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A retrospective study was made of 75 mandibular fractures in 62 cats. Mandibular fractures comprised 14.5% of all fractures seen in 517 cats. Automobile trauma was the cause of injury in more than 50% of the cases. The mean age of patients was 29.5 months. Symphyseal fractures were most common (73.3%), followed by fractures of the body (16%), condyle (6.7%), and coronoid process (4%). Sixty-seven percent of the fractures were stabilized. Cerclage and interfragmentary wiring were the most common forms of fixation. Antibiotics were administered to 73.6% of the patients. Complications were reported in 24.5% of the cats. Malocclusion and soft tissue infections were the most frequent complications. Complications developed more commonly in cats with multiple or open fractures. Clinical union occurred by an average of 6 weeks (range, 3-12 weeks) for symphyseal fractures, 10 weeks (range, 8-16 weeks) for body fractures, 6 weeks for coronoid fractures, and 6 weeks (range, 4-8 weeks) for condylar fractures.  相似文献   

Case histories of 130 dogs and cats with humeral fractures were reviewed. The different types of fractures were classified. Most animals with proximal, shaft, and supracondylar fractures had excellent results. The poor prognosis associated with distal articular fractures was due most often to failure of the fixation device in the supracondylar area; best results were achieved with a plate on the caudal and medial surface of the distal humerus.  相似文献   

Forty-three cases of nonsurgically managed ulnar fractures in the horse were reviewed. Twenty-three per cent of the horses were euthanized, 44% survived but were unsound, and 33% of the horses were sound when surveyed 6 months to 11 years following fracture. Best results were obtained when treating distal semilunar notch fractures (70% sound). Prognosis was poorest for horses with fractures of the olecranon affecting the semilunar notch (0% sound).  相似文献   

A retrospective study of 103 dogs with gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV) treated conservatively during the period 1985–1989 was performed. The date and number of recurrences, and the date and cause of death along with breed, age and sex were collected from clinic records and from a questionnaire sent to the owners (77% response). The treatment consisted of emptying the stomach with a stomach tube, gastrocentesis if necessary and treating shock.All of the affected dogs were from moderate to large sized breeds and the study showed that particular breeds appear to be predisposed to GDV. The average age was 7.2 years and there was no gender predisposition. Sixty-six per cent of the dogs survived the initial treatment and 50% of the dogs were still alive 1 month after treatment. Thirty-nine dogs (71%) received recurrence between 5–760 days after initial treatment. Fifty-six per cent had recurrence within 3 months and all except 2 dogs, within 1 year. Data for the time of death, regardless of cause, was available for 68 dogs. Of these 59 (81% ) died within a year after initial treatment. Conservative treatment was found to be an adequate life-saving procedure in the acute stage of GDV, but could not alone prevent recurrence of the disease.  相似文献   

Two hundred and thirteen bovine and 115 equine long bone fractures presented for treatment to the Western College of Veterinary Medicine were reviewed. Based on the number of patients presented, cattle had a significantly (p < 0.01) higher survival rate than horses. In horses, the third metatarsal bone was most frequently presented for fracture treatment, but in cattle, the femur was most commonly affected. There was no significant difference (p > 0.05) in the treatment success rates when comparing the bones affected, methods of treatment used, duration between the fracture occurrence and presentation for repair, distance traveled prior to hospitalization, type of limb support during transportation, or medication given prior to hospitalization. Horses between 3 months and 2 years of age had a significantly (p < 0.05) lower survival rate than those in other age groups. Compared to open and comminuted fractures, a significantly (p < 0.01) greater number of simple fractures were selected for treatment in horses. Based on the cases presented, the survival rate of the horses with simple fractures is higher (p < 0.05). However, there was no significant difference between the survival rates of horses or cattle when simple, open, comminuted, and open plus comminuted fractures were treated. There were significantly (p < 0.001) more open fractures in horses than in cattle. Postoperative complications occurred in 49% of the horses treated, and the enthanasia rate was significantly (p < 0.01) higher in horses with complications.  相似文献   

