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Data obtained in 2005 from thinning experiments with ‘Ariane’ and ‘Pitchounette’ apples (Malus × domestica L. Borkh.) were used to estimate tree mean fruit diameter (MD), weight (MW) and proportion of red overcolour (MC) using random samples. Twenty fruit per tree were taken from the boxes containing the fruit harvested at each picking. To avoid taking only fruit in the upper layers of the boxes, fruit from each tree were spread out on a table beforehand. The estimated values were compared with the true MD, MW or MC calculated from each picking and from the entire crop. Statistical techniques were used to assess agreement between the values obtained with estimation methods and the true values. Estimates obtained from a sample averaging ∼15–20% of total crop may range from 2 to 3% of the true mean diameter, and from 6.0 to 8.5% of the true mean weight. Estimates for MC obtained from the same samples may range from 10 to 25% of the true mean overcolour. The error margin associated with estimating fruit diameter and weight from the sampling method employed in this study seems to be small enough to consider it reasonably adequate to detect treatment differences that would be considered biologically or economically significant. Blind sampling and colour determination through image analysis are suggested as a means to obtain unbiased and objective data for fruit colour determinations.  相似文献   

‘Reinette du Canada’ (RC) and ‘Reinette Grise du Canada’ (RG) apple (Malus × domestica Borkh) cultivars declared throughout the Community as Protected Designation of Origin ‘Manzana Reineta del Bierzo’ are severely affected by bitter-pit during storage. Pre-harvest treatments with calcium carbonate, authorized in organic production, and bio-activator Harpin protein were used to assess the effect on quality at harvest and during cold storage in both apple cultivars during 2007 and 2008. Bitter-pit at the end of storage was higher in ‘RC’ than in ‘RG’, due to the fact that K/Ca ratio in fruit was higher in ‘RC’. Harpin protein did not improve the quality of ‘Reinette’ apple cultivars. Calcium carbonate pre-harvest treatments were useful to decrease external and internal bitter-pit incidence of ‘Reinette’ apple cultivars after 90 days of storage, but differences at the end of storage were not significant. Therefore, calcium carbonate would be a useful product in organic production in order to decrease bitter-pit incidence in ‘Reinette’ apple cultivars during medium term storage.  相似文献   

The poor red blush development on ‘Cripps Pink’ (Malus x domestica Borkh.) apple fruit at commercial maturity (CM) reduces the economic return to apple growers in warmer regions of the world. The effects of delayed harvest maturity up to 6 weeks following CM on the development of red blush and fruit quality of ‘Cripps Pink’ apple were investigated at two locations in Western Australia during 2003 and 2004. The red blush, export-grade fruit, total anthocyanin, cyanidin 3-galactoside, chlorogenic acid, catechin, and epicatechin of apple fruit skin tissues increased with advancement of harvest maturity at both locations in both years, whereas hue angle, concentration of phloridzin, fruit firmness, and titratable acidity (TA) of apple fruit tissues decreased with delayed harvest. The internal ethylene concentration was elevated with the delayed harvest. The concentrations of quercetin 3-galactoside, quercetin 3-arabinoside, quercetin 3-rutinoside, quercetin 3-rhamnoside, and quercetin 3-glucoside increased up to 2 weeks following CM, and then declined in 2003 at both locations and at Perth Hills in 2004. Delayed harvest resulted in improved development of red blush on the fruit surface, accumulation of total anthocyanin, cyanidin 3-galactoside, chlorogenic acid, catechin, epicatechin, and quercetin glycosides in fruit skin, SSC:TA ratio and reduced fruit firmness possibly due to the increased ethylene production.  相似文献   

