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In this study, the genetic relatedness of 22 low chill requiring walnut genotypes adapted to the south east Mediterranean region of Turkey was analysed by amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. Relatively low level of genetic variation was detected among the genotypes examined by five AFLP primer combinations, suggesting that these walnut genotypes selected predominantly for their low chill requirement have relatively narrow genetic base. In addition, the geographical proximity of the genotypes analysed was not correlated with their level of genetic relatedness. These results have implications for walnut breeding and conservation.  相似文献   

The present studies were undertaken with a view to standardize the medium and culture conditions for embryo culture of five cultivars of walnut viz., ACO 38853, Netar Akhrot, Gobind, Solding Selection and Blackmore. Embryos from mature fruits were aseptically excised and cultured on MS medium supplemented with different combinations of BAP, kinetin and GA3. Best performing medium was MS with 0.5 mg l−1 kinetin, 0.5 mg l−1 BAP and 2 mg l−1 GA3 yielding 66.6% germination in Netar Akhrot after 12 days of culturing. Percent germination of excised embryos was higher when GA3 and cold treatments were simultaneously applied as compared to those when applied separately. Netar Akhrot was found to be the best responding cultivar, which had a range of 25–66.6% embryo germination under different culture conditions. Plantlets with shoots and roots have been obtained in Netar Akhrot and ACO38853 and are transferred to soil after hardening.  相似文献   

Inter-Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) markers were used for the assessment of genetic diversity among walnut (Juglans regia L.) selections from Greek native populations in comparison to internationally cultivated walnut genotypes. Similarity coefficient values from 0.13 to 0.93 (with an average of 0.48) were found among the 56 accessions examined, which indicated the presence of a high degree of genetic variability. Most international cultivars were grouped together while most Greek native populations could not be placed into a distinct group. The Greek native population genotypes were found more diverse than the international cultivars. The mean similarity coefficient values for the former and latter were 0.44 and 0.56, respectively. In the cultivar group, two subgroups were distinguished; one consisted of genotypes involving ‘Payne’ and the other ‘Franquette’ in their pedigrees. Some cultivars and populations could not be grouped according to their pedigrees or collection area. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) revealed that a larger part of the genetic variation exists among Greek walnut populations within a collection region (89%) than among the regions (11%). The pairwise regional PhiPT values indicated that the most geographically distant regions are the most genetically differentiated. The high variability existing in the Greek germplasm in combination with their valuable agro-morphological traits suggested that it would be beneficial to utilize this native germplasm pool in walnut breeding programs and germplasm management activities to maximize genetic diversity in cultivated walnut.  相似文献   

Knowledge about the extent of genetic diversity/relatedness in mango germplasm is vital for developing coherent strategies for future gains in productivity. The genetic diversity/relatedness among mango cultivars/genotypes developed in Pakistan has not been investigated previously. We have assessed the genetic diversity among 25 mango genotypes/cultivars using randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). Sixty random ten-mer primers were surveyed, out of which 45 yielded amplicons in all the genotypes. Genetic similarity between genotypes/cultivars was in the range of 64–89% with an average of 74%. Similarly, the genetic relatedness among all variants derived from a mango cultivar Chaunsa was in the range of 81.18–88.63%. These coefficients were utilized to construct a dendrogram using the unweighted pair group of arithmetic means (UPGMA). The genotypes were grouped into three (A, B, C) clusters. Generally, genotypes originating from Pakistan were grouped in cluster ‘A’ while cluster ‘B’ primarily composed of southern India as well as Florida cultivars. Kensington Pride was the most distantly related genotype which grouped with Maya and Yakta, forming a distinct cluster ‘C’.  相似文献   

In this study RAPD markers were used to determine the diversity level among 24 Iranian pomegranate genotypes. One hundred decamer random primers were used for PCR reactions, among which 16 showed reliable polymorphic patterns. These primers produced 178 bands, of which 102 were polymorphic. Cluster analysis of the genotypes was performed based on data from polymorphic RAPD bands, using Jaccard's similarity coefficient and UPGMA clustering method. The highest and lowest similarities detected between genotypes were 0.89 and 0.29, respectively. At a similarity of 60%, the genotypes were divided into four sub-clusters. Cophenetic correlation coefficient between similarity matrix and cophenetic matrix of dendrogram was relatively high (r = 0.9) showing the goodness of fit of the dendrogram. RAPD markers showed to be a useful tool for studying the genetic diversity of pomegranate.  相似文献   

