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Fe2+对水稻生长及土壤微生物活性的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
通过盆栽试验,模拟冷浸田土壤亚铁毒害,研究了土壤-水稻-亚铁-微生物相互作用的体系中,外加Fe2+ 不同处理水平 (0、 100、 200、 400、 800和1600 mg/kg) 对水稻苗期和分蘖期相关生理指标、 土壤微生物活性及其生态特征的影响。结果表明, 在含一定亚铁本底(207.77 mg/kg)的正常稻田土壤中,外源性Fe2+的加入将逐步抑制水稻生长、 降低土壤微生物活性。外源Fe2+浓度达100 mg/kg后,水稻的株高、 干物质积累量显著降低; 水稻叶片生理指标叶绿素含量(SPAD值)、 脯氨酸含量、 抗氧化酶系统活性则显著增加,表明外源Fe2+浓度100 mg/kg 是本研究条件下外源Fe2+ 对水稻生长产生显著毒害影响的临界点; 同时随外源Fe2+浓度的增加, 土壤微生物活性指标土壤微生物量碳、 微生物三大基础菌系总量(细菌、 真菌、 放线菌)、 功能菌系总量(氨化细菌、 固氮菌、 纤维分解菌)、 铁还原菌总量总体是先快速下降,后逐渐平稳降低。 半效应浓度EC50分析表明,外源Fe2+浓度100 mg/kg 为多数土壤微生物活性指标(微生物基础菌系总量、 功能菌系总量、 铁还原菌)EC50变化的临界值; 体系中土壤微生物活性指标和水稻生长指标的变化存在显著的相关性, 表明供试土壤亚铁对水稻生长的影响是亚铁对土壤-植物-土壤微生物系统同步影响的结果。综上结果可知,外源Fe2+浓度100 mg/kg为导致供试土壤中水稻生长及土壤微生物活性受到显著负效应的临界值,进而推知,本研究所用土壤对水稻生长和微生物活性的亚铁毒胁迫临界浓度约为300 mg/kg(含本底), Fe2+含量超出该浓度时,需采取合理的农艺措施控制其负效应。  相似文献   

甲胺磷对土壤微生物活性的影响   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
研究了有机磷杀虫剂甲胺磷在5种没的浓度下对土壤微生物性所产生的影响,结果表明,甲胺磷地细菌、放线菌和固氮菌群的生长具有不同程度的抑制作用,而对真菌却有一定的刺激效应;土壤的呼吸作用、氨化作用增强,自生固氮能力、硝化作用以及铁离子价数转换作用减弱,甲胺磷对土壤微生物活性的影响,随着处理浓度的提高,作用强度、作用时间有所加剧和延长。  相似文献   

不同施肥措施对棉田土壤微生物量及其活性的影响   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
通过测定不同施肥措施下棉田土壤微生物量及微生物活性的动态变化,探讨了不同施肥措施对棉田土壤的培肥效应,结果表明,有机肥合理配施N、P、K化肥,可以促进土壤微生物量显著增长,土壤呼吸强度、纤维素分解强度等微生物活性指标明显提高,增强了土壤养分容量及供应强度,有利于培肥土壤。  相似文献   

外源氮输入对小叶章湿地土壤微生物活性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择三江平原沼泽湿地典型草甸植被小叶章(Deyeuxia angustifolia),在水分、温度等环境因素均一的前提下,分别以NH4NO3水溶液的形式均匀撒入0,6,12,24g/(m2.a)(以N元素量计),进行了室外盆栽实验。结果表明,氮输入后,土壤MBC、MBN、BR、qCO2、SIR季节变化明显;在植物不同生长阶段,土壤基础呼吸总体趋势均是随时间的推移而逐渐减弱,且与氮输入量间的关系不同,说明土壤基础呼吸与植物的生长阶段密切相关;不同施氮水平的土壤MBC浓度随氮输入量增加呈波动变化,氮输入量与土壤MBN、BR、qCO2、SIR之间均存在线性正相关关系,即他们随氮输入量增加而逐渐增大,说明氮输入促进了土壤MBN、BR、qCO2、SIR的增大。  相似文献   