High temperatures are known to reduce fruit size and fruit weight in strawberry, but cultivar differences in the response to high temperature stress during the reproductive stage up to the second inflorescence have not been sufficiently reported. We examined the effect of two day/night temperature regimes on fruit set and fruit growth in two cultivars, ‘Nyoho’ and ‘Toyonoka’. A high day/night temperature of 30/25 °C reduced the number of inflorescences, flowers, and fruits in both cultivars compared with plants grown at 23/18 °C. The percentage of fruit set in ‘Nyoho’ was not significantly different between the two temperature treatments, while that in ‘Toyonoka’ was much lower at 30/25 °C than at 23/18 °C. Days to ripening was shorter at 30/25 °C than at 23/18 °C, and no cultivar differences were observed. Fresh weight of primary, secondary, and tertiary fruits was greater at 23/18 °C than at 30/25 °C in both cultivars, and no cultivar differences were observed, except in tertiary fruits. The diameter of fruits from all positions was also reduced at 30/25 °C in both cultivars. Relative growth rates of fruits showed two peaks in both cultivars and in both temperature treatments. Both peaks appeared earlier at 30/25 °C than at 23/18 °C. Percentage of fruit set at 30/25 °C in the second inflorescence was also significantly lower in ‘Toyonoka’ than in ‘Nyoho’. These results indicate that high temperature stress negatively affects the reproductive process in strawberry and that plant response to high temperature stress is cultivar-related in such responses.  相似文献   

Apple cultivars from Canary Islands can possibly be valuable genetic resources for subtropical areas. We localised 31 accessions considered by growers to be local, and confirmed by historical references that apple crop was introduced in XV century. These accessions were compared with 77 Spanish and 26 commercial cultivars in order to detect synonyms. A set of 10 SSRs were studied, and 2 of them presented 2 loci. Cultivars from La Palma (Canary Islands) presented five specific alleles not found in other Spanish regions. Those polymorphisms allowed detecting one introgressant in La Palma from non-native cultivars, and the other 30 accessions were classified into 14 genotypes. Some accessions derived from non-native cultivars such as Golden Delicious. A main cultivar could be detected, Del País, with 14 accessions. Secondary ones were Camuesa and Pero. Genetic differentiation was small between regions (Fst = 0.057) but significant, confirmed by analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA). Major genetic differentiation was found between non-native cultivars and cultivars from Asturias and Basque Country. Bayesian method and admixture analysis reconstructed three ancestral groups (RPP), Asturian and Basque cultivars grouped in RPPI (mainly those used for cider production), a mixture of cultivars from Galicia and La Palma in RPPII and non-native cultivars were in RPPIII. This genetic differentiation was also confirmed by factorial correspondence analyses (FCA). AMOVA over RPPs increased the genetic differentiation. Allelic variation found in this study showed that Spanish local cultivars represent a differentiated genetic pool that will provide original genotypes to diversify the reduced number of cultivars used in commercial production. In addition, differentiated genotypes localised in La Palma will be preserved in the local Germplasm Bank.  相似文献   

Traditional apple cultivars from Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), potentially diverse due to specific geographic location and history of the country, represent a possible source of valuable traits for future breeding efforts and sustainable fruit growing. A total of 39 accessions, 24 traditional B&H cultivars and 15 modern international cultivars, maintained at the ex situ apple collection “Srebrenik” in Northeast Bosnia were, investigated using 10 SSR (simple sequence repeats) markers and 23 morphologic characteristics. All the used primer pairs manage to amplify clearly distinguishable and highly polymorphic SSR alleles, in average 10.4 alleles per locus. More than two different alleles per locus were detected for seven accessions (five traditional B&H cultivars and two international cultivars). Forty one unique alleles were exclusively present within the B&H cultivars, while seven unique alleles were only detected within international cultivars. The differentiation between traditional B&H and international cultivars (Fst = 0.060; P < 0.0001) was significant, also confirmed by analyses of molecular variance (AMOVA) (fCT = 0.092; P < 0.001). Cluster analyses of 39 apple accessions, based on 10 SSR loci, revealed that only two traditional B&H cultivars grouped tightly with international cultivars (Ljepocvjetka and Bobovec Jon), while the rest formed separate clusters. Multivariate analyses of variance (MANOVA), nonparametric multivariate analyses of variance (NPMANOVA) and analyses of similarity (ANOSIM) showed statistically significant difference in morphologic characteristics between traditional B&H cultivars and the international cultivars. Cluster analyses of 39 apple accessions, based on the morphologic data, displayed less differentiation between traditional and international accessions, in comparison to the cluster analyses based on molecular data. No correlation between the molecular and morphologic data set was detected using the Mantel test. Many of the morphologic characteristics which have been analyzed in this study have significant commercial importance, we can assume that unlike the microsatellites these traits have been under agronomic selection pressure.  相似文献   