This paper presents the optimal culture conditions for the in vitro embryo germination and proliferation of Juglans regia L. rootstock cv. Peralta, selected by the IMIDA fruticulture team. J. regia L. rootstock cv. Peralta is characterised by its resistance to salinity, lime and by its vigour. The first experiment determined the best culture medium for in vitro embryo germination. The Murashige and Skoog medium (MS; Murashige, T., Skoog, F., 1962. A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with tobacco tissues cultures. Physiol. Plant. 15, 473–497), the medium developed by our team for walnut (NGE), the Lloyd and McCown medium (WPM; Lloyd, G., McCown, B., 1981. Commercially feasible micropropagation of mountain laurel, Kalmia latifolia, by the use of shoot tip culture. Proc. Plant Prop. Soc. 30, 421–427) and that of Driver and Kuniyuki (DKW; Driver, J.A., Kuniyuki, A.M., 1984. In vitro propagation of Paradox walnut rootstock. HortScience 19 (4), 507–509), were compared, all without growth regulators. The best germination percentage was obtained in WPM (81%) with significant differences between the different media. In the second experiment, the optimal benzylaminopurine and indole butyric acid concentrations were determined for the proliferation stage of the explants obtained in the first experiment. The proliferation rates obtained varied from 0 in the medium without cytokinins to 6 in the medium with 0.5 mg l−1 BAP. The cluster proliferation quality and other parameters studied indicate that the optimal treatment was 0.5 mg l−1 BAP.  相似文献   

Bitter gourd or bitter melon (Momordica charantia L.) is considered as minor cucurbitaceous vegetable in spite of having considerable nutritional and medicinal properties. Although some reports on genetic diversity based on morphological characterization are available, no work has been conducted to estimate genetic diversity using molecular markers in this crop. In the present study, 38 genotypes of M. charantia including few commercially cultivars collected from different parts of India based on agro-ecological zones were analysed for diversity study both at morphological and molecular levels. Genomic DNA was extracted from young healthy leaves following the procedure of Doyle and Doyle [Doyle, J.J., Doyle, J.L., 1990. A rapid DNA isolation procedure from small quantity of fresh leaf material. Phytochem. Bull. 119, 11–15]. Pair-wise comparison of genotypes was calculated as per the procedure of Jaccard [Jaccard, P., 1908. Nouvelles recherches sur la distribution florale. Bull. Soc. Vaud. Sci. Nat. 44, 223–270]. Dendrogram was constructed using the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic averages (UPGMA) and the computation for multivariate analysis was done using the computer programme NTSYS-pc Version 2.0 [Rohlf, F.J., 1998. NTSYS-pc Numerical Taxonomy and Multivariate Analysis System, Version 2.01. Exeter Software, Setauket, NY, USA]. Diversity based on yield related traits and molecular analysis was not in consonance with ecological distribution. Among 116 random decamer primers screened 29 were polymorphic and informative enough to analyse these genotypes. A total of 208 markers generated of which 76 (36.50%) were polymorphic and the number of bands per primer was 7.17 out of them 2.62 were polymorphic. Pair-wise genetic distance (GD) based on molecular analysis ranged from 0.07 to 0.50 suggesting a wide genetic base for the genotypes. The clustering pattern based on yield related traits and molecular variation was different.  相似文献   

Ninety six accessions including 92 of Solanum melongena and four related non-tuberous species (Solanum insanum, S. incanum, S. integrifolium and S. sysimbriifolium) were taken for the assessment of genetic diversity using 23 STMS primers. Eleven of the 23 primers tested showed polymorphism. The number of alleles per primer ranged from three to six with an average of 4.4. S. melongena had maximum average similarity with its closely related species, S. insanum (0.67) and minimum average similarity with the wild species, S. sysimbriifolium (0.50). The two weedy species S. incanum and S. integrifolium showed more average similarity value of 0.62 and 0.61, respectively with the cultivated S. melongena. S. insanum. S. incanum and S. integrifolium were relatively similar to each other with similarity index value of 0.61 (between S. insanum and S. incanum), 0.63 (between S. insanum and S. integrifolium) and 0.62 (between S. incanum and S. integrifolium). In contrast S. sysimbriifolium was most divergent with the similarity value of 0.49, 0.47 and 0.51 with S. insanum, S. incanum and S. integrifolium, respectively. The closely related species S. insanum and S. incanum, which clustered along with S. melongena accessions, being crossable with cultivated species, constitute important sources of genes that can be introgressed by backcross breeding. Molecular markers can be employed to identify the hybrids and also to monitor introgression of the useful genes.  相似文献   

