文献   

长期施肥下褐土易氧化有机碳及有机碳库的变化特征   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
本研究探讨了24年长期施肥对褐土土壤有机碳(TOC)、有机碳储量(TOCs)、净固碳效率(NCSE)和碳库管理指数(CPMI)的影响,为评价褐土土壤碳库变化与质量及科学施肥提供理论依据。研究以褐土肥力与肥料长期定位试验为平台,通过9个处理[A组:不施肥处理(N_0P_0、CK);B组:单施无机肥处理(N_1P_1、N_2P_2、N_3P_3和N_4P_4);C组:有机肥与无机肥配施处理(N_2P_1M_1、N_3P_2M_3和N_4P_2M_2);D组:单施高量有机肥处理(M_6)]测定土壤TOC与易氧化有机碳(ROOC)含量,并计算TOCs、NCSE及CPMI等相关指标。结果表明,在不同土层不同时期施用较高量有机肥配施无机肥及施用高量有机肥(N_3P_2M_3、N_4P_2M_2和M_6)均可提高TOC和ROOC含量,且随土层深度加深提升作用减弱。TOCs、NCSE与0~20 cm土层TOC含量在时间和空间上的变化规律基本一致。施用高量有机肥(C组、D组)可有效提高TOCs,A组、B组的TOCs均值分别比C组、D组低76.77%与17.36%。长期施肥处理可提高NCSE,尤其是施用有机肥处理可显著提高NCSE。NCSE为D组C组A组=B组;D组NCSE为1 152.27 kg·hm~(-2)·a~(-1),是C组的2.51倍,B组的16.20倍。与试验前相比,C组和D组的CPMI无显著变化,且C组与D组间差异不显著,但A组与B组比试验前降低16.38~40.02。与A组(CK)相比,B组中N1P1处理与C、D组处理显著影响CPMI,提高了23.30~45.67。在0~40 cm土层CPMI与ROOC含量呈显著正相关,CPMI可以很好地指示有机碳的变化。可见,施用高量有机肥或者较高量有机肥与无机肥配施可极显著提高褐土土壤TOCs、NCSE和CPMI,即施用高量有机肥或者较高量有机肥与无机肥配施(N_3P_2M_3和N_4P_2M_2)有利于褐土有机碳的固存,可减少无机肥的施用量,使土壤性质向良性方向发展,培肥土壤。  相似文献   

The area burned by wildfire in the states of Arizona and New Mexico in the southwestern US has been increasing in recent years. In many cases, high severity burns have caused dramatic increases in runoff and sediment yield from burned watersheds. This paper describes the potential and limitations of the HEC6T sediment transport model to describe changes in channel scour and deposition following the Cerro Grande fire near Los Alamos, New Mexico. Following the fire, Pueblo Canyon, near Los Alamos, was subject to a peak flow two orders of magnitudes higher than any discharge in the 7-year period of record, and twice the initial post-fire estimate of the 100-year event. HEC6T requires that the limits of scour and deposition on a cross-section be specified prior to application. This was achieved by using geomorphologic principles, predicted post-burn hydrology and long-term estimates of channel change derived from air photos, to estimate post-fire channel widths. Because significant quantities of silt and clay were present in the runoff, erosion shear stress and erosion rate parameters for cohesive sediments had to be obtained experimentally. After a sensitivity analysis, an optimization routine was used to estimate the optimal model parameter values for sensitive parameters. HEC6T was able to accurately model the change in cumulative sediment volume change derived from Airborne Laser Swath Mapping (ALSM, often called Lidar) taken before and after the large post-fire event. One discrepancy between the HEC6T model prediction and the ALSM-estimated change was that the ALSM-estimated change showed the greatest amount of deposition in a portion of the canyon with increasing slope, which the HEC6T model did not predict. Any sediment transport model will predict increased sediment transport capacity with increasing energy slope, so that it was considered to be beyond the capability of any sediment transport model to predict this deposition. Therefore, HEC6T simulated the overall changes in scour and deposition within reasonable expectation of the capabilities of physically-based sediment transport modeling indicating that it is capable of modeling sediment transport in ephemeral channels following wildfire.  相似文献   