The effect of strain on fruit colour development, chromaticity values and anthocyanin content, fruit quality and consumer acceptance was evaluated on eight ‘Gala’ apple strains (Malus domestica Borkh.) at the IRTA (Spain), during a period from 4 weeks before to 1 week after commercial harvest. Based on fruit colour, measured with a Minolta CR-200 portable tristimulus colorimeter, and anthocyanin content, the most coloured strains were ‘Royal Beaut’, ‘Buckeye Gala’ (both semistriped) and ‘Ruby Gala’ (blushed). ‘Brookfield’ and ‘Schniga’ (both striped) provided an intermediate level of colour, while ‘Galaxy’ and ‘Mondial Gala’ (both striped) were the least coloured ones. The most important increase in colour development was recorded from 2 weeks before the commercial harvest and continued also increasing after harvest. Highly coloured strains developed a red colour on both fruit sides with greater average of fruit surface coloured, while the less coloured strains exhibited different colouration between sides, more bicolour fruits and lower average of fruit coloured.  相似文献   

Two transgenic strawberry lines (Pel 1 and Pel 3) containing the open reading frame of a fruit specific strawberry pectate lyase gene (FaplC) under the control of the CaMV35S promoter have been obtained to evaluate the role of this gene on fruit softening. Ripen fruits from both lines showed a significant down-regulation of FaplC, being the percentage of silencing of 84 and 71% on Pel 1 and Pel 3, respectively. The agronomic behaviour of transgenic plants was evaluated during two consecutive years. Fruit set increased in the two transgenic lines when compared with control plants, although Pel 1 showed a significant reduction on fruit weight. Firmness of full ripen fruits from Pel lines was significantly higher than control fruits, while color and soluble solids were not affected. The increase of firmness in Pel lines was maintained when ripe fruits were stored for 3 days at 25 °C. Histological analysis of ripe fruits showed lower intercellular spaces and a higher degree of cell to cell contact area in transgenic fruits when compared with controls. Altogether, these results suggest a direct relationship between pectate lyase gene expression and strawberry fruit softening.  相似文献   

The increase in hailstorms, possibly due to climate change, has led to installation of hailnets in fruit orchards worldwide. This is associated with poorer fruit quality, particularly fruit colouration, which is determined by the light conditions viz diminishing light intensities and shorter day length in the autumn. To overcome these adverse effects of hailnets, five materials were examined as possible ground covers as to their light reflection and the subsequent effect on fruit quality including fruit colouration, using a 9-year-old apple orchard cv. ‘Gala Mondial’ on M9 under black hailnet near Bonn. The ground covers included the woven white plastic ExtendayR/Daybright™, the kaolin-coated, bio-degradable paper UniSet O™ and the aluminium-coated plastic Mylar™ and Svensson ILS Alu™; the latter is a white plastic interwoven with aluminium strips used as energy saving screen in greenhouses. The ground covers were spread in the alleyways 4–5 weeks before anticipated harvest; adjacent uncovered grass strips under the hailnet served as control. Light reflection, measured perpendicular at 1 m height in the alleyways at the time of fruit colouration, was 79–80% by ExtendayR/Daybright™, 75% by UniSet O™, 68% by Mylar™ and 58% by Svensson Alu ILS™. Apple fruit with any of the reflective ground covers ripened 2–3 days earlier without affecting internal fruit quality and sugar as indicative of taste. The reflective ground covers under black hailnet improved the proportion of well-coloured class I fruit relative to the control (uncovered grass) by an averaged 9%. Economic analysis showed that ExtendayR, with an expected lifetime of ten years (based on 4–6 weeks spread time per year) under hail nets in North-Western Europe, scored best based on 45 t ha−1 yield in cv. ‘Gala Mondial’ and 0.40 € kg−1 farm-gate price, resulting in 200 € ha−1 net return. Manual labour for spreading and retrieving the ground covers had the major share of the overall gross cost and offers scope for improvement by mechanisation.  相似文献   