Case histories of 115 dogs and cats with fractures of the femoral head or neck, were reviewed; these animals had been presented to the Ohio State University Veterinary Hospital between 1969 and 1976. Signalment, fracture type by anatomic location, fracture to fixation interval, surgical approaches used, methods of surgical repair, surgical complications, and final results of surgical repair were examined. Avascular necrosis of the femoral head was not a clinically significant problem following internal fixation in this study. Most animals had very good to excellent limb function following fracture repair.  相似文献   

The case records of 92 consecutive dogs that suffered sacroiliac fracture-separation were examined. Seventy-seven per cent (71 of 92) had unilateral sacroiliac injury and 23% (21 of 92) had bilateral sacroiliac injury. Of the unilateral cases, 93% (66 of 71) of the dogs had associated acetabular, ilial, femoral, or tibial fractures; coxofemoral luxations; or cruciate injuries. Eighty-five per cent (78 of 92) of the dogs had either bilateral sacroiliac injury or unilateral sacroiliac injury and other orthopedic injuries of the opposite limb, thus disabling both hind limbs.
Sixty-five per cent (60 of 92) of the dogs received lag screw fixation of the sacroiliac joint. Of 29 dogs that were re-radiographed on an average of 437 days following fixation, 38% (11 of 29) showed evidence of loosening of the lag screw fixation.a
Screws that were placed in the body of the sacrum in some dogs resulted in the fewest loosened fixations (12%, 2 of 17), compared to other locations of screw placement. The fixation had loosened in 7% (1 of 14) of dogs that had a cumulative screw depth/sacral width of 60% or more, compared with 48% of dogs (10 of 21) where cumulative screw depth was less than 60%. The number of screws per fixation and whether the separation was fully reduced or not did not affect whether the fixation loosened.  相似文献   

The prevalence of feline thrombocytopenia (<200,000 platelets/L) at North Carolina State University, College of Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital, from January 1985 to March 1990, was 1.2% (41/3300). Cats were divided into six categories based on clinical diagnoses: 29% (12/41) had infectious disease, 20% (8/41) had neoplasia, 7% (3/41) had cardiac disease, 2% (1/41) had primary immune-mediated disease, 22% (9/41) had multiple diseases, and 20% (8/41) had disorders of unknown etiology. The mean platelet count for all thrombocytopenic cats was 52,000/μL ± 46,000/μL (1 SD) with a range of 1000–190,000/μL. No significant differences were found between groups with respect to platelet count, packed cell volume, or white blood cell count, though anemia and leukopenia were common among the cats as a whole. Bleeding disorders (hemorrhage or thrombosis) were observed in 29% (12/41) of thrombocytopenic cats and were more likely to be associated with neoplasia, cardiac disease, and platelet counts less than or equal to 30,000/μL. Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy was diagnosed in 12% (5/41) of the cats. Infections and/or neoplasia affecting the bone marrow were the most common diseases associated with thrombocytopenia. Feline leukemia virus and myeloproliferative neoplasia accounted for approximately 44% (18/41) of the specific diagnoses in thrombocytopenic cats. (Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine 1993; 7:261–265. Copyright © 1993 by the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine.)  相似文献   

Limb Fractures in the Dog and Cat—IV Fractures of the Fore Limb   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract— A review is presented of the diagnosis and treatment of fractures of the fore limb in the dog and cat. A series of 200 fractures and dislocations including the scapula (1), humerus (21), ulna (7), radius and ulna (25), metacarpus and phalanges (19) are discussed including methods of external support.
Résumé— Un compte-rendu est présenté sur la diagnose et le traîtement des membres de devant chez le chat et le chien. Une série de 200 fractures et dislocations sont discutées, y compris l'omoplate (1), l'humérus (21), le cubitus (7), le radius et le cubitus (25), le métacarpe et les phalanges (19) de même que les méthodes de support externe.
Zusammenfassung— Ein Überblick wird über die Diagnose und Behandlung von Vorderbein-brüchen bei Hunden und Katzen gegeben. Eine Serie von 200 Brüchen und Verrenkungen, ein-schliesslich Schulterblatt (1), Oberarmknochen (21), Ulna (7), Radius und Ulna (25), Metakarpus und Zehenglieder (19) sowie äusserliche Stützmethoden werden besprochen.  相似文献   