长期施肥对红壤不同形态碳的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
长期定位施肥对红壤不同形态有效碳的影响试验研究结果表明,与对照相比,长期施肥后红壤不同形态有效碳均有不同程度提高,且全C、矿化碳的变化为厩肥>绿肥>稻草秸秆肥>本田还田>对照,易氧化碳、C库管理指数(CPMI)、C素有效率的变化为绿肥>稻草秸秆肥>厩肥>本田还田>对照,微生物生物量C变化为绿肥>厩肥>稻草秸秆肥>本田还田>对照,绿肥和稻草秸秆肥可有效改善土壤肥力及理化性状。C库管理指数与土壤养分因子量相关或极相关关系,反映了农业生产措施对土壤C库的影响,可运用其评估土壤C库的变化。  相似文献   

Increased use of conservation tillage is being considered as a way to sequester atmospheric C in the soil. However, little information exists on the effect of rotation and its interaction with tillage on soil organic carbon (SOC). A research trial with combinations of rotations and tillage treatments was sampled 20 years after its establishment to assess the effects on SOC sequestration in a typic Hapludalf in southern Ontario, Canada. The cropping treatments included continuous corn (zea mays L.), six rotations comprised of 2 years of corn following 2 years of another crop or crop sequence, and continuous alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). Each rotation was split into either fall moldboard plow (MP) or fall chisel plow (CP) treatments. Continuous alfalfa was plowed and replanted every 4 years. Soil samples were taken incrementally to a depth of 40 cm and SOC and bulk density determined. The average SOC concentration (0–40 cm) was greatest in continuous alfalfa (18.0 g C kg−1). The treatments of soybean (Glycine max L.Merr.)+winterwheat (Triticum aestivum L.) or barley+barley (Trifolium pratense L.) (interseeded with red clover) followed by 2 years of corn had higher SOC concentrations (17.2–17.3 g C kg−1) than continuous corn and the treatments of 2 years of corn following 2 years of alfalfa or soybean (16.4–16.5 g C kg−1). The rotation of 2 years of barley followed by 2 years of corn had the lowest SOC concentrations (15.2 g C kg−1). On an equivalent mass basis, the rotations of soybean+winterwheat or barley+barley (underseeded with red clover) followed by 2 years of corn, had 2–9 Mg ha−1 more C than the other corn-based rotations. Including red clover in the winter wheat seemed to accelerate the rate of C mineralization compared to winter wheat without red clover; whereas interseeding red clover with barley increased SOC contents compared to excluding red clover in the barley rotation. More SOC was found in the top 10 cm and less in the 10–20 cm depth of the CP than in the MP soils. However, the CP did not increase the SOC content (0–20 cm) above that of MP indicating that this form of reduced tillage did not increase C sequestration in any of the rotations on this soil.  相似文献   

为了更好地揭示特殊地形下水蚀过程对土壤结构和有机碳含量分配的影响,选取典型南方红壤丘陵区—青原山小流域为研究区,采用核素137Cs示踪技术研究小流域侵蚀沟道内水土流失现状,分析了沟道侵蚀对土壤团聚体稳定性及有机碳含量的影响。结果表明:侵蚀沟道的坡顶处137Cs含量最高,且高于背景值,属于沉积区,而坡上、坡脚属于中度侵蚀,坡中属于轻度侵蚀;侵蚀沟道顺坡而下侵蚀过程依次表现为绝对沉积、绝对侵蚀、相对沉积和绝对侵蚀,其中植被和地形因子是主导因素;沉积区相比于侵蚀区平均质量直径(Mean Weight Diameter,MWD)和大团聚体含量(粒径≥0.25 mm)更高,侵蚀区中相对沉积的坡中有着更稳定的土壤团粒结构;沉积区各个粒径的土壤团聚体有机碳含量均高于侵蚀区,侵蚀区的土壤团聚体有机碳更趋向于均匀分配,土壤理化性质的空间差异也会影响土壤团聚体有机碳含量。侵蚀沟道中土壤侵蚀模式与传统坡面并不一致,土壤结构及相关碳组分主要受地形和植被支配下的土壤侵蚀程度影响。  相似文献   

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