Fruit thinning can be used to relieve water stress in peach but it is not known how fruit quality will respond under water limited conditions. To elucidate this, we applied, over the growing seasons of 2003 and 2004, irrigation and fruit thinning treatments to ‘O’Henry’ peach at the onset of Stage III of fruit development. The treatments were full irrigation (FI) and no irrigation (NI) with each receiving three crop load levels: light, commercial and heavy. Fruit size and fruit skin colouration were lower in NI than in FI but the following were higher in NI fruit: firmness, juice titratable acidity and electrical conductivity, and concentrations of dry matter and soluble solids. All the quality parameters were significantly correlated with tree water status, expressed as midday stem water potential. NI fruit matured 5–10 days later than FI fruit. The increased dry matter concentration, juice acidity, and electrical conductivity in NI fruit were indicative of lower quality at harvest. Choosing a light crop load was not effective in improving NI fruit quality except for the size. Since fruit size is the most important fruit quality attribute, its increase might compensate for yield losses resulting from heavy fruit thinning. Nevertheless, when heavy thinning is performed for mitigation of water stress in Stage III, the overall fruit quality will suffer if severe water stress is inevitable because of shortage or lack of irrigation water.  相似文献   

To improve the quality of the important Swedish apple cultivar Aroma and increase its resistance to bruising and storage decay, three studies were conducted at Kivik research station during the period 1998–2003. The effects of tree age, pruning time and nitrogen fertilization were investigated. Fruits from young trees (younger than 6 years) had a lower resistance to bruising and Pezicula malicorticis decay, while fruits from trees older than 20 years seemed to show a quality and storability decline. Choosing a suitable summer pruning time was an effective factor for fruit storage potential. Thinning cut during August (5–6 weeks before harvesting) improved fruit colour and decreased decay without negatively influencing tree yield. Applying fertigation according to fruit development phase and soil nitrogen content had a very important influence on fruit quality and storability. Appropriate nutrition supply produced more deeply coloured fruit that maintained their quality after storage for 4 months. The bruising sensitivity of cv. Aroma apples was correlated with their N and K/Ca content. More coloured fruits showed less sensitivity to bruising.  相似文献   

A study was made of the effect of hot water dips (HWD) at temperatures of 42, 44, 46 and 48 °C (HWD 42 °C, HWD 44 °C, HWD 46 °C and HWD 48 °C, respectively) for 3 min on development of superficial scald and the concentration of α-farnesene and conjugated trienols (CT), CT259, CT269, CT281, as well as OD200 on Granny Smith apple fruits harvested on three dates and stored 125 days in air at 2 °C. HWD 48 °C efficiently decreased surface scald in the second and third harvest. α-Farnesene and CT were measured spectrophotometrically and by HPLC. No clear relationship of OD200 and scald development was observed. Correlation of scald index and OD200 at the end of storage was negative for the second harvest date. There was no significant correlation between the scald index and CT259. Scald index was positively correlated with CT269 after 80 days for the second and third harvest and at the end of storage for the second harvest. CT281 was spectrophotometrically detectable only at the end of the storage, for the third harvest date, in control, HWD 42 °C, and HWD 44 °C. HWD 42 °C had significantly higher CT281 compared to HWD 44 °C and control. HPLC analysis of control samples revealed presence of CT281 in all three harvest dates, and presence of at least two components, as was the case of CT259 and CT269. The ratio of these two components was different for all three CT species. Fruit maturity was an important factor determining the response of fruit to heat and occurrence of superficial scald. The results indicate that a successful treatment using HWD to control superficial scald may be obtained after further research and that there are still some questions on the role of different CT's in scald biochemistry that should be addressed in future research.  相似文献   