Abstract— An illustrated review is presented of the techniques, methods and treatment of fractures of the hind limb in the dog and cat. Fractures of the pelvis, femoral head and neck, femoral shaft, patella, tibia, metatarsus and phalanges are all discussed.
Résumé— Un compte-rendu illustré est présenté sur les techniques, les méthodes et le traîtement des fractures des membres arrière chez le chat et le chien. Les fractures du pelvis, tête et cou fémoral, diaphyse fémorale, patellule, tibia, métatarse et phalanges, sont toutes discutées.
Zusammenfassung— Ein illustrierter Überblick der Kunstgriffe, Methoden und Behandlung von Brüchen in den Hinterbeinen von Hunden und Katzen ist gegeben. Brüche im Becken, Ober-schenkelballen- und Hals, Oberschenkelknochen, in der Kniescheibe, dem Schienbein, sowie Knickfuss und Zehengliederbrüche werden besprochen.  相似文献   

Résumé— Une analyse rétrospective clinicopathologique a été menée chez 100 chiens présentant une hydradénite suppurative diagnostiquée par biopsie cutanée. Aucune prédisposition d'âge, de race ou de sexe n'a été mise en évidence. Tous les chiens présentaient cliniquement une folliculite bactérienne, ou une furonculose, ou les deux, qu'elle soit primaire ou secondaire à d'autres dermatoses. Aucene lésion clinique n'était pathognomonique d'hidradénite suppurative. Chez 73 chiens, l'hidradénite suppurative était associée microscopiquement à des degrés variables d'inflammation du follicule pileux. Chez 27 chiens, l'hidradénite suppurative était la seule évidence histologique d'inflammation annexielle. L'observation histopathologique d'hidradénite suppurative suggère l'existence sur le plan clinique d'une folliculite bactérienne, d'une furonculose, ou des 2. [Scott, D.W. Suppurative inflammation of apocrine sweat glands (suppurative hidradentis) in the dog: a retrospective clinicopathological analysis of 100 cases (inflammation suppurative des glandes sudorales apocrines (hidradénite suppurative) chez le chien: une analyse rétrospective clinicopathologique de 100 cas). Resumen— Se llevó a cabo un estudio clinicopatológico retrospectivo en 100 perros con hidradenitis supurativa diagnosticada mediante biopsia cutánea. No se detectó predominancia alguna de raza, sexo o edad. A todes los perros se les habia diagnosticado clinicamente foliculitis o furunculosis bacteriana, o ambas, ya sea de forma primaria o secundaria a otras dermatosis. No se encontraron lesiones clinicas especificas indicativas de hidradenitis supurativa. En 73 animales, la hidradenitis supurativa estaba asociada con varios grados de inflamación folicular a nivel microscópico. En los 27 casos restantes, los anejos presentaban unicamente hidradenitis supurativa. La presencia de hidradenitis supurativa a nivel microscópico sugiere la existencia de foliculitis o furunculosis bacteriana clinicas, o de ambas. [Scott, D.W. Suppurative inflammation of apocrine sweat glands (suppurative hidradenitis) in the dog: a retrospective clinicopathological analysis of 100 cases (inflamación supurativa de las glándulas sudoriparas apocrinas (hidradenitis supurativa) en el perro: estudio clinicopatológico retrospectivo de 100 casos). Abstract— A retrospective clinicopathological study was conducted on 100 dogs with suppurative hidradenitis as determined by skin biopsy. No apparent age, breed, or sex predilections were recognized. All dogs had been given a clinical diagnosis of bacterial folliculitis, furunculosis, or both of these, whether primary or secondary to other dermatoses. There were no clinical lesions that uniquely suggested the presence of suppurative hidradenitis. In 73 dogs, suppurative hidradenitis occurred in conjunction with varying degrees of hair follicle inflammation microscopically. In 27 dogs, suppurative hidradenitis was the only histological evidence of adnexal inflammation. The histopathologic finding of suppurative hidradenitis suggests the existence of clinical bacterial folliculitis, furunculosis, or both of these.  相似文献   