腐殖酸生物活性肥料对冬小麦生长及土壤微生物活性的影响   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18  
施用腐殖酸生物活性肥料对冬小麦生长和土壤微生物活性的试验结果表明,于等量无机养分水平下,施用腐殖酸生物活性肥料冬小麦群体发育平稳,改善植株性状明显,增强抗逆性能。与施用无机复混肥和习惯施肥处理相比,施用腐殖酸生物活性肥料,冬小麦穗长分别增加0.4和0.5cm,旗叶面积分别增加0.7和1.1cm2,次生根条数分别增加1.3和2.2条。产量构成因素中有效穗数,穗粒数和千粒重施用生物活性肥处理也明显高于无机复混肥和习惯施肥,其产量分别增加9.0%和15.2%,差异达显著水平。同时腐殖酸生物活性肥料能够促进土壤有益微生物繁衍,使土壤微生物数量明显增加,提高土壤脲酶、蔗糖酶、磷酸酶和过氧化氢酶活性,对提高肥效,增强土壤肥力,改善作物营养环境有一定作用。  相似文献   

采用盆栽试验研究了土壤—水稻系统中不同铅浓度下(CK,100,300,500,700,900 mg/kg)2种水稻土壤的酶活性、微生物量碳、水稻生理指标及生物量的变化。结果表明:低浓度的铅处理时,土壤酶活性、微生物量碳及水稻生物量有一定的激活效应,而当铅浓度超过500 mg/kg时,多数指标转为抑制作用,其影响程度受土壤性质(如颗粒组成,有机质含量等)制约。水稻叶绿素含量在黄松田水稻土中开始随铅处理浓度的增大而增加,到铅浓度达700 mg/kg时出现峰值,然后随铅浓度的增加而降低;而在黄红壤水稻土中变化差异不明显。铅处理诱导了水稻中脯氨酸含量和过氧化物酶活性的缓慢上升。种植水稻比未种水稻具有较高的土壤微生物量碳,揭示了水稻生长具有一定的解毒作用。在土壤—铅—水稻相互作用的系统中,土壤酶活性、土壤微生物量和水稻生理指标是较好地反映铅污染的敏感指标,并且相互间存在一定的相关性,其大小因土壤类型而异。  相似文献   

有机农业施肥方式对土壤微生物活性的影响研究   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
综述了国内外有机农业施肥方式对培肥土壤及土壤主要微生物活性的影响,有机农业施肥方式显著增加土壤微生物数量,调控微生物种群结构,提高土壤有益微生物种群数量,土壤微生物量C、N含量倍数增加。阐明施用有机肥料对维持土壤微生物多样性与生态稳定性的必要性,并展望了施用有机肥与土壤微生物活性的关系。  相似文献   

随着旅游业成为世界第一大产业,由其对生态环境所造成的破坏就越来越严重,也引起了人们的高度重视,有关旅游对生态环境的影响研究已成为当今环境与旅游的重点之一。微生物是生物圈的三大成员之一,也是土壤圈、水圈的活跃成员。土壤微生物是土壤的重要组成部分,是土壤物质转化的重要参与者,同时又是一个重要而丰富的基因库,是生物多样性与生态平衡的一个重要方面,土壤微生物的平衡发展也是预防植物病害发生的基础。由于有机质转化所需能量的90%以上来自微生物的分解作用,因此,土壤微生物活度总量是土壤-植物体系中有机质转化的较好指标。土壤质地、肥力及植被等都直接影响着土壤微生物的活性及其多样性。国内外研究表明,旅游活动对土壤有机质、土壤水分、土壤物理性状、植物多样性、景观、土壤流失及动物多样性等方面都产生了严重的影响,  相似文献   

土壤微生物量和土壤固定态铵的变化及水稻对残留N的利用   总被引:27,自引:2,他引:27  
沈其荣  王岩  史瑞和 《土壤学报》2000,37(3):330-338
在小麦盆栽试验后的^15N标记土壤上,研究了水稻生长过程中土壤微生物量C、N和土壤固定态铵的变化及其有机无机肥料残留N的有效性,结果表明,土壤微生物量C随着水稻生长而逐渐增加,到收获时达到1378.6-1790.5mg/kg土;土壤微生物量N的变化与水稻吸收N素有关,开始时由于淹水使得土壤微生物N有所下降,但随后又有所增加;随着水稻的N的吸收增加,生物量N又下降,直到水稻成熟期又有所恢复。在整个水稻生长季节中,土壤固定态铵的含量变化不大,但其中的一些^15N仍与外界土壤中矿质N发生了交换,表明 些固定态铵对水稻仍有较高的有效性。  相似文献   