Sunburn on apples in the Western Cape region of South Africa can result in yield losses of up to 50%. Application of kaolin-based particle film (Surround® WP) increases leaf and fruit surface reflectivity, thus potentially reducing heat load and sunburn. Trials were performed during 2002/2003 and 2003/2004 to assess the effectiveness of kaolin particle film in controlling sunburn on ‘Granny Smith’, ‘Braeburn’, ‘Fuji’, ‘Royal Gala’ and ‘Cripps’ Pink’ apples. Fruit quality and ripening were monitored following 1–4 months in regular atmosphere cold storage at −0.5 °C. Sunburn on exposed fruit was significantly reduced in ‘Granny Smith’ and ‘Fuji’. Kaolin treatment improved fruit colour of ‘Granny Smith’ and ‘Royal Gala’, and delayed starch conversion in ‘Granny Smith’ at harvest and during the early storage period but not thereafter. Incidence of watercore at harvest was significantly reduced by kaolin treatment, but this disorder disappeared during cold storage in both treatments. There were no effects on skin anthocyanin or phenolic concentrations in any cultivar compared to unsprayed fruit.  相似文献   

Strawberry plants cv. Camarosa were treated with different plant growth stimulators, in order to examine their effect on both yield and product quality. The treatments comprised an untreated control and a mixture of a seaweed extract plus a commercial mixture of nitrophenolates and a commercial mixture of an auxin (phenothiol) plus gibberellic acid at two dose rates. The plant growth stimulators increased marketable yield and fruit size, while they had no significant impact on fruit juice pH, titratable acidity and total soluble solids concentration. Furthermore, they had no significant effect on fruit organic acid and carbohydrate concentration and on fruit color, although they enhanced total anthocyanin concentration. The antioxidant activity of the fruit juice was slightly higher in the fruits of control treatment, which could be the result of their higher total phenol, o-diphenol, flavonoid and flavanol concentration. When a taste panel took place, the panelists gave the best score to those fruits deriving from plants treated with the mixture of auxin plus gibberellic acid.  相似文献   

Traditionally, phosphates (Pi, salts of phosphoric acid, H3PO4) have been used for plant fertilization, and phosphites (Phi, salts of phosphorous acid, H3PO3) have been used as fungicides. Nowadays several Phi fertilizers are available in the EU market despite the fact that in research trials Phi has often had a negative influence on plant growth. The objective of this study was to elucidate the effect of a Phi fertilizer on plant growth, yield and fruit composition of strawberries (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.). Experiments were carried out with ‘Polka’ frigo plants in South Estonia in 2005 and 2006. The number of leaves per plant, total and marketable yields, fruit size, fruit ascorbic acid content (AAC), soluble solids content (SSC), titratable acidity (TA), anthocyanins (ACY) and total antioxidant activity (TAA) were recorded.  相似文献   