Abstract— Large, fluctuant, fluid-filled subcutaneous masses containing hundreds of Taenia crassiceps cysticerci were detected in 13 woodchucks trapped in central New York and Maryland. The axillary region (7 of 13 animals) and adjacent lateral thoracic wall (4 of 13 animals) were most frequently affected. One animal had a focal parasitic granuloma in the lung and another had numerous cysticerci present within the hepatic parenchyma. Histologically, parasite sections were surrounded by varying degrees of fibrosis and mild scattered to coalescing lymphocytic aggregates were present in the adjacent subcutaneous tissues. There was minimal infiltration of subcutaneous lesions into the underlying musculature. Scanning electron microscopy of the parasites indicated the presence of numerous developing buds in the area of the posterior bladder. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy indicated that cysticerci were covered with a dense coating of microtriches. Taenia crassiceps lesions were found in 13 (2.6 per cent) of 501 trapped woodchucks, and in none of 293 colony-born woodchucks. No relationship between Taenia crassiceps infection and woodchuck hepatitis virus infection could be established. Résumé— Des masses sous-cutanées volumineuses, fluctuantes, remplies de liquides, contenant des centaines de cysticerques de Taenia crassiceps furent découvertes chez 13 marmottes capturées au centre de l'Etat de New-York et dans le Maryland. La région axillaire (7 des 13 animaux) et la paroi thoracique latérale adjacente (4 des 13 animaux) étaient les plus fréquemment atteintes. Un animal avait un granulome parasitaire focal dans un poumon et un autre avaient de nombreux cysticerques dans le parenchyme hépatique. D'un point de vue histologique, les sections de parasite étaient entourées par une fibrose d'importance variable, et des aggrégats lymphocytaires modérés, dispersés ou coalescents, étaient présents dans les tissus sous-cutanés adjacents. Il y avait une infiltration minimale des lésions sous-cutanées dans les muscles sous-jacents. La microscopie électronique à balayage montra la présence de nombreux bourgeons en développement dans la zone postérieure de la vessie. La microscopie électronique à balayage et par transmission indiqua que les cysticerques étaient couverts par un enduit dense de microtriches. Des lésions dûes àTanenia crassiceps furent découvertes chez 2.6% (13 sur 501) des marmottes capturées, et 0% (0 sur 293) des marmottes nées en captivité. Aucune relation entre l'infestation par Taenia crassiceps et l'hépatite infectieuse virale de la marmotte ne put être établie. Zusammenfassung— Bei 13 im Zentrum von New York und Maryland gefangenen Waldmurmeltieren wurden große, fluktuierende, flüssigkeits-gefüllte subcutane Massen festgestellt, die Hunderte von Taenia crossiceps cysticerci enthielten. Am häufigsten waren der Axillarbereich (boi 7 von 13 Tieren) und die angrenzende seitliche Brustwand (bei 4 von 13 Tieren) betroffen. Ein Murmeltier hatte ein fokales parasitäres Granulom in der Lunge, ein anderes zahlreiche Cysticerci im Leberparenchym. Im histologischen Bild zeigten sich von verschieden starken Fibrosen umgebene Parasitenausschnitte und leicht verstreute bis konfluierende Lymphozytenaggregate im angrenzenden subcutanen Gewebe. Die darunterliegende Muskulatur wurde nur minimal von den subcutanen Läsionen infiltriert. Unter dem Rasterelektronenmikroskop zeigten die Parasiten zahlreiche sich entwickelnde Knospen im Bereich der hinteren Blase. Im Rasterelektronenmikroskop und im Transmissions-Elektronenmikroskop waren die Cysticeri mit einer dichten Schicht aus Mikrotrichen bedeckt. Taenia crassiceps-Läsionen wurden bei 2.6% (13 von 501) der gefangenen und bei 0% (0 von 293) der koloniegeborenen Waldmurmeltiere nachgewiesen. Ein Zusammenhang zwischen der Taenia crassiceps - Infektion und einer Waldmurmeltier-Hepatitis-Virusinfektion konnte nicht festgestellt werden. Resumen En 13 marmotas capturados en Nueva York y en Maryland se detectaron masas subcutáneas de gran tamaño, llenas de líquido y que contenían cientos de cisticercos de Taenia crassiceps. Las zonas más afectadas fueron la región axilar (7 de 13 animales) y la pared torácica adyacente (4 de 13 animales). Un animal presentaba un granuloma parasitario focal en un pulmón y otro presentaba numerosos cisticercos en el parénquima hepático. Histológicamente, los parásitos aparecían rodeados por una reacción fibrosa de diferente intensidad y en el tejido subcutáneo próximo se observaban agregados linfocitarios. La musculatura subyacente no aparecía afectada. Estudios de microscopía electrónica de transmisión y de barrido demostraron que los cisticercos estaben recubiertos por una densa capa de microtricos. Lesiones producidas par Taenia crassiceps se detectaron en el 2,6% (13 de 501) de los capturados y en el 0% (0 de 293) de los procedentes de un criadero. No se pudo demostrar relación alguna entre la infestación con Taenia crassiceps y la infección con el virus de la hepatitis de las marmotas.  相似文献   