通过大田试验研究了不同小麦秸秆还田量(0、1500、3000、4500、6000kg.hm-2)对水稻生长、土壤微生物量及酶活性的影响。结果表明:秸秆还田后,水稻分蘖数、株高、SPAD及干物质积累量均高于秸秆不还田(对照),但是未全部达到显著性差异;50%秸秆还田处理增产效果最显著(P〈0.05),与对照相比,理论增产10.2%,实际增产9.0%;秸秆还田处理显著增加了土壤全氮和速效氮含量,对土壤有机质、有效磷和速效钾含量影响不显著;50%秸秆还田处理对微生物量碳、氮的提高作用最明显(P〈0.05),分别较对照提高46.0%和90.0%;25%和50%秸秆还田显著提高了土壤脲酶活性(P〈0.05);25%、50%和75%秸秆还田土壤过氧化氢酶活性较对照提高9.3%、12.1%和8.5%(P〈0.05);与对照相比,50%秸秆还田土壤蔗糖酶活性提高20.3%(P〈0.05)。鉴于秸秆还田对作物产量和土壤肥力的长期效应以及对土壤微生物生理代谢影响的复杂性,合理秸秆还田量的选择还需进行长期定位试验研究。  相似文献   

From the global change perspective, increase of atmospheric CO2 and land cover transformation are among the major impacts caused by human activities. In this study, we are addressing the combined issues of the effect of CO2 concentration increase and plant type on soil microbial activities by asking how annual and perennial plant groups affect soil microbial processes under elevated CO2. The experimental design used a mix of species of different growth forms for both annuals and perennials. Our objective was: (1) to determine how two years of annual or perennial plant cover and CO2 enrichment could affect Mediterranean soil microbial processes; (2) to test the resistance and the resilience of these soil functional processes after a natural perturbation. We determined the effects of 2 years atmospheric CO2 enrichment on soil potential respiration (SIR), denitrification (DEA) and nitrification (NEA) activities. We could not find any significant effect of CO2 increase on SIR, DEA and NEA. However, we found a strong effect of the plant cover type, i.e. annuals versus perennials, on the potential microbial activity related to N cycling. DEA and NEA were significantly higher in soil under annual plants while SIR was not significantly different. To determine whether these changes would survive a natural perturbation, we carried out a rain event experiment once the experimental treatments (i.e. different plant cover and atmospheric CO2 concentration) were stopped. The soil potential respiration, as expressed by the SIR, was not affected and remained stable. DEA rates converged rapidly under annuals and perennials after the rain event. Under both annuals and perennials NEA increased significantly after the rain event but remained significantly higher in the soil with annual plants. The relative change of the soil microbial processes induced by annual and perennial plants was inversely related to the density and the diversity of the corresponding microbial functional groups.  相似文献   

To determine the sum of ‘direct’ and ‘indirect’ effects of climatic change on enchytraeid activity and C fluxes from an organic soil we assessed the influence of temperature (4, 10 and 15 °C incubations) on enchytraeid populations and soil CO2 and CH4 fluxes over 116 days. Moisture was maintained at 60% of soil dry weight during the experimental period and measurements of enchytraeid biomass and numbers, and CO2 and CH4 fluxes were made after 3, 16, 33, 44, 65, 86 and 116 days. Enchytraeid population numbers and biomass increased in all temperature treatments with the greatest increase produced at 15 °C (to over threefold initial values by day 86). Results also showed that enchytraeid activity increased CO2 fluxes by 10.7±4.5, 3.4±4.0 and 26.8±2.6% in 4, 10 and 15 °C treatments, respectively, with the greatest CO2 production observed at 15 °C for the entire 116 day incubation period (P<0.05). The soil respiratory quotient analyses at lower temperatures (i.e. 4-10 °C) gave a Q10 of 1.7 and 1.9 with and without enchytraeids, respectively. At temperatures above 10 °C (i.e. 10-15 °C) Q10 significantly increased (P<0.01) and was 25% greater in the presence of enchytraeids (Q10=3.4) than without (Q10=2.6). In contrast to CO2 production, no significant relationships were observed between net CH4 fluxes and temperature and only time showed a significant effect on CH4 production (P<0.01).Total soil CO2 production was positively linked with enchytraeid biomass and mean soil CO2-C production was 77.01±6.05 CO2-C μg mg enchytraeid tissue−1 day−1 irrespective of temperature treatment. This positive relationship was used to build a two step regression model to estimate the effects of temperature on enchytraeid biomass and soil CO2 respiration in the field. Predictions of potential CO2 production were made using enchytraeid biomass data obtained in the field from two upland grassland sites (Sourhope and Great Dun Fell at the Moor House Nature Reserve, both in the UK). The findings of this work suggest that a 5 °C increase in atmospheric temperature above mean ambient temperature could have the potential to produce a significant increase in enchytraeid biomass resulting in a near twofold increase in soil CO2 release from both soil types. The interaction between temperature and soil biology will clearly be an important determinant of soil respiration responses to global warming.  相似文献   