We have investigated the phenology of pistillate flower differentiation in several protogynous and protandrous clones of English walnut (Juglans regia), a heterodichogamous species. Results indicate that initiation of pistillate flowers begins within 6–8 weeks following pistillate anthesis. By 8–10 weeks, organogenesis stops and does not resume until shortly before bloom the following spring. Cessation of organogenesis corresponds to the time that the growing fruits attain full size and begin a series of developmental events that include shell lignification, rapid embryo growth, and ultimately, accumulation of sugars and lipids in the embryo. Termination of pistillate flower organogenesis was noted in each of the clones examined regardless of the mode of dichogamy characteristic for that clone. In each of the protogynous clones, however, perianth initiation occurred before cessation of organ initiation in the spring. By contrast, in protandrous clones, tepals did not form until growth resumed the following year. Thus, the protandrous cultivars require more organogenetic activity during the weeks prior to anthesis, as perianth parts must be initiated in addition to the gynoecium.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity and relatedness of 23 yardlong bean (Vigna unguiculata spp. sesquipedalis) accessions and 7 accessions of a hybrid between cowpea (V. unguiculata spp. unguiculata) and yardlong bean (dwarf yardlong bean) in Thailand were estimated using morphological characters, simple sequence repeat (SSR) and inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers. In addition, two mungbean (Vignaradiata (L.) Wilczek) and two blackgram (Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper) accessions were also used as outgroup species for molecular analysis. Five morphological characters were diverse among most accessions. However, five groups of 2–3 accessions could not be distinguished from one another based on these morphological characters alone. Unweighted pair-group arithmetic average (UPGMA) analysis of these characters separated these 30 accessions into 2 major groups; the yardlong bean group and the dwarf yardlong bean group. Eleven of the sixteen SSR primers yielded clear SSRs, ten of which were polymorphic (90.91% polymorphism), detecting a total of 54 alleles with an average of 4.91 alleles per locus. These 10 polymorphic SSR markers successfully distinguished 28 yardlong bean and dwarf yardlong bean accessions. The polymorphic information content (PIC) among genotypes varied from 0.251 to 0.752 with an average of 0.597. Among the 16 ISSR primers used, a total of 312 ISSR fragments were amplified for these three Vigna species, revealing the polymorphism percentage of 91.03%. The average ISSR PIC value (0.197) with the range of 0.137–0.276 was lower than that of SSR. Nevertheless, the average marker index of this multilocus marker was 3.495, which was higher than that of SSR (0.669), owing to the differences in the effective multiplex ratio. In addition, Mantel test cophenetic correlation coefficient was higher for ISSR (0.566) than that of SSR (0.198). These results indicated higher efficiency of ISSR for estimating the levels of genetic diversity and relationships among yardlong beans and dwarf yardlong beans in this study. Pair-wise coefficients of SSR- and ISSR-based genetic similarity among all yardlong bean and dwarf yardlong bean accessions averaged 0.87 and 0.91, respectively, suggesting a narrow genetic base that emphasizes the need to broaden genetic diversity to ensure continued breeding success. Clustering of genotypes within groups was not similar when SSR and ISSR derived dendrograms from UPGMA analysis were compared. It appeared that ISSR was the most effective marker system in determining the genetic variability and relationships among yardlong bean and dwarf yardlong bean accessions and differentiating three Vigna species. In addition, ISSR was also most useful for variety identification since all 30 yardlong beans and dwarf yardlong bean accessions can be effectively distinguished by only four ISSR primers with the highest PIC values.  相似文献   

Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) is one of the oldest known edible fruits. It is native to Iran and spread from Iran to other areas. In this study amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) was used to detect intra- and inter-population genetic diversity of pomegranate. A group of 67 accessions belonged to 4 populations from Iran was studied using eight primer combinations. A total of 221 scorable bands were amplified, of which, 118 (54.13%) were polymorphic. Resolving power (Rp) ranged from 5.70 to 9.21, and the average of polymorphism information content (PIC) per primer pair was 0.40. According to Nei's gene diversity and allelic statistics, Isfahan population had a highest genetic diversity (H = 0.3646, I = 0.5327, Ne = 1.6467). Coefficient of gene differentiation between populations (GST) was 0.124, indicated that mainly proportion of genetic variation (87.6%), was within populations and the remaining (12.4%) of the variation was among populations that, also supported by analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA). The gene flow (Nm) varied from 0.969 to 10.404 between pair-wise populations and was 3.504 among all of the populations. The Jaccard similarity coefficient between individuals ranged from 0.26 to 0.88. The UPGMA dendrogram clustered all 67 accessions into 6 groups. In some cases accessions from same region were grouped together but in most cases, there was gene exchange. To study the genetic relationships among populations, a principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) based on Nei's genetic distances was performed. Results of this study showed that AFLP marker can be a useful tool for investigating the genetic diversity of pomegranate genotypes.  相似文献   