The citriculture in Brazil, as well as in other important regions in the world, is based on very few mandarin cultivars. This fact leads to a short harvest period and higher prices for off-season fruit. The ‘Okitsu’ Satsuma (Citrus unshiu Marc.) is among the earliest ripening mandarin cultivars, and it is considered to be tolerant to citrus canker (Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri Schaad et al.) and to citrus variegated chlorosis (Xylella fastidiosa Wells et al.). Despite having regular fruit quality under hot climate conditions, the early fruit maturation and absence of seeds of ‘Okitsu’ fruits are well suited for the local market in the summer (December through March), when the availability of citrus fruits for fresh consumption is limited. Yet, only a few studies have been conducted in Brazil on rootstocks for ‘Okitsu’. Consequently, a field trial was carried out in Bebedouro, São Paulo State, to evaluate the horticultural performance of ‘Okitsu’ Satsuma mandarin budded onto 12 rootstocks: the citrandarin ‘Changsha’ mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco) × Poncirus trifoliata ‘English Small’; the hybrid Rangpur lime (Citrus limonia Osbeck) × ‘Swingle’ citrumelo (P. trifoliata (L.) Raf. × Citrus paradisi Macfad.); the trifoliates (P. trifoliata (L.) Raf.) ‘Rubidoux’, ‘FCAV’ and ‘Flying Dragon’ (P. trifoliata var. monstrosa); the mandarins ‘Sun Chu Sha Kat’ (C. reticulata Blanco) and ‘Sunki’ (Citrus sunki (Hayata) Hort. ex. Tanaka); the Rangpur limes (C. limonia Osbeck) ‘Cravo Limeira’ and ‘Cravo FCAV’; ‘Carrizo’ citrange (Citrus sinensis × P. trifoliata), ‘Swingle’ citrumelo (P. trifoliata × C. paradisi), and ‘Orlando’ tangelo (C. paradisi × Citrus tangerina cv. ‘Dancy’). The experimental grove was planted in 2001, using a 6 m × 3 m spacing, in a randomized block design. No supplementary irrigation was applied. Fruit yield, canopy volume, and fruit quality were assessed for each rootstock. A cluster multivariate analysis identified three different rootstock pairs with similar effects on plant growth, yield and fruit quality of ‘Okitsu’ mandarin. The ‘Flying Dragon’ trifoliate had a unique effect over the ‘Okitsu’ trees performance, inducing lower canopy volume and higher yield efficiency and fruit quality, and might be suitable for high-density plantings. The ‘Cravo Limeira’ and ‘Cravo FCAV’ Rangpur limes induced early-ripening of fruits, with low fruit quality. ‘Sun Chu Sha Kat’ and ‘Sunki’ mandarins and the ‘Orlando’ tangelo conferred lower yield efficiency and less content of soluble solids for the latter rootstock.  相似文献   

Fruit nutrient content and lipoxygenase (LOX) activity were determined in strawberry fruit to establish a relationship, if it exists, between nutrients, and LOX activity with the fruit malformation and nubbins or button berry disorders. Nearly 17% fruit were affected by malformation and 10% by nubbins in open-field-grown strawberries. ‘Etna’ produced higher proportion of malformed (22.7%) as well as button berries (16.9%) and ‘Sweet Charlie’ the lowest (8.9% and 3.3%, respectively). Dry matter content (%) was lower in malformed (5.2%) and button berries (3.23%) than normal berries (7.41%). The concentration of P and Mg did not differ significantly, but that of N and K was notably higher and of Ca and B was lower in malformed and button berries than normal berries. Consequently, the N/Ca and K/Ca ratios were higher in malformed and button berries. LOX activity was significantly higher in malformed as well as button berries than normal berries, with significant differences among cultivars. The correlations between N, K and malformed and button berries were positive and between Ca and B, and malformed and button berries were negative. Similarly, the correlation between LOX activity and malformed, and button berries were also positive, indicating that excess of N and K, and deficiency of Ca and B are related to the production of malformed and buttons or nubbins in strawberry.  相似文献   

This study was initiated to attempt clarify the identities of taxa referred to as Prunus yedoensis that grows under natural environments in Jeju, Korea and of Yoshino cherry hybrids of cultivated origin (also recorded as P. × yedoensis) in Japan, and to understand the difference between these two taxa. P. yedoensis and other species collected from natural habitats from Jeju, Korea and cultivated materials of Yoshino cherries from Tokyo and Washington, DC, were analyzed with inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers, and sequence analysis of two chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) genes, rpl16 and trnL-trnF spacer. Depending on the source of Yoshino cherry, accessions show variations with ISSR and cpDNA. Accessions belonging to each of P. serrulata var. spontanea, P. serrulata var. pubescens, and P. sargentii were grouped closely to P. yedoensis and Yoshino cherry accessions. However, two Yoshino cherry accessions that include ‘Akebono’ showed the same rpl16 haplotype of A and A at the position of 113 and 206, respectively, which were found in 4 out of 16 P. yedoensis accessions. Twelve accessions of P. yedoensis and 11 other Yoshino cherries showed rpl16 haplotype of T and A at these positions. P. yedoensis native to Korea can be considered different from Yoshino cherry of hybrid origin from Japan based on ISSR markers and rpl16 haplotypes. Therefore, it may be concluded that the Korean taxon currently referred to as P. yedoensis can be considered indigenous and sufficiently distinct to warrant recognition as a distinct entity.  相似文献   

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