一个改进的土壤铵、磷和钾等温吸附新模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤对养分的吸附特性是土壤化学和植物营养学的重要研究内容。9个供试土壤的NH4+、PO43-和K+吸附试验表明,Langmuir、Freundlish和Temkin等温吸附方程对其有较好的拟合效果,但亦有部分供试土壤的拟合精度不良。本文引进种群生态学的"形状因子d"概念,在Langmuir方程基础上构造了一个新的吸附模型。理论分析表明,新吸附模型综合反映了3个等温吸附方程所描述的吸附特征。模拟结果表明,等温吸附方程模拟不佳的供试土壤,用新模型模拟均能达到显著水平;新吸附模型的拟合精度(R2)高于3个等温吸附方程,且标准差最小。形状因子d的变化幅度在0.608 0~2.929 0,体现了土壤理化性质对NH4+、PO43-和K+等温吸附曲线形状的影响。新吸附模型和Langmuir方程的NH4+、PO43-和K+的qm值之间的线性相关系数分别为0.851 5**、0.825 8**和0.912 8**(n=9)。土壤理化性质分析表明,新吸附模型的PO43-和K+的qm值与土壤有机质之间、土壤NH4+和K+的qm值与CEC之间均有显著水平的线性正相关。NH4+的qm值与土壤碱解氮含量亦呈显著水平的线性正相关,而PO34-的qm值与土壤有效磷含量则呈显著水平的线性负相关。数学形式简洁的新等温吸附模型为采用统一模式定量处理土壤对NH4+、PO43-和K+的吸附特性提供了一条新途径。  相似文献   

An infrared spectroscopic investigation of the complexes of Cu2+, Pb2+, and Ca2+ with humic and fulvic acids demonstrated the participation of OH and CO groups in addition to COOH in the binding of heavy-metal cations. The degree to which metal-carboxylate linkages are ionic or covalent cannot be accurately determined from the positions of antisymmetric and symmetric carboxylate stretching vibrations due to interference from covalent bonding with other groups. The apparent order of the reaction of three divalent cations with humic and fulvic acids was Cu2+ > Pb2+ > Ca2+.  相似文献   

Soil mixtures containing 9% kaolinite, 9% montmorillonite, or no clay supplements were amended with 1% glucose and treated with H2SO4 to lower their bulk pH to levels ranging from 5.4 to 0.8. Acidification had little effect on soil respiration (CO2 evolution) until the pH was lowered below 3. Glucose was not degraded at approximately pH 2 but was degraded once the soil pH was raised to non-inhibitory levels, i.e. pH 4.1–4.3. When the soil pH was reduced to 1.4 or below, it was necessary to reinoculate the soil and raise the pH to a non-inhibitory level to obtain CO2 evolution. The addition of clay minerals, particularly montmorillonite, mitigated the toxic effect of H2SO4, especially at pH values below 3. The growth of Aspergillus niger, A. flavipes, Trichoderma viride and Penicillium brefeldianum was reduced or completely inhibited in soils acidified below pH 3.5. The addition of montmorillonite enhanced fungal growth under these acidic conditions, but kaolinite had no effect.  相似文献   

A pot experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of straw incorporation and soil pre-flooding on the fate of (15NH4)2SO4-N and the growth of rice.Excessive application of rice straw when incorporated with(^15 NH4)2 SO4 at the C/N ratio of 40 reduced the loss of (^15NH4)2SO4-N and retarded the growth and development of rice significantly,while no adverse effects were observed on dry weight of panicle and the total recovery of (15NH4)2 SO4-N when rice straw was incorporated with(15NH4)2SO4 at a C/N ratio less than 25.There were no significant effects of duration of soil pre-flooding within 6 weeks on (^15NH4)2 SO4-N uptake by rice and on rice growth,but,less loss of (^15NH4)2SO4-N was observed in the soil with a longer period of pre-flooding.  相似文献   

本文介绍了采用电导频散装置测量分别含有10-4mol/LHCl、5×10-5mol/L H2SO4和10-4mol/L H3PO4的黄棕壤、棕壤、黑土和砖红壤悬液(20-30g/kg)的电导频散曲线,频散曲线上均呈现频率范围相当宽的坪区,频散曲线的特性分析结果表明,黄棕壤和棕壤在3种酸溶液中的始散频率(0.6-1kHz)低于黑土悬液(16-28kHz),而砖红壤的始散频率最高(25-47kHz;Cl-、SO42-和H2PO4-离子与4种土壤的相对亲合力(REC1.5/RECtp-1)顺序为Cl- < SO42- < H2PO4-,在不同土壤之间的顺序则随酸溶液而异.  相似文献   