香蕉A基因组品种间遗传关系的SSR检测   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
应用SSR技术,对32个香蕉A基因组类型品种(系)的遗传关系进行了检测。40对SSR引物在32个品种(系)中分别扩增带数在3~15个,平均每个SSR座位可检测2.99个多态性带;引物的多态信息量(PIC)在0.00~0.88,平均0.62。依据SSR数据计算的品种间遗传距离在0.00%~34.27%,平均12.45%,大多数品种间的遗传变异非常有限,但也存在着遗传差异突出的品种:FHIA25、Yangambi KM5、Pisang Jari Buaya、Rose和皇帝蕉。依据26%的遗传距离,除了FHIA25和Pisang Jari Buaya单独化成1组外,其它30个品种可以分为2组:品种间遗传差异相对较高的组I和品种间遗传差异相对较低的组Ⅱ。Williams与引进的洪都拉斯3号、M931之间,洪都拉斯1号和洪都拉斯2号之间,高脚青芽蕉和高脚顿地雷分别没有区分开来,这可能是同物异名,也可能是同一品种未能分辨的突变体。  相似文献   

Persian shallot, a bulb producing plant from Alliaceae, is a wildly growing plant collected for its bulbs. Bulbs of Persian shallot, called “Mooseer” in Farsi, are oval, white skinned, usually of one and rarely of two main bulbs and are completely different from common shallot (Allium ascalonicum). There is no information about genetic diversity of this species; therefore, the diversity of 17 wild Persian shallot populations collected from different parts of Iran across the Zagross Mountains were evaluated by morphological and RAPD markers. Fifteen random decamer primers could amplify DNA well and produced polymorphic bands among populations. The most fragment number amplified by one primer was 27 out of which 15 fragments were polymorphic and the least was 11 with 6 polymorphic bands. At the similarity of 0.60 on dendrogram constructed on the base of RAPD data, the samples were divided into eight sub-clusters. The highest and lowest detected similarities were 0.73 and 0.49, respectively. Clustering based on morphological traits divided the populations into three groups. Result of cluster analysis based on RAPD data did not show any correlation with morphological characters based on Mantel’s test (r = 0.03). The mineral and fatty acid analysis for defining the nutrient composition of this plant also revealed some differences among populations.  相似文献   

Three DNA molecular marker systems, RAPD, ISSR and SSR, were used to test seed genetic purity of two commercial hybrid tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) cultivars ‘Hezuo 903’ and ‘Sufen No. 8’. Genomic DNA from the two F1 hybrid cultivars and their corresponding parental lines was screened with 218 RAPD decamer primers, 54 ISSR primers and 49 SSR primers. Among the 321 primers, 4 primers for ‘Hezuo 903’ and 3 for ‘Sufen No. 8’, which could produce both female and male parent-specific markers, were selected for testing the genetic purity. A total of 210 hybrid individuals of each cultivar were analyzed using the identified primers. The combined results of the marker analysis showed that eight of the 210 F1 plants in ‘Hezuo 903’ and 13 of 210 in ‘Sufen No. 8’ were false hybrids, and the overall genetic purity of the two F1 hybrid seed lots was 96.2 and 93.8%, respectively. This study showed that RAPD and SSR markers could provide a practical and efficient tool in quality control of the tomato commercial hybrid seeds.  相似文献   

Three previously described highly polymorphic SSR (microsatellite) primer pairs were tested on 126 sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) accessions to adapt a fast, reliable method for preliminary screening of sweet cherry germplasm collections and to compare two sweet cherry germplasm collections: at the Latvia State Institute of Fruit-Growing, Dobele (LIFG-Dobele) and at the Division of Horticultural Genetics and Plant Breeding at Balsgård, Department of Crop Sciences, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU-Balsgård). The SSR loci were highly polymorphic with 4–10 different alleles and 5–18 genotypes. Heterozygosity values ranged from 0.431 to 0.809, gene diversity (PIC) values ranged from 0.400 to 0.753, and the discriminating power of each locus varied from 0.631 to 0.894. The combined discriminating power of all loci was highly effective (0.996). Sixteen identical accession groups with the same allele profile were discovered in both collections. This study demonstrated that SSR fingerprinting with the three primer pairs tested, can be used for preliminary characterization of sweet cherry germplasm collections.  相似文献   