The records of all dogs surgically treated for perianal fistulae during a S-year period were reviewed. The findings indicated that perianal fistulae occur predominantly in middle aged, intact male German shepherd dogs. The dogs were treated by superficial surgical excision of the involved skin, anorectal mucosa, and anal sacculectomy. Deeper fistulous tracts were flushed two to three times weekly with 10% Lugol's solution until healed by granulation. Fecal incontinence, the most common postoperative complication, was seen initially in 20% of cases. Fifty per cent of these animals regained fecal continence by the sixth month postoperatively, at which time they were considered acceptable house pets. The complication rate with this treatment regimen was less than that reported for techniques in which all diseased tissue is surgically excised.  相似文献   

Abstract— The author describes the clinical characteristics of traumatic rupture of the bladder from observations on 9 male dogs. The methods of treatment are described as well as the nature of the renal complications sometimes encountered. Eight cases out of the nine recovered in a satisfactory manner.
Résumé— L'auteur décrit les caractéres cliniques de la rupture traumatique de la vessie tels qu'il les a notés chez 9 chiens mles. Les modalités du traitement chirurgical sont envisagées ainsi que la nature des complications néphrkéiques parfois notées. Huit cas sur neuf se sont remis d'une façon satisfaisante.  相似文献   

Pancarpal Arthrodesis in the Dog: A Review of Forty-five Cases   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This report describes an open surgical technique for pancarpal arthrodesis and its efficacy in 45 canine cases. Indications for carpal arthrodesis include hyperextension injuries, severe fracture/luxations, end-stage arthritis, and selected neurologic deficits. Chronic joint instability was the major indication for surgery (76%). Degenerative joint disease (18%) and neurologic deficits (6%) accounted for the other cases. In a subjective owner survey, 97% of the owners reported that their animals' gait improved following arthrodesis, and 74% stated that their animals walked and ran normally.  相似文献   

Seven cases of rostral mandibular fractures in the horse are reviewed, A lag screw technique for compression and fixation of rostral mandibular fractures is described. The outcome of all seven cases in this series was extremely favorable. Follow-up inquiries to either referring veterinarians or owners revealed no cases of orthopedic appliance failure. No evidence of persistent mandibular osteomyelitis or delayed dental eruption was noted. The application of lag screw techniques to rostral mandibular body fractures appears to be an effective surgical treatment.  相似文献   

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