We established a field trial to assess the impacts on soil biological properties of application of heavy metal-spiked sewage sludge, with the aim of determining toxicity threshold concentrations of heavy metals in soil. Plots were treated with sludges containing increasing concentrations of Cu, Ni and Zn in order to raise the metal concentrations in the soil by 0-200 mg Cu kg−1, 0-60 mg Ni kg−1 and 0-400 mg Zn kg−1, and were then cultivated and sown in ryegrass-clover pasture and monitored annually for 6 years. All biological properties measured (soil basal respiration, microbial biomass C, and sulphatase enzyme activities), except phosphatase activity, increased in all plots over the duration of the experiment. Consequently, it was only possible to assess effects of heavy metals across time if, each year, all data for each metal were normalised by expressing them as percentages of the activities measured in an un-sludged control plot. When this was done, no significant effects of increasing heavy-metal concentrations on basal respiration, microbial biomass C or respiratory quotient (qCO2) were observed, although total Cu and soil solution Cu were significantly negatively related to microbial biomass C when it was expressed as a proportion of soil total C. None of the properties measured were affected by increasing Ni concentrations. Phosphatase and sulphatase activities were significantly negatively related to increasing Zn concentrations, but not usually to increasing Cu unless they were expressed as a proportion of total C. A sigmoidal dose-response model was used to calculate EC20 and EC50 values using the normalised data, but generally, the model parameters had very large 95% confidence intervals and/or the fits to the model had small R2 values. The factors primarily responsible for confounding these results were site and sample variations not accounted for by the normalisation process and the absence of any data points at metal concentrations beyond the calculated EC50 values. In the few instances where reasonable EC20 values could be calculated, they were relatively consistent across properties, e.g., EC20 for total Zn and phosphatase (330 mg kg−1), total Zn and sulphatase (310 mg kg−1), and EC20 for total Cu and sulphatase (140 mg kg−1) and total Cu and microbial biomass C (140 mg kg−1), when both sulphatase and microbial biomass C were expressed as a proportion of total C. Our results suggest that Cu and Zn at the upper concentrations used in this experiment were possibly having adverse effects on some soil biological properties. However, much higher metal concentrations will be needed to accurately calculate EC20 and EC50 and this may not be easily achievable without many applications of sewage sludge, even if the sludge is spiked with heavy metals.  相似文献   

Relationship between soil CO2 concentrations and forest-floor CO2 effluxes   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
To better understand the biotic and abiotic factors that control soil CO2 efflux, we compared seasonal and diurnal variations in simultaneously measured forest-floor CO2 effluxes and soil CO2 concentration profiles in a 54-year-old Douglas fir forest on the east coast of Vancouver Island. We used small solid-state infrared CO2 sensors for long-term continuous real-time measurement of CO2 concentrations at different depths, and measured half-hourly soil CO2 effluxes with an automated non-steady-state chamber. We describe a simple steady-state method to measure CO2 diffusivity in undisturbed soil cores. The method accounts for the CO2 production in the soil and uses an analytical solution to the diffusion equation. The diffusivity was related to air-filled porosity by a power law function, which was independent of soil depth. CO2 concentration at all depths increased with increase in soil temperature, likely due to a rise in CO2 production, and with increase in soil water content due to decreased diffusivity or increased CO2 production or both. It also increased with soil depth reaching almost 10 mmol mol−1 at the 50-cm depth. Annually, soil CO2 efflux was best described by an exponential function of soil temperature at the 5-cm depth, with the reference efflux at 10 °C (F10) of 2.6 μmol m−2 s−1 and the Q10 of 3.7. No evidence of displacement of CO2-rich soil air with rain was observed.Effluxes calculated from soil CO2 concentration gradients near the surface closely agreed with the measured effluxes. Calculations indicated that more than 75% of the soil CO2 efflux originated in the top 20 cm soil. Calculated CO2 production varied with soil temperature, soil water content and season, and when scaled to 10 °C also showed some diurnal variation. Soil CO2 efflux and concentrations as well as soil temperature at the 5-cm depth varied in phase. Changes in CO2 storage in the 0–50 cm soil layer were an order of magnitude smaller than measured effluxes. Soil CO2 efflux was proportional to CO2 concentration at the 50-cm depth with the slope determined by soil water content, which was consistent with a simple steady-state analytical model of diffusive transport of CO2 in the soil. The latter proved successful in calculating effluxes during 2004.  相似文献   

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