Chamomile is one of the most important medicinal plants in the world trade that has many applications in drug and sanitary industrials. In order to evaluate the genetic diversity of different chamomile landraces based on morphological and molecular markers, 20 landraces were collected from different area of Iran. In addition to that, five populations imported from European were examined. The augmented design with four blocks and five controls were used to assess morphological traits. The RAPD method was utilized for evaluating the genetic diversity. Results showed that the economical yield, the number of flowers in plant, and the essential oil content had maximum variance coefficient. The flower's diameter and height had minimum variance coefficient. According to the cluster analysis on both morphological and molecular markers, 25 populations were classified into 5 clusters, but the population intra-groups were different. From 29 reliable primers that were used, 369 bands were detected and from which 314 (85.44%) bands were polymorphic. Genetic Jaccard's similarity coefficient was estimated in the range of 0.15–0.63, and with a mean of 0.35. Results showed that the genetic diversity was not according to the geographical diversity.  相似文献   


Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were used to estimate genetic diversity among 24 cultivars of short-day onions. Total genomic DNA was extracted and subjected to RAPD analysis using 90 arbitrary 10-mer primers. Of these, 15 primers were selected which yielded 137 bands, 91.24% of which were polymorphic. None of the primers produced a unique banding pattern for each cultivar. RAPD data were used to calculate a Squared-Euclidian Distance matrix which revealed a minimum genetic distance between cultivars ‘AFLR-722’ and ‘PBR-140’, and a maximum genetic distance between cultivars ‘PBR-139’ and ‘A.Kalyan’, and ‘MS-48’ and ‘A.Kalyan’. Based on the distance matrix, cluster analysis was done using a minimum variance algorithm.The dendrogram thus generated, based on Ward’s method, grouped the 24 onion cultivars into two major clusters. The first cluster consisted of cultivars from the northern region, and the second of cultivars from the southern region of India. The present study shows that there is high diversity among the onion cultivars selected and indicates the potential of RAPD markers for identification and maintenance of onion germplasm for crop improvement purposes.  相似文献   

Seventeen landraces of common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) sampled in the North and Centre of Portugal were analyzed at population level for 689 RAPD loci amplified by using forty random primers. The two different parameters used to estimate the genetic variability in and between samples indicate that the inter-population component of the genetic variability is mainly responsible for the diversity found, since only about a 10% would be of an intra-population nature. In addition, the gametic disequilibrium was estimated and reached an average value of 40% for the different combinations of pairs in the 689 loci studied taking the 17 samples as a whole population. Self-pollination, genetic drift and adaptation would thus be favouring the formation of multilocus associations. In addition, the fingerprinting study suggests that each landrace produced unique amplification products allowing it to be distinguished from the other tested genotypes, but, nevertheless, the landraces show a considerable genetic similarity (56% and 70.5% using two different methods). The Neighbour-Joining dendrogram did not show any relation between the geographical distribution of landraces and genetic distance. The results suggest that these Portuguese landraces conserved an important genetic diversity that can be useful to widen the genetic base of currently cultivated beans.  相似文献   

An evaluation of genetic diversity in 39 wild asparagus populations was carried out using morphological and RAPD markers. A combination of morphological traits and random RAPD primers was used to examine the level of genetic variation and polymorphisms among the populations. A factor analysis using Ward's method on mean values of morphological characteristics indicated seven main factors resulting in four groups. Analysis of polymorphic bands using Jaccard's similarity coefficient indicated that genetic similarity ranged between 0.71 and 0.29. At a similarity level of 0.64, the populations were divided in three sub-clusters, containing 34, four and one populations, respectively. Significant regression associations were found between 21 morphological characteristics and 18 RAPD markers, revealing some informative markers associated with some traits. The highest R2 was related to 18 RAPD markers associated with gender (53.5%) that among them BA-042000 had a maximum R2. The results showed that Iranian wild asparagus with its high levels of genetic variation could be considered as a valuable gene pool for future asparagus breeding programs. Furthermore, it could be inferred that morphological characteristics and RAPD markers are suitable tools to discriminate asparagus populations for the evaluation of genetic diversity.  相似文